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since I wrote this tonight, I haven't written a single line of doc for tartempion :D
@rlemon that's a long pee
@Shaz do you know about gist.github.com ?
way better than your thing: any gist is a git repo
Beer does that too you
@FlorianMargaine Just my little project to play around with the server side of things
@Abhishek yes it can be used for that. Build it!
@Abhishek look at the LICENCE. It's MIT. So build stuff on top of discovery-network
@TomShreds I see routil serving that purpose ( github.com/Raynos/routil#small-libraries ) it's a list of useful libraries so you don't have to search. Of course the routil libraries list isn't ready because I didn't finish polishing the pieces of routil. A good wiki page is better then a framework for this problem
@TomShreds but you did develop dozens of tools. You have just not put them in seperate modules on npm but instead have them hard coupled into this crazy glue thing called thinair
@TomShreds I don't really object to thinair as much as I object to the fact it's packaged and delivered as a framework rather then delivered as a set of npm modules.
@TomShreds @FlorianMargaine I see the general pattern of "I need a boilerplate or a framework to make developer web apps easier / faster" among a LOT of developers. I used to think like that, I don't understand that line of thinking anymore. I just write apps and if I find boilerplate I remove it into a seperate module.
If I have a couple templates for a webpage and need to load one or the other (or desktop version) depending on the device, is using screen.width and device pixel ratio the best front-end/javascript way to do this?
2 hours later…
Q: Right mouse click, choose delete on website

Hoàng LongI'm implementing a javascript folder tree with basic explorer function: add/update/delete. It's like this: [Menu] Add new school +School A -- Class A1 -- Classs A2 -----Student Tom +School B -- Class B1 -----Student Jerry Currently we click on the name to show a modal box for editing. User ca...

@jpgr no, don't use javascript for this.
!!/mdn responsive web design
!!/mdn responsive+web+design
!!/tell jpgr mdn responsive+web+design
@zirak ah, there we go.
<p src="http://koti.kapsi.fi/~he/SO/index.php"></p>

<---- I want to show that CSS/Table -maze in my profile like [1] but not using images, how can I do it?

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/users/81179/christophed?playerright
In other words, file1 contains some HTML -markup and I want to show it in file2 -- how can I do it? It must be something simple like 'src=something.php' but cannot use img -tag here, some other tag? (the php -file not returning an img but CSS/table)
(iframe works but not good looking err here not allowed)
(solved it sorry noise, now need to convert svg to png :)
suomesta? @hhh
This is kind of Off Topic, but my nav is positioned to the right using relative, I want to make it responsive, so it moves in when the width decreases
@Zirak Thanks! Glad to know I'm headed in the right direction. I've been messing around with media queries all night.:-)
anybody used impress.js yet ?
@Abhishek the pinger
@FlorianMargaine @TomShreds github.com/Raynos/dn-leaderboard
Latest web app
@Abhishek you might be interested as well
E i didnt pinged u
@Raynos i am but i already have too much on my plate :-/ have to prepare a seminar for
college , and my choice of topic
so anybody wanna suggest something ?
@Abhishek suggest something about what?
for what to keep in it
more importantly what NOT to put in it
cause Html5 is vague as hell
what's the audience?
and html5 is not all that vague. as a topic, though, it's pretty huge
i'm going to bed in like 5 mintues
@Abhishek if you want suggestions, speak up! :)
its my classmates
and they are too much of beginners
and sorry @cHao
the teachers want me to go technical but i dont wanna seriously overkill em
what kind of presentation is it supposed to be? on semantic stuff, new hotness, what?
seriously. although html5 isn't really vague, "html5" is.
you seriously need to narrow down the topic. a seminar on "html5" could take weeks. :P
and it's not even a matter of what to take out or what to leave in. as you're describing it so far, you're gonna end up examining everything from 25 different angles
that's too much for one presentation
i think i will goto new hotness
semantics will be too techical for them (XD)
well they just gave me the topic html5 - and the new webtech
and i accepted it (x_x)
in which case you'd want to mention the canvas, the new video stuff, spiffy dom methods like QSA...
talk about how it's finally mature enough to take on flash
you may want to find some examples online
like html5 video players, drawing apps, etc
i have got a few of mine
like a lil bitty raycaster , a media player stuff like that
ok...i really have to get to bed
But also tell them that html5 doesn't solve any security concerns already present.
Good Night mate :-) , thanks for help
@Zirak should i need to mention it ?
night :)
Not really. Just felt like ranting.
I think i am going to give em pretty much this

What HTML , Why HTML , The IE Era { Dark Age } , HTML 5 the saviour has arrived
"Why use html?" "Because a bunch of creepy old people decided so!" "But what if I don't?" "Then you're boned!"
@Abhishek in the lsat two weeks, what parts of "html5" did you think were epic awesome?
@Raynos last two ?
yes last two
canvas , webGL , webrtc // though its js but still
and also the new tags [ datalist for example ]
and the itemprops , the validation api
well theres too many!
last two days
what made you excited
most of "html5" are js apis so its ok
webrtc :P mostly
cause i got to test webcam capture and do some nasty stuff with it
@Abhishek then talk about that
I updated that webrtc demo to be really simple
Hey guys :)
I have a div with style="display:none"
How to i set display=anything in js ? :) (onClick but that i got covered)
hello all
is there any way to call any function when we create any object
for eg i want to call one function when i create any object
var myScroll = new iScroll("wrapper");
function objectCreated() {
alert("yes created")
here i want to call function "objectCreated" when i create new object
plsss help
@AndersMetnik element.style.display = 'block';. Every element provides a property style, which attributes can be used in order to change the element's appearance.
Note that for longer attribute names you have to use camel case, so style.backgroundColor instead of style.background-color.
Thanks :)
@GNi33 o/
@Raynos "small module" npmjs.org/package/docgenerator :p
@FlorianMargaine another Doxygen ?
not at all
github.com/Ralt/docgenerator/tree/master/example gets all the .md files and spits out a single .html file generated with table of contents and stuff
helps you organize your written doc
I like markdown
and I like htmldoc
hmm good idea
this module is just a bridge between them
so that I don't have to do markdown_py some.md > some.html for each file then htmldoc -f doc.html some.html some2.html...
sounds cool
alright going back to making presentation
`@FlorianMargaine btw are u going to do that voice thing ?
yeah why not
i got a pro musician to hook up the video and audio content :-) , Ryan Wells is the name
couldn't do it this week end
no worries :-)
wanna see his work ?
show the link, I won't go yet but yeah later why not
hehe, that guy again
read about him a couple weeks ago
total nutcase
but it's a good example of how harmful blind believing can be on an individual case
it's a good example of human stupidity I'd say
!! ( human.stupidity ) // always a true
@Raynos lol at downvote xD
blind believing === human stupidity
"Oh yeah, god will cure me if this fat, bald guy will kick the living crap out of me. seems legit"
@GNi33 \o
so i am finally making a presentation
impress.js is good ? // i dont think so :-(
i mean its great and etc but not for me :-(
use power point ? :p
depends on the presentation :P
@Esailija i hate it (XD)
+ dont have a working copy of it anymore
if it should look professional.... don't use impress.js :D
@GNi33 its a college seminar presentation
they asked me to speak up about html5 and future of web
then just don't ;)
well okay. impress.js could be a nice example for the use of transitions and such
you should use google's html5presentation
it's nice but still professional
something like this slides.html5rocks.com
if you really want to use impress.js, use this one margaine.com/impress.js :D it has a nice menu :p
@FlorianMargaine for security reasons framing is not allowed
yeah I see that
sucks <<
dunno where it comes from though
There isn't a GitHub Page hosted here, sorry.
Flo btw you already gave me idea of using raynos's p2p & stream
well, you want something professional: go for html5slides
for tapeer
just thinking ... we need to store the messages no ?
if so how will we do that ?
if we remove it from a central server ?
store them in mongodb or postgresql, depends what we use ^^
for filesharing & video sharing hte p2p is incredibly brilliant
then we can't :)
btw my ui is done
you can also go for hakim's reveal.js, it's a fine one. Have you tried it @GNi33?
stumbled over it once, i think
oooh, that one
now we need to fix it on iOS & Android , and make it a div soup!!! so fun!
reveal.js is just being freaking overused if you ask me
I showed some presentations using powerpoint, prezi, html5slides, reveal.js and impress.js
html5slides is the slickest one if you ask me
prezi is flash... nice but flash <<
reveal.js is fine, a little overused
impress.js is just unusable
it takes literally days to create your presentation
html5slides is really nice :)
hi all
it's the one the googlers use at google I/O sometimes
@FlorianMargaine offtopic but man u look like a boss in that presentation pic :P
which one?
where does that come from?
but well, the last 2 years, I did a lot of presentations like this
i saw it (xD) when i accidently went into ur photos looking for the [ fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/… ]
nikita was sitting besides me she was like "DAYUMMMM"
that's a "macaron"
dunno the name in english
but this one was a big one my gf cooked for me :D
:o thanks for the dish name :D
and it looks delicious!
it is
@Abhishek btw are you muslim?
@FlorianMargaine no
i am a hindu but a human first :P
so i respect all religions :-)
yeah yeah, it's just that you greeted eid on fb
i guessed that
hello @JenjenInzer :)
you can't talk :(
@FlorianMargaine she says hello ( skype )
shes trying to learn html & css & js ^^
html/css first, then js :x
@ereOn hello
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/TWf0fsD0
Is anyone aware of a bug in webkit that might explain that : document.body.classList.add('myCssClass'); alert(document.body.classList.contains('myCssClass')) raises true (as expected) while elt.classList.add('myCssClass'); alert(elt.classList.contains('myCssClass')) raises false ?
(elt being a regular <div> element)
@ereOn show the whole code
nd use console.log();
instead of alert
@Abhishek: That's all about it. I'm running this in the Chromium console. (The whole code where I got the bug from is 5 000 lines long, it probably would help, would I be allowed to post it)
var div = document.createElement('div');
works fine for me
the weird thing is that it works on Chrome/Windows, but not in Chrome/Linux or Safari/Mac OS
at least on my computers.
when I look at the content of classList, it shows the entries are all in lowercase where the bug occurs.
(and I understand it's nearby impossible for anyone to answer given those clues. I was just asking whether someone already has encountered this)
is there any way to have an attribute - selector in Sizzle that is not exactly the attribute name?
for example, i got elements with data-product-id-0 and data-product-id-1
so i want a selector that looks for any occurence of data-product-id-
@ereOn update ur chrome
chrome on fedora doesn't updates
@Abhishek: Unfortunately, my clients would have too, and they probably don't always have that option.
@GNi33 data-product-id-$
or something like it
@GNi33 lemme make sure though
Q: Is Javascript ready for game development?

Click UpvoteI'm hearing about the new HTML 5 features which allow graphics to be rendered, audio to be played, etc. My question is, does that mean Javascript is ready for a graphics intensive game, or is the better option still to use Flash or Java? What are the graphics capabilities of Javascript, can it o...

oops i misunderstood
ah, i think i can do that in a totally different way
just use one attribute and using a contains-selector
@GNi33 thats a much better idea
if you're happy and you know it, syntax error
Begging Please, this bounty has been up for a while, but so far I've only gotten 1 answer and it suggests something worse than what I'm having to do ATM. I don't mind granting the 100XP to an answer that I'm not 100% happy with, as long as it tought me something. Right now, this is not the case... can someone please look into it? end of begging
not sure where i screwed this up though
@EliasVanOotegem: What happens if you downvote the answer ? Aren't 0-scored answers not supposed to allow a bounty ?
Nope, the FAQ says In any case, you will always give up the amount of reputation specified in the bounty, so if you start a bounty, be sure to follow up and award your bounty to the best answer!
implementing paging and filter-functionality in js makes me somewhat pissed off
Well, it's not going to anyone as it now stands, which is even more of a pitty... that's just rep down the drain
right now, I'm staring at the jQ source (ln# 3407 and following) in profound disbelief. Tháts what it takes to delegate a crucial event in IE? F*** me purple
@GNi33 ?
@Abhishek don't have a credits slide, put them in the questions, you're never going to this slide
flash/java aren't dark ages
flash is great, give some examples why
and then, add a "but"
and explain why js is better
@FlorianMargaine thanks, looks like a nice tool (shame I didn't know about it sooner, though ;-P)
why so dead
Monday... that is why :(
Can anyone give me a quick hand with some jQuery?
Should be easy enough, my brain is just broken at the moment.
Is this correct: var window = jQuery(window).height();
because of hoisting you will pass undefined to jQuery
yes, that's what I'm getting on my alert.
What am I doing wrong?
try var height = $(window).height()
you are using the declared variable (undefined) instead of window
var window makes it so
it collides with window
Great stuff, what a simple mistake.
I'm setting an iFrame to the height of the browser window...
I hate working with frames : \
Umm, one other thing...is is possible to update this is the user resizes their window..?
not without a timer/interval that repeats the check
why can't you simply give it height:100% in css?
I did try that but it didin't work for some reason.
if i'd suffer from epileptic seizures, i'd probably be in a pretty bad shape right now
Hi..can anyone help me please..
How can i slide division to left side in this : http://jsfiddle.net/jtbowden/ykbgT/light/
@GNi33: I suffer from epilepsy, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I turned out to be in better shape than most healty people out there :)
hehe, nah, i just had a look at a weird website
i guess that one would be a real risky one for epileptics
Oh no, please don't tell me its as bad or worse than the opening sequence too Monty Python (Holy Grail or Life of Brian, can't remember), with the Peruvian Mountain Llama's (flash red-yellow-red-yellow )
haha, i love that scene! :D
but yes, it's worse, a lot
That nearly killed me :-D thank
god for paramedics
well, i love the whole movie
So do I, if I would have been killed, I hope my mates would have sung always look on the bright side 10 times over
Hi Everybody! o/
well, good thing that hasn't happened. but now you know what part of the movie you have to skip ;)
@rlemon \o
@GNi33: Nah, it just tough me to double my dose before watching it... skipping the credits would mean not finding about what a lovely country Sweden is, even though the magestic Moose might bite your sister. But that's enough MP-quotes for now, or the people responsible will be sacked by the people responsible for...
haha, dammit! now i have to watch that movie this evening ;)
@rlemon Hi there. ;)
Can anyone please tell me how can i add a previous button to this?
add two divs with 50% one on the left other on the right. and make them overlap the current boxes. And use them as buttons to be able roll the boxes behind 'em
Don't know how to do it, but I would do that if I could.
@rlemon Hi Dr. Nick!
@SomeKittens Why? Some badge?
@Amaan Yes, the Electorate badge
Ah :p
It'll be my first gold
Ooh, I have a gold badge? :O
> Visited the site each day for 100 consecutive days.
I've still got a while for that one
I wonder how I managed that
There was this time in the middle where I visited really really regularly
@FlorianMargaine Really?
I don't have it :p
Looks impossible
83 people have it, still
JS was the first to get it, not surprising
I don't see a single person with less than 50K rep
200*150 = 30 000
149 to go!
147, yay
but I'm not as active as I used to be
uh oh
Anyone having GitHub problems?
All the commits I made on vacation are gone...
maybe you didn't push them?
or you are looking at the wrong branch
@ThiefMaster that one
still doesn't explain my local repo not updating
@SomeKittens sorry, I broke the interwebs.
depending on your config it might not fetch branches that don't already exist locally
No, same branch
I didn't mean to!
^ did it compile?
@rlemon looks like a page fault

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