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2 hours later…
1 hour later…
weird question for this room but can you make IOS apps on windows?
Not easily
Would be easier to buy a second hand mac mini
good morning
2 hours later…
@RaghavSood, @Tim, @DaveS, @CaliFornia, @Mauker, @CptEric This is your weekly reminder of New Free Games on Epic Store!!!! x3
That's one useful reminder!
|| womper
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
Hi Morning
I was trying to pass Parcellable List<T> from activity to myCustomDialogFragment but am getting this error gist.github.com/elirehema/…
I'm new in kotlin
@geisterfurz007 do you want me to add you to the list??
Thanks but I don't have an Epic account :)
Makes me wonder if I should get one though...
i made one for the free games
'cause they were giving really good games
Haven't look at the last few weeks
@eli is TermsDatas parcelable?
Yes CptEric
You are putting in a List. It requires an ArrayList specifically, no?
was that to me raghav?
I found from this atricle that adding as ArrayList<out Parcelable> in bundle.putParcelableArrayList(PARCEL_KEY, termsDatas as ArrayList<out Parcelable>) resolved
@eli Can you try bundle.putParcelableArrayList(PARCEL_KEY, ArrayList(termsDatas))(or whatever is kotlin for making a new arraylist with termsDatas :D)
there's a lot of solutions that should work
@geisterfurz007 its working
Everything that tells the compiler that you have an ArrayList there and not just a List
even a mutablelist could work possibly.
The error specifically calls for ArrayList
it was such a simple logic real
Thanks @geisterfurz007@CptEric
i mean, there's surely an overload for PutMitableList
cookie fell into my coffee and dissolved
now i drink bits of cookie.
Greetings, people-who-are-not-being-forced-to-give-up-iced-coffee-due-to-a-rm-rf-voice
@RaghavSood rm rf voice?
yesterday, by Raghav Sood
I have unacquired my voice
The weather is too cold for an iced coffee
It is summer here
fuck off
A balmy 16 celsius
Down from 40 a few days ago
if it would at least really be freezing the amount of rain would have created a nice winter landscape and my 4 year old would FINALLY be able to experience her first real winter
no can do buddy, will have my oldtimer ready soon so climate change will get another hit
just kidding, that car is built during oilcrisis so it has a nice mpg
@WarrenFaith i've seen you eating ice cream this winter -_-'
but yeah i wanna see snow. i was promised nordic weather :sad_face:
Morning everyone
m o/ rning
@CaliFornia it's a car football game xD
@CptEric pictures or it didn't happen! :D
Online since 07-02-2020 09:43 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
Piyush Gupta requested access. Rep: 257 - Questions: 34 - Answers: 15 (ratio 4:1.8)
@PiyushGupta you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
Hello @All
hello singular entity
I am working with with Mvvm + PagedKeyDataSource. All working fine
But NestedScrollView + RecyclerView not working . Its glitching the view.
I have already done

rvShopNow.setRecycledViewPool(new RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool());
ViewCompat.setNestedScrollingEnabled(rvShopNow, false);_
But not working
_rvShopNow is the UI item of RV?
Yes its recyclerview
direct referrences to UI elements is not MVVM
I am working with Pagination Android Architecture using + Mvvm
All working fine
if i don't put recycelrview
inside scrollview
Anyway is the nested scrollview inside the recyclerview? Doesn't RV already have a default scrolling?
RecyclerView is inside the nestedscrollview
I need some UI element sticky so
Ah ok then it should be fine
But what exaclty is the glitchy part?
@Piyush that may be, and I dk if you want to learn about MVVM pattern or just like to use a (hybrid) version of it, but strict following such architecture does not include direct references to UI elements. For example use of MVVM in a RV suggests binding a Collection to a Custom adapter that gets updated so the RV knows 'something' has chnaged by notifier, but does not know what.
But what is the glitchy part? I know I had to set a certain XML setting to make the nested scrollview actually scroll eventhough it should have worked immediatly. It had something to do with a heightsetting
@Tim Any idea how !reject lets people in?
glitchy means I have loaded images from server which have some resolution which is variant. So while scrolling its freezes the UI
Alternatively, probably not the same Piyush
Seems to have a lot more rep
@Piyush does the scrolling cache get too full? Are the images compressed or do you have 5mp images for a small thumbnail or such?
@RaghavSood Are you talking about me ?? I just entered here first time
@MwBakker Its compressed images.
what are the resolutions you work with in the RV
its 540*475
Odd, those are not resolutions that should give problems
But back end developer set this. I told you him too. But can't change that
"have some resolution which is variant" do you have an XML for an RV element?
For example rv_item.xml ?
Cause if you there set a vast resolution it will get set right at load time and should not give you problems while scrolling
Yes.... Its height is wrap content.. I am set dynamic height from server using Glide
dynamic heights in RV items ? Why would you want that
Because User don't want image with static height using item xml file
@RaghavSood XD
@Piyush so the user wants a scrollable list of which every item has a different height
are you sure this user did not get the wrong type of tea this morning?
Honestly I don't know how to then prevent the glitchy part, I knew I had it when by accident my elements in RV were different heights (due to unfixed resolutions). The app became useless after x amount of elements. Setting vast dimensions/resolutions fixed that problem for me
Yes i did it before
But after it's requirement we needed to do that
all I can think of is to let Android 'fill' the RV completely before showing it, but this ofc means making a user wait several moments. The filled cache of an RV could prevent making it load items on 'scrolltime' hence prevent the glitch part
for all I know if you load an RV with different resolution of images while scrolling the system gets it tough sooner or later
Yes it is
So how can I prevent ??
Is there any alternate solution?
The last suggestion could prevent it, but it would mean making the user wait for the cache to fill up (and does the RV have an option to completely fill the cache before loadtime??)
Okay ! Thanks
It is the only suggestion I can come up with in this odd situation, but have to warn you it may not be the best
Not sure if other users here have certain ideas
Yes. That needs to pay attention too
btw does the user want to use MVVM or do you want to learn and use it?
I am learning too.
Because If I use normal pagination then loading image will take too much time and that user doesn't want. He want's like instagram. Because we have pagination
but instagram has one certain resolution per element in their recycler(?)view
Yes. But that doesn't want it :(
so he doesn't want it like instagram
Only that portion he did not include
does he realise why facebook and instagram or whatever apps have a list view vast heights/widths in their images? I can't think of one that has different sized images per element in a list actually
and if they do it's already pre set as stone
not automatic
I have acquired lamb kebabs
I know but what we can do
You may all feel jealous as you slog away in an office, unable to acquire lamb kebabs in this moment
I don't like actual sheep meat
@Piyush you can tell him his app will be glitchy or will make the user wait before loading_finished of the RV
yes. will tell
you can tell him the user experience of various heights in a listView makes it unpredictable and thus annoying
Yes true
....and an annoyed user will start looking for alternatives
Good luck, try to push him to the right side for your and his sake
Yes. Thanks !
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Feb 7 '19 at 15:18, by Raghav Sood
Hmmm, flights are $300+. I don't like Adam that much
@RaghavSood it's someone else bro
I figured that out a few minutes later
Humans need to work on better identifiers
Primary keys should be unique
> The Netherlands has the highest share of workers who say they usually work from home at 14%. The Netherlands is followed by Finland with 13.3%.
Guess Tim and MwB have options
@RaghavSood I am my own housewife, I work at home at a lot higher percentage
I can work from home whenever I want but it is depressing
@Tim thanks!
same, I have all the flexibility I want bu I prefer to just use it for the working times, instead of location
I really like Nightwish, they remind me of my first year of uni
same, but only like the current group
I only recently discovered not only is the singer (floor) dutch, she grew up like 10km from where I grew up
so you feel like a special bond with her when listening to her music? like a connection?
no, but I thought it was cool :P
I just like her singing so much more than the previous singers
Yey! I'm getting a new old computer. 2013 and shit specs, but it's 27 in display.
You are aware that you can buy monitors separately, right?
Yes, but I'm getting this for free.
I actually only like this group because of the singer :D
You are aware that money is an illusion, right?
I was looking for the word "chemistry"
Burning angel wings to dust
Don't things usually burn to ash?
@Mehdi xD
thanks for noticing, now I can go one with my day XD
ghost love score is my favorite piece of music ever
for me it's bye bye beautiful :D
I was going to say what the motivation for that song was
I think you said that it was a farewell for an old band member, right? or are you talking about ghost love score?
Jul 5 '19 at 20:53, by Tim Castelijns
did you know bye bye beautiful was written as a "cya later" song to their previous lead singer, who was sent away due to lack of passion? She sings the song btw
@Mehdi I felt a tingeling
can't believe that was so long ago we talked about it
can you imagine being fired for "lack of passion"... that's kinda brutal :D
this meme is based on a photo of the band manager
@Mehdi If I spent most of my working time eating at McDonalds they may fire me for lack of passion into the company
@MwBakker I think it’s more probable that you’d be fired by life for high levels of cholesterol :D
1 hour later…
Time to go~~
Cya later/Monday!!!!! :D
Bye Womper
Have a nice weekend
vis spater
Is that slang for, "Hello, master"?
in the meanwhile.
how r u today?
Decent so far but just got in to the office so give it time ;)
heyo mornin o/
good morning, crab
morning bb
@CptEric is this for real?
i have no clue
but makes sense
I will from now on refer to them as business geese
"honk up"
i mean hippos are river horses
hippo potamus -> horse-river/stream
I like these kind of facts
Wait, we call them 'nijlpaard'
mornin fellas ^^
Paard = horse
Nijl = the rivier through Egypt (and such)
business goose
That date I was supposed to have tonight, I got ghosted
Didn't even have enough conversation to say something potentionally wrong, but the date was set and confirmed twice
yikes lol
harsh stuff to start a weekend with
Ah well in the end for the best
we both know what the best ending was
and this was not one of them
Depends what you're looking for
I want me a wifey so I wouldn't care
(as much)
But I don't get the 'ghosting' thing, at least let someone know about a cancelation
yeah for sure
But she just weeded herself out as a potential partner by doing it, so I mean v0v
that for sure
but now I have a free night for nada, guess I'll work on my car
yeah still a disappointment either way
Better than being stood up at least
stood up?
going there and waiting or whatev
this happened to some friends, ofc I thought they may have messed up but when they show me the convo nothing seemed out of ordinary
yeah going and th ey never show up
Yeah it happened to me twice
both times was like "hey I'm on my way"
then they never showed
convo was completely fine leading up to it, they confirmed the day of, confirmed and said they were on their way.., then just never came
and it's not weird such thing boggles your mind, right?
I ended up just having a beer or two by myself while waiting and chatting the waitress up
did you ever find out why they did it
no, I called them / texted them and never got a resposne
My assumption is that they were never planning on coming and were doing it to fuck with people
were either some loser girls, or some loser guys pretending to be girls
probably yes
Anyone with a shred of decency would send a message cancelling if they couldn't make it, or at least messaging afterwards if it was an emergency so they could apologize
the ghosting part happened to me several times last half year, I thought maybe when they start diggin and see my insta or sucht they firgure "wtf am I dealing with" and bail
but someone who would go as far as to say "okay I'm leaving and on my way, see you in a few minutes" then never show up and ghost... seemed like someone was intentionally doing it
which is fine ofc, not going to change for anybody
But never had a full confirmation
Yeah that makes sense, the thing is that you can never know
I always just assume it's an issue on their end and not a problem with me LOL
@ballBreaker and that part is messed up
like debugging and suddenly the debugger stops but no exception
so just assume it's a problem with your vendor and not your issue ;P
Hard to do obviously
Everyone has a tendency to take those things personally
Ok, give me a minute.
^ my daily relaxation dose
lol waiting for the sync?
yes :D
OR Zucc talking to you
@ballBreaker haha yes, but 'till some level
I just hope it's due to the weird stuff on my social media. THis would be more satisfying than frustrating imho, but now I will never know
Done, took 77979 ms
ahhhh nice Zucc. Thanks for easily recognizable units, this means a lot to me
 User       | Message (22935)                                  | Stars (59989)
 McAdam331  | I'M AN IDIOT.                                    | 28
 Carl Ander | PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If the word "fuck"  | 25
 Ivan Milis | Hey everyone, I have a birthday as well :) This  | 25
 Eenvincibl | So I am gonna have a son!                        | 24
 Dave S     | so we found out yesterday, baby #2 is on the way | 22
 WarrenFait | ATTENTION: Who ever just mass starred here: If t | 21
@MwBakker hahaha yeah I guess in some ways it would, I'm sure it's been the case sometimes.. but who knows
I've been kinda giving up on the whole online dating thing the past week or so
I can't be on it too long otherwise I get bitter and super judgemental lol
Can only dismiss someone based purely off their looks so many times before it wears your psyche down a bit
@Tim what a classic show
get an app not so looks-centered
hinge is US only but OKC should be pretty active in the netherlands
I like hinge, it's the only one I use now
Still similar though
Any dating app turns into me judging people based on their looks
But I just need to do it in cycles... few weeks on, few off, few on, it balances it out
wait you're canadian not netherlander
commit sudoku
I might try OKC
But I've found in the past that the user base on actual dating websites is a lot less quality looks-wise than on the more easily accessible and convenient dating apps like hinge/tinder/etc
it's a pretty active app
Like the more desperate people end up gravitating towards the dating websites vs dating apps
atleast on us/ca
Yeah I'll have to give it a peek
I've been having this issue with dating, that now that I've started looking for something serious my criteria for meeting someone has gotten more and more strict over time
and the more dates I go on, the narrower that becomes.. and that's just personality etc not even counting looks
feels like statistically my likelihood of meeting someone I like is decreasing every day haha
still greater than 0, like in my case :D
time to go home, cya
heheh it's probably like every 1 in a million people so it's pretty close ;)
cya eric, enjoy your weekend!
wow taseer, that was.. an interesting message
2$ for the content of this message
I'll take it
Bidding starts at $5
> I
was a pleasure doing business with you :D
FYI, you got scammed, I never said that
What a filthy liar
caught red handed in the world wide web, internet
I won't talk until I have a talk with my lawyer
well IANAL but don't worry we won't use anything you say against you..
dexerto.com/call-of-duty/… 😂😂😂
I find it weird that shit like this is "news worthy"
@CptEric no he is a dutchman
and he needs to come home
I'm on the streamers side tbh
It'd probably require more than $10/hour to get me to play COD
10/hr is not even unreasonable at all lmao but asking for it is a little cringe I guess idk
@ballBreaker and you already have one cat :D
Yeah, weeds out the people with cat allergies.. lol
I mean you could turn into a cat person if you don't watch out
I'm already a cat person ;o meow
meow indeed bro, meow indeed
I knew the date was not gonna happen anymore but now the night is nearing it doesn't feel very nice
Yeah having a date cancelled is never fun
even if just for the reason that it screws up your plans
sigh I miss back in 1992, when I didn't exist
I don't feel like doing CS anymore, I have absolutely zero motivation left :|
maybe switch from counter strike to a different game?
@ballBreaker we all miss that time
hehe <3 😉 thanks
any time

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