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4:00 PM
@copy - So it isn't an issue if the page uses 15mb for a while?
Well, you can boot Linux in 15mb, but in a browser, it's not that much
@nderscore me too but this aint ai
Certainly seems like a place where there could be performance gains
You only need to do performance if there is something noticable slow
Q: Are "Compile to JavaScript" Frameworks Hostile to Continuous Integration?

joshin4coloursLately we've been looking at ways to improve automated testing and related tooling of our enterprise-level GWT web app. I've realized that in some ways, GWT is a bit hostile to automated testing, mainly because of the nature of the long GWT compile times from Java to JS. This makes unit testing s...

4:05 PM
@copy - I am not convinced this is a micro optimization. But I will see if it is contributing to a loss in responsiveness. The GC does collect the events fairly quickly once user input halts.
my facebook tab is using up 237MB of memory right now and is constantly growing :(
that is because facebook cares more about ad revenue than its users
anyway, thanks for the thoughts :)
I don't think memory usage doesn't have anything to do with ad revenue, but yeah 15MB isn't a huge deal.
room topic changed to JavaScript: lest we forget... [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [javascript]
Horse grooming?
4:20 PM
@ThomasK. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar Check out schemaverse.com
@TravisJ Are you using webtools profiler to figure out what's going on in your call stack?
XHR polling is BS for memory.
^ truth
I basically wrote my own socket.io ontop of autobhan.js and a customer XHR transport, my brains were basically mush after that. Supported on ie7.
@AbhishekHingnikar lol yes I told you about mean.io :P
4:35 PM
@Loktar read up :P on it dear
ah I read it as have you
I dont use Jade tbh
I like ejs
still my most respected and the amazingly epic bitch
dont u find that signup signin page done in jade an overkill
shrugs idk, I mean maybe if you are making just a signup
also dude that shotgun kicks ass (the vid you sent me on facebook)
it has one hell of a kick though
lol it sent that old man back a bit when he shot it
4:39 PM
u have used it ?!?! oh
haha no just from what I saw on the vid
Halloween -> CodePen is bursting with pumpkin / blood related pens.
Remembrance Day -> Not a single poppy is seen.
I'm so happy :-D
slice hack becomes history
halloween is way cooler than Veterans day though
@Loktar can u come to fb again ?
4:41 PM
@rlemon so its a holiday in CA too today?
well, we don't get the day off or anything
but we show our respects today
no one shows any respect here in the states. we just get sales from retailers.
its a government holiday here, so I get the day off
ohh here it is a big thing.
or replhy on ur own convienience
4:42 PM
oh yeah, government folks get the day off - lucky bastards :(
all day long flanders fields has been stuck in my head. happens every nov 11th.
for those who do not learn about this:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
      Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
   The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie
         In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
"In Flanders Fields" is a war poem in the form of a rondeau, written during the First World War by Canadian physician and Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae. He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral of friend and fellow soldier Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres. According to legend, fellow soldiers retrieved the poem after McCrae, initially unsatisfied with his work, discarded it. "In Flanders Fields" was first published on December 8 of that year in the London-based magazine Punch. It is one of the most popular and most quoted poem...
bleh woke up so late today going to work out late and stop being fat
!!afk losign fat
@Loktar Stay safe.
we are [forced] to memorize this in primary school
ohhh I was in a meeting this morning and made a nice long list of blog articles I want to write.
not that anyone cares. I just felt like sharing
4:48 PM
@rlemon still a beautiful poem. thanks for sharing.
@ŠimeVidas Wait for co-variant return types and protocols - they'll solve your other problems :)
@rlemon Is this a Canadian thing? A Canadian friend of mine posted that on facebook today
Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month," in accordance with the Armistice, signed by repres...
oh god my amazing webgl app drawing 20 circles is under 60fps
5:04 PM
Show me
Show us
my webapp is soooo bad
Is this async?
5:06 PM
I should probably create some deployment scheme
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = someSrc;
with tsc in browser or something
not sure yet.
Studying right now, in 10 minutes will clone
@connor.js Is this mdn?
@connor.js the loading of image will be async
that code will execute synchronously -- captian obvious
@AbhishekHingnikar So, do you reckon it's ok to load 100 images in a 4 loop like that so when they are displayed in a slideshow they will show instantly?
@APAD1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi noobs
Noober is here!
@connor.js Sure, if you don't have any expectation of loading the next image

Compile Error.
See error list for details
 D:/Inglor/Desktop/Harvest-ts/Harvest-ts/drawer.ts(134,28): error TS2095: Could not find symbol 'gl'.

5:11 PM
Otherwise, you may want to load the next 5 at a time
@Neil I said, ima load all 100
duddee wtf
My TS might not be updated to the latest version - this is in VS.
@connor.js And I said may as in, I strongly advise against it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Might be. I have 2013RC
5:13 PM
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, an update fixed it. I'm not sure what I'm seeing though
I need some help here. What do you understand by this:
"Architectural diagram of the hardware implementation (network plan). I.e., the different components of the network."
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0>tsc -v
Google is giving loads of images but I'm not sure if they are relevant
Yeah, it works now
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's a close of the amazing harvest game. Build a solar plant and a harvester near some rocks.
5:14 PM
Not sure what I'm seeing though.
@Neil Yeah thanks
@SabTheCoder university bullshit
@Neil "Sure, if you don't have any expectation of loading the next image" doesn't mean what you think it does
@BartekBanachewicz Ya -_-
@BartekBanachewicz nice! It actually works and stuff
5:14 PM
Google has loads of images, but I'm 100% sure they are too advanced for us -_-
> Sure, if you have any expectations of loading the next image
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol is that so amazing?
Q: Capture text typed by user on website and allow user to email a link to someone else so that they can view the message

Dano007Using the following html, css,jquery, js, what would be the best approach to achieving this. A visitor hits the website. The website page is displaying html and a css3 animation. The visitor is given the option to enter text freely into a text box, they enter an email address and hit send. Th...

Hey I have a form where are id wich is coming from db and then it had button called add cart, problem is when I add it to cart it allways have first element id, js here:
$(function() {
$(".button").click(function() {
var id = $("input.id").val();
var action = $("input.action").val();
var dataString = '?page=cart_open&action='+ action + '&id=' + id;
Thing is, I am getting slowdowns which I don't like.
5:15 PM
Yeah, it's a nice start though
I should prolly make the game responsive to the browser timing now.
@Feeds Javascript+Ajax+Php+curl
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's the third prototype. First one was in C++, and the second one in Lua.
this is the first one that has a sensible UI though :P
@BartekBanachewicz first thing you should do is put the drawing loop and the game state update loop in two different loops. Use requestAnimationFrame for the drawing and not for the game logic
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am wondering how to start both asynchronously now
5:18 PM
Have an update function and a render function, use a pub-sub model for adding new render events to the render loop and same for the logic loop.
At the very start - fire both loops
 this.objects.forEach((object) => {
            if (object.position.getDistanceTo(location) <= range) {
                if (object.getId() != idFilter) {
                    if (kindFilter.indexOf(object.getKind()) > -1) {
@connor.js It means, if you hope to load the next image, don't use that technique
@BartekBanachewicz this should be .filter instead of .forEach and no need for a result variable.
ah right that was taken a bit too literally from Lua
return this.objects.filter(x=> (object.position.getDistanceTo(location) <= range) && (object.getId() !== idFilter);
Anyway, I have to go back and study for a quiz tomorrow, nice progress and good luck. We'll talk about this later :)
@Neil No, it means.... Sure you can do it if you're not expecting to load the next image.....
ask around
5:20 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey, thanks. Sure!
@connor.js In this case, stating "not" the inverse is the same thing
You can't have more than two outcomes other than "expect next image to load" and "not expect next image to load"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Co-variant return types and protocols? What are those?
@Neil Yes and you said if you don't expect it to change image. ;)
Do you know CodePen? They're having a Firefox-specific issue. Could you give it a quick look? Help is appreciated. twitter.com/simevidas/status/399735210977136641
@connor.js It is probably something that I'm not seeing at the moment..
5:32 PM
@connor.js browsers will atmost make 6 requests per server btw
i ran into that problem on pixter
In any case, I must flee from that which houses my daily occupation
@AbhishekHingnikar I need some help with ember
But no 1 here knows ember.............. :S
you lead me in frameworks baws
5:42 PM
whoever invented scoping in JS should be taken behind the barn and shot.
Hey I have a form where are id wich is coming from db and then it had button called add cart, problem is when I add it to cart it allways have first element id, js here:
$(function() {
$(".button").click(function() {
var id = $("input.id").val();
var action = $("input.action").val();
var dataString = '?page=cart_open&action='+ action + '&id=' + id;
@BartekBanachewicz Hoisting got you down?
I miss the old JavaScript chat room :(
or something else
@NathanJones I can't get it to work, again
because apparently this time $(this) resolves to global object, randomly
5:43 PM
!!tell ŠimeVidas bewbz
@KendallFrey Command bewbs does not exist. Did you mean: bewbz
@ŠimeVidas you mean the one where we talked about js?
@ŠimeVidas @KirstyHarris you're needed!
@rlemon I used to get good responses when posting here. Either the quality of my posts has diminished or this chat room changed over the last several months.
maybe a little of column A and a little of column B ???
idk, your posts are usually too technical for me :P
5:47 PM
yay fixed it
morning all. Happy veterans day!
for the rest ;)
@rlemon morning all. Happy remembrance day! (source)
Anyone not have the day off?
Europe Germany … am I wrong?
5:55 PM
I do have the day off
Canada is working
I wish I had the day off :(
6:05 PM
@SomeKittens I do not have the day off
looks like I'm missing out on all the veteran's day parties
@rlemon gutted
I'm sure the JS room has some pretty cool veteran relatives. I'll start:
My grandfather landed in Europe right after D-Day. He was a tank commander under Patton, and won the NY Medal of Merit (Highest honor NY has) for actions during the Battle of the Bulge*. He died in 2000, but not before purchasing a copy of Saving Private Ryan, saying 'When Randall and [my brother] are old enough, show them this. This is what war was really like.'
*Remember the episode of Band of Brothers where they're surrounded? My grandfather was part of the crew that rescued them.
My grandfather was a medic. That's about all I know.
6:14 PM
By veteran, you mean "American veteran", right ?
My grandfather joined the army band to avoid combat despite not being able to play any instruments at all. :P
On a lighter note, early on in the campaign, his life was saved by a US private named Rex. He swore to name his firstborn son after him. Both my dad and grandmother were thankful he didn't follow up on that promise.
My great great great grandfather was in a war. he threw a spear. it didn't end well. Now we have Thanks Giving. :/
@dystroy Anyone, really. The point of today isn't to only remember certain categories.
@rlemon That story is a little short on certain details...
6:15 PM
Agreed. Veterans are veterans, regardless of nationality.
@dystroy see
1 hour ago, by rlemon
Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognised as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month," in accordance with the Armistice, signed by repres...
about 'remembrance day'
US just calls it Vets day
afaik some other countries call it by different name as well.
My great grand father is in wikipedia, and as many members of my family was a Resistant. He was shot by nazis after a few months of torture (he was a chef of the Resistance).
(that wasn't a lighter note, this one)
Swampy Cree, known by themselves as Maskiki Wi Iniwak, Mushkegowuk (or Maškēkowak in common Cree spelling) or Maskekon therefore often known as Muskegon and Muskegoes. Sometimes also called West Main Cree or Lowland Cree, are a division of the Cree First Nation occupying lands located in northern Manitoba, along the Saskatchewan River in northeastern Saskatchewan, along the shores of Hudson Bay and adjoining interior lands south and west as well territories along the shores of Hudson and James Bay in Ontario. They are geographically and to some extant culturally split into two main gr...
my people on wikipedia
@rlemon Is this culture strong in your family today or just a remembrance ?
@dystroy They can't all be. That's pretty amazing. Link?
6:19 PM
@dystroy well we have a lot of 'historical items' and such, but after my late great nan no one really cares.
Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch (; 6 July 1886 – 16 June 1944) was a French historian who cofounded the highly influential Annales School of French social history. Bloch was a quintessential modernist. An assimilated Alsatian Jew from an academic family in Paris, he was deeply affected in his youth by the Dreyfus Affair. He studied at the elite École Normale Supérieure; in 1908–9 he studied at Berlin and Leipzig. He fought in the trenches of the Western Front for four years. In 1919 he became Lecturer in Medieval history at Strasbourg University, after the German professors were all expelled; ...
we all know it and pass on the information, but aside from that we are all on the position: Who cares, we are all Canadian.
"after my late great nan" ? Is that a shortcut for nanny ? edit : ok, understood
sorry, my late (as in passed away) great grandmother
she liked to be called "nan"
or "nana"
6:20 PM
@rlemon pineapple
TypeScript can be beautiful at times
this.target.flaggedForDeletion = (() => true);
es6 will
Q: Cringe worthy coding project that I wrote quite some time ago. Supposedly I wrote this to be a 1 dimensional puzzle game

user2980185REPOSTED FROM REGULAR STACK EXCHANGE: NOT STOLEN. Good luck getting through this monstrosity. I don't even know what I was doing at the time... <html> <head> <script> //===================================================================================== function tile(what,solid,allowleft,all...

@dystroy is ES5 implemented completely in major browsers?
6:28 PM
@BartekBanachewicz I think so.
Regarding the last feed link : is that standard in codereview to post not-even indented code ?
@ŠimeVidas Ways so you won't have to avoid NodeLists but still get array functionality
@BartekBanachewicz I really like it, I think it's pretty awesome - it's just a bit hard.
It's the other alternative to a really strong type system.
6:33 PM
the fact that { a = 5 } a exists after the scope closes is ugh
if you do it like that it'S even a global variable ;)
@BartekBanachewicz Why is that in practice a problem? The basic building block of the language isn't a {} block - it's a function.
in ES-harmony { let a = 5; } would not leak var outside the block btw
Yes ^ and you can transpile to it, I don't see the big need though. let is nice (it catches re-declaration) but honestly I don't think it's a big selling point.
(Okay, re-reading, there is a little mention of the war in the article I linked)
6:35 PM
@ThiefMaster or this
@RyanKinal Nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah... I kinda wish I'd known him.
@RyanKinal Great, now I have to find a gif with John Cleese saying 'ok, mention the war a little'
@RyanKinal I know that feeling. I had an awesome grandpa I didn't meet too :/
@SomeKittens lol
6:38 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's just innatural
Every C++ coder is used to the fact that scope exit means destruction of everything created inside.
@BartekBanachewicz It's not like some other language. I agree it's not perfect but it doesn't really bother me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum !!s/some other language/pretty much every other language/
The way allocating/deallocating works in JS is very different being managed and all.
You can actually do this here
!!s/some other language/pretty much every other language/
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BenjaminGruenbaum !!s/pretty much every other language/pretty much every other language/ (source)
@BartekBanachewicz In JavaScript, we don't call { /* ... */ } scope
6:41 PM
Hey I have a form where are id wich is coming from db and then it had button called add cart, problem is when I add it to cart it allways have first element id, js here:

$(function() {
$(".button").click(function() {
var id = $("input.id").val();
var action = $("input.action").val();
var dataString = '?page=cart_open&action='+ action + '&id=' + id;

Should I add this function somewear?
.remove() doesn't work in Safari?
What the hell else is there?
@Jhawins jQuery.remove()?
I don't want to use jQuery
6:45 PM
You can use document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="";  @Jhawins
@Jhawins I was asking if that's what you are using!!!
@MirkoCianfarani That will remove the innerHTML.
@Jhawins .remove is very new. Use el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
the contain
@connor.js Nah. Standard .remove(). It is newer I guess.
6:47 PM
cool, my tanks work
@BenjaminGruenbaum What does it really have to do with the type system?
@MirkoCianfarani That will remove innerHTML not delete an element.
!!stat MirkoCianfarani
@Jhawins User Elusio proved elusive.
@BartekBanachewicz The way JS does variables. Not just block scoping but in general.
@Jhawins Mirko Cianfarani has 850 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 22 questions, gave 49 answers. avg. rep/post: 11.97. Badges: 1g 3s 19b
6:48 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum they have no type. Translation-phase errors tell you nothing about bad types.
It simply doesn't check the code for types at all.
I don't get how's that a replacement.
Q: Create a javascript regular expression

subhashlg26Create a javascript regular expression for following requirement. For words or sets of words that start a line: Add a colon after all words 5 letters or longer that are all caps if: The following word is not also all caps or there is no following word Add a colon after all words 2 letters o...

@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, the base hypothesis is that typing should be behavioral. Code should respect LSP, you can't check that in compile time without severely slowing you down and most of the popular languages don't do a very good job at it.
The only one I think comes kind of close in terms of type consistency is Haskell
!!stat Jhawins
@MirkoCianfarani Jhawins has 469 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 7 questions, gave 20 answers. avg. rep/post: 17.37. Badges: 0g 2s 17b
6:52 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want Haskell in browsers :(
@BartekBanachewicz Sorry but functional sucks at I/O, it sucks at side effects. JavaScript is awesome at exactly those things.
Lemme find something, one sec
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait what
have you never seen an IO Monad or something?
Of course I have...
Also LOL @ "sucks at side effects"
6:55 PM
It's very clever, but it's not as fast.
@BartekBanachewicz glad you got it :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haskell is much faster than JS, at least was last time I've checked
or maybe you mean speed of writing, which is relative obviously.
@BartekBanachewicz faster to develop in.
Use do notation :v
Writing things you'd do in JS in Haskell would be slow. Just like writing stuff Haskell is commonly used for in JS would be very annoying.
@BenjaminGruenbaum a) In haskell you can solve the same problems in a different way and retain the speed of development. b) Javascript simply can't do a few things Haskell can
where "can" = "can with reasonable syntax and speed"
So I disagree with you completely on "you can develop faster in Js than in Haskell"
6:58 PM
If we ignore how you can run Haskell on top of a JS engine at 50% of native speed with ASMJS constructs, I still don't get how you'd say that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How is asm.js relevant to either of them being easier in development?
It's just a platform; doesn't really change the way code is written.
(I thought you meant execution speed there)

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