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6:00 PM
my entire department has a random impromptu meeting with the CEO titled "News" starting right now
wish me luck
But that does bring up a bigger problem, that's what I meant.
I believe it's a subset
It's part of the problem
Yes. But you can't defend the OCSP issue by saying that the world has a privacy issue.
The OCSP isn't a problem imo. At least not in the way they are saying it is.
@JBis It's not a problem by itself
Idk why I pinged you, sorry lol
It's not part of the privacy problem at all, imo
@Mauker np ;)
@JBis You're welcome! :D
@JBis But here's the thing. Gathering app usage behavior, sending it over plain text, is one way of identifying someone
6:03 PM
Nothing frustrates me more than people who don't know tech talking about tech and fearmongering people. Journalists do this all the time and its super frustrating.
It can be used to refine your user profile even further
@Mauker dude, same shit is done with all https websites
@JBis They do talk a lot of technobabble
Louis's thumbnail is "WE SEE EVERYTHING"
Yeah, he is overeacting
But I'm not defending that
What am I saying is: This is getting "worse"
It's one of those actions that companies make to monetize us
And I do feel uncomfortable with that
Cause I can't even opt out
6:06 PM
@Mauker DNS is sent in planetext, and even with DoH things like SNI (which is yet to be solved) allows anyone to see what website you are accessing
@Mauker You can. And soon you can with a GUI.
But yes, the inability for average users to turn it off is an issue. I agree.
@JBis As of now you can't. They said it'll be added later on
He's wrong
cause he doesn't know jack shit
I'm not talking about louis
I'm talking about Apple
oh well apple is wrong too
you can do it, just not through the GUI
Apple said they'll add the opt-out thing later
unless it's the GUI they're talking about, so yeah
6:07 PM
you can simply block the host
I guess we were talking about the same thing
@JBis Doesn't that make your apps stop working? Now it's something I really don't know and that he mentioned
I mean
why were the apps breaking?
@JBis Raghav, is that you?
If it's not you have to add the trademark symbol
Apple just has shitty software. Basically the HTTP request goes out. If the request fails then it just opens the app. If it gets a success response then it opens. If it sends a request and it just doesnt receive a response it waits...and waits....and waits. When the server went down, it sent a request out and was waiting for a response.
@Mauker lol
I think I'm gonna write an article about some of this.
@JBis that's a crappy way of handling the request wow
@JBis Do it!
It was enlightening to talk about it with you, really
Thank you
6:12 PM
I might be in trouble LOL
we'll see
When aren't you in trouble BB?
@Mauker <3
And now you can't even give the finger to your troubles, since you cut it off...
"All hands company wide meeting, subject: News, topic: BB is fired"
Maybe it's "New", but plural and they are just announcing a bunch of new things
6:14 PM
We have a new member to replace him already
He's wearing clothes
does that mean bb has been naked this entire time?
That's why he got hired
how demoralizing would it be to have the entire company called to meet, just to witness you being fired
6:15 PM
Dave, think of the kids!
true, bb will be able to hurt a lot less kids now with limited access to cash
And less fingers
what finger cut off thing did I miss?
BB cut his finger a while back, it was pretty bad
and you also lost BB hand reveal
it was sexy
Idk why the image went twice lol
6:19 PM
haha I'm not fired
News was to announce that we're getting a CIO and his first order of business will be looking heavily into what we do
and like 50% of my time is spent doing nothing these days
time to clear that browsing history
@ballBreaker ough this brings back tough memories
Here's the hand
Sorry bb I doxxed your hand
$50 for a pic of the other hand or foot
@Mauker I have that carpet!
6:21 PM
@ballBreaker Already looking for new sources of income, like a true entrepreneur
hahaha yeah
my boss is getting a boss, basically, and IDK how that's going to pan out
damn, we're gonna loose bb to "work"
@ballBreaker Kill him before he does it
I'll just be optimistic about it for now lol maybe I'll get more exciting work
steal his keys and pour thousands of crabs in his car
6:23 PM
@JBis Ohhh, close and personal, bring the family to the fight
I'm hoping he goes the route of "oh you're underutilized, let's get you on more projects" and not "oh you can be replaced easily" haha
gotta ramp up the nonsense
BB left hand reveal!
fake news
6:25 PM
Oh dang, gimme my $50 back
photoshop challange: who can remove bb's hand from the pic
I can't remove it, but I do have a picture of his true hand!
Let me show you
one second
user image
@DaveS Why yout pinky toe doesn't have a nail on it?
that's @ballBreaker's toe Raymond, ask him
6:34 PM
Nah I don't care then
lmfao mauker
that's hilarious
lmao raymond why are you zooming in on my feet
I thought it was Dave's feet
that doesn't make me feel any better
sorry Dave S's feet
Cause he's in love with Dave
6:37 PM
@Mauker In your head... WTH does the pinky toes have to do with love?
Oh it's just sex then?
I have no words
Feet photo pack
what do you think?
pretty good!
6:38 PM
Nope, the zoom is not as good
you're too picky
i took a screenshot of photoshop cause i was too lazy to export
New Photoshop challange: remove bb's shorts
You should've taken a picture of your screenshot, and then screenshotted it on your phone before sharing it
I think you misunderstand the point of photoshop
you're supposed to misinterpret the request
not fulfill it
He's getting there
6:40 PM
nice, not bad
little do you guys know, my right foot is actually a stub
Plot twist
plot twist, he has 8 feet
Nobody want's to see my feet :(
@RaymondArteaga Show us what you got froggy
6:43 PM
@Mauker Don't be kinky -_-
go to horny jail
i feel bad for the last 30 when he realized he forgot to hit the record button
6:54 PM
@DaveS worth watching
hmm so I was originally hired at this company for a massive project to overhaul our technology stack.. I was included in the projects heavily for the first while, but since the work started by our vendor I got sidelined REAL quick and stopped being invited to meetings
how should I go about approaching asking my COO to be put back on these meetings, I asked my manager a few times.. Im not sure how to ask to be put back on without throwing myself under the bus and making it seem like I've had little work for the past while
Say you have a desire to contribute more
That you're up for new challenges and want to do more for them
That's good! you're probably going to be promoted to client!
yeah I mean, I asked my boss multiple times to be put back on the discussions so at least I tried there
@ballBreaker are you gonna be perceived as going over your bosses head tho?
like if you ask the COO
6:58 PM
Yeah that could happen
yeah that's why I haven't done it as of yet
my older coworker keeps suggesting to go over his head, but she was at the company before my boss started, so it's a bit of a weird thing
i'm in today
what happened shoot!
@DaveS wow part 1.. this guy is my spirit animal so far
7:06 PM
lol surprised you haven't read it before
@DaveS damn sounds so similar almost as if crabs was the one who wrote it
@DaveS wow nice
@ballBreaker is it your fault you had little work?
or theirs?
if you don't make an effort to find work when you have nothing to do, most employers will look down on that
so it's a matter of making a good case he tried to find work
7:18 PM
Ah I see
Finding yourself work just means working in the production db and mess things up
hmm where do you find the no of test done and active cases?
the jhu dashboard is kinda useless without these info
@MwBakker both
I haven't been given adequate work to fill my day (their fault)
But I also haven't made a fuss about it or ask as much as I could have for more (my fault)
but there's been about 50% of effort on both sides of that equation, so equal blame
now is when you throw your boss under the bus and make a play for his job
"this guy just refused to give me more work, maybe because he didn't have enough to do himself, maybe you should consolidate the roles, I think I could handle it with a raise"
then it backfires and you get fired
7:30 PM
twitter legit just copied snapchat and instagram and facebook
at what point Jbis?
those apps are all circle jerking each other's features
@DaveS hahahaha, man I'd hate to have his job
he's so busy, I think he works like 70 hour weeks
basically yeah
@ballBreaker that simultaneously makes no sense, but i get exactly what you are saying
ok new idea: an app that combines your feed from all platforms
that's not a new idea
haha yeah that used to be pre built into phones IIRC
a while back
and there are def websites that do that
7:37 PM
ok new idea: a cart powered by some sort of machine that turns some round discs that keep you elevated above the ground, allowing you to travel faster than by foot
like a horse drawn carriage but no horses?
sounds like satan's work to me
now lets go build a barn
only if you let me take your sister to the harvest dance
I'm gonna send that to your wife dave
7:40 PM
do it
I'll bring it to the pool party, watch me
you should really review AZ gun laws before you show up on my property
haha, you're too liberal to own a gun
I own a semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun
and my gramps .22 rifle
now I really want jbis to join
7:43 PM
join what?
@DaveS that's a badass gun to own haha
lol also my gramps
but I do know how to shoot them
nothing screams get the fuck out of my house like a semi auto shotty
yeah for sure
dave do you hunt at all?
7:46 PM
"I will literally destroy my house in order to kill you!" BAM BAM BAM BAMBAM
not in a long time
but I did in my teens
same Dave
i've never hunted, sounds fun but i dont want to hurt the animals :(
7:47 PM
@JBis the pool party
then don't eat meat
I'd rather be a wild animal shot from hunting than a factory cow
nah, i just dont want to be the one doing the hurting
same difference
@DaveS fair point
i guess its not that bad
or maybe i'll pull a chaney and shoot someone
@DaveS and @ballBreaker what'd you hunt?
quail, rabbit, javelina and if you count fishing, northern pike, walleye and large/small mouth bass
7:54 PM
did you eat it? was it good?
yeah it was good. Javelina is a bit tough but good. Quail I really liked, kinda like an alternative flavor chicken
I miss fishing the most, hunting was okay but boring
didn't eat the rabbits
I killed a deer
@DaveS what did you do with it?
7:56 PM
never hit one lol
was kinda fun skinning it, gutting it, slicing it up, etc and then eating it, I think I prefer doing all of that over eating something from the grocery store, but it's also impractical for one person not feeding a family
oh lol
rabbits were me as a kid while my dad hunted the quail
I got some rabbits using snares back in the day but never shot one
I think I was empathically delayed as a kid though I didn't feel bad about that kind of stuff for a long time
or maybe just autistic, whichever LOL
I just disassociate when it's time to kill/clean
7:58 PM
bb the psychopath
we need to eat, it's nature and meat is an important part of our diet
yeah big time
but I used to just kill stuff for fun
as a kid
yeah I never graduated beyond ants there
bb legit a psychopath
but I've also heard a lot of stories of people doing that so idk if it's normal behaviour or not
7:59 PM
its not and you are a psychopath
although me and my sister did chuck toads at the ground progressively harder until one died
like tossing frogs as high as you can into the air and shit I'd feel genuinely horrible about now
haha dave
yeah that kind of stuff
we stopped when it died though
it was fun when they just hopped away unfazed
maybe it was just playing dead
y'all are fucked up
8:00 PM
me and my friend in like grade 5 or 6, went on an animal hunt and walked around his property with an axe each and just went to town on anything we saw, mostly snakes and stuff
that's what happens when boomers raise you
I look back on that sometimes and wonder wtf was wrong with me
it's actually known psychology that kids have delayed empathy
particularly in boys
yeah was gunna say, definitely in boys
like my daughter is sweet but not because of empathy
but because we teach her to be
on multiple occasions she's shoved/kicked her sister for fun
8:01 PM
@JBis haha yeah we know
and we have to put her in timeout or chastise her
yeah true lol
kids are really cruel so that adds up
and you guys called me messed up for not supporting free medicare
while we got toad throwers left and right
haha well you're not like 10 years old
yeah I wasn't even in middle school when I did that
8:03 PM
yeah that was elementary for me
i've never heard of this phenomenon in people other than psychopaths
I heard stories from my friends parents and stuff of them blowing frogs up with fire crackers and making custom guillotines for frogs and stuff so I guess it was somewhat normalized for me, maybe?
yes, psychopathy is hereditary
my dad was similar from his stories, that it was something he did when young but grew out of
idk man, I was never cruel to pets and I think that's a massive distinction for that kind of classification
and in my defense it was almost exclusively reptiles and fish
yeah there's a line between frogs that are literally infesting the grass vs your cat
8:05 PM
> Serial killers often torture or kill small animals from an early age, and men who commit child abuse or domestic violence very frequently harm household pets as well
and there's a difference between curiosity/play that goes too far and doing it for pleasure
pyschopaths don't get pleasure out of it, they just dont give shit
my frog story started when we were catching frogs and it hopped out way up high
and it was fine
so we started to see how far you could drop a frog
lol yeah after the little axe incident me and my friend were kind of like "woah that was fucked up, did we really just do that?" and then never spoke about it again and I never intentionally harmed an animal again after idk
and we continued down that line until one died/got injured
8:07 PM
I def have some psychopath tendencies though
yeah I think that's common dave
meh alright
some curiosity/exploration gone a little too far
i guess if you realized it was wrong and felt bad thats the difference
yeah I eventually realized it was screwed up, it's just weird looking back on it now and being like damn I had zero empathy for it for a long time
as long as it was something that I thought couldn't really think or have emotions lol
yeah I'm trying early to squash those thoughts with my daughter
she says "I want to crush it" when she sees bugs outside because we kill them sometimes in the house
and I tell her that outside is where bugs live and to leave them alone
8:10 PM
hahah what a horrifying description of something not that bad
welp, dave's daughter is Annabelle confirmed
lol she's also really sweet, a student intern emailed my wife about how my daughter convinced her to stop cutting herself because rachel saw the scars and said "aww you got hurt, let me kiss it"
they are little sponges just exploring without much thought behind why
yea...she was sucking the blood
they mimic and explore
shes a vampire too it seems
can you see her in the mirror?
8:13 PM
says the guy who wants people to die because they can't afford inflated insulin prices
@DaveS that's so wholesome but so dark haha
lol yeah
the intern probably had quite the existential crisis after that one
yeah it was a sweet/sad email
@DaveS idgf about people, i just like animals
8:14 PM
people are animals
some like something a psychopath would say
@DaveS which is why they belong in cages, like trump has done
haha jesus
some nice dark humour
8:16 PM
waiting for the editing threshold to pass so I can star that so it gets reported
I've 100% done that before
grrr i got so much hw i dont want to do
time to go hunt some frogs
well if you wait until the last minute to do it, it only takes a minute to do
can i put that for my senior quote?
8:21 PM
you whats a really good quote?
"you whats a really good quote?" - JBis
> The truth is like poetry-- And most people fucking hate poetry
I'd say the truth is more like a prostate exam
bit uncomfortable and painful in the moment, but you'll look back at it fondly
I had a bunch of worse variations on that, but I'll stick with this version
I'm not going down this road
8:28 PM
probably for the best
I think this is one of my favourite quotes jbis
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather." - Bill Hicks
one of my favorites:
"Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat? Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend and maybe someday that will happen," - Donald Trump
that's a good one
Also this one
"Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?" - Some Kid on the Internet
that one is also great
there is an amazing song that uses that as a clip and it's great
I always struggle to find it though let me see if I can
!stars ballBreaker
8:37 PM
Unknown command '!start ballBreaker'
 User       | Message (341)                                    | Stars (843)
 ballBreake | Has anyone seen MwB since he took that hitchhike | 12
 ballBreake | I'm sure your mom and dad feel that way all the  | 11
 ballBreake | @TaseerAhmad Aids has been around longer than yo | 9
nice I think I found it
hahah nice I did
tried to find a trimmed version the original was a bit too long to get to the bit
the bit around 2:45 always gets me gooooooood
also nice, 843 stars, not too shabby
!stars Dave S
 User   | Message (1512)                                   | Stars (3828)
 Dave S | so we found out yesterday, baby #2 is on the way | 22
 Dave S | -image-                                          | 13
 Dave S | Star this so we remember to make fun of Tristan  | 13
nice we have a similar ratio
8:52 PM
yeah but I have 4x the seniority
ok boomer
I'll just have to be consistently great
shouldn't be a problem for me
I'll replace you one day, old man!
also did you listen to that song i posted because you should, if you don't listen to the whole thing skip to 2:15

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