i am developing an application in which i have taken two buttons and one edit text box.
i want to pass the data of edit text box in from of string to the next activity on click of one of the buttons and how to pass the text and receive that text in the new launched activity so we cou...
I am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be
0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc...
Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval....
Hello all, Please help me to remove confusion for my application two versions...Same application restricted by features...one is lite(free) and one is pro(paid)... I am doing it first time.....Should i change my package name com.company.lite and com.comany.pro ?
or Single package name should work...when user moves from free version application to pro version application.
other than sending mails in a test application no however I would like to ask you to stop mentioning a specific user with a question and just ask it into the room for everyone
I am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be
0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc...
Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval....
I am using aChartEngine for graphs in android everything is fine till now...Now i wanna set the time interval between the axes values like x-axis values time interval should be 1.5 so x-axis values will be
0, 1.5, 3, 4.5 etc...
Can anybody tell me how to set the time interval....
I search the forum and came to result that we can not save any image or file in phone memory?(other than application context); just want a confirmation that am i right?
just put the string you want to retrieve into the intent and then query it, but as I said this very same question was answered dozens and dozens of times
@Glitch thanx but that i know... let me put the question in another way....... can we save the pictures taken from camera in phone memory? if phone doesn't have sdcard what will it do then?
Hi all,
I have created a widget which show countdown at every second.
But sometimes randomly its stops and never starts, i have to remove it from screen and again add to home screen will do it start.
public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager,
So you want to build a XML parser to parse a RSS feed like this one.
<rss version="0.92">
haha Joel, yer question was too slow! ;-) About the loop, look at my code on pastebin. It simply has a while() loop around it that will repeatedly look for tags until the XML is all processed. If you put a while loop around your SAX parser code, it should work just fine for repeated tags
I have a multi-lingual app, and some of the drawable resources are intentionally not duplicated across the different languages. what function will test the existence of a drawable resource?
I don't know about SAX (nor TRUMPET, etc parser, per se), but Joel was saying he had repeated tags; the way my code solves it is to have a while loop and just keep looking for tags. So I suggested putting a while loop around whatever code he's using to get all the tags he wants
@OctavianDamiean sorry I forgot to @reply you, @OctavianDamiean
@ThunderRabbit oh no thats different when working with SAX. ;) It is even driven. If it encounters a starting tag even it just runs the code for the given starting tag and so on
hi, i have a listview that contain checkbox imageview and edittext ,the listview scrolled to top only the first time when we click the edittext,then we close the softkeyboard by using the back key,then again click the same edittext,this time the listview not scrolled to top,ie softkeyboard cover...
I compiled openssl for android but I dont see how to access the functions from java. I think I need kind of JNI files for that. Is there a way to generate the corresponding JNI files for the libssl.so and libcrypto.so from Openssl .c and .h files.
I think this problem is interesting not only for me. I've been searching the internet for it and didnt find the good answer yet.
it is curious to me that they provide openssl source for android and that there is not JNI wrapper files with it... should be... its crazy that we are suppose to do it...
Well these document explain well how you create jni wrapper function to use some C lib that you create yourself. And apparently, you have to do all yourself.
In my case, I searching to understand why they propose openssl source files for android without these jni files ? or did I make a mistake compiling this openss source for android ? Because I dont have these jni files and its hard to beleive that I m suppose to create them... wrapping one by one all these terribles C openssl functions that I dont even know... :))
I wonder if in the NDK compiling process for this openssl lib, there is not a way that it would generate automatically these jni files...