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i will fix that for u
@rlemon no i didn't know. And for me that worst. When she is doing porn she is working. Here her image is taken and modified to "promote" something else than some porn.
you realize what I wanna do right?
@Loktar what do you mean with "White Knights" ?
@rlemon Kiss me ?
@dievardump yes, and if porno dudes were anywhere near attractive they would probably do that as well. however they are not do you get actors and football players and shit in their gitch plastered all over every ad targeted with men as a sex symbol
Super male feminists basically @GNi33
Super male feminists.
I really have to go
lol enjoy your poopy shower
yeah go take your shower in shit
Im not saying you are one @dievardump
I can be one.
@dievardump is my french connection.
s/can be/am
just saying there are males out there who would rather have their man parts removed than to look at a pretty female because thats sexist!
@FlorianMargaine SyntaxError, unexpected EOF
@rlemon is that because of the poopy shower? if that's the case, fu :D
lol no, no, no. you are my spreadable connection.
Zirak is my father.
Loktar kills Zombies
like... on toast... over my corn on the cob. (I'm making another margarine joke :P )
Nop @FlorianMargaine nobody is perfect, so i'm also sometimes sexist. I just try to see it and avoid it.
Just try to be gay in a small city for one month in France, and you'll see what is it to have an effing gender label on your face and what people do when you don't follow what this label tell you to.
I knew having sex with a pony wouldn't do any good :/
@Zirak I liked it though.
see ya
@dievardump well, homophoby is a problem in most rural places
let me find something the cardinal said for 15 august in france
P...P...Phlegm-Noodle? Is that you?
<- zombie killa!
I have no labels... if you have a hot body and show it off... well shit, i'm gonna look. If magazines and shit put you there? Well guess what? I'm gonna look, it's infront of me!

I am against under-agers, rape, prostitution, etc..
however sex sells, and women and men alike have realized this and choose to flaunt their bodies for a buck. Well I got a buck, and I like their bodies (one of the problems of being human... )
Gay, straight, lesbian, bi, transgender, doesn't matter.
if you're good looking i'll check you out. :P
(not i'm not bi or gay, just overly comfortable with my sexuality)
And thanks to nature, you've been saved from the same fate.
yeah I mean I check out @rlemon all the time. Im like MMmmmMM that coffee looks delicious!
@rlemon I just hope your gf won't see this :D
Every time I look at your picture the fonz plays in my head, you are always saying "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
loktar pic always reminds me the meme about the tacos...
I need to update mine. I take horrible.. horrible.. pictures though
@FlorianMargaine she doesn't care :P she checks out girls. it's not a sexual thing, it's recognizing someone is attractive
^ exactly
I thought "check out" in a deeper way :p
Getting 9 upvotes on a blatantly incorrect answer? This helps the community? If you want to help the community please delete this. — Esailija 1 min ago
what a moron
@rlemon got it
ur container is equal height of the window.innerHeight
@FlorianMargaine well really what is the difference other than my brain does not find men sexually attractive. If they are good looking and I can realize that I'm sure if I liked dudes I would be attracted to them.
y_blip = y_max_nav*(y_window * y_window_max)
just wont work
cause ur y_window_max == 3xx pixels
@Abhishek yea, i've tried a few things.
@Esailija flagged as "blatantly false answer"
the number of votes should convince the mods...
@rlemon and u forgot to put
in your

@Abhishek yea but if I console.log the values the container assumes full height
Q: including sprite file with an app for android & ios games

jjjI'm making a simple online rpg for Android & IOS using html5 & phonegap and was wondering if I include sprite file with the game for downloads (because of bandwidth), what should I do when I modify the sprite file in the future? (i.e. forced update).

@rlemon see it in inspector
hrmm, that is strange.
see ur content itself looks way more organized now
previous to this I had tried container height: 100%; would that not have done the same
@rlemon a lil bit buggy still but a lot fixed
@Abhishek yea but now it fucks with my content.
I want each panel to take up full page minimum
@Esailija Ok smart guy, go fuck yourself. I'll delete my post just to make you happy. – Crontab 14 secs ago
@rlemon it looks more organized now
@Esailija xD
@Abhishek but that is not how I want it
@Esailija LOL
@Esailija Sounds like you have a fan
maybe for filler text. not how I am planning on using it
flag him :p
well he actually deleted it
so basically what you want is a pack of cards like effect ?
is that it ?
but I was very civil, I even stated that his confusion was understandable :|
if so gimme bout 30 mins i will do that in pure css u can use it as u want <3
lol it's cool man, i'll continue on this.
$_POST is not exactly a good name
nor is $_GET
It seems i'm going to need to rethink my approach
more like $_QUERYSTRING and $_FORMDATA
@rlemon if u wnat htat 100%
should be $_NOT_RAW_POST :<
you just need to use * 5
thats it
@FlorianMargaine actually I feel $_FORMDATA (For $_POST) and $_QUERYSTRING ( For $_GET) are pretty good, no?
this is what they actually contain
@Abhishek I need some themes for margaine.com/docgenerator (a theme is css/js files), so if you create one I'll add it to docgenerator
@Esailija querystring can be formed through form datas though :/
$_GET contains the parsed querystring
@FlorianMargaine can i see the default.css ?
$_POST contains parsed form data (for form submissions / form submission emulations)
go ahead and do post request with querystring, you will see shit in $_GET
@Esailija <form method="get"></form>
Hello, quick question:
that's what I meant :)
Quick answer, Yes.
@FlorianMargaine true but that simply does a querystring
Long answer, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
yeah, but it's still form datas semantically speaking
var d1 = new Date();
var d2 = new Date(d1);
console.log(+d1 == d2);//logs false
$_POST is just a body in the request too
@rlemon are u satisfied with the latest one i posted ?
!!/mdn date
I'd assume that +d1 would coerce d2 to numeric, too... but as it turns out I have to console.log(+d1 == +d2) to get true
because the number is not equal to NaN
@EliasVanOotegem console.log( d2 ) and console.log( +d1 ), you'll get it
@EliasVanOotegem adding the + changes it to a number and not a date object/string dealio
var d1 = new Date(); var d2 = new Date(d1); console.log(+d1, d2)
1345555537093, Tue Aug 21 2012 09:25:37 GMT-0400 (EDT)
the + doesn't act on all the line, just the next variable
Awww crud...
This was fun: jsfiddle.net/u5NgS
@Esailija In the future, there's no need for your arrogance. You don't need to be a prick. That is all.
Slideshow effect made by CSS, structure by js
of course! I was thinking about date comparisons... > and < convert to number
That's very interesting Zirak
@Crontab mate I even stated that your confusion was understandable
don't understand how that came off as jerkish
@EliasVanOotegem ToPrimitive is called on the object
this results in a string for the date
then the string is converted to a number
which is NaN
When the [[DefaultValue]] internal method of O is called with no hint, then it behaves as if the hint were Number, unless O is a Date object (see 15.9.6), in which case it behaves as if the hint were String.
thanks, just added '' -> console.log(''+d4 == d2)
@Esailija being right when others are wrong === you are a jerk. die in fire.
@EliasVanOotegem why do you need the +???
@Esailija quit being right. It makes you look better than others.
console.log(d4 == d2)
@everyone be nice.
22 hours ago, by rlemon
The summer of downvotes
@Abhishek Related to what we discussed earlier, see above jsfiddle. You've inspired me.
@rlemon returns false
2 instances of objects are 2 different references
@Crontab if you are referring to my first comment, maybe that was a bit prickish I guess. But the answer was getting upvoted a lot and it needed to be stopped
so never ==
they should == but not === or are dates funky??
yup, I was surprized at some of the quirks, too
@rlemon Dates are objects, not primitives.
ah, nvm, I see, you are forcing one to a string to force the other to compare as a string.
comparing same type, == is the same as ===
so why not be less convoluted and console.log( +d4 === +d2 )
new String("asd") != new String("asd") but new String("asd") == "asd"
And instead of converting to string, just d0.getTime() === d1.getTime()
!!/roll d4
you can't loosely compare number to date object, because it prefers string conversion in this case
@Esailija I cannot see that question; screenshot please stackoverflow.com/questions/12042298/…
Dates are the best argument against overloading + operator: d2 = new Date(d1-1000) is ok, but d1+1000 concats
@SomeKittens Could not process input. Error: Cannot call method 'push' of undefined
@SomeKittens 1d4. Never played DnD?
!!/roll 1d4
!!/roll 2d28
!!/tell SomeKittens help roll
@Zirak 4 => 4
@rlemon 2,1 => 3
@SomeKittens roll: Roll dice in DnD notation. MdN rolls M N-sided dice. MdN+X rolls as said above, and adds X to the result. You can use any of the four arithmetic operators +-*/,. X can also be a die roll: MdN*XdY for example
Actually, I've never played DnD. All the Pen and Paper RPG's I've played were scifi
@rlemon 21,1 => 22
round 1:
Number vs Object ---> call toPrimitive on Object ( the Date, results in string )
round 2:
Number vs String ---> convert string to Number (NaN, because the date string isn't
round 3:
Number vs Number --> the number is not equal to NaN
Dark Heresy, Paranoia, Shadowrun, good times
!!/roll 2d4.5
^ the story of +date == dateObj
@SomeKittens Invalid /roll argument; use /help roll for help
@rlemon lol sec
!!/roll 99d99
@rlemon 19,87,32,57,28,90,30,28,60,72,47,23,1,97,31,28,57,61,45,80,91,83,38,24,81,10,34,‌​93,13,17,68,15,38,48,80,39,12,46,60,10,99,41,73,32,13,56,48,52,98,74,8,90,65,65,9‌​4,24,68,9,64,26,21,86,19,19,8,20,60,87,39,55,96,34,7,85,37,48,77,57,40,21,56,73,3‌​9,89,36,78,53,60,87,6,54,58,10,7,4,43,50,45,40 => 4776
A solution? To what problem?
LOL ahh poo humour
@Zirak i have inspired myself too :D
old, and if I click off I loose navigation
but kinda cool :P
I like how in your universe, left is right
@rlemon :o jsfiddle me will kill yew
@Zirak that was to troll :3
shit jsfiddle didnt updated my changes :-|
nothing is happening in the jsfiddle..
oh. then it wasn't a declaration of independent and intelligent thought based on the obscure notion of "left" and "right". ah well. Abhishek.points -= 100
idk why it didnt just updated mine @Esailija
btw, this is still interesting: gist.github.com/3364309
Under some definition of "interesting"
var x=2, y=(x++); //y still equals 2 and now I finally freaking know why. x is never returned in x++
under any understanding it should be 2... what am I not seeing
(x++) <-- tell me the value of x ... which is 2.. which is assigned to y
Because of the parens
why should they change what was told as being the value of x
Parentheses mean "screw timing, I just want the end-result". Since the end-result of the "classic" definition is the increment, it was counter-intuitive to him.
@Esailija lol @1st comment
ah I see. I just think in terms of expression return values
you could (x++, x) to get 3
x++ will make jslint cry
(White knight is back)
Hi all
RT @FirefoxNightly: HTML5 sandbox attribute for IFRAMEs just landed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341604
When you pass your JavaScript code on JSLint
Anyone here who're wokring with titanium for developing android apps?
@dievardump I'm fortunate, my code passes all the time :3
I use jshint though
How can you define "left" and "right"?
Say you communicate with alien specie, and you try to explain to them the concept of "left" and "right", without visual aid, just vocally, how would you?
3 hours and 9 hours ?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, the reason jshint exists is that it's passable
FFS I spilt a whole coffee on my keyboard.
I just use it because I can do npm install -g jshint though :/
now when caps locks says on it's really off
Even imaginary visual aid, like splitting a rectangle vertically, how do you then proceed to say "left" or "right"?
heh... jshint doesn't like when you use bind
!!what's left?
@Zirak Of, belonging to, located on, or being the side of the body to the north when the subject is facing east. (source)
When @rlemon compile and test

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