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8:00 PM
@BadgerGirl :( how's the elbow real estate looking?
Too pointy, you don't want them anyways.
@rlemon @SomeGuy that's rather simple
@ makedidthis
thank you
protip: telling someone who admits to struggling with something that it is "rather simple" makes you look like a pompous ass ;)
'when i am going to upload question then found on link on SO by this i resolve my issue
8:05 PM
@rlemon what
this for @makedidthis
What's so hard for you in a transformation matrix?
getting the initial understanding is not always easy for people
it's a matrix which after multiplying by a vector gives you a vector in a different coordinate system
telling someone "it is simple" is never going to help.
8:06 PM
@rlemon well do you know linear algebra, at least?
because if you lack purely mathematical knowledge, you won't be able to grok 3d-graphics related concepts
@BartekBanachewicz What's a vector? What's a matrix? What's matrix multiplication (I tried multiplying them element by element and it didn't work :( ) What's a linear transformation? Why is it the same as matrix multiplication? What's a coordinate system? What's a vector space? What's a base to a vector space? How do I change bases?
that's all maths :v
or you know, I can learn them. without a background in it, this is not as easy a concept as someone with the background
You just answered "rather simple" to all those questions to someone who unlikely took linear algebra 1 :P
@BartekBanachewicz What should I learn to let me find it rather simple too?
8:07 PM
It's all things you can learn, Linear Algebra isn't even that hard - it just takes time, motivation and so on and learning Math online sucks.
@SomeGuy all of the math he knows.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wouldn't think someone would try to understand what a tranformation matrix is before learning what a matrix is
@SomeGuy linear algebra
Ah, good, I'm on that
@SomeGuy Honestly it really is rather simple once you know the underlying math.
we took linear algebra in school, but I doubt it was anywhere near the lessons you got in university.
8:08 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Of course, but I don't know many people who a)Know what a matrix is and b) Not know what a transformation is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey, you have a degree in Math!
@rlemon you need that background anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum that was my point. not everyone knows the math. some people (like me) use this as an excuse to learn the math.
@rlemon well then, time to fix that
a matrix is basically a 2d array if I remember correctly... I took up to Calculus in high school and then forgot all math except for simple algebra :(
8:09 PM
@SomeGuy Yeah, I have a degree in Math but that's not related. People who do CS get it too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum which proves my point of transformations being easy, no?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Any good online courses you'd recommend? I've been using KhanAcademy so far
My professors are rather uninterested in teaching.
@rlemon but you have to learn it anyway so I don't get what the fuss is about
I never said I wasn't going to learn it
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, if you know the things around it. Most concepts are simple if you know all the concepts that lead to them. Would you consider the DFT algorithm simple? I think most people who know it do, it's just a simple recursive algorithm that uses a very simple fact about imaginary numbers. For people who didn't take CS in a university or read relevant books - it's hard.
8:11 PM
Start here // cc @SomeGuy
@rlemon Would you like a recommendation for a linear algebra book?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would!
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope! I have tonnes of resources. like I said, I just need the excuse to do it. This is my excuse. I was just irked that after expressing that this is a area of difficulty to me, someone stating "it is rather simple" is kinda a punch in the nuts.
@rlemon @SomeGuy I think Linear Algebra done Right by Sheldon Axler is very nice - it's not "practical" but it's fairly straightforward. Being a math book it requires you to actually sit on your ass and do all the exercises but it's nice.
rubbed me the wrong way
8:12 PM
ughh... I really should take some online courses in math and algorithms... but so busy lazy
Then there's the Hoffman-Kunze book that's pretty decent, and the E.H. Connell one. Go with Axler though.
Cool, thanks
dumb question. Say you have a template of sorts in a different file in a different folder from the rest of the js. How do you access it with handlebars.js?
@Crowz Yes, but you need to grab it with XHR first.
8:18 PM
don't forget the she-bros
@BenjaminGruenbaum bit confused on how this works... how do I open it once I did the GET request?
@rlemon I won't say that simple things are hard because of sissies like you :)
she-bros respectively
@BartekBanachewicz cool. so you are a dick. keep it up
anybody working on anything cool?
8:20 PM
@rlemon dude, I was joking. Didn't ":)" at the end tip you off or something?
q.q that feel when exceptions from a swf get passed through an external interface but don't get caught in the javascript try catch as the same exception.
you're supposed to use a winking or tongue emoticon to signify sarcasm, god dammit
@BartekBanachewicz this is the internet. people can be an ass with a smile to just try to get under your skin more
I do it all of the time
guys it's Monday, we got all week together...
8:21 PM
@rlemon I'm terrible at times, but today I'm in a good mood, so I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, really.
10 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Start here // cc @SomeGuy
I meant it, it's particularly well suited for 3d graphics.
@nderscore Because using a dedicated font is out of the question.
@BartekBanachewicz its cool.
@rlemon you make anything I can check out today?
I'm writing PHP, so I might be a bit grumpy to begin with .
@stewbydoo html/css poppy
@rlemon oh that explains a lot
8:23 PM
see @rlemon thats the issue
Oh gosh I've been writing TypeScript and I feel well
but it was only because there were no Remembrance day pens on codepen
I'm enjoying typescript.
Something's wrong.
@KendallFrey What is this magic?
@SomeGuy Did you install my sarcasm font userstyle?
8:24 PM
code + italics?
@KendallFrey No, I didn't bother
@BartekBanachewicz Yep
@stewbydoo but if you didn't see my last webcam demo (late last week) that would be the 'newest'
is it on codepen? I actually think I did see that
also my supper today is 5 bananas and two beers.
@BartekBanachewicz Productivity? Being Fun? Surely you jest :P
8:25 PM
What I see
@stewbydoo no I don't put webcam stuff on codepen anymore
I am fearful the request transcends the iframe to the main page if it did get picked
then where do you have it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually it took me an awful amount of time to recover after learning there's no protected
8:27 PM
like I said, requires webcam
holy fuckn shit dude
that is awesome
I wish I had a webcam at work :P
@BartekBanachewicz I don't believe in privates/publics - I use them in c# but I find conventions and _ prefixing useful in practice. Compilers can verify them in compile time just as well.
I can see why that'd bother you though. Wonder why they don't have protected.
@BenjaminGruenbaum because I couldn't make an abstract class
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, they are a basic principle of OOP? How can you hermetize without making members private?
@BartekBanachewicz Simple, you have a convention where you don't touch variables that are prefixed with a _, (a compiler can easily verify this - I think @Esailija even does that).
The mindset is that everyone using that code is a consenting adult. If you see a variable prefixed with a _ just don't touch it unless you really want to , it can change, it's implementation detail.
8:35 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum uh wait you're telling me that it's better to use arbitrary prefix instead of a language feature?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that sounds extremely lame.
I like being able to dick around with private functions and variables if I want to
13 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Obligatory reference http://steve-yegge.blogspot.co.il/2010/07/wikileaks-to-leak-5000-open-source-jav‌​a.html
deal with it B-)
8:35 PM
I don't actually use compiler enforcement, it is already implausible that you would honsetly accidentally access and use them
^ also
@BartekBanachewicz don't you have naming conventions for variables anyway?
there is no way you accidentally wrote code that dependent on some internals... lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do, but they can't replace language features such as access control and typing
> According to the Wikileaks press release, millions of Java source files have been run through a Perl script that removes all 'final' keywords except those required for hacking around the 15-year-old Java language's "fucking embarrassing lack of closures."
@BartekBanachewicz Oh god why?
8:36 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum why what?
access control is needed for the security manager mostly
and for the sanety of a programmer
it would be better if the concerns were separated
8:37 PM
@BartekBanachewicz how is private really any more than a naming convention anyway?
keyword published/internal for dev communication
@BartekBanachewicz If I have a variable prefixed with a _ because of the convention - even if I didn't put it private - you'd know not to touch it.
and keyword private/protected/etc for security manager
@phenomnomnominal it's a convenient easily checkable language feature
8:37 PM
Programmers aren't retards. Don't code for retards.
gotta go, bb
I want it to be private, so I put * something * in front of it
@BenjaminGruenbaum there's where you are wrong.
@BartekBanachewicz If you work with/for retards I suggest you get a new job.
Interfaces I'd get, but access modifiers? No.
Real retards will just remove the private.
8:39 PM
Also, interfaces are just documentation points to test, etc.
A: What is java interface equivalent in Ruby?

Jörg W MittagRuby has Interfaces just like any other language. Note that you have to be careful not to conflate the concept of the Interface, which is an abstract specification of the responsibilities, guarantees and protocols of a unit with the concept of the interface which is a keyword in the Java, C# and...

Should this be migrated to another site: stackoverflow.com/questions/19915530/…
Doesn't matter, dv to hell.
Holy heck. The downvotes happen in real time!
@mikedidthis it should be deleted
@FabrícioMatté or moved to ux or graphic design?
@mikedidthis there is no question, no code, no screenshots, not anything. That's very close to spam.
8:46 PM
almost seems like they're asking for a code review?
@FabrícioMatté new user. Migrate and explain they should add more details, possible show them the rules.
@phenomnomnominal lol. Well you don't need to remove anything, you can just use reflection to access private. (Ruby send/eval, Java/PHP/C# setAccessible..)
Instead, dv to hell, never to return.
@mikedidthis well voting is an anonymous process. Either way, simply posting a link to a site without anything else is, IMHO, spam.
8:48 PM
> The point of access control is not to prevent access, but more to signal that the class prefers to keep some things to itself.
@FabrícioMatté I would agree, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt and at least give them a chance to fix the it. But nevermind :D
> Using access modifiers, like so many things in programming, is primarily about communication.
it is very impressive for a Java developer to have such insights =D
@Esailija Did you just call Martin Fowler a "Java Developer" ?
@mikedidthis yes, I'd also give the benefit of doubt if there was a question to be begin with. Unfortunately that post seems un-salvageable now, better for OP to make a new post with more details.
8:50 PM
It's Martin Fowler, he has some of the most canonical and influential literature about how software should be structured.
talk to 10000 java developers and 9999 out of them will not know that private is accessible if you want
aaaand deleted
(That said, some Java programmers (Uncle Bob) who invented important acronyms (SOLID) and try to educate people are Java programmers (and are still pretty good))
8:51 PM
@Esailija what?
I still need 130 reps to get the improved del vote privileges, should get back to answering sometime.
in jvm bytecode or in java?
didn't you just read the link
I just opened it
didn't read yet
you can have API like this: ReflectApi.set(obj, "age", 3)
instead of obj.age = 3
8:52 PM
ah, reflection
ohh god... that moment when you go back to use some old code you wrote and you can't remember how to deploy it (because you left no documents and wrote it over a year ago)
it's like casting in that you can circumvent the compiler
@rlemon Diff, patch and rock n' roll.
I hate casting oh so very much.
but problem is that these fucktards come to javascript and use closures to implement something that is not even in java
8:53 PM
(I have that on a tshirt)
@rlemon and this is why we have wiki for each project at work :P + a unified deployment model
@Esailija I'd like a reflection API that gives me context. I know that's not possible due to security issues but I'd really like to be able to write a JavaScript debugger in JavaScript.
That'd make my life so much easier when debugging IE.
@FlorianMargaine the more and more I read through the code the less and less I actually want to use it :P
isn't there any addons by now for old ies
8:56 PM
Not really, but I still have to support it sometimes
you don't want BHOs
@FabrícioMatté yeah you are right.
@Incognito awesome
> Kaspersky said he had been told that from time to time there were "virus epidemics" on the station.
I must kill the particles!!
9:12 PM
nice ad
that page had three
@rlemon Are ad blockers possible in an Andriod?
I don't use them
@Shea Yes, if your device is rooted there are ad blockers
9:18 PM
not all ads are intrusive with audio like that.
@nderscore That's what I thought
If you type in "android ad blocker" on Google, and press space for the autocomplete, "not root" comes up. That was my only evidence.
breathing flying circles
Is there anything cool you could do with nodejs for just a regular website?
Nothing that couldn't be done with PHP 3, too
there are actually plenty of things that would be... hard, or at least time-taking to build with PHP3
9:24 PM
What's just regular website?
everything? everything built with classes in PHP4/5 should be remade
@stewbydoo switch the order, you fill after you close your path
the logic there makes no sense
also, forEach is kinda slow for animations (for now)
also, seperate your update / rendering loops
Like a portfolio/blog. Its already 100% js, but any gimmick stuff would be cool
fixed the closePath
that was leftover from earlier
9:28 PM
also imo window.innerHeight / width is wrong
document.body.offsetHeight / width
then set the proper css
keep in mind codepen is stupid and you have to wait 10ms to get any document height / width information
Realtime comments or live feeds could be done in PHP, but probably better in node
I was wondering about that because it wasn't entirely working for me earlier
function update() {
	for( var i = 0; i < arrLen; i++ ) {
	setTimeout(update, update_speed);
function animate() {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
	for( var i = 0; i < arrLen; i++ ) {
@Shea I mean, assuming you're talking about backend stuff, and you had to choose between PHP and JS
that is how I would do the updating / animating
(and it is how I do it in 99% of my demos)
9:32 PM
yea I forked one you showed me last week and I saw that
but wanted to try it this way
I'm not saying this way is better at all but didn't want to copy from your code direct
How I fix? var : {[#=13]} <-- this code you gave me doesn't work, @rlemon
just out of curiosity though, why do you do it that way?
because separation of concerns.
performance improvements also?
and iirc it does have a benificial performance impact once you get to lots of stuff in your update loops.
I will test that later (when I write my blog post on it)
in your animate function replace the clearRect with this
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)';
looks cool
@m59 I doubt that is my code.
9:34 PM
trippy lol
@rlemon I am keeping that lol
I'm working on my vampirism.
@stewbydoo instead of clearing the canvas you are painting over it with a 90% transparent white overlay
gives the streaking effect
yea very cool, wouldn't of thought of doing that
9:38 PM
I saw it first by someone else suggesting it in the comments in one of my older demos but then forgot about it for the longest time until Shmiddty got me to use it on another demo
well its running on mine now
muchas gracias
ok wtf
fuck you wordpress
9:53 PM
@rlemon called it.
Sorry, wp isn't bad. My negativity is down to theming it.
installed a new theme - all links break
Who explain when I use 6 OR in a IF, the result is always false?
because || implies if any of them are true (I.e you are checking if they are false. so if one is empty that returns true) you return true
if( false || true || true || true || true || true ) {
  // this is what you are running if you check off the Hobby box

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