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Well, I'm now just one tiny step away from releasing my game to the marketplace, unless I decided to wait until I've upgraded the design a bit...
I do need to at least get a better icon graphic...
i got a minor issue
can listen to me?
Sure, but I make no promises.
go for it
at first my application was working fine
then after making a few changes to my code and relaunching it
it would crash at the beginning
i narrow my error down to my 1st activity's code
which is a icon+text gridview
gives me a nullpointerexception
the thing is
well put your code somewhere like pastebin
i never edit any codes in my 1st acitivty
there is no way to help you without looking at some code, for example your onCreate for your 1st actiivty, and maybe a stack trace
the stacktrace
at this line : gridview.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(this));
hey guys i have a random question about string char replacement
i have a string and i want to replace the ' character with a "
@JoelSeah there is literally now way to help you without knowing some context
doing string.replace("'", """); confuses it though
confuses how?
how can i insert the " symbol?
well its a compile error
just use ascii values asciitable.com
it expects a 4th and final "
or you have to escape the quote
ah yea i could use an ascii value
regex or whatever
no not regex
ok so
jsut do string.replace(39, 34)
oh nice
i wasnt sure which value to use
or wait hold on
ah but no
the replace method takes in strings not ints
ive done this before using regex
string.replace((char)39, (char)34);
okay thanks Leo
this is the link
hm that didnt do anything
it gives an output which is the same
what this is weird.
just to test i went like
string.replace("'", "/");
just to ensure the method would work with anything
and it didnt do anything either.
im not setting it to anything
replace returns a new string
it works, i jsut tested
string = string.replace(...)
works just fine
thanks a lot!
hey leo mind taking a look?
@JoelSeah um not sure, but I would guess that something changed in your layout
@JoelSeah check your ids
@JoelSeah why don't you just step through your code there and see what is nulll
checked my ids
they seem okay
would also try cleaning your project
@JoelSeah if you are using eclipse Project -> Clean... and select your project
okay it seems that directly after that particular line
it would crash
n i have a null in customIntent
any idea wad's that?
why don't you just debug it, and step through?
erm lol
im doing that
i set BPs at multiple lines b4 n after that line
it jsut crashes when it reaches line 27
when you're stepping through, see what is null
this is very werid
it worked
after cleaning
wad is cleaning?
dont know, it just helps sometime
thanks ^^
sure thing
Whew, just saved my build... Time to back up.
guys i have a question
would it be feasible
to have this
Sounds like a great question for SO. There's nothing Android specific, so just tag it java.
Now, I still have a bit more to do to make it right, but it's completely playable, and doesn't have any gross format issues that I know of.
@Pearsonartphoto I'll check it out
@Glitch: Thanks:-)
interesting concept
Like I've said before, it's a simple game, but interesting.
Any words of advice?
Clearer instructions, and perhaps make a custom interface rather than stock buttons etc.
Not surprised at either really.
I'm definitely going to be putting in graphics into the next version, to put in some key locations.
I should work on a much improved instructions screen, as it stands, it was the last thing that I put in before releasing, so I was a bit hurried...
Thanks for the tidbits!
no problem, should be good :)
I at least felt like I've accomplished something this 3 day weekend.
I have high hopes to fill the game full of dry humor, but, well, that'll come with time...
hey guys
do u all know wad's with this error?
org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser$ParseException: At line 142, column 111: not well-formed (invalid token)
Wow, everyone jumped on this question...
Q: how to store edit text data in form of string and pass the string to next activity

Avi Kumar MankuHi i am developing an application in which i have taken two buttons and one edit text box. i want to pass the data of edit text box in from of string to the next activity on click of one of the buttons and how to pass the text and receive that text in the new launched activity so we cou...

@Pearsonartphoto bcoz its an easy question
anyway wad do u know abt this error?
05-31 12:15:53.010: ERROR/(718): org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser$ParseException: At line 142, column 111: not well-formed (invalid token)
@All gud mng...
Q: How to interval between values of x-axis and y-axis using achartEngine

AmmuI am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc... Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval.... Thanks... A...

hi guys can u all help me with this error?
05-31 12:15:53.010: ERROR/(718): org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser$ParseException: At line 142, column 111: not well-formed (invalid token)
it seems to be pointing to this line of code
xr.parse(new InputSource(dbURL.openStream()));
Hello all, Please help me to remove confusion for my application two versions...Same application restricted by features...one is lite(free) and one is pro(paid)... I am doing it first time.....Should i change my package name com.company.lite and com.comany.pro ?
or Single package name should work...when user moves from free version application to pro version application.
@OctavianDamiean hey can u help me?
I wonder why people think that it is a good idea to ping me for that kind of stuff
I bet you didn't search on SO for that particular exception cause if you did you wouldn't have to ask what it is. It was asked dozens of times already
yes i search
tried their methods n it didnt work
well it is nothing we can help you with as the parser simply fails to parse your stream
hmm okay nvm
i thought i was something wrong with my code
turns out the xml is under update
thanks for being patient with me ^^
@All hai! every one.....
the @All is useless
you should stop using it
hello everbody
hello there
@Sphinx_Unplugged you can edit your last message by hitting the up arrow key, you can only edit it for 120 seconds though
had anyone gone through screen capture ?
@OctavianDamiean thanx for the info
@OctavianDamiean do u worked on android email handling?
other than sending mails in a test application no however I would like to ask you to stop mentioning a specific user with a question and just ask it into the room for everyone
@All does any one worked on android email handling..?
Q: How to interval between values of x-axis and y-axis using achartEngine

AmmuI am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc... Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval.... Thanks... A...

help me yaar
Q: How to interval between values of x-axis and y-axis using achartEngine

AmmuI am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc... Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval.... Thanks... A...

@All : anyone can help me in home screen widget? i have a problem in that, it stops sometimes when go to another screen or lock phone...
@djk sounds like a question for SO
@OctavianDamiean : can you help me
read my message?
I search the forum and came to result that we can not save any image or file in phone memory?(other than application context); just want a confirmation that am i right?
Intent inten=new Intent(context,TempActivity.class);

I am passing whole Intent in inten object. How can i get back this object in TempActivity ??
@Kartik this was answered multiple times
@Farhan what exactly do you mean?
In onCreate of TempActivity i am using

String mystr=getIntent().getExtras().getString("key");

but m getting null
i can save any file in /sdcard/ . can i save in /phonememory/ ? i search the forum and answer is no but i just want a little confirmation...
I think String mystr=getIntent().getStringExtra("key"); will work.. let me try
@Kartik noting of that will ever work. You've put the intent into the intent. I don't see how that is supposed to do anything
hmm.. you are right.. its not working...
just put the string you want to retrieve into the intent and then query it, but as I said this very same question was answered dozens and dozens of times
@Glitch thanx but that i know... let me put the question in another way....... can we save the pictures taken from camera in phone memory? if phone doesn't have sdcard what will it do then?
ok.. i know the way you told.. i was testing how can we pass and get intent object back and frm that query for values
@octavian : hey, do you know about widget?
@djk your question seems specific enough for Stack Overflow so please post it there
@Farhan yes, it is just a storage
I have posted already, but dint get answer, so i am asking here
then post a link to the question here
Q: Widget stops sometimes

djkHi all, I have created a widget which show countdown at every second. But sometimes randomly its stops and never starts, i have to remove it from screen and again add to home screen will do it start. @Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[]...

dude you've asked it about 40 minutes ago of course it may take some time to get an answer
:) but i am in hurry , so actuallly... sorry
yea but that won't change anything, you'll get an answer, it might take a while though
@OctavianDamiean "yes, it is just a storage" ? i didn't understand...
@Farhan it is just storage it is nothing special about it
Have anyone worked with Custom Listview(with images) and sqlite..

I want to get data from the sqlite database and depending upon the values i want to display images in listview item..
I think i have to Customize SimpleCursorAdapter for that
yes you have to customize the adapter for that
@OctavianDamiean hey oct i got a simple question regarding the cache we talked the other time
is it a good idea to use static arraylist to store the data?
i tried using it and surprisingly it works
heavily depends on the situation and what you store in there
and of course where
in the activity itself
if u rmb there's only 15 items n each has 3 sub items in it
hi good morning to all
how to convert the tamilunicode to tamilfont
if anyone known please help me
05-31 12:52:59.530: ERROR/CursorWindow(1216): Bad request for field slot 0,-1. numRows = 6, numColumns = 7

05-31 12:52:59.570: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1216): java.lang.IllegalStateException: get field slot from row 0 col -1 failed
what this error mean ?
it looks to me like it means you're trying to get a slot that doesn't exist. The minimum slot is probably 0,0.

If you're sending 0,-1 then it's going to fail. Make sure you're initializing the variables where you're making that request.
i did mistake in fetching the data from specific coumn
no worries
hey guys
how would u all parse this kind of xml file?
erm something like this
<array id="blah">
<array id="blah2">
one sec, Joel
@JoelSeah with a parser, preferably SAX
A: How to parse XML using the SAX parser

Octavian DamieanSo you want to build a XML parser to parse a RSS feed like this one. <rss version="0.92"> <channel> <title>MyTitle</title> <link>http://myurl.com</link> <description>MyDescription</description> <lastBuildDate>SomeDate</last...

@OctavianDamiean hey
yeah im using SAX
but bcoz my xml tags are recurring
i have trouble trying to get data from the tags
@JoelSeah hey Joel I've been using XmlResourceParser. I just slapped some code together at pastebin.com/HBeeK6pP but it's untested
@Thunder this is better?
I dunno, but it works for me on repeated tags
if can i wanna just use SAX all the way
I think for the complexity of your XML structure it doesn't matter which one you use
The code I gave you is a trimmed down version of what I've been using, in code I got from ReplicaIsland
just pick the one you feel most comfortable with
it looks like the key is that you have to put a loop around the code that looks for the repeated tags;
this is where the SAX parser comes in handy :)
hi @all...
I think someone should write a TRUMPET and UPRIGHTBASS parser so we can get some jazzy xml decoded
@OctavianDamiean Sax parser comes in handy when there are repeated tags right?
@ThunderRabbit wad do u mean?
@ThunderRabbit hah, awesome idea :D
haha I'm just goofing around with the word "SAX" being short for saxophone
@JoelSeah yup as they are event driven, they don't really care about the structure
lol thunder i was asking abt the loop
@OctavianDamiean true. but bcoz there are repeated tags, i cant seem to get the data form the particular tag based on its attribute
btw do u guys wanna look at my xml?
haha Joel, yer question was too slow! ;-) About the loop, look at my code on pastebin. It simply has a while() loop around it that will repeatedly look for tags until the XML is all processed. If you put a while loop around your SAX parser code, it should work just fine for repeated tags
its complicated
real complicated
@ThunderRabbit what is eventType?
ah sorry; that's some leftover code from my project
oh wait; no it's not; hang on
@JoelSeah that's super-important code that I left out of the example. :-) just a sec I'll fix up a new pastebin
@ThunderRabbit btw this works for pulling xml data from the web right?
I assume it will work no matter how you get the data. In my case, though, the data is in my res/xml directory. new code: pastebin.com/AFAkNBqB
seems to be much shorter than Sax
but it has such a long name! hmmmmm
i dun get the joke
It's called XmlPullParser, not SAX
also, you'll need

import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
i meant that the coding for xmlresourceparser is shorter than sax
not the name
:-) I know; that was the crux of my joke!
aight I gotta get back to work
good luck!
thanks ^^
I have a multi-lingual app, and some of the drawable resources are intentionally not duplicated across the different languages. what function will test the existence of a drawable resource?
@ThunderRabbit how do i use the code u provided to get data from web?
@JoelSeah I don't know; I've never used it that way.
hmm okay thanks
@ThunderRabbit :o a while loop around a SAX parser code? for what?
I don't know about SAX (nor TRUMPET, etc parser, per se), but Joel was saying he had repeated tags; the way my code solves it is to have a while loop and just keep looking for tags. So I suggested putting a while loop around whatever code he's using to get all the tags he wants
@OctavianDamiean sorry I forgot to @reply you, @OctavianDamiean
@ThunderRabbit oh no thats different when working with SAX. ;) It is even driven. If it encounters a starting tag even it just runs the code for the given starting tag and so on
@viv: hai
@OctavianDamiean ah sweet. I had no idea. Thanks for the tip! :-)
good night to all....
@SankarGanesh hi dude..
i got the idea u can directly load the package in the files
hi ganapa
how to use tamilfont in android
any one here
hello Glitch
do u have any idea about Android Canvas
I've never used it
k tnx'
hey Glitch, you're going to get your file today ;)
@OctavianDamiean Thanks!
you're welcome :)
I think I'll write a logarithmic interpolation function and test that later
at the moment it's all linear
linear seems to work ok once there's enough data points
I've plotted my own data in excel, and I noticed that my own data is reasonably logarithmic in nature
Q: Android HTC WindowSoftInputMode not working properly

Sudeep SRhi, i have a listview that contain checkbox imageview and edittext ,the listview scrolled to top only the first time when we click the edittext,then we close the softkeyboard by using the back key,then again click the same edittext,this time the listview not scrolled to top,ie softkeyboard cover...

@SankarGanesh : you there ?
Hello everybody.
hello there
I need help trying to understand how I can use openssl for android from eclispe android java.
did anybody have ever try to integrate the libssl.so to android ?
or any other C lib ?
I haven't used the NDK yet, no
i see. thanks. not a luck.
have you already posted the question SO?
if so post a link in here, maybe someone has experience with it
yeah, someone told me how to put it in the project but didnt tell me how to declare the functions from java from the lib.
Q: any way to generate JNI files from .c and .h files ?

FabienHi, I compiled openssl for android but I dont see how to access the functions from java. I think I need kind of JNI files for that. Is there a way to generate the corresponding JNI files for the libssl.so and libcrypto.so from Openssl .c and .h files.

I guess thats the one?
thanks you !! you're great. :)
you're welcome ;)
I think this problem is interesting not only for me. I've been searching the internet for it and didnt find the good answer yet.
it is curious to me that they provide openssl source for android and that there is not JNI wrapper files with it... should be... its crazy that we are suppose to do it...
I hope that there is another solution.
that's why im asking. :)
I'm really not sure if that can help you
especially the [*]Calling Java functions from Java and native threads part
oh no that'd be other way around
that one Using native functions in Java code
Well these document explain well how you create jni wrapper function to use some C lib that you create yourself. And apparently, you have to do all yourself.
In my case, I searching to understand why they propose openssl source files for android without these jni files ? or did I make a mistake compiling this openss source for android ? Because I dont have these jni files and its hard to beleive that I m suppose to create them... wrapping one by one all these terribles C openssl functions that I dont even know... :))
I wonder if in the NDK compiling process for this openssl lib, there is not a way that it would generate automatically these jni files...
@Fabien I know fosho that OpenSSL lib is used in android.
2 hours later…
@Reno thank you, will search for it
@Reno I didnt find anything on fosho with google.
fosho = for sure
yeah I doubt you can access the openssl libs, you will have to check the build paths etc .. @Fabien

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