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@rlemon done receives callbacks for when the deferred is resolved.
in C#, 1 min ago, by rlemon
Basically what i'm trying to overcome is I have a multiple elements being acted upon in the animate (multiple selectors) and I need a unified callback for when all of the animations are done.
in C#, 1 min ago, by rlemon
I thought $(selectors).animate(options).done(end); would work but alas it didn't
@Zirak ^
Does animate return a deferred object thingy?
clearly I need to take my own advice when jQuery is concerned and RTFD
I assume some stuff and it bites me in the ass.
//might be something like:
var defer = jQuery.Deferred();

//...at the end of animation...
i'll re-read the docs now and then try that :P thanks Zirak :)
hi all
!!/choose plugin meme awesome civ reddit
@rlemon All of the above
well that isn't very fucking helpful or practical.
screw you @SOChatBot
but on the otherhand... it would be productive.
I see your point robot. Sorry I got harsh with you
why did i not know about box-sizing: border-box;!!!!!

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