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03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Good morning everyone. :)
, Thanks for follow up. :)
Seeing the post on SO. But didn't get any post yet. I will post the question in the end on SO.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
> Rewe liefeservice Your purchase comes on 4/1/2020 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.!
gods be praised
no more pasta and beans.
Online since 31-03-2020 07:21 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
i'm a bit 0h too, zucc.
Good morning!
morning everyone
@CptEric congrats for you xD. about two weeks that my wife is trying to order online but there is no availability.
echo $JAVA_HOME print the path to jdk bin
but java -version does not print the version. says command not found
trying to figure out whats wrong. i have added the path to environment variable
where did you set this variable, on your bashrc / bash_profile / zshrc or to the local terminal session?
i edited the /etc/enviroment
its not local cause i can close the terminal and start a new one then also it prints the path
what OS are you using?
ubuntu 18.04 LTS
echo $PATH
btw - the Java home shouldn't have the /bin/java
you'd usually add it to the Path as Raghav mentioned, export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
yes. i understand that. where did that come from. i have no idea.
i must have set the path some where
do a "cat ~/.bashrc"
echo $PATH
does not show java path
That looks like a very broken path
yes. let me check again
Normally, you have /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin at a minimum in there
yes strange enough if i close my terminal and open again it shows as above
echo $PATH
open your bashrc / bash_profile file
Just throw the OS out and get a new one
that would take a lot of time.
Sounds like someone didn't back up their configs
now i reset and restarted the system echo $PATH
i was able to finally get it right
edited .bashrc
switzerland invades new york, 1943 - Colorized
Switzerland is red with white cross
i didn't say it was properly colorized
also a red ship? bro.
that'd be a target
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Apr 1 '19 at 12:25, by Murat Karagöz
You could not visit her as a present
how is everyone doing?
fuck huawei
trying to stay sane
we minimised watching/reading news -- helps a lot, especially because kids are always around
any new activities you do to bear this situation?
Wrap - chicken, rice, chilli
I watch movies and read books
and get fat
I called my spanish ex parents in law, conversation lasted 2 hrs I understoof 70% ish
are you divorced?
are you pargenant?
@Mehdi no I am not, I dk how to call them
@grrigore lol what
@MwBakker not sure, but maybe: the parents of my ex-girlfriend?
I thought it had it's own term
in holland if you speak of the parents of your gf, they speak of father/mother in law
anyway they are at lockdown with military involded to hold people inside. Hope they will stay safe
@MwBakker honestly I don't know, I always thought that the "law" refers to the "legal" binding
it's also a social connotation
yeah spain is fucked up
where did they live?
In the provence of Almeria
Purchena is the town called, I'd love to go back there felt like a 2nd home and the people are the kindest
not a very hit region but quite remote in terms of infrastructure. hope they're ok
star this message if you want to win the lottery
facebook stuff ^
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AdamMc331 !!!!!!!!!
haps bdays bro
It is hoped you have a reasonably alright birthday, @AdamMc331.
Happy Birthday!
happy b-day dude
guys, I have an AutoCompleteTextView but I cannot manage to shot that cursor like in an EditText.. any suggestion?
Happy Birthday, @AdamMc331!
is this trump lol
@IvanMilisavljevic do you make that?
putting asside how disturbing it is, the photoshop job is really good
nope i found it on the interwebs
ah that weird place
but man is it disturbing
did anyone watch the docu-series on netflix "Tiger King"?
@JBis I think only the eyes and chin are trump. haha
I believe they photoshopped the guy from that docu series
in that case the skin tone is matched perfectly
Not really, it just looks normal, because his eyes are always that weird pasty white while the rest of his face is bright orange.
I wonder how much electricity would be saved worldwide if all UIs were using a "dark-mode".
75% on mobile devices using oled or amoled technology
and an increasing cost on eye surgeries / glasses.
It's worse for your eyes?
Happy birthday @AdamMc331
did you know you can search just about any word and it'll be a js framework?
JS roulette
althought it makes it easier to identify shapes or stuff, it increases astigmatism and eye fatigue
because the optical nerve washes the "frames" in search of content inside the dark.
> with a bright display (white background) the iris closes a bit more, decreasing the effect of the "deformed" lens; with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye.
and i am a dark mode user myself, but i notice this effect
I was wondering why my eyes were hurting so much since I started to browse Reddit for extended periods of time...
Maybe it was the dark mode, and not the trolls
Dark mode is (almost always) bad for your eyes (contrary to the public opinion)
That's of course, my well informed correct opinion...
My divorce from dark mode was not desired, but required...
@Nyakouai maybe, perhaps, it is because you have been spending too much time on a screen?
Not more than usual
what is usual
Already too much
darkmode or not I think the human is not meant to stare at screens too long anyway. Some regulations tell us we need a small break every 20 min I read somewhere
Like a 1 or 2 min break
We have nothing like that where I work. Nor at home. 10 to 12 hours daily I'd say, and still 10/10 for both eyes. I'm gonna go to retirement freaking blind tho
I take 20 min breaks every 1 min
@grrigore That's remote working for you! You go, man!
joking I usually don't take breaks
i like dark mode, i don't like black mode
@grrigore does r15 count as work? 🤔
i like grays and dark blues but i don't like when its all black
just a stupid joke jbis
imma delete if before something happens
oh I cannot delete it
something will happen
@grrigore 🏴
Is there any way to set restrictions on a lambda like suppose lambda2 can not exist without lambda1
LambdaA { LambdaB { } }
Like, I can not call LambdaB without first calling LambdaA
Something like this?
So appearantly I thought my phone sound was half broken, but it seemed like instead all the friends I called had busted microphones
@MwBakker take the hint
how you guys doin
@Mehdi ?
What is the hint about busted microphones
@Tim if you are bored I recommend Rainmain, very good movie
it is somewhat suspicious that all of your friends have busted microphones
^ :D
I watched half of rainman like 10 years ago and turned it off because it was so boring
I don't call that much, talked to 3 of them before I thought it was my phone
Ah wait, no I have to add I could ofc hear them still
@Tim hahaha, I watched it like 20y ago or something, and I hated it because there was no action scene :D
I now get it about the hint, wasn't the case they just had to talk louder and did. Never asked if their mic was halfbroken
you could have turned up your volume xD
it was at max
were you using the phone you bought on ebay?
Anyway since they changed phones my problem was gone
they all did?
@Mehdi no it was not
@Mehdi yes but not at the same time
@JBis you can have some flag karma here bro :D
or maybe he was calling from within the car he bought on ebay. Blocking the signal or something
ah yes, the race car with the faraday cage
the what and when
iirc it was a ford something 1980
faraday cage?
no idea what you mean
I only know one ford and it is a shelby gt40
@tim do you have that aluminium helmet photo? :D
of myself?
the one you share here from time to time when the discussion is about conspiracies and flat earth
say no more
while you wait,
Still no idea what Mehdi is talking about though
You ever have those dreams that you wake up from and need like an hour to decompress from the dream lol
@Tim hahahahhaa
@MwBakker just a sec
Oct 2 '18 at 11:36, by Tim Castelijns
user image
Perfect! XD
@ballBreaker LSD is not a good measure to pass quarantain time
Mwb that aluminum helmet is what I'm talking about
@Mehdi I get it, but I dk how that was relevant to a car or what car even
Anyway you guys ofc have seen Anchorman I suppose?
@MwBakker you probably studied that in physics in high school en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage. That was a joke
ah yes I know that, and with the 1980 car you meant my vehicle?
what's up nerds
my yoyo string broke and i'm too lazy to get a new one
Shame on you
they should make the corona virus cure open source so we can all work on it
issues tab for side effects
is there any chance that if I publish an app with latest libraries and face problem then I make again a release in downgraded version and for some specific devices it stills remain same, the update don't take place
there is Folding@Home
is that possible/
Thanks for the birthday pings everyone
yay my end of year exam was canceled for one of my classes but i still get credit
anyone know how to run emulator in non root mode
@JBis Welcome to Folding@Home : stats.foldingathome.org/os
you can dedicate your machine power to research protein folding that helps medical research like treatments against corona
oh cool
@WarrenFaith I wonder what the savings are by maintaining software to make that decentralized like that vs running it on AWS or something.
sorry it was too dumb
FYI - he will get the notif on SO even if it's deleted
Well then... I'm sure we can all look forward to him mocking JBis intelligence.
@twiz hahaha
How's everyone doing on this lovely tuesday
meh, you?
trying to catch up on homework before our semester ends in like a week lol
has anyone here mixed ram sticks from different brands?
same speed, but different brands
It's raining here for the first time in like a month. ha
maybe a long time ago
@Mehdi Not bad, weather is a little meh but I've had a productive day at my apartment in terms of cleaning, errands, etc
workwise.. not as productive lol
@Smarticles101 jeeze lol yeah I've tried not to think too much about how fucked up schools must be rn
@ballBreaker XD
@ballBreaker yeah we're all online rn. campus is completely shutdown so not sure how im gonna turn in textbooks. we did get a notice that we can choose to get a pass/fail grade instead of letter grade for classes
zoom is lying!
I managed to break everything in my code at the end of the day, so all the progress of the day poof
they do use web rtc
@Smarticles101 You don't have to buy your textbooks?
@Smarticles101 Do you have to choose that before seeing the grade? haha
@twiz we have the option to rent them from the school
that's nice, is it legal to photocopy them?
@ballBreaker i think we can see our grade first. they are sending out specific details soon
Textbooks are a textbook case of capitalistic greed.
@Mehdi probably not, but that doesn't stop people
yeah textbook prices are insane
yeah my uni made textbooks non mandatory AKA optional
as in nothing in the assignments/tests/etc could be based on anything from a textbook exclusively / force you to buy the textbook to complete the course
yeah for some classes textbooks are optional, but not all of them
yee was banned outright from my entire uni which was nice
that is really nice
@Smarticles101 yeah I can imagine, in uni we weren't forced to have textbooks, and we had the option to buy photocopied textbooks approved by the authors (not sure how they were incentivized) but students would buy the copies at like 15% of the price or something eliminating the need to copy them yourself
Yeah I think it was overall a good thing, helps a lot of international students as well
@Mehdi I'm guessing the publishers must make most of the money on textbooks for the authors to agree to that
@ballBreaker Lol did any of the profs even bother recommending any books then? There's literally no purpose to them other than to force students to waste money or to allow professors to be lazy.
Yeah they all still recommended them, there were tons of people getting them
(Friend request sent)
@ballBreaker you're probably right, I don't see another way for the authors to be incentivized otherwise :D
my privacy has been sexually assaulted
(also accepted your friend request :D)
Send me an enemy request. I'll accept.
Also that's a lie I don't see your invite
Ok, gimme your address
how I can run android emulator as unroot
wait, what?
psshhh I don't even know my address.
I thought you were talking about facebook
I'm out of it today
my address is f0:18:98:35:18:62
ddos hi
yeah ddos me. with my mac address
ipv6 i thought
Oh good, there's a Tornado watch.
we got those every now and then in arkansas
@Mauker You end up getting animal crossing?
On the plus side, I could probably have the entire grocery store to myself.
I never use incognito, but can you open incognito tabs inside a non-incognito window
Doesn't look like it
why would you?
I don't like having more than one window open if I don't need to
same goes with tabs lol
I'm really ocd about it
So if my notification isn't lying our beloved @AdamMc331 has his birthday today. Congratulations! Enjoy the day and, especially in those times: stay healthy!
posted on March 31, 2020 by Neal Eckard

Android Studio 3.6.2 is now available in the Stable channel. If you already have an Android Studio build on the Stable channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download here. This minor release includes the following changes: Android Gradle PluginIssue #143402226: Paths

How are you doing @WarrenFaith?
I do this bad thing where I'll open tons of tabs and not close them for hours. Then after having a million tabs open for a few days my Mac will complain about low memory space
Read in the news today that Germany's fatality rate is really low
@ballBreaker I almost always have multiple browser windows open so I can be logged into multiple accounts.
I am fighting between home office work and taking care of the kids
I am there with you
It is, because we measure it differently (for what ever reasons)
@Smarticles101 gross
we define a death by corona not as "someone infected died" but we are looking at the real reason. Like did he died because of breathing issues or organs malfunctions etc.
@twiz also gross
No clue about how they differentiate that in detail but that is what I heard
@ballBreaker ur gross
@Smarticles101 When I'm researching a problem I end up with a million tabs, but eventually I have so many I have no idea what any of them are and I just close all of them out of frustration. haha
@Smarticles101 ur mom likes gross people then
huh, ok. Well then I guess you're probably facing the same stats then.
@twiz yeah "Close all tabs to the right" is one of my favourite features lol
@ballBreaker normally irl my go to response is "my mom is dead" but idk how that would play out in a room of internet people
This and spotify are always furthest to the left
@ballBreaker hah I honestly never knew that was a thing.
Which is weird, because I do that in editors/IDEs all the time.
Well you're welcome, maybe I saved you some time in the future lol
yeah same here
@ballBreaker haha I do that also, except usually youtube instead of spotify.
i never have spotify open in web. i have the desktop app or i just use my phone
@Smarticles101 Is she?
@ballBreaker no
I'm sorry to hear that if so, and if not, I bet she died because she likes gross people
Crabs can kill you?
@twiz nice makes sense, and yeah @smart I cant DL the desktop app so I'm forced into it over work
hah twiz
@CarlAnderson we also made good preparations. We have, be default, 28k intensive care places in Germany and are currently adding around 50k more. So we are still low on infections, especially in older age groups, but still have good amount of intensive care places available
@ballBreaker yikes. group policy?
we are even importing people from Italy and France for treatment
@Smarticles101 So technically, I could install it because I'm the only person in my company with local admin, but yeah as a policy you're only allowed software on X list, but I can justify coding things - not as much spotify
at some point I said fuck it and downloaded spotify, and then they firewall banned spotify shortly after until enough people complained, so now I just.. don't take that risk
Web app is buggy, but not the worst thing ever
@ballBreaker where I worked over the summer, most of the developers had local admin so we could install whatever we needed for development
Well that's good!
The US is fucked
@Smarticles101 Yeah that's usually the case, was the same in my previous 2 employments.. I'm the only salaried dev here though
I am shocked (but not surprised) how Trump is dealing with that... or better said: not dealing with that
@ballBreaker that seems kinda nice, being the only salaried dev
beside the US I am "waiting" for the virus to hit the slums in different countries and regions where people live so damn close to each other... this will be a fucking genocide...
@Smarticles101 It has it's pros and cons for sure
heard that in South Africa the police is trying to educate people in the slums about keeping distance... nice try if they live with 5 people in a 12m^2 "flat"
fuck you zoom
after an hour of looking through minified source code i found my answer
@JBis it's minified source, what did you expect
SO has dark mode now?!
i'd expect myself to spend two hours and still not find anything
03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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