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05:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

8:04 PM
true true
not really applicable as this is for collections purposes but its a valid point
random person, you owe us $50 !!!!
I should propose that to the executives
lets trick random people into paying off other people's accounts
I'm installing a vm to debug this dumb piece of malware @Smarticles101, thanks for the idea
which of your apps?
i also can't help laugh at some of these packages. They are using the meme npm packages of js.
lol I'm not really surprised tbh
e.g. isArray who's entire source code is
8:09 PM
universities make pretty poor decisions on things like that, it seems like their software is almost always shit
var toString = {}.toString;

module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) {
  return toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]';
which is just .. ridiculously ironic, but it's also a business, so it makes sense
look at this piece of shit package
module.exports = Number.isNaN || function (x) {
	return x !== x;
Ok, I'll stop spamming
Hi - I have a Java Question - can I ask it here
Go for it
8:25 PM
I have an API response in JSON - I have a POJO I want to deserialize it to using Jackson - In some scenarios, some fields of the json might be missing. In those cases, I want to throw an exception. What is happening now is that the pojo is getting built with that entry as null. What is the best way to go about it?

What I tried: Including the notnull/nonnull annotation for the fields but that doesn't seem to be respected by the mapper.
8:37 PM
You could annotate your fields with the required attribute @JsonProperty(required = true)
^ That does not work anymore
And i think there is also a configuration flag on the mapper that doesn't allow null values
It's depracated
the mapper is used throughout the codebase so can't make any global changes
It seems you can override this on the mapper post creation baeldung.com/jackson-map-null-values-or-null-key
And throw a NPE on the "serialize" method of MyDtoNullKeySerializer
I think this is specifically for when the json contains null - not that the value is missing
8:47 PM
Without research on the topic there is also an alternative and more verbose way which would be you handle it on the constructor
assert name != null
or if (name == null) throw new XYZException
@themartinipolice do you know which property might get miss?
if yes just simply add a validation and throw exception if it didn't pass it.
also not sure if you have check this: stackoverflow.com/a/37887837/2624027
9:12 PM
George Floyd cop found guilty on all charges
9:31 PM
@ballBreaker lol, i tried sending the js file of the app over email and google blocked it because it detected malware
cc @Smarticles101
05:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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