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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I love cooking
@Mauker How much does one of those steaks cost?
I bet like 10 of the 4 million people who watched that actually cooked it.
come to ny, we got the best steak
yea.... no steak is worth $1800 lol
I'm cooking flant steak now
oh, I didn't notice the typo
Yeah, flank
Doesn't matter what its called. I'd ruin it.
Marinated in black beer
80 minutes in the oven
damn it, stop showing me things that look delicious. Now I'm going to have to go eat something that wont taste anywhere near that good.
I do have beer though. I could marinate some I duno, spaghetti and bananas in an IPA.
never tried that
but you can marinate chicken breast
and put it on the frying pan
My point was that I don't have anything remarkable. Not even chicken.
I'm sorry :(
Marinate some netpork
Haha I have plenty of food, but I'm lazy and none of it is remarkable.
today i learned: browsers have a hard time simultaneously uploading and downloading 17 megabytes and rendering that to a canvas all 30 times per second
the more you know
Anyone here is familiar with AlarmManager?
why did it go twice? lol
2 hours later…
@ballBreaker Nah. I've spent too much on games lately. And I want to buy doom eternal lmao
1 hour later…
Or night lmao
Going to sleep, but I'm leaving this before I go (plz help)
Q: AlarmManager set as PM firing at AM time

MaukerThe problem I'm using Android's AlarmManager to fire a notification on my app periodically based on a time set by the user on a settings screen. I've followed the documentation to implement that. It's done like the snippet below: fun setDailyAlarm(time: Calendar, id: Int) { val cal = Calend...

2 hours later…
Online since 01-04-2020 07:21 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
us is quite worrying today
their exponentiality is...
I don't even laugh or cry...
it's just emotionless 'oh well'
@CptEric I've been playing with this everyday since you shared it, it's so satisfying :D
you're welcome
a team from the VdH hospital fully sequenced two recovered patient's strain, making it easy to develop a vaccine
1 hour later…
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Apr 2 '19 at 8:00, by MwBakker
user image
@CptEric they talked about this yesterday. It's positive news but temporary. The anti-fibers(?) they obtain have a half time is what the head of a hospital told us
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
Github and AS is making me mad
Everytime I do an initial commit, github says that it was commited by my long gone deleted account
Online since 01-04-2020 11:19 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
@Taseer your git config is wrong
do a
git config --global --list
and check your user.email and user.name
Yep, it shows the older name
So, I just update this global to current one?
You need to change your name to the one on the git config
Best get to court sharpish
@Taseer there is a global and and per project
avoid using global one
I disagree
That's how you get multiple identity disorders
i prefer local one because im working on like a 5 different projects for 5 different companies
with 5 different accounts
If they can't accept you as you are, they don't deserve sharded-Ivan
are you on drugs?
thats true
@Taseer always
vishal raghav requested access. Rep: 27 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 2 (ratio 4:1.6)
thats how i roll
@vishalraghav you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
@vishalraghav you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
@IvanMilisavljevic how do I setup the local one?
@Taseer in your git dir
git config user.email "emai"
Thank you! Fixed
are you still stuck in SG @raghav?
all good?
Still computing
posted on April 01, 2020 by CommonsWare

I am running a weekly email newsletter about Jetpack Compose. You can find the latest issue and archives at jetc.dev. It’s your typical “roundup of new resources” newsletter, with a little bit of personal flair. New issues should come out on Tuesdays.

@RaghavSood đź‘Ś
@Taseer In case you didn't know, you can also use [email protected] so your real email address isn't public.
Nice, I did not know about that
I feel like they should require that by default honestly. It's kind of a security flaw to even allow user's email addresses to be public.
Emails aren't really private information, though
Well, I'm not say its completely disastrous, but it certainly makes certain things like phishing/social engineering easier.
what was that site where you could find android code?
@grrigore take your award for the best question of the year XD
source code xD
@RaghavSood I think you're missing my point. If you're not worried, great, make your email public but forcing millions of users all to make their email public by default is undoubtably resulting is something bad for someone.
@grrigore github
but thank you :D
you could search classes
and stuff
@twiz But what if I'm the guy who wants that something bad to happen to a lot of people?
Then hopefully you don't work for Github.
@grrigore You can provide a set of instructions to Raghav and Raghav would generate a result. However, 95% chance of getting 'No.' result, 5% chance of an actual result
but again, I just got it from the first google result :P
is not that one
Google "Android API spec"? lol
Brave's adblocker apparently completely breaks that site.
TheTiger requested access. Rep: 12202 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 333 (ratio 4:166.5)
@TheTiger welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Lol I don't understand how anyone has that few questions.
Stats for Raghav Sood -- Rep: 76054 - Questions: 14 - Answers: 1441 (ratio 4:411.7)
fight me
Anyone implemented the pay with paypal using braintree vault recently ?
@twiz someone who uses search engines extensively? :D
Stats for grrigore -- Rep: 1000 - Questions: 12 - Answers: 25 (ratio 4:8.3)
1000 baby
I win
@TheTiger You might want to pay some more attention to the rules
@Mehdi I always manage to find really obscure problems.
me 1 rag 0
@twiz that probably means you work on interesting / advanced or really new things
@Mehdi hmmmm maybe... I duno. For example, I end up with gems like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/59987097/…
Luckily I no longer need an answer, because I think it will likely remain a mystery forever.
All I did was submit an iOS app for review, but then I end up in a situation where I'm trying to figure out Chinese error messages. haha
hahaha, a few years ago when I was working on cool things, I'd find a post on a coderanch or some weird forum, but with no answer, it was depressing :D
@RaghavSood I'm not new to this site. And not asking for any link doc or code.
@TheTiger You are new to the room, reading the rules is non-negotiable.
Seriously, I don't understand what is wrong with people who post questions on crazy random websites instead of SO.
unless it was 2003 of course...
lol he left
I find it interesting and quite sad frankly to know that I was more intellectually stimulated during my first 4y of work :D
@TheTiger Its ok, when I joined I read through the rules like 3 times before I read the one rule that I needed to.
@Mehdi Of course. Things would have been new and interesting then.
@Mehdi Join me, in exchange for no pay, I can show you the u n k n o w n
@twiz tbh, that would be comforting but lying at the same time, looking back, that stuff was harder by my current standards :D
@RaghavSood hahaha I don't care much about the money at this stage tbh, I wanna get into something hard and new to me :D
That's the spirit
Hi, Sup
@twiz Specially non-english speaking people and then you have to translate,, hufff!
@CptEric Hey, since you recommended Ionic, do you think its good to use without all their paid stuff?
I figured I'd just try it out to see how it is. I'm not really sure what the deal is with their paid services though.
@Mehdi If you don't care about money, the solution is obvious. 🤷‍♂️
I don't care about money when my goal is to learn, obviously i still need money to pay my bills :D
hmmm well I suppose it depends on how much debt you have/how much savings you're willing to waste.
Savings are for people with retirement plans
Just work too much and die early
@RaghavSood married?
@RaghavSood Wouldn't you have a lot of savings then? lol
You don't have to work and get paid
Oh, "work", not "WORK work"
"quickly, assign me that jira task, I feel like I'm gonna starve starting tomorrow"
Just got news, army and cops surrounded a nearby village, found a women with corona virus, we had zero cases before in the area :(
@asim What country is that?
How is the Coronavirus situation there in general?
Much much better than other countries
Just one city had problems coz of covidiots they refused to stay home
haha I'm pretty sure like 50% of the people in the U.S. are covidiots.
Good to hear some countries are dealing better with it. There seems to be a ton a variation around the world.
Heya all o/
hey bb
ey dude
What does it say?
line1: DANGER line2:corona patients in the area, line3: entry prohibited, last line is cut
@asim so urdu has the same vocabulary as arabic?
Wow, they really are taking it seriously there.
@Mehdi urdu is mix of arabic and persian, some hindi so yes
I could read that even though there are a few added letters in the words
Here they would just be like "Well we're not going to bother testing you, but try to stay home I guess 🤷‍♂️"
I understand some basic arabic and persian
@twiz Maybe because we cant afford a massive outbreak
All shops even food related ones are ordered to be closed at 5:00 pm
Dear News Orgs, stop sending me one word answerable questions in notifications to get me to click on your article
morn people o/
@asim Do you mean economically?
@twiz yes
@JBis I don't understand how people can stand to have news apps installed...
@asim is corona nocturnal in pakistan or something?
@JBis ... this is a measure to force people to stay at home for a longer period of time
@JBis haha I find the time restrictions like that odd as well. It seems like it would just require people to crowd into stores during the few hours that its open.
@JBis Maybe because people are extremely social here specially at night, they sit in groups on shops or public area
oh so its the people who are nocturnal, gotcha
Lol that so strangely true.
I suppose that would be partly true in the U.S. too, but if you stop selling alcohol people wont go near each other anyway.
yea, my village is huge like a mini city, i bet at least 30% adults and upto 50% old people know me by name
There is actually an 11pm curfew where I'm at, but I have no idea what people would be doing at midnight when the bars are closed anyway.
@twiz No bars here, No one drinks (only like 0.1% do)
Yea, that's the complete opposite of the social culture here. haha
@twiz Yeah can you imagine getting notifications for shit trump said on a daily basis, kill me now
what's the best way to cancel a Job? but also continue the request when the activity goes on onPause
@ballBreaker I still don't understand why they do that. Like if he says something on twitter, there's a 99% chance that it is complete nonsense, but they still write up an article on it.
cancel and continue?
well yea
@twiz important to show how stupid he is, but yeah notifications get annoying
I mean I want the request to complete before it finishes
oh, a boolean named isPaused would do, just set it to true onPause and false on resume, then check if its true after completing task/request
@twiz yeah it's retarded
according to my phone i've gotten 126 news notifications from news app and cnn alone
+28 from finance
@JBis If someone hasn't figure that out yet, they're probably not going to.
where did the codemagic go?
|| calc 154/196
@JBis "0.7857142857142857"
which represents about 80% of my notifications
|| calc 22/7
@asim "3.142857142857143"
|| calc pi
@JBis "3.141592653589793"
different values
@asim he passed away, check stars for more information
very sad
@grrigore what kind of job?
@twiz fair point
@Taseer coroutine probably
yes, coroutine
so then maybe it'll convince someone to go out and vote
Is it one job to cancel or multiple?
Well it will convince me to not install their apps, that's all I know.
one job, Taseer
@JBis I just happened to come across this just now: washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/…
@JBis oh, its kinda hard to believe, we shared some good laughs, very sad
@twiz thats sad
@grrigore maybe try channels, tell job that i am paused and you can terminate yourself after doing your thing
i know it is
thank you
@asim lol that sounds like a threat.
@twiz haha true
@grrigore i have channel code handy, i can pastebin it if you want
I'll let you know asim thank you :)
@JBis It also seems that today Trump has suddenly gone from saying "we're doing a great job" to "you're all going to die".
What kind of drugs is that guy on...
shall we play the game 'WHO WILL TRUMP BLAME?'?
you guys like trevor noah? he makes good fun of trump
@JBis Obviously China and Hilary Clinton.
don't forget obama
speaking of obama, I haven't heard anything about him in a long time
wonder if he's still alive
he's annoyed
@asim There is no replacing Jon Stewart. I went to one of his stand-up shows though, which was really good.
i think he doesn't give a shit anymore
haha good for him, I wouldn't gaf either
whats kind of annoying is that trump will probably loose the election and we won't know if without corona he would have lost
2020 election was gonna be super big for answering the question if america realized how bad trump was and now its like a guarentee
if that makes sense
Trump is not my president
Really? His approval rating has been going up since Corona from what I've heard
@JBis I think you're underestimating how stupid his blind followers are. Although you may be right.
Also, speaking of nothing, I will go and tea bag some noobs, ciao
Many of his followers just cared about the economy and ignored everything else
nice, have fun tser
Right, but still his approval rating is going up
So I mean?
thats natural
Let's hope you're right?
any time something big happens presidents aproval rating goes up
Have fun with a biden presidency though lol going to be another weird one
@JBis True, although those people are also the people who will vote for the republican and not care who it is.
bush's was like 90% after 9/11
Update: army gone back, they cleared the area, only two people came positive
@twiz or just not vote
@JBis nah, they'll vote. Their money depends on it.
think about that, bush had a 90% aproval rating
I miss Bush
bush chaney that Dick was 10x worse than trump
he was funny
Wow, his word stumblings actually sound like the words of a genius relative to the average comment from Trump.
I hadn't realized how much my standards had lowered.
Honestly, I still feel like the Bush presidency was miles above trump lol
With the exception of the Iraq war, but hey, we might have another 5 years of trump so who knows
Bush seemed to have had his heart in the right place, but not full mental capacities and then Cheney did all the bad shit lol but idk
The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as Guantánamo, G-Bay, GTMO, and Gitmo (), which is on the coast of Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. Indefinite detention without trial and torture have led the operations of this camp to be considered a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International and a violation of Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution.The camp was established by US President George W. Bush's administration in 2002 during the War on Terror. Hi...
Probably going to be the same as a Biden presidency, that guy won't be able to be making decisions for himself
so we'll see who pulls the strings lol
Biden's VP might be a lot more important.
Or he'll just drop out due to health reasons.
he won't drop
Yeah they'll Weekend at Bernies the mf, anything so bernie doesnt get it lol
hahaha this is pretty funny
Also this is great
overfilling with sexual innuendo so maybe NSFW?
hey mauk!
Q: AlarmManager set as PM firing at AM time

MaukerThe problem I'm using Android's AlarmManager to fire a notification on my app periodically based on a time set by the user on a settings screen. I've followed the documentation to implement that. It's done like the snippet below: fun setDailyAlarm(time: Calendar, id: Int) { val cal = Calend...

Anyone here ever came across this problem?
(or at least, help raise the visibility)
You can use setExact() and on upon firing, again charge the alarm
I noticed whatsapp also uses pull with push(notifications) if you have muted groups
@Taseer Thought of doing that. But I wonder if it'll solve the issue. Idk, I'll give it a try
If you read the AlarmManager doc, it says in the red text:
> Beginning with API 19 (Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) alarm delivery is inexact
> applications which need strict delivery guarantees; see setWindow(int, long, long, android.app.PendingIntent) and setExact(int, long, android.app.PendingIntent)
Yeah, but the inexact delivery system means batching them
not changing PM to AM
it actually fired at 10 PM when the alarm was set to 10 AM
oh, well that sounds bad
Let's hope the setExact solves this
@twiz looks like the winners were announced today
in a not so shocking turn of events CDC and China won
@MwBakker need PC help
have you tried restarting?
@JBis lmao this is painful
Personally, I blame God
Aren't you an atheist?
I'm more in the don't know don't care camp
I think it might be called Agnostic idk
Yes, that is what I am
Designers have it easy, they just push their pen, it's the developers who have to go through misery
wow who wrote that quote Taseer?
it's so deep and inspiring
I have not even started yet
haha nice brb lunch
I am going to fetch some snacks too
@Jess sorry, you currently do not meet the requirements to join the room http://room-15.github.io/
@simonwambua, welcome! please start by reading the rules of the room: http://room-15.github.io/
Sorry for the delay I didn't see your requests until now
damn probably time for me to start owrking again
yes! my video conference idea worked
50% cpu ussage but we'll figure that out later
@JBis how many connections is that?
1 (one other person)
oh.. ha weird
...at 10fps
...with no audio
ha wtf are you doing that's so crazy?
Shouldn't the browser basically take care of all of that for you?
im not suing webrtc
i'm sending raw jpg images over websockets
Won't that be really difficult to scale?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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