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any of y'all used sonic-pi?
it's kinda neat
3 hours later…
I have acquired $4 through forex spreads on credit card returns
You may express your awe at my amazing investment skills
awe awe
@RaymondArteaga pakistan
3 hours later…
@Tim i do XD
3 hours later…
@JBis I honestly find it astounding and horrendous that prisons (as we know them) even exist in any democratic country.
oh yea, it's saturday...
It is Sunday
I am from the past. Quick! Give me the lotto numbers!
posted on February 08, 2020 by CommonsWare

Making the news this week is the Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA), an initiative of Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, and (maybe) Huawei. It aims to provide a central site for developers to be able to submit apps to all of the partners’ app distribution channels. And, with an English-language site option, an apparent objective is to help encourage developers from beyond China to publish in those app

Another small little instance to join the collection
@RaghavSood Do I just click my heals to get back to the future.
man... iOS has some pretty awful UI design. lol
Well UX overall really.
I guess it's only relevant on older phones, but like to unlock an iPhone with your fingerprint, you press the home button. To use your fingerprint to authenticate in an app, you have to touch the home button but not press it. If you press it, it will work kind of like the android back button and close the sign-in dialog.
As far as I know this is the only time the home button doesn't actually take you to the home screen, which makes it appear as though the sign-in worked, but the request to the backend failed. So confusing... END RANT
@RaghavSood Raghav did you personally build the template?
@twiz in general? How should we Handle criminals?
@JBis Well obviously a significant amount of crime is a result of mental illness (violent behavior, self-medicating with drugs, etc.) or economic problems (stealing, sell drugs). How is locking people in cages solving those problems? In terms of economics, it's just extremely inefficient welfare. For mental health, it's just temporarily keeping those people away from other people.
So how? I don't know, but preferably in a way that attempts to actually solve the problem. lol
Also, I'd argue that it actually makes both of those problems worse, in that there is no way being locked in a cage is good for your mental state and going to prison makes it much harder to get a job.
Its incredibly cruel treatment and completely ridiculous that it's culturally acceptable on a global scale.
end rant... lol
Ironically, white-collar crimes are the ones where prison could actually make sense, because those are people who legitimately have a choice and may actually be influenced by punishment as a deterrent.
3 hours later…
Kotlin nerds How can i access application instance in retrofit Interceptor class ?
3 hours later…
@eli I recommend you store the application context instance in your application class like the good old java dev would do...
A: Static way to get 'Context' in Android?

Rohit GhatolDo this: In the Android Manifest file, declare the following. <application android:name="com.xyz.MyApplication"> </application> Then write the class: public class MyApplication extends Application { private static Context context; public void onCreate() { super.onCreate();...

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