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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Huzzah, materials, textures, instanced geometry, entities, the scene graph, and whatnot all work now
hi, good morning
it's Monday again
have u been invite to google plus?
not developing right now
but yeah, got my invitation to g+
Hey all
bit of a noob question, but is there a way I can create a java file with methods in it that are accessible from other classes?
Either, you make the method static
or in the other class you create an instance of the class you want to access and call the method
But use this wisely, don't call methods of Activities
good morning!
yay nil!
@ThunderRabbit Hi Thunder
Are you busy now?
yes, actually
I have a question
Have you read this article before?
I haven't read it, but that site is good
That code will cause "Context leak", so I need to write like this: TextView label = new TextView(Context.getApplicationContext()); Is it true?
I'm sorry; I don't know well.
ok, thank you! I need to think it deeply
good luck! you can do it!
@Judy you shouldn't paste code on here D:
I really don't know how others move it to the bin yet
I think only Oct can do that bin business
Turns out I don't have access to the bin
Sorry, I don't know this rule
That's the difference between other android rooms and ours :) use pastebin.com for pasting snippets
may I know the reason why?
just curious :D
we like to keep it clean in here
code doesn't format well in chat
i see
code reviews turns nasty sometimes
well, that's the fun sometime :D
yep, I was right and the other guy had to suck it and withdraw a mail challenging my review :D
answering SO questions helps a lot with code review skillz
Can someone give me a hand with my question?
Q: Methods available across an app?

rabs83I'm 100% sure this is going to be one of those newbie questions, but here it goes... Is there a way I can write a method in one activity and be able to access it from the others? Example: I have six activites in my app, each with it's own menu.xml because the options available for each need to ...

good morning
hiiiiiiiiii gm
good morning
can anyone answer this
Q: Problem with Facebook sdk login..in android

Rockin ImageView connect = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.fconnect); connect.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { facebook.authorize(SignIn.this, new String[] {"offline_access", "email", "read_friendlists","publish_stream" },new DialogList...

hey Oct, I got some local help and figured out a big problem I was having. Basically cannot keep instances of SurfaceViews in a hash to be added to a view at various times in the lifespan of the Activity
So I'm creating a new instance each time I need the view
I was close to suggest washing your phone. :p
how to wash the phone without breaking it?
That is the idea. :D
No phone no problems.
1 hour later…
my phone?
oh man, I guess so; I asked a (nearly) unanswerable question
hell yea, my first day of smoking in the office (e-cig)
Gah, smoking.
yea i know, its a nasty habbit, but hey u have to give me credit for trying to dump it
Yes indeed!
I fail to organize my circles appropriately.
Basically I fail at being social, yet again.
@Reno, Macarse had the idea to introduce some kind of Office Hours for the Android tag. That is an event where the people of the Android tag get together to plan maintenance stuff for that tag. Are you interested to join in?
If so, it'd help me if you tell my what timezone you are currently in so I can try to adjust the meeting schedule accordingly.
There will be free e-beer!
Yeah sure I'm in
But I constantly change timezones :)
@OctavianDamiean btw have you ever built android source code on your Ubuntu machine?
e-beer not interested :P. Any e-gingerbread or e-honeycomb :)
@Reno Uhm, I had planned it once, even got the entire repo on my machine but never actually had the time to mess with it.
Is there any special question hidden there or is it just out of curiosity? :)
Nope someone wanted to know the preferred filesystem used in Ubuntu
What do you recommend ?
hello everyone
I never had any issues with it.
Hello Nikki.
Hello sir
It is the default filesystem in newer Ubuntu versions.
you are just great in android
Oh thank you but I'm not really that great. ;)
No sir that' not so
yeah that's what I thought. Usually I work on OS x or give builds on build farms. I have never bothered to use Ubuntu but I think I should :) thanks
You totally should! If you have any issues with Ubuntu, well ... you know how to reach me. ;)
I would like to ask you " how can we perform property animation"
I'm really not an animation specialist. Best idea would be to ask on Stack Overflow to reach more developers, possibly developers that are more experienced with animations.
Ya.....but It is newly introduced with Honey comb.
So, I thought I need to have some discussion on it
Honeycomb is even more of a mystery to me. I'm not really playing around with Honeycomb since I don't have a device to test the stuff out.
I should really get a Honeycomb device I guess.
hey again
Yeah its kind of a broad topic I haven't got time pretty sure there are some people on Stack Overflow who can answer specific questions
Sir..... I just have one more question to ask is " Is there any other way to work on android other than eclipse workspace"
is it possible to get the name of the activity that is running the current code?
hey rabs83
ya its broad topic . Tha's why only I would like to know about it with curiosity
but not getting enough material to learn about it
@Nikki You don't have to say Sir. Makes me feel kinda uncomfortable. Yes there are many other ways to develop for Android. ;)
I felt british for a moment there :D
can you please tell me some of the other ways
I suggest you make a working project using the android emulator
^ best way to learn about it
You can manage your projects from the command line and also build from there.
Q: What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

Jamey McElveenI am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re-sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ. Has anyone used http://code.google.com/p/idea-android? Is this any go...

Can I develop the whole app using Commandline
And there are of course other IDEs.
Yes you can.
But I think that's difficult too using Command line
@Nikki may I ask why you don't like eclipse, sure it can be a really huge pain sometimes, but I find it so much easier than commandline
Well it isn't difficult, it is different.
You can create shell scripts that do most work for you so it isn't really something dramatic.
But where I can find tutorials for using command line
rather it's convenient once you get used to it.
3 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
You can manage your projects from the command line and also build from there.
In those two links. ;)
shell scripts in unix
If you are on Windows there is PowerShell.
Which basically does the same thing (just not so well). :P
Ok! Can I have some example type of tutorial for it
The two orange words are links. Just click them and you'll get to the documentation pages. ;)
Q: display bitmap image on another bitmap image in android

Aswani want display image on another bitmap image with text.please send me the code if you are having solution Thanks Aswan

Close please.
Is there a way to get the name of the current activity?
Ya I know clicked them .......... That's developers site of android which introduces it
But I want to know some example so that I can understand in better way
@rabs83 Where?
@Nikki You should really read the documentation pages first since they are full of examples.
I think you can use the Java call this.getClass().getName()
@OctavianDamiean I have a custom method that I am going to run from multiple activities, is there a way to determine if the activity running the method is 'Thisactivity' or 'Thatactivity' without a patchwork int variable
Well yes. You can use instanceof on the Context you receive.
If the method is within an Activity is is this instanceof YourClass.
@ Octavian :
It sounds a bit like bad code however. The way you've explained it it sounds like you are violating the DRY principle.
Now I have to admit that I am a total noob and I've struggled my way through developing my app using Stack Overflow. What would be the code for that
Thanks .......... I just read... I think this will solve my problem of not working with eclipse
You're welcome. ;)
Thanks a lot :)
@rabs83 Can't tell since I have no idea about your application and don't know your code AND of course since it is beyond the scope of this chat room.
The only thing I can tell however is that you should create a centralized version of that method.
@OctavianDamiean the DRY principle - just read it and I love it. I've been trying to work out a way to have my custom methods available across the whole app and only code them in once rather than copy and paste them to each activity. I asked this question before here: stackoverflow.com/questions/6566804/…
That is, put it in a separate class which you instantiate when needed.
@OctavianDamiean I want to do just that, but I have absolutely no idea how to
I couldn't understand the answer I was given
Have I gone and killed the chat room?
No, I'm just busy reviewing write access requests.
So you can't tell me how to share a method across all the activities?
I was reviewing those requests. So I couldn't take a look at your question yet.
Alright, first of all that is not a bad question.
The second thing, the answer is not a bad answer.
From a logical point of view his answer is a very good approach.
You can have your custom base activity from which you extend your other activities implement all needed menu options and custom helper methods.
I saw the logic and the concept, but when I went to implement it I crashed and burned.
How? I mean what are the symptoms and stack traces?
I couldn't even code it properly.
so when he says baseactivity, he means the one my app goes to when it is launched
Don't worry about it. I'll fix it later
He means you should have an activity which implements the methods and all the menus stuff from which you further extend your other activities.
I just didn't understand GSree's second comment, it seemed to all run into each other.
I wonder how easy it'd be to port most of the Obj-C runtime to Android's NDK...
Well, aside from the complexity of optimizing it
@rabs83 He probably should have posted it as an update to his answer rather than in a comment where it is damn hard to read.
Yes, I'm glad you thought so too. I couldn't work out where one thing stopped and another started, and I don't have the knowledge to determine for myself.
I'm gonna edit it in.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks so much for your help. Your knowledge is freaking amazing.
thank you
Now that I read his comment I don't like it.
It is again in violation with the DRY principle and I don't even think that it is possible the way he has described it.
Well possible yes but it wouldn't make any sense.
You basically wanted the helper method to be shared among activities.
yea. just so i can run the method from all the activities.
How do I tie my actual activities (main.java) in with these methods?
Then you should still go with the example he has provided but actually add the code to the helper method in the base class.
How do I tie my actual activities (main.java) in with these methods?
I don't understand your question.
DW. I've gotta go. Thanks for all your help. Have a good day/night.
Hmmm, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 looks quite interesting.
It think it is one of the few Honeycomb tablets featuring 3G.
Does the BlackBerry tablet run Andriod or it is their own OS?
any one about inapp purchase in android?
@tombull89 they uses their own proprietary OS
@tombull89 Hey I went to Tomball HS and graduated in 1988!
Tombull Tomball 88 89 yeah yeah it's a new song!
Isn't it WebOS?
is an idiot
I should click the link next time.
lmgtfy hahahhaaha
Yea, my god I suck today. :p
'talkin' about?? you're awesome!
You guys should stop saying that, in the end you'll get me far enough to believe it! :p
how can we not say it if you're awesome?
no, but seriously, you're awesome.
I gots to get to workin'
Yea I should get something done too.
okay, ready? 1.. 2.. 3.. GO!!
@OctavianDamiean did u tried inApp i can't able to run inapp billing sample .. can you guide me...?@Reno
sorry; he's working
@Ganapathy Please don't ping people directly with questions. If you have a question just ask it into the room.
If you have a specific question then post it on Stack Overflow.
1 min ago, by Thunder Rabbit
sorry; he's working
that --^
ya i asked commonly but no response dude so only i pinged ,, its simple doubt so only i am asked here ....
No, don't ping. If no one answers then probably no one knows or doesn't have the time to help.
@Ganapathy Hi Gana; we are all volunteers here, helping each other out. If people can help, then they will help. Everyone who can possibly help will read any question you write on SO and then post the question link in here.
hmm.... okay all are busy in chatting i think .. okay carry on friends ...
@ThunderRabbit dude its simple doubt for me the inapp example is not working it's showing error so only .. i asked here..
ask it on Stack Overflow
okay wait...
Q: Android InApp Purchase Example

GanapathyI am facing the issue in building InApp Purchase Example App give in SDK. It's showing error in IMarketBillingService.aidl because its showing like disabled file. and the other java files importing this file shows error that import com.android.vending.billing.IMarketBillingService cannot be r...

Great start, Gana!!
this is my question
I don't know the answer, but I think you'll get a better response from people if you correct the spelling and punctuation in the question.
It makes it look like you've put some careful thought into the question, so people are more likely to put some thought into the answer.
okay done ...
are you sure your aidl file is kept in the proper location?
Reno here is our Windows modal dialog. ;)
Are you sure?
Back again.
ya sure i just imported the sdk example for testing
On a scale from 0 to 10 (where 10 is that you are as you can be) how sure are you?
I love Windows dialogs.
you are as you are
I think I'm interrupting something but here it goes:
Quick question - since Facebook sharing under the android share intent does not work, is there a way to disable facebook from the list of default sharing choices?
doesn't know about Facebook; neither wants to
Easily understandable.
this the way i am getting error.
Why don't you add that to your question?
actually before you take the screenshot, slide the bar over a bit so we can see the actual name of the library matches what's in your code.
Good call.
:D that was going to be my next "Are you sure" question
the selected file in left side package explorer is that file...
@Reno Ah ok...saw on TV last night it was showing off it had flash (rather than other tablets on the market)
@ThunderRabbit \o/...although I was born in 1989
\o/ hooray!!!
@OctavianDamiean would you happen to know it error reporting for market apps (the report button on crash alert dialog) is part of automatic process or does it require any coding
It is an automatic mechanism.
The so called ANR (Android Not Responding) dialog.
i see
Or do you meant the Sorry! dialog?
Either way it is an automatic mechanism.
Well yes, i was thinking of using the lib you suggested yesterday (ACRA), but google doc report is not im my interest. Since i never launched app on market i dodnt even know about this reporting ... guess its all i need (besides the UncoughtException handler that logs in sqllite db)
This is of course when an unhandled exception gets thrown. You can implement your own handling mechanisms.
I did. But the problem is when unhandled exception is thrown the UI thread gets killed, so i cant notify with my own custom message
Well yes that is why you have to handle them. :D
All of them.
true true
lets hope i do :)
Depending on your use case you can (and should) catch and handle them in a fine grained manner. That is catch the specific exception and handle it or you can just catch the Throwable and always just display a your dialog.
That means you catch each and every Exception, Error or RuntimException because they all derive from Throwable.
But don't tell anyone I told you to just catch Throwable otherwise the Java gurus are going to kill me!
this is just the last resort ... if i miss anyhing this mechanism should catch any "unhlandled" exceptions. But like i said it sucks that i cant create my custom message for that ... but if i think of it, my own custom dialog would not have the "report" button on it would it? :)
Of course it would, I could even have dancing unicorns.
not if im behind the keyboard ;)
Dancing unicorns are great. They are a guarantee for tons of lolz when your app crashes.
Next time write only one message to keep the Context :P
Perhaps also for some weird emails and support calls.
Oh no I'm leaking the Context!
/me tokes on his e-cig and wonders if this unicorns were handpainted by @OctavianDamiean himself
time to eat
roger that
No they were by Ben.
@OctavianDamiean Happens to the best.
Hello there :)
Oh good, now that both are here. @Reno in what timezone would you be this Friday?
in my case I am GMT-3
10:48 am here.
you are GMT0 right?
almost 3pm there
Right now it is almost 4pm. ;)
hello. how many here like heavy metal
octavian ??
@cyberrog: more or less
I hate it
octavian you like heavy metal?
@Macarse you know the brazilian band named ANGRA
what about mozart?
@cyberrog: neither of them :(
octavian what kind of music you like
@Macarse search for rebirth - angra on YT later if you want
this Friday I'll be in the UTC + 8 time zone (Japan/Korea)
or Nova Era - Angra
I listen to Grunge mostly
@Reno Alice in Chains is awesome!
yep :)
metal is great live.
how many here are using google plus?
I am
2 hours later…
I really need to learn better debugging techniques than just PRINTLN and LOG.D :P
/me waves
I hate debugging, I've broken something somewhere and I can't spot it :/
@OctavianDamiean Hi
what do you mean by native?
Are you debugging native code?
Or only java? :P
I seem to get phantom lux profiles
Debugging in each language is annoying
@Glitch What do you mean?
My app has two sets of profiles, one stores lux/brightness values, and the other luma/brightness values
The former was working well, until I implemented the latter :P
Such problems are really mad
yeah its killing me :P
I'm going through execution one line at a time
Ah come on you are still alive (I hope) :D
Actually, I'm posting from the grave.
That's a great news
What kind of DSL or data option have you there?
Morse code via bell
I notice it. Your messages take a long time.
Hilarious. :D
@OctavianDamiean What is happened to you?
Nothing. I'm just following your amazing conversation. :p
Do you notice the latency of @Glitch 's messages? That is a disaster.
Animation is really something.
It is because he is in a grave, of course it has nothing to do with the fact that he is from Australia. :)
On the bright side, I passed my math course :D
Oh yea right, noticed that. Congratulations!
Thank you, good sir.
I think the communication from the grave to the dsl station is with morse code
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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