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9:50 AM
I hate people...
2 hours later…
12:12 PM
@WarrenFaith reasonable attitude
1 hour later…
1:30 PM
2:22 PM
2:56 PM
whats UP BB
3:13 PM
not too much brother
did a yoga class yesterday for the firsst time
just chillin otherwise
3:30 PM
I turned 30 today
so my birthday is bittersweet
happy birthday man!!
and I got 300 users!
i found 31 worse than 30 because it was like... you're OVER the hump and there are no more milestone birthdays until you are like ... 50
or i guess there is 40, 50, 60 etc
get the bittersweet though xD
congrats on the users!
the cult is growing
indeed, but frustrating is that I had feedback from users who CLEARLY skipped the tutorial
when I point it out they say "oh ehm yeah I kinda skipped... hehe"
to a point I even generated a push notification to inform those who skipped the tutorial on how to edit/delete
@ballBreaker how was this? Were you the only guy and how are the women in that class?
must be a great place to meet women tho
the demographics of my area suck for meeting women, so it was like 80% old people, 20% my age, and the women were all not really my type
but yeah i think in general yoga would be great for that ( was part of why i went hehe )
@MwBakker hmmmm ya thats annoying
ive started working on my personal style more though in the past few weeks
threw out half of my clothes and did a big refresh
3:48 PM
alright, so whats the style now?
just more fashionable in general IDK LOL someone said i look very "dark academia" the other day
ive started wearing watches and necklaces and just putting more effort into my look
got some joggers and new shoes and sweaters hehe
want me to dm you some pics
@ballBreaker nice
@ballBreaker anytime bro, but with clothes on this time plox
4:03 PM
maybe a mix of both?
4:17 PM
sure (y)
how long have u been with the gf for now?
seems like a while
almost 2 years?
4:31 PM
2 years since september 17th
1 hour later…
5:46 PM
congrats on that
i keep meeting girls that are really cute and then finding out they are like a decade younger than me
i never thought i would be that guy, but here i am
my GF is 23 so there you go
hahaha true eh
6:02 PM
I am using a maps API key and I cant trace the origins of it
usually its noted somewhere
china is coming for you
no but I wanna see where its registered cause I dk when the limit is exceeded
now I have no visual concept of it at all
@MwBakker happy birthday
thanks asim!
6:15 PM
@MwBakker I saw a joke about this recently
guy talks about how he started dating his gf when she was 20 and he was 30, and someone was like "man you need to tell your gf to stop acting so young" and his response is "don't tell me how to raise my girlfriend"
6 hours later…
11:55 PM
Hello everyone

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