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yo gents
sorry I wont post anymore
I just think it looks so dang cool :P
well.. ill probably post it once more once i color it
Wait a minute. On the subject of radix, I realize parseInt is overloaded to do octal when it sees '0<some number>' but why does parseInt('08') return 0 rather than 10?
^back when I didn't know that, the bug took about 4 hours to sort out IIRC. Cripes, what a stupid overload.
@Loktar pixelized when full screen
but totally rocks :p
yeah lol I actually like how it looks pixelized
@ErikReppen Because octal is base 8. It sees 0, it says "oh well, that's a 0", and then it sees an 8, and says "fuck this, not a valid octal number anymore", so it returns 0.
damn the doc is eff long to write
It's like how if you did 0x0g it'd give you 0
Oh, durr, okay. So it's from octal, not to octal.
Well, yeah. You parse an integer (base 10) from a string
I was thinking like 'parse as' but that's dumb.
That's why you have Number.prototype.toString. It accepts a radix as a parameter.
Right so parseInt('010'); converts to decimal and gives 8;
10..toString(16) === 'a'
Yeah and it would make no sense to return a decimal as its octal equivalent.
man gradients are so dang slow.
^ with colors
looks cool but is slow
Didn't know about the toString arg. That's handy.
Lol. Gradient waves actually froze the tab for a second.
!!/spec Number.prototype.toString
^ Better colours and a cloud! \o/
haha nice @rlemon
add the cloud to this
reduced the wave count
but the gradient looks damn sweet
almost like beams of light breaking through
Yeah, that's awesome
haha nice @rlemon
That's grand
I need to add this to that one playground site
And the JS is so short.
@rlemon The cloud does everything. Sure.
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/bafTq/24/show .... just wait for it @Loktar @dievardump
for (var i = 0; i < waves.length; i++) {
I'm still surprised Adobe hasn't converted any of their Flash stuff to start working with Canvas in a similar way.
Maybe I could kill Loktar for that.
@dievardump KILL HIM WITH FIRE!
Q: MongoDB Match 2 criteria

CAMGiven the Set in my Image Example, Is it possible to retrieve by ID and if 'element is in the array'? As you can see I can find all the records with the element in the array, but as I drill down and find the one by ID as well, it throws an Error, I suspect my syntax is wrong here is a link t...

I really want to optimize it but I don't have the time to.
It's not normal that it is lagguy
nice @rlemon
@dievardump the lag isnt from that
its from the gradient
remove the gradient and its really fast actually
There is not gradient
the blue water is a gradient
ctx.fillStyle = "darkBlue";
oh, that must be an old vs of the code
actually thats @rlemon first edit
@Loktar optimized and I do notice a slight difference
so it's not micro optimization if you know you have unavoidable bottlenecks else where
If you want to optimize it : forget object with x and Y values.
I'm sick of writing doc
Use and reuse Float32Array
well I dont take a ton of time being neat in my random experiments, but good point @dievardump
thanks for the improvements @rlemon :P
and taking it out of onload and not including mootools and not normalizing css also appears to have noticeably enhanced perf a bit jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Pq6N8/show
@Loktar I don't see them as improvements, moreso code cleanup
unless you were talking about the cloud and the fish. they made it consumer ready - I think we should package it as a iPhone live wallpaper
Q: Javascript effective code structure

onlineracoonWhat would be the best (performance, memory wise) to achieve a clean way to create a class or some way to properly structure the code, that shares 2 variables (req, res) which have a decent object size. And yes, for those who use Node.js it are the req and res variables, but it is irrelevant. T...

hah yeah
but the cloud and the fish totally make this so I expect 50% proceeds
now go get coding!
haha yeah
id only be able to do Android
/me doesn't own any apple devices
I need to learn Java :<
(the fish SHOULD go on the other side of the mouse when you click)
@rlemon DON'T DO IT
@SomeKittens did I say I want to learn Java? no... I need to learn Java
@rlemon why?
I've dabbled in it. but nothing serious. just applets that did nothing
@SomeKittens so I can... you know... program shit in Java??
yeah I've messed with it just to make stuff for android
have made 3 apps
Work buddy Work... also we are just discussing Android. Two and Two together my friend.
all live wallpapers
step 1) write a nodejs modbus rtu module
step 2) write a c application to connect to ip addresses and map virtual com ports to the host machine
step 3) have the server poll the machines store the information in a database
step 4) have the client end written in HTML to manage the 'virtual' device.
then the boss also wants an "app" to virtualize things... statistical analysis stuff.
hey Zirak
just wanted to know how I make this code work in dreamweaver :/ tried adding onload but somehow hmm jsfiddle.net/zscGP/49
dreamweaver ?
Are you serious ?
woa, your code is pretty screwed up
here the code works! jsfiddle.net/zscGP/50
because he is kind of valid
I know I made it work in Jfiddle but not in dreamweaver
Step 1) open the start menu
Step 2) click on Control Panel
Step 3) click on Add/Remove Programs
Step 4) locate DreamWeaver
Step 5) uninstall DreamWeaver
Step 6) open your web browser (so help me god if it is IE i'll kill you)
Step 7) goto http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Step 8) Download notepad++
Step 9) rejoice.
cause dreamweaver sucks and you shouldn't use it ?
wow hey why? same with notepad or a simple text document. Im just trying to attach a onload for it to function
Do you have a valid html ?
but somehow adding the "script" tags and onload doesnt work on any browser
doctype ? head ? jQuery included ?
well Im out for the night, see you all later :)
Show the actual code on some pastebin
yes Html5, valid, checked in w3
@Demorus until you fully grasp things you should not use an IDE.... furthermore how in dafuq does an IDE even work for the web. inconsistencies are all over the map.
and you usually don't want onload and similar inline events
Did you add jQuery ?
there's elem.addEventListener() for this purpose
yes the newest
and the jquery ui
So why you need any onload ?
$(document).ready is ok
oops cant format code here
@Demorus seriously up until about 2 years ago I used DW religiously. All I can say now is "WTF was I thinking?!" My life has become so much more productive and i've learned a shit tonne without using that crap. Now I avoid IDE's whenever possible.
$(document).ready(function() {
    $("body").css("display", "none");


        linkLocation = this.href;
        $("body").fadeOut(1000, redirectPage);

    function redirectPage() {
        window.location = linkLocation;
whats wrong with dreamweaver?
I looked 10 minutes at dreamweaver some years ago
I think cs6 really works well
It was enough to know that coding with it was worst than with Visual Studio
you should really give cs6 a chance
I asked the same thing. I only used it for a few features. I didn't use any of the 'pre fabbed' code or design mode ever! I thought it was the bee's knee's
ohh i dont use those either
@Demorus the bottom line is: for what it adds you can get those in other editors that don't try to fuck with your code.
but they are useful forexample the new features in cs6 are great for mobile apps
and you can own them legally because i'm guessing you didn't way for DW (who the fuck would )
@Demorus any number of feature rich editors will have ALL of those available as plugins without the $300 cost or the 600meg footprint.
I think notepad plus is great
vim is.
holy war is coming...
I'm honestly saying this as a guy who used DW for years (i've been coding since I was like 8-9 and i'm 26 now) - hell I was slinging code in notepad before DW came out. - That you should give another editor (not an IDE) a chance as a serious tool and not just a "quick file editing" application
oh, he changed it :(
anyways this jsfiddle.net/zscGP/51 doesnt seem to work when I add "script" tags to it and the code shows up in the browser
@FlorianMargaine sneaky rlemon just did something sneaky
@rlemon not an IDE ? Netbeans ? Sublime ? PHPStorm ?
im sure you guys love wordpress and WEEBLY LOOOL
just kidding
what's weebly?
and wordpress is good.
@dievardump Sublime ... border line.. Advanced Scripting Editor i'd call it.
but tbh I haven't used it much
the code is ugly. I will never use wordpress , joomla or weebly for web design
I stick with either dreamweaver cs6 or notepad
phpStorm is pretty good. for PHP it's a killer.
that is the EXACT code in JS fiddle output
I downloaded it today
how does it differ from yours
@Demorus well, you'll always take 3 weeks to build a website while I take 1 day then :)
@Demorus Dude, you have two ending <script> tags - both the upper and lower ones are </script>
@Demorus well they are not editors or programs rather web application / platforms
ubunto pastebin, never heared of it. Nice
ubuntu :P
oops really Zirak? XD
oh ya my bad lol Ubuntu xD
This is why I hate jsFiddle.... fucking default are retarded.
...your code...

$(document).ready(function() {

function bounceDiv() {
    $('.bounce').effect("bounce", { times: 10 }, 300);

actually for a website Id need more than 3 days for a website Florian...a week maybe xD
@Demorus with a productive editor (you will never understand until you take a month to REALLY learn how to use one) will reduce that time by half. easily.
ya I agree, jsfiddle defaults are the problem. I know im not the only nooblet getting confused
@Demorus did you copy and paste the code out from JS fiddle directly.
so you recommend?
@Demorus what OS?
ya I did rlemon
I use windows seven
@Loktar I still love your space invaders bug :D somethinghitme.com/projects/canvasinvaders
@Demorus ok well then you more than likely have a hidden character.
@Demorus I said "3 weeks" :)
Florian you............!
what? you're telling me you can build a professional website in 1 week?
with dreamweaver?
(note the "professional" joke ;>)
For very enterprise-y values of "professional"
@Demorus I want to see an example.
ok depends what professional is. Is its pure html and CSS then ya
if its
no professional website is pure html/css
Heck, I can build one in five minutes with Rails. Oh. You wanted features?
I mean, no modern professional website is pure html/css
15 years old websites can be pure html/css, yeah
@Demorus paste.ubuntu.com/1159734 try this code.
it will work. (I hope)
with some javascript attached to it I will need probably additional hours
@Demorus easier to pass a w3c test with wordpress* than with (old?) dreamweaver.
trying it out now rlemon :)
and joomla is the worst of all :3
pokes head up Joomla?!?
I hate joomla xD
Joomla is the red-headed step-child of CMSs
Though I don't know why @FlorianMargaine hates it so much
Not Joomla.
The code, and wordpress, I dont like it either: "what if it gets hacked?"
Even the basic template in Joomla is shitty
I can produce a professional website in about 3 days. 1 for design, 1 to plug it into one of my already made crm/cms (i have a few now that meet different needs) and 1 to test. then 11 more days of pretending to work and sending updates to the client so I can charge for the entire two weeks
@SomeKittens I've worked with it for the last two years
@Demorus joomla/wordpress have far less chance to get hacked than your code.
Drupal! :D
@GNi33 thank you for finally mentioning something worth it :-)
@SomeKittens joomla is good if you want to use the extensions out of the box. If you need any editing of either joomla core or of the extensions, go fuck yourself.
it`s actually quite usable once you get a good baseline of plugins
I use BrodeIgniter.
@Demorus sure we won't hack a 100% html + css website
i haven't done anything with a CMS for ages :(
always wanted to try ModX

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