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somebody just emailed me one of my own SO answers out of the blue
@Geeks tada!
oh thank you bro :-)
np :D
Should match the Holo light and dark action bar colors
I'm working on the look right now, I'm done with most everything else
I'm kind of doing like a "holo orange" thing
yah, I'm like swapping out the blue for orange
That sounds cool
There are official "holo orange" colors, too
I found the best site...hang
yah I know, I used them with...hang
check that out
it builds all the xml, drawables and even some glyphs...just pop em in your project and point your manifest theme to the new theme and you got a total custom theme
well I shouldn't say total, it didn't change my listbox and checkbox, but it does alot
that is nifty
yah, I almost didn't want to share it as a strategic advantage lol, but I couldn't do that to you guys hehe
here's a hint...open up your android design guide to the color swatches and when you mouse over you get the code for the colors, use that to set the colors. The tools color choser is lame
you could even use whatever paint program and get the code rather than try to pick your colors there, just set them there
Yeah, I'd use photoshop haha
1) how can I change the color on my list box selected color
2) how can I change the context action bar color
3) how can I change check box color
1) Selector drawable
2) idklol
4) Text highlight color
3) grab the drawable from the Android resources folder and color it in Photoshop
4) idklol
I can probably figure out 2, and can probably live 4 heh
ty for the rest :)
hey could you do me one last favor, could you give me colorized resources for that?
sweet thanks
What colors?
actually I need what they were referring to texthighlight color way easy
Oh hang
ff8800 also, one sec before you do that lemme ask you something on this screenshot..
look at those little vice like things around the text selection
are those resources too?
Oh, I think I remember reading where you could change those before!
like when you select text? I'm wondering if I could have those colored the same too...i'd have to figure...oh really, sweet
Shit shit shit not finding it now. I swear I'm not crazy (at least for this...)
they should have at least had everything you need for the 5 sort of main colors from developer.android.com/design/style/color.html
Here's an orange one -- I've actually gotta run for now. Good luck with it. :D
OK, sweet hank you
have a great holiday if I don't see ya
Yeah same to you! I'll probably be on now and then :P
You've got my email too if you want the PSD for that
right on, see you soon, peace bro
Photoshop Document
don't know if you have photoshop
I can probably open it in gimp
Probably so. If not, you can just open the PNG in GIMP and recolor it, I'm sure
It's a pretty basic graphic
k, now leaving haha, see ya
yah, is that stuff from the design site you can download?
kk c u :)
can't open psd in gimp
but you can open the png in there and change the color if need be
<3 gimp
even though I own photoshop now I still prefer gimp for most things
2 hours later…
@Geeks as for 2), looks like in your SDK folder under Platforms > android-14 > data > res > drawable > list_selector_holo_dark.xml and list_selector_holo_light.xml, you should just copy those and all the associated drawables referenced inside them, color them to orange instead of blue, and use those. Should keep it consistent that way.
@iturki you have write access. I'm taking @nil's place for now and recommending that you read the rules in the room description, and hire a skywriter to emblazon them across the clear blue sky.
That's way too positive.
Rules must be balanced with eldritch horror.
I'm not as talented a wordsmith as you.
You cheated by being an English major.
Dear god this list got long. I'm about to just mass reject everyone and have them start over.
Mostly because I'm lazy.
That's what I usually do.
@Dino @Sina You're the last lucky winners for the night. Burn the rules into your retina with a tiny laser so you're always reminded of them.
I'll start with rejecting all the generic avatars.
There's no API for the access list is there? I assume probably not.
Interesting. Clicking "View Page Source" in the access list crashes Chrome. Every time.
Well, locks it up anyway.
@RichardWaite Welcome aboard. Insert witty comment regarding the necessity of your reading and obeying the rules over there. --->
Oooo Dark Souls for $22 on the PS3.
I haven't used my PS3 in forever. It's literally covered in dust in a corner.
I don't use mine because I don't normally buy console games
Fair enough. Part of me would like to get into PC gaming, but I actually like Xbox Live a good bit as a multiplayer platform. Outside of the obnoxious, screaming 12-year olds.
@mav you have write access. Rules are in another dimension. Find them.
I don't like xbox live just 'cause it costs monies
Yeah, that's a downside. I also dislike that to use Netflix or other streaming apps like that, you have to have a gold membership. That said, you can usually find a year for $30-35 if you shop around, which really isn't that bad.
Okay, just read your starred link (rasberrypi.org), wtf?
Some people are just batshit crazy.
Yes they are.
has managed to dislocate his knee cap and tear a ligament
A: how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android?

Dipak Keshariyatry this Please Write Following Code in your Broadcast Receiver Class:- public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { DBAdapter mDba; SQLiteDatabase mDb; Ringtone rt; MediaPlayer mp; AlertDialog.Builder alertbox; Context ctx; @Override public void...

only peice of code as answer.
good morning!
Oh reddit, you make my lol so much.
@RaghavSood Was that injury after jumping for joy upon completing your final exam?
So my boat threw a NullPointerException....
@glitch it happened while playing football :P
One more week...
Then this contract is done-ish
Will be a glorious day
And I'll never have to see this 700 line long class again
Damn 700 lines Lol
O.o *
It's a class that dynamically generates layouts for me
Kinda hard to make it small when there's so many corner cases
Yeah that makes sense then. O.o
good morning
ooo that got nexus 7s in stock at my local store again
maybe I'll give it another go at the screen lottery
crap, I am spacing right now, whats the name of that browser specific string that tells the web page what browser/OS is connecting?
user agent, there we are
Hey guys, as I told the guys around last night I found the most amazing tool for setting up your own custom themes. I mean it's a WOW THAT'S awesome tool, I'm going to post it following this, please star it so everyone can check it out. It's really amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if it's integrated into a future version of the ADT
Custom Android Theme Generator (Amazing Tool for Android UX design): jgilfelt.github.com/android-actionbarstylegenerator/…
please star that ^ @RaghavSood @FoamyGuy @forgivegod @Pyrodante
@CodeMonkeyAlx @Glitch @ProfSmiles @ProgrammerForNow (YOUR WELCOME!) :-)
that tool will change your life
that's what SHE said
Raise the shields!
@GeeksOnHugs You just went full spamtard there, didn't you..
no, this was a special case, this wasn't for my benefit
this is a game changing tool if people aren't aware of it
I think you mean if people are aware of it.
or for people who aren't aware, it will be a game changer
or that hehe
did you check it out Raghav?
On mobile. I'll check when I get my laptop back.
you just run through it, plop the generated files in your res directory, point your manifest at you new theme and wahla
Sounds cool
it's an offshoot project someone did based on something that google guy (who replied to my UX question) did...romain something I think?
Roman nurik, iirc
Dropping out for a bit.
kk c u bra
I has coffee
i've been addicted to it lately
Some french vanilla stuff or whatever I found at the store
It's kind of bland.
Jesus Christ this book is expected to ship in 1-3 weeks
I may have to buy the Kindle version just to read the stupid thing
yah, I like flavored coffee, depending...in Portland there was a discount store WinCo? Anyway they had like 30 different varieties so could get really good stuff, like dark chocolate cherry or caramel prailene
what book
I will never get a dead tree book again...I LOVE my e-books. I use Google Play books, Nook and Kindle
That. I need it for a class, the school's bookstore sold out, and I need one with real page numbers.
cool, I rarely read fiction these days
That's not fiction.
There are no ebook versions of it with real page numbers as far as I can see (Amazon would say if it did).
ohl, duh...I scanned it, missed memoir
my bad
you have to check all the places, that's why I use three
a lot of times only one place has it...like @RaghavSood's book I could only find on barnes and noble
Kindle is my last choice cause they don't have the page turney animation which is like totally crucial lol
I disable the page turn animation.
has there been any amazing epic sci fi in the last 5 or 10 years?
Google Books doesn't have it, also. Nook is pointless because I don't have one.
why? i totally love it, it's not the same without it
no, Nook App
I do it on my Nexus 7 with all the apps
I use an iPad because I like having tablet apps.
my apps are gonna be tablet optimized...in fact I develop for tablet first, I think they are far more important as a computing platform
B&N however hasn't provided one for the iPad and they're not doing real page numbers, so it's a waste of time.
so do you know about sci-fi? I need to find something fictional to enrich my life :P
I don't think I've found anything to top Diamond Age yet.
I read non-fiction 24x7 for the last many years
what's diamond age
It's more or less the most awesome scifi book ever.
is it like cyberpunk?
Sort of.
describing it as "set in 21st century" doesn't sound that intriguing since I'm set in the 21st century :P
reading the detailed description however sounds great, I'm going to give it a shot! :-)
I would recommend doing so.
I'll check on google play first...lets see...
I'll compare to B&N too, they have the best actual reader
is that cover an older edition on Play?
It's the one I have on the print copy.
same price, which edition should I get between those two?
play.google.com/store/books/details?id=CgeHW-geducC ← This is also good, but it is frustratingly detailed, which is typical of Stephenson nowadays.
I don't believe anything changed aside from the cover art.
I like dense, literary writing...like I like books from the 19th century where their writing is very erudite
OK, all things being equal I'll get the play version...thanks for the recommendation, I'll let you know how I like it :)
I mostly stick to realist/American renaissance era writers.
Far as I know, the cover changed only because the publisher changed. Random House now publishes it. Their new covers are pretty disappointing.
I'm not even sure what Penguin was doing there.
yah, I don't know what genres I'm refering to, but I like reading stuff by Aldus Huxley (of course he's 20th century) and currently am reading a book by HG Wells "A short history of the world" written like around the world war 1 era...and starts from the earliest knowledge of the unvierse at that time, formation of the cosmos, solar system, earth, life, evolution, etc....it's amazing how much they knew back then
I went ahead and commited instead of previewing, this way I'll make sure to give it a shot :)
it really sounds like it should be good and got good critical reviews
You know what, I think I'll leave my Amazon order going and run by Barnes and Noble today and see if they have a copy of the book I need
'Cause this is getting ridiculous
I love that they're open 'til 11pm.
Hi guys, Is it possible to get location without open application all the time?
Book stores in general are the best stores for stuff like that, 'cause they know they'll have jackasses like me who go in and read an entire book on the spot.
Wait... a book store?!
I love going to book stores
well, I actually haven't since I got into e-books
Yes, it's the thing you haven't been in since you were six, Glitch
the cloud was made for someone like me, I lose all my stuff by and by
Now you're pulling my leg.
when I was a kid in elementary school we had "book fairs" do they still do that?
I'm not sure, I remember then when I was in first and second grade
They'd also hand me magazines every now and then with tons of books in them
Parents never bought any because they were all horribly overpriced
yah I hate ordering stuff, when I want something physical I want it right when I decide I want it
that was by far the worst part of buying my Nexus devices though google was very fast with delivery
I like ordering stuff, especially because I can usually get it cheaper online, but ebooks aren't ready for academia and I need this quickly
yah, I thought the book fair was kinda bad, cause I remember seeing the poor kids didn't get any stuff
they should like let them select one book at least for free
We weren't necessarily poor - just around middle class-ish - but my parents never did much to try to live beyond what they felt was necessary. Except my dad, because he was the one supporting us all, so it seemed pretty fair that he was allowed to buy a fast car every now and then (ultimately trading it in later and getting back most of what he spent).
Spending money was basically something you always took time to consider before actually doing it.
Also, correction on an earlier thing I said: Nook is on the iPad.
@GeeksOnHugs I stared it and added it to book marks! Seems legit from what I saw. I love that Git now lets you do web-apps as well :D
@nil well growing up my parents were lower upper / upper middle class (dad makes like $250K/ yr now, not sure when I was a kid, he's a psychiatrist) but he was so cheap. I don't recall where I got money for stuff like that. Does Nook have the book you want?
@CodeMonkeyAlx was that in reference to the theme generator? Yah, it's totally legit
That's one chunky ActionBar
unfortunately it leaves a few niggling ends I'm having to tie down:
Q: ListView selection custom color

Geeks On HugsI've made my own custom theme but there are a few bits that the theme didn't color such as the ListView I'm working on so I'm doing those piece by piece. I've done my homework with this and know about creating the drawable background selector XML file, but it's not working right. Further I trie...

@Glitch how can I make it less chunky
Default holo themes use a transparent action bar and would look like this...one sec...
Don't define its size
I made a traditional holo theme with the only change being a orange hilight for my settings here:
Hmm, maybe it's a Nexus 7 thing
should I use that theme for my main view you think?
I didn't specify the size, it's the same size as every other action bar...just again, the standard Holo theme has a transparent action bar as seen in the second screenie above
brb smoke
Yeah, just looks massive on the N7
Nook has the book, but again, it's useless due to a lack of real page numbers.
Cool they are working on making an anime exchange~! :D
why u need page # @nil?
Q: Circular Buttons Group View

iturkiThis is a snapshot from an app called "Noom Weight Loss Coach": I was stunned by this circular view in this app. It can have some buttons (six in this snapshot but they can be more or less) and they can be rotated and have different colors. I have a couple of questions: Is there an existing...

I wonder why there is no such view!
@GeeksOnHugs Because I'm using it for class.
Again, ebooks are not ready for academia. Or academia is not ready for ebooks. I'm more inclined to believe the latter.
oh I see...that sucks...the school could adapt though and include print page # and description for e-book users like "Chapter 2, second to last paragraph or chapter 3, paragraph begining as "She walked into the room," and the like
They could, but it doesn't help me when I have to provide page numbers for stuff.
@CodeMonkeyAlx I like some anime, do you like the animatrix?
Oh for citations?
I watch way too much anime...
Citations, more or less.
yah, maybe you could do something similar, I dunno. But I see what you mean
I like anything really. Typically Romantic comedy and action xD
animatrix was pretty good...
Monster is an excellent anime.
yah, I like a lot of anime, but there's stuff straight off the boat from japan that is too weird for me lol
There are plenty of shows I hate, especially the ones that're supposed to be basically plots that revolve around situations where breasts should defy gravity.
@GeeksOnHugs Strait off the boat... we watch stuff on G+ that is strait off the TV almost... it airs and with 24 hours there is a fan sub for it.
"And thanks for your help, gave you a +1, will accept if the above issue can be resolved" ← Y'know, I'm really, really sick of people who do this in questions.
It's basically saying "yes, your answer is correct and answered the question, BUT NOW I HAVE A NEW QUESTION, NO ACCEPT 4 U"
Yay, nearly 1800 rep.
I hate people who just ask questions, but never even think about helping others with their problem
+ people with 0% accept rate...
I don't care about accept rate, I just don't like people who try to turn one question into another.
Lol Nil! Xd
accept rate doesn't bother me either
at least the answer is there for others (and me) to find in the future
hooray, screen looks good on new N7
What does this guys stupid ass queston get 21 votes... The same question on SO would get -5 or -10 and closed or deleted. This is not wel constructed and thought of, it is debatable and will lead to different opinions... programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/154193/…
Wait what
@Glitch +1 hehe
Question for published developers: Can my Google Play listing name be different than my App name?
@Merlin when you said that it is different on SE is that what you meant
@ChrisOkyen programmers.se is more for open-ended questions.
oh he is afk
Anyway, off to the bookstore.
I do so hate driving.
I don't want?]
So I wanna come up with a name to make my app stand out with all the checklist apps, it's currently called "Know Ur Stuff!" what do you think? Do a search for checklist apps and tons of them, even several just called "Checklist". I'm thinking calling my app "Holo Checklist" with the google play listing being "Stock Android Holo Checklist" as I followed the Design guidelines in designing it
Hmm... "Kram eht list"
I wouldn't call it Stock Android Holo Checklist...way too wordy. What are you, Microsoft? ;)
Microsoft office 10 redistribute thirty-five version two
Microsoft Windows Live Office 2010 - Professional Starter Edition x64
iDontGiveaPhuck <-- Mac way
Office <-- Linux
All of their good names they get rid of.
Zune, Metro
I had another one and totally forgot it while I was typing.
OK last one, but this is too funnny...
lemme try again...
@GeeksOnHugs @nil I was in a live hangout a while ago and the topic of Michael Jordan came up and about how he is in everything so we started coming up and anime names with Jordan in there some where. Good times.
Who said a quote that "the more someone gets into or talks about there opinon about politics, the more arrogant and egotistacal they get" to batch the exact quote...
@CodeMonkeyAlx nice you should have invited me
@kcoppock try the link?
It was before I knew you lol... if your not doing anything I can add you to the hangout I'm in.
The best
i can't at the moment, coding today
hehe :)
Back due to a slight emergency
poop emergency?
Yep. Nearly shit myself.
haha, been there :P
I'm gonna blame the coffee I had earlier.
Here is the list: plus.google.com/115488678018255898424/posts/VazuKP6DuHU Its not me though xD a friend of mine.
Anywho, now it's time to try to find Barnes and Noble.. I will probably get lost doing this even though I know exactly where it is and how to get there.
but I would classify that as a full blown emergency (no pun intended)
Yeah, coffee'll do that
Android = Navigation
After all, I managed to get lost and end up in another city while trying to go to the grocery store that was 15 minutes away by foot. >_>
That sounds like something I would do.
Was driving back from Chattanooga one time and ended up going 2 hours north instead of south...
kcoppock and I are mothers from another brother. Which is disturbing and physiologically anomalous, but it's the thought that counts.
That is fairly disturbing worded that way.
Fears for you people some times
I've never even met my child.
I didn't even know I had one.
Part of being an English major is to always, always pick the option that is either disturbing or funny.
Anyway, yes, book store, must go, seriously need to stop putting that off.
Haha okay see ya
Don't get too lost.
@nil is it immature in your opinion to write fiction to have your childhood creativity and create a world that doesn't exist..?
Is it a psychological sign of rejection of the real world?
The reason I ask, is becuase I wanted to write a non fiction story.
@kcoppock oh I just caught your response...well what do you think? I want to stand out and I know that if I were looking I would totally look for the holo look
What if I keep it as "Know Ur Stuff!" but then for my Play store listing I have "Know Ur Stuff! - Holo Themed Checklist"
pastebin.com/Rrtg1scm is this okay for programmers.stackexchange or is cs.stackexchange better?
@kcoppock BTW so far I've got the checklist highlight changed, the contextual action bar, the text highlight...all I have left is checkbox, textbox underline and those little text selection carrot thingys
maybe the "next" button the stock keyboard if that's possible, probably not
and I was able to change a lot of those colors by modifying the theme itself, so as awesome as that builder is, they could improve it and make it more of a one stop themer
oh he's not here ROFL
talks to himself in the corner
@GeeksOnHugs wasup?
It's okay I'm taking off for a while myself..
And back.
@ChrisOkyen I'm a writer, I'm inherently biased towards saying writing is fine.
Also picked up a copy of Infinite Jest at the book store while I was at it, since I'd been meaning to get it for a while now
It's just a shame that books are more expensive when you buy them from a store.. though the price kind of evens out after you factor in shipping.
@ChrisOkyen cs.stackexchange
@Geeks Your call, I'd just keep the title relatively simple, and maybe just put "Holo Checklist" instead of "Holo-Themed". I did the same thing with Holoku for now (added Holo Sudoku to the title) just so that people know what it is offhand, and hopefully it improves search results, but if it ends up taking off I'll probably just simplify it to "Holoku".
You could go the cheesy Web 2.0 route and call it Checklistr. (Don't really do that) :P
disappears again
hah thanks man! :-)
@nil !!!
i gotta show you something...google play books do what you want lemme show one sec...
Note the menu item "Original Pages" CLICK then...
you get original scans of the book, with of course page numbers and everything @nil
I had known that, I didn't think of it when you were saying it. I love reading really old books (the ones that are usually free) on it, and looking at the actual scans, like there are like 100 year old books from the harvard library with handwritten notes and stuff like that, maybe like library check in stuff from 1918 or something, it's cool
@kcoppock So are you saying name it Holo Checklist or keep it as Know Ur Stuff but with that added to the play store listing "Know Ur Stuff! Holo Checklist" ...again or name it "Holo Checklist"
1 hour later…
That would work if Google Play had any of the books I needed.
Which they don't.

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