so my boss just dropped this gem on me because I am fighting back to sync data between a newly built microservice and a to-be-deprecated 5 year old grown ass monolith system:
> For me it looks like delaying dealing with complex problem for at least 1,5 years
Jaiprakash: you can't, you can obfuscate it (split the key up so it doesn't get grabbed by automatic scanners), but your best bet is to have an authentication system for each user, rate limit based on users, and then proxy the openai api call through your own backend systems
Well, some teams are obviously still reading from the old system and have not yet migrated to the microservices... so sunsetting the monolith is still not possible right now
but we have a sync, at least an indirect sync... our system with salesforce and salesforce with the monolith... I have no real understanding for the need to cut of the working sync between salesforce and the monolith to replace it with a newly build sync between our microservice and the monotlith especially if the final goal is to shut down the monolith end of 2024
Telecom reg auth blocks many apis like tenor gif api etc
I designed a sensor connected to telegram bot, it was working on my broadband, when I gifted same stuff to a guy it failed to work coz telegram bot api is blocked on gsm networks
So is there a reason to ban only the apis, nah, they just want dev to suffer
I imagine some old tech guys in regulatory authority raising their glasses each time they found new apis to block to make devs suffer, pure evil