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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

2 hours later…
Did this said 'Android NDK crash reports with native symbols' means Mono.NET?
Probably not
Documentation is too little to explain their APIs
especially at Fabric.Fabric.With(this, new Crashlytics.Crashlytics());
this code is used to initializes Crashlytics
but Crashlytics instance are disposable, even this official documentation arent provides good practice
because they want you to write better docs
1 hour later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!! :D
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy New Year Everyone!!!!!!! :D
Snap, too short. I feel lacking now.
It's been a week since the new year, you are late
Fashionnably late
So I got to finish Alien isolation finally, I am pissed as I was before
The alien is so invincible
I want to find the alien in real life and torture it 😠
do some CIA tricks on it
Typical; you meet an exotic life-form, you immediately want to murder it
I fear for the first contact
Are humans xenophobe?
Well, pick any space setting we imagined over time. Star Wars? Yes. WarHammer 40k? Yes.
Alien? well...
I would find un-comfort in the alien presence and make an excuse to finish it off
illegal aliens or regular aliens?
The SQ lounges are quite nice
@TaseerAhmad it's racist!
Definite upgrade over the regular ones
the moment when you configured and restructured library and feature projects so often that you literally memorized which third party dependency has which latest version...
I love how answers about maven posts are usually: "This works for me", "This is what works for me", "my pom looks like this" XD
But what is SQ
we're going to have to live asking us what that means forever
Singapore Airlines Lounges
ok, nerds, any maven nerd around?
no but I worked a bit with it
my deploy script is longer than some of my fragment classes
SQ = Singapore Airlines? ... squints, looking for the Q
on a multi-module project, one of these modules have 2 source folder: src/main/java and src/main/scala, for some reason only the java classes get bundled into the jar, even if I set the 2 source folders in the pom.xml
@Nyakouai probably abbreviated by someone whose keyboard switched from qwerty to azerty :D
@Nyakouai Q is a larp
well, I never worked with sourceDirectory entries there, but seen this? stackoverflow.com/questions/270445/…
I only generate poms after I generated a jar/aar to tell every consumer what the dependencies are
tried that but still only the java classes are getting included
If I don't solve this in an hour, I'm gonna move this thing to gradle
move this thing to gradle reads to me already like try regex ,,,, instead of one problem you have two afterwards
you're right, that was a stupid idea
I can't stand getting slowed down and fighting against tools :D
@MwBakker A what now?
@Tiago you don't quite meet the requirements for write access here. You can see more in the room rules --> room-15.github.io
Hey, Warren! It's not often I'm up early enough to see you around lately
Hello cM
Hello there, Nyak
Hiya cM!!!!!! :D
Heya, Womps!!
Ever tried teaching programming to someone who have zero prior xp of programming?
Yes, all of my kids
How to start, apart from hello words
I through my Java book at my (at the time) about 10 year old and told him to start reading
I got my kids on Khan academy so they could learn basics like variables, functions, parameters
Lunch Time~~ :3
I'd suggest not teaching a specific language first but start with concepts of logic.
But how do you make them believe that programming is not rocket science and hard as they think it is?
That's what I liked about Khan Academy, they learn the basics while drawing things in javascript so they get to see how easy it is to make basic shapes and animation
What hooked me is an assignment to write a simple quiz in pearl. Before that, I didn't know what I wanted to do but I was sure it wasn't programming
@asim start simple. Asking for input like and name and then adding something to it ("Whats your name?", "Hello {input}")
I have two choices, To teach Graphic Design and Animations OR Programming
1st one is easier to teach but I like programming more
This is just me: I find graphic design/gaming stuff to be too mathy which pushes me away from it
You don't want to give the impression that programming is limited to people who are really good at math. Unfortunately, almost all programing classes stress computer science many think that there is no room for people who aren't great at math.
@JBis I suck at math but I know java/kotlin, C/++,C#, Erlang, Python vba/vb6 +++
Yeah, I disagree with that, JB, from my experience
I'm one of the few developers I know who really like math
Many don't even seem to be good at it
Look, thats just my (limited) experience and opinion
almost all school programs are "computer science" programs
And that's fine. I'm just sharing my less limited opinion
and many of their requirements are math based
But I mean of the kid is interested in making games (lots are) than maybe do start on that.
Do you guys also try squeezing as much code in one line as you can? Or is it just me tryna save lines :~
The school I went to didn't require all that much math. I took two extra math classes that weren't required
asim, that's you trying to save lines
What school did you go to if you don't mind me asking?
I'm just not sure why
I mind. I mind very much
Just kidding, Purdue
wait really?!
I am looking to go there. They have a good cybersecurity program.
@asim Nope. And I tend to look for the devs that make lines longer than my screen. Just in case I need someone to throw something at.
@codeMagic I invited you to a room. I had a couple questions. Feel free not to join.
I deployed a server to a vps and changed a lot of things to set it up, it started working and never failed and i am so confused rn
Feel like something should have gone wrong
It will
And their stock price is showing it
Intel sucks
AMD is catching up, about $10 difference in stock prices
Oh, I know, I've been watching it for a couple years :D
Back~~ :D
Welcome back W0mp3r. What did you had today?
Hmm. Why is NVIDIA doing much better than AMD?
(I'm bored at work. Does that show?)
Brand weight? They have been around and well known for a while
I went to a KFC with a couple of friends
'cause I had 1h to lunch with them so... it had to be something fast >.<
I was fishing for ideas, since we always eat at the same places with the team, but I'm not that motivated by KFC...
Someone is playing favorite here
@JBis They kinda cornered the GPU market and because of CUDA they completely mucked the crypto field
hence why their GPUs were used and being bought up like crazy during the whole crypto circle jerk
Hiya bB!!!!!! :D
How was your holidays??
short xD
but good!!
filled with hours and hours of playing Stardew Valley
haha niiice, first time playing?
@Nyakouai :3 sowwry, haven't seen her in forever! Well.. you too though :o how are you
i played two years ago or so
ahh nice heh
Yeah same here
It's a little hard for me to play
but this playthrough is being a lot more productive/fun
kind of a funny and sad story about that
Awesome, thanks for asking. How was your holidays?
yeah sorry one sec lol
how were your holidays nyakouai??
(Was or were? Am confused, the native english speaker used "was")
Too short as always, and a bit stressful, but still better than work :P
nah, she's right with were
"was your holiday" or "were your holidays" is the way to go
Okay, makes sense ^^
but yeah, in stardew like 2.5 years ago I ended up really liking that Leah girl in it and marrying her, and funny enough, within like ... 1 week of that, I started dating this girl Leah in real life
Talk about coincidence
and long story short, I adored that girl, but we had to break up because of circumstance of her moving, so it was like suuuuuuuper rough, probably my worst breakup lol
took me honestly like 2 years to get over it
I tried playing again a few months back but it was really weird
@ballBreaker Should have listened to your horoscope...
hha yeah crazy coincidence
@twiz XD
@twiz idk man my chinese fortune cookie was telling me one thing.. horoscope was telling me another..
I can imagine being hard play again :(
Don't blame the chinese, these aren't even their cookies
Can never trust those cheep Chinese knock-off horoscopes.
@Nyakouai but....but... you can only get them at chinese restaurants
@W0MP3R haha yeah when I was replaying I was basically avoiding her in game and forcing myself to court someone else, it felt weird and really forced
It's an US invention, afaik. Popularized in chinese restaurants.
@Nyakouai by chinese people?
(Yeah, I pick up a lot with that fact)
I think it's still a chinese thing
@twiz btw I actually broke up with her finally over this weekend lol
Wikipedia: " The exact origin of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century. They most likely originated from cookies made by Japanese immigrants to the United States in the late 19th or early 20th century. The Japanese version did not have the Chinese lucky numbers and was eaten with tea. "
the girl you weren't sure before christmas??
Wait wait what?
Rachel was it?
@ballBreaker Congrats
the reddit app is trolling me, and that is not fun >.<
posted on January 07, 2020 by Dan Lew

When using WorkManager, be wary about the implications of using unique work with the APPEND policy. Unique work with APPEND is implemented (under the hood) via a chain of work. For example, if you request unique work two times in a row, it's represented as a chain like unique work

I'd ask you how so, but I'm hanging on the edge of my seat cause bb is playing silent
So hold on to that thought
I'm waiting too
sorry boss called me over haha
Yeah, Rachel, girl I was on the fence about before christmas
@Nyakouai oh neat
gotta blame the japs, then
@ballBreaker Yeah, you got me curious
Nippo-american for the cookie, sino-american for the fortune.
What happened? (If it's not too nosy)
what happened in terms of why, or like, how I did it?
I was more thinking of the why
Unless you have a super awesome way to dump someone on NYE and it's worth sharing
@Nyakouai "Hey babe, wanna hear my New Years resolution?"
Well I just wasn't really feeling her for a few reasons, compatibility-wise.. we basically got along physically and emotionally, but mentally there just wasn't much common ground
So we ended up not really having much to talk about, and conversations with her were kind of hard
and I don't know how else to word this, but she was too black for me
You know that black-girl drama? Like that diva shit?
Yeah, well she grew up with a lot of black friends so she was too much of that
it was really trashy
to put it bluntly lolol
also I don't do well with high emotions, and she would rile herself up over some drama and start getting loud over it and it was just too much to deal with
Yeah it's too bad, we got a long pretty well, but just weren't really meant to be. I felt really bad, she really liked me
but oh welll
the stupid thing is that after I told her, I was expecting more of a conversation but she just ghosted me since
the range of womp emotions
i would write more stuff but... I really don't know what to say TT^TT
srry :'(
hehe it's okay 😃
I'm mostly over it now, just some residual feels
Always sucks breaking an emotional bond with someone
That you're a hopeless romantic and hearing of a couple breaking up is making you sad, especially since bb is your friend and you would like him to be happy?
yeah that
Gotcha bro
took the words right out of her mouth!
but me and words are not friends
Memes and gifs are the next level of communication
You can give the hug to me
I'll deliver to bb in a few months
I was supposed to be on a call 1'5h ago
suggest me a name for my new playstore account
but no one called me
I'd say asim
should I be worried?
anything else
@Nyakouai =0
@Nyakouai oooooooooooh????
do you have news on that front???
Well I signed an offer
My passport just been remade
comin' on over to Canada, eh?!
I need to call the maple leaves to ask if they would kindly lemme work there
And in approximately 6 months, I'm moving
any SERIOUS name suggestion :(
@asim ProtoxTheDestroyerOFWorlds
I am not Indian
that reminds me
@asim exactly
i need a google dev account
@W0MP3R #metoo
do I use my real name for the gmail or I use this one?? hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
use a new separate one
@asim oh no
with 0 ties to you
okay :O
@Nyakouai dang dude, congrats on that!! You'll only be 6 hours by car away from me instead of 6 hours by plane!
@W0MP3R Are you setting it up for a client or something?
I want to upload some stuff on the chrome store
@ballBreaker Your country is too big man
oh... then 🤷‍♂️
If I want to go to Jasper from Montreal, it's still better to take a plane
3 days by car otherwise lmao
6h is what it takes to go 75% of France
Let that sink in
We're twice as many, on a tiny ass pebble of land
Yeah it's 20h+ to get from one end of ontario to the other
this day was painful af
and still is
poor guy
basically everything I postponed for the past 4 months has re-appeared as urgent all at once
really sucks being the only engineer in the team
bahaha I would feel bad for you but it sounds like it was/is your own fault
But I also would have done the same... sooooooooooo
Hope your tomorrow is better? :D
I don't postpone by laziness XD I postpone by priority, I never have a "light" day, I should really request someone to join me
sounds like a good lazy excuse
Sorry I can't do this task because I'm prioritizing r15
"r15?" - "yeah, r15, priorities change everyday, crazy stuff"
@W0MP3R you ever hear of the game Ancestors: the humankind oddyssey ?
I started playing that a week ago and I love it
Made by Panache, which one of the (co-founder?) is the former GD of Assassin's Creed, a Canadian and an overall nice guy
not sure about the nice, but yee to the rest
One thing I'll say though is that out of my 20 years of gaming experience, this one probably had the steepest learning curve
which is why the reviews are so mixed on it
@JBis Same APIs (for the most part), not the same compiler, not the same runtime.
oh god
// 2. Credit app older than 1 year. Prevent Submission
		Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
		cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1); // to get previous year add -1
		Date prevYear = cal.getTime();
		if (prevCredApp.getDate().before(prevYear)) {
           throw new error; }
Look at this garbage
actually wait maybe I'm the garbage
how would you have done it?
yeah nvm
In my head I thought hthey were just subtracting 1 from the year and comparing that, was stuck in SQL mode
btw, the date api is much nicer starting from Java8 - so something to look forrward to :)
why cal.getTime instead of cal.getDate?
@JBis this I'm not sure
was just wondering the same
also is there no getYear method or something?
cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) or something
if only you were working in js
||> const old = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'); const now = new Date(); return now.getFullYear() > old.getFullYear() ;
@JBis true Logged: ``
@ballBreaker Yeah!! It looks fun, but I'm a bit worried that it could be waaaaaaaay to difficult for my casual noob hability to play games xD
I bet you could do it if anytime you got stuck you just looked up a video on how to do that thing! But whether or not you would want to do that is a different story hehe
posted on January 07, 2020 by lfy

Emulator 29.3.4 is now available in all channels. Changes: Fixed race condition in camera service.Fixed user-after-free in camera client.Fixed segfault on exit if there was no ADB connection.Fixed possible crashes in snapshot load and during emulator running that were related to the internal ADB client. We've now reverted back to the previous model where the emulator launches a separate ADB pro

but watching videos to know the answer is not fun!! me, to myself after hours and hours of getting stuck in a simple puzzle/boss in any game
hahaha yeah exactly, I'm the same way
Mornight folks
Hiya Raymond!! :D
@JBis 🤮🤮🤮
Good evening/rest of the day
See you all
Bye Nyakouai!!! :D
clickbait title
"SHA1 collision exploit found leaving anything that uses SHA1 vulnerable"
I choose to believe Tim
Three years ago, Ars declared the SHA1 cryptographic hash algorithm officially dead after researchers performed the world’s first known instance of a fatal exploit known as a "collision" on it. On Tuesday, the dead SHA1 horse got clobbered again as a different team of researchers unveiled a new attack that’s significantly more powerful.
I really don't care
Time to go!!
Cya later/ Tomorrow people!!!!!!! :D
happy new yeaar
Jan 2 '19 at 18:12, by Dave S
Here's to hoping 2019 doesn't disappoint
2019 2020
internet explorer stuff
my bad
How's it going, square man?
Wish I could say 'good'
Oh no
Is it anything I should ask about here?
Oh no
Committed an epic level faux pau last night and really offended a couple friends of mine
Kinda sorta smoothed things out this morning but am still really angry at myself for being so stupid and careless
boys gonna be boys
don't worry
That's deep, grr
thank you, triangle
Understandable, Carl
only slept about 4 hours last night because I was so stressed about it
But if they forgave you then you should forgive yourself
and had 3 terrible nightmares/bad dreams
feel you, Carl
What was the faux pas
Did it happen unkowningly?
Did you spit in someone's face and call them the N word
because I can't imagine what would be so bad it kept you up lol
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I also probably care less than you would, about offending people
N = nice
N = nebula
I don't want to mention the details here, but yeah it was almost that bad.
Damn, dude. Sorry to hear that!
in the end we only regret the things that we didn t do
inb4 "Someone opened the door for me and I didn't say 'thanks'" T_T lmao
lmao grrig
@grrigore actually not true.
Hopefully your friends forgive you for the transgression
Anyway, at least I only have documentation to really work on today so if I screw it up due to lack of sleep it won't crash the code
and if they don't, I mean, good vibes only, don't need that negativity in your life
vibe check?
seems unlikely
A full day of documentation. That sounds thrilling :D
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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