I'm 100% sure this is going to be one of those newbie questions, but here it goes...
Is there a way I can write a method in one activity and be able to access it from the others?
I have six activites in my app, each with it's own menu.xml because the options available for each need to ...
hey Oct, I got some local help and figured out a big problem I was having. Basically cannot keep instances of SurfaceViews in a hash to be added to a view at various times in the lifespan of the Activity
So I'm creating a new instance each time I need the view
@Reno, Macarse had the idea to introduce some kind of Office Hours for the Android tag. That is an event where the people of the Android tag get together to plan maintenance stuff for that tag. Are you interested to join in?
If so, it'd help me if you tell my what timezone you are currently in so I can try to adjust the meeting schedule accordingly.
I'm really not an animation specialist. Best idea would be to ask on Stack Overflow to reach more developers, possibly developers that are more experienced with animations.
I am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re-sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ.
Has anyone used http://code.google.com/p/idea-android? Is this any go...
@OctavianDamiean I have a custom method that I am going to run from multiple activities, is there a way to determine if the activity running the method is 'Thisactivity' or 'Thatactivity' without a patchwork int variable
@OctavianDamiean the DRY principle - just read it and I love it. I've been trying to work out a way to have my custom methods available across the whole app and only code them in once rather than copy and paste them to each activity. I asked this question before here: stackoverflow.com/questions/6566804/…
Yes, I'm glad you thought so too. I couldn't work out where one thing stopped and another started, and I don't have the knowledge to determine for myself.
@Ganapathy Hi Gana; we are all volunteers here, helping each other out. If people can help, then they will help. Everyone who can possibly help will read any question you write on SO and then post the question link in here.
I am facing the issue in building InApp Purchase Example App give in SDK.
It's showing error in IMarketBillingService.aidl because its showing like disabled file.
and the other java files importing this file shows error that
import com.android.vending.billing.IMarketBillingService cannot be r...
I think I'm interrupting something but here it goes: Quick question - since Facebook sharing under the android share intent does not work, is there a way to disable facebook from the list of default sharing choices?
@OctavianDamiean would you happen to know it error reporting for market apps (the report button on crash alert dialog) is part of automatic process or does it require any coding
Well yes, i was thinking of using the lib you suggested yesterday (ACRA), but google doc report is not im my interest. Since i never launched app on market i dodnt even know about this reporting ... guess its all i need (besides the UncoughtException handler that logs in sqllite db)
Depending on your use case you can (and should) catch and handle them in a fine grained manner. That is catch the specific exception and handle it or you can just catch the Throwable and always just display a your dialog.
That means you catch each and every Exception, Error or RuntimException because they all derive from Throwable.
But don't tell anyone I told you to just catch Throwable otherwise the Java gurus are going to kill me!
this is just the last resort ... if i miss anyhing this mechanism should catch any "unhlandled" exceptions. But like i said it sucks that i cant create my custom message for that ... but if i think of it, my own custom dialog would not have the "report" button on it would it? :)