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makes sense
i strugled with evn vars for like 2 hours today
hahaha that's brutal
I also starred it
never not gonna star an honest "im an idiot"
Yeah how could you not
true :D
never miss the oportunity
i played with github actions today
sorry mate, the editoractionlistener does not seem to work for me
textwatcher is a good solution but there is not a good way to detect a enter click
you have to set appropriate imeActionId
using TextWatcher?
you can set that in the xml
maybe sometthing like this
Q: Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

FelixI am wondering if there is a way to handle the user pressing Enter while typing in an EditText, something like the onSubmit HTML event. Also wondering if there is a way to manipulate the virtual keyboard in such a way that the "Done" button is labeled something else (for example "Go") and perfor...

I just don't get this!
I've implemented it as per doc but it's not even hitting the break point when I press enter on the soft keyboard...
as i said soft keyboard is a total mess on android
gamename is the edittext on which I am trying to perform this enter listener...
right but you dont do anything in the listner
if you put the breakpoint on return its not going to trigger
i've put a break point on the return
add a line in between and and put a breakpoint on it
nope, still no good...
did you set imeaction?
in the XML, no; I thought it's not needed
and am not sure what value to set the imeaction to
try with the SO that i gave you
there's no example of the implementation, just a link to the doc
A: Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

Rowan BerryKotlin editTextVar?.setOnKeyListener { v, keyCode, event -> if((event.action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) && (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)){ //Do something, such as loadJob() loadJob() return@setOnKeyListener tru...

this one
setOnKeyListener is something I've already tried and doesn't work with soft keyboards
also use constants not magic numbers
il try to implemnt this tommorow
and give you the update
it's the event id of the enter keyevent
Happy Halloween everyone!
Do they celebrate in other countries?
yeah we had a Halloween party in the office today
bet the girls/women dressed up as cats
there was a bunch of wired shit
I personally think the UK is losing it's halloween spirit
compared to US?
hard to judge
@IvanMilisavljevic got it working....
really difficult to find the right implementation
answer by - The Great
@JBis what a legend
nero, right
I don't know why but I like trump
politics became entertaining because of him and how he deals with the media
@Nero welp you don't have to deal with the effects of his presidency
true that
@JBis noice
jbis you may have to deal with him till 2024
I know, its scary
he gets to die, I still have to live will the long lasting effects of his actions
I wanted bernie to win back in 2016, would be interesting change if he won this time around, although highly unlikely
hmm i think of it this way how bad the democratic candidate must be to lose to trump?
naah bernie has almost no chance
haha yeah, he's too logical
it seems to be warren is going to be the democratic candidate
@ColdFire Its not how bad democrat candidates are. Its how people perceive the democrats. Americans are stupid and can't be trusted.
and imo she will lose 90%
Biden probably
if democrats choose another woman they are in for it
Issue isn't gender
hmm i watched the primaries , i dont like most candidate
@ballBreaker Again Hillary won the popular vote
idk man I don't believe the US is progressive enough for a woman president yet
xD bb
I just realized you can reply to a message in the future
so did I
@ballBreaker i actually think the same
and was confused
lmao i just saw it xD
hold on
I don't think a woman is going to clutch the midwest
@JBis well results aren't decided by popular vote so that argument is mostly waste
^ exactly
If they want trump out, they better get an old white man
@ColdFire No, it isn't a waste for the argument that US isn't progressive enough.
dont get me wrong (im not racist or anything) but i think Americans would never elect woman president after the afroamerican president
and that is just facts
I disagree
@JBis what progressive has to do with how EC works ?
@ColdFire The popular vote shows that majority of people are willing to vote for a female candidate.
@IvanMilisavljevic There's a historical trend where every civils rights advancement in American history there is a surge of backlash before it evens out again, 2 steps forward 1 step backward kinda thing
@JBis well, come back in a year's time and we will see
many people were predicting backlash after the Obama election and that's exactly what happened
whether or not that drives the narrative this election remains to be seen
You can rub it in my face if I'm wrong, I give you permission
@ballBreaker What is correct is that the US congress isn't progressive enough
They wouldn't work with a black president
Your country is made up of each part, so me saying the US isn't progressive isn't wrong if it's the congress that isn't progressive
@JBis and that is not how you elect a president
IT's also just not exactly right
im not that familiar with the US system, but thats the stuff i see from the outise
also imho, trump seems like a total joke, but hes still better than hillary
@ballBreaker Congress doesn't represent the majority of people
also i never said US isn't willing to elect a female president
@JBis doesn't the majority of people vote them in?
it maybe true but i see no evidence to point that out
I'm not exactly sure how the backwater system works
Its semantics
That is not semantics
If the majority of an elected body is not progressive what does that tell you about the people voting
also Bill Clinton ordered bombing of Serbia back in the 90
so we kinda hate both of them by default
the fact is more people voted for Hillary than trump. Hillary is a woman. I am not arguing popular vs electoral college (I support a form of a EC) but America is progressive enough.
@ballBreaker They are stupid or manipulated, not necessarily bigoted
the 2010 census and electoral college system is disenfranchising a whole shit ton of progressives
well never said america isn't progressive enough, that was bb and ivan's point not mine
@JBis again, as someone from the outside i cant say this is true
republicans don't care about free and fair elections though, because they know they would lose them
@IvanMilisavljevic yes exactly
or yeah, its progressive enough, but not as some of the european countries
for outsiders demo and repub and 2 sides of the same coin
i see no difference
@IvanMilisavljevic its fact
Ever heard of gerrymandering?
@DaveS Thank you.
Republican Party is not a political party IMO.
oh ok, we have that in pretty much in all of the elections
I'm going home, all I'll say is that my intuition is usually right on these things, and the only way we'll find out is in a year from now
same bb
i am 90% sure trump will win
yup, ciao bb
We need a new conservative party
well hope we dont have to eat our words :p
cya everyone 😀 enjoy your nights!
haha I would like to eat my words TBH I would really like trump not to win
and a woman to win
I just don't think it will happen unfortunately
anyway, o/ ciao everyone
night \o
i want gabbard to win but that would only happen in la la land
so yeah lol
I like Pete
gabbard lost my vote the second she started to try to bring Hilary into the national dialogue
Hilary needs to fuck off
oh pete is not bad
what did she do?
@DaveS Who you support?
i haven't watch the latest debate yet
Warren I suppose, Bernie is too old and Biden too old school
Its annoying everyone is like "ooo I like Pete, but America isn't ready so I won't vote for him"
I like Pete but I agree he wont win over christian moderates
and we need them to beat trump
Religion is such bullshit
I don't believe in socialism so can't support either Bernie or warren
haha xD
A socialist president doesn't mean socialism
all they can do is veto and control the dialogue
congress has to pass it
A president is supposed to represent you
i forget there was one white lady but i cant remember her name
she made some good points
No, a president is supposed to be an example and great leader
mele something?
a president that represents you is how you get Trump
Trump doesnt represent me
most of America is stupid, we don't want a stupid president
he represents more people than Obama
@DaveS no
oo this is cool
In the United States, Obama-Trump voters (also known as Trump Democrats or Obama Republicans) voted for Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama in the 2008 and/or 2012 presidential elections, but later voted for Republican Party nominee Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. These voters comprise perhaps 9% of Obama voters and 13% of Trump voters. While some analysts consider them to have been decisive in Trump's victory, others have disputed this conclusion. Compared to other voters, Obama-Trump voters tend to have liberal economic views and conservative social views. They expressed...
@DaveS You support some form of electoral college?
no not really
I think popular vote should win
but people are stupid
and stupid people have a disproportionate level of control under the electoral college
Yeah the current EC is bad
don't hate of socialism just because you hear about communism and out dated ideas
People hear a politician talk about a complicated issue that scholars have fought about for years for 2 min and are suddenly an expert on the issue
a mix of socialism and capitalism is best imho
@DaveS I don't hate it because of that.
you have to remove capitalistic pressures when it concerns the greater good aka human suffering
is free college considered socialism?
you can't profit of starvation, you can't profit off prisons and you can't profit off people dying
@DaveS Ofc, but how much of each
the human suffering rule
@DaveS Sure you can
when we pool together to reduce suffering, socialism
morally speaking JBis not currently
when we are talking industry, luxury goods, etc, capitalism
I have a moral argument for capitalism, its a shitty one but its there
an educated populous is more productive, has a higher standard of living so I'm pro free education
@ColdFire Yes.
socialism vilifies the wealthy
@DaveS Yeah so?
@ColdFire so is free hs or ms or elementary education
@DaveS You probably hate amazon because they "paid zero taxes" blah blah blah
and socialism protects people from their own stupidity
Americans should have the right to be stupid
And other smarter Americans should have the right to take advantage of others stupidity
What do y'all think? test.joshbrown.info
I don't hate Amazon, I would do what they did
but I absolutely think they should pay taxes, that's insane that they didn't
I'm not anti wealthy, but I think just as we manage inflation we should manage income inequality for a healthy economy
wealth stagnating in wealthy bank accounts doesn't drive the economy
@DaveS its not that insane, they had previous losses. Again its a complicate issue that you (and others) think you are expert enough to talk about.
tax cuts are only effective as a stimulus option when the tax rate is high
they reported profits and have higher stock prices
Am I an expert, no, but I have talked to a tax attorney who explained how they paid zero in taxes and it made sense to me
@DaveS thats this year
Years ago they lost lots of money
as did GM who also paid zero in taxes
@JBis depends i like of thing of free education as part of capitalism as you can't guarantee equal opportunity if they aren't educated
> Profits for online retail behemoth Amazon soared in 2018, but it paid no federal income tax for the second consecutive year, according to a report published Wednesday.
also as much high free education as the government can support
@ColdFire I support free education. I am iffy about free college education. I don't know how we are gonna pay for it.
> However, through various tax breaks and credits, the company will receive a tax rebate of $129 million.
it's these tax rebates and credits reducing it to 0 I'm not ok with
Also they don't talk about income tax that everyone pays
or sales tax
@JBis see my next message its subject to how much government can support
We could easily afford a variety of social spending with historically normal tax rates and slightly smaller military spending
if you look at the golden ages of the american economy when people were living the american dream, money wasn't stagnating at the top
that started with Reaganomics
and it's largely failed spectacularly
tax cuts have had minimal to no effect on the economy in recent history
Trickle down doesnt work for the most part, I agree
money needs to flow to the bottom so it can trickle up
because that's what it does
Trickle up is also stupid
how so?
do not those in power continue to collect the bulk of the profits?
people who don't have enough to spend will spend any extra income, stimulating the economy all the way up the chain
Because there isn't enough money for it to work
that's a myth
it is not
money isn't about quantity, but value
it is a fact
lol no it's not
money's quantity is its value
we produce more than enough resources to give everyone a quality standard of living
people starve while food rots
so we could easily afford to feed those people
so what
let me guess, you're a white male in a relatively well off family and haven't had to face any sort of discrimination or economic hardship
Go to Utopia
Socialism works in other European countries who are happier with higher standards of living for everyone
no reason at all that the strongest economy in the world is falling behind in education and healthcare
@DaveS No
simply none
Yeah but the US innovates more than anyone else
All big tech companies originated in US. Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft
and how exactly does educating more people and helping them live longer hurt that?
conservatives are trying to bring back manufacturing, that won't work without lowering the standard of living so we can compete with China
Because it 1. Sucks money out of the rich 2. Discourages people from becoming rich therefore discouraging innovation
Don't get me started on china
taxing a few more percentage points doesn't discourage anyone from being rich
what world do you live in where people would say, "I'd rather not have more money because some of it will be paid in taxes"
You are punishing people for being rich
no that's not it
we're asking them to support the country they got rich in
they don't get rich without their employees and consumers
or the infrastructure or the military
Why should they?
they earned it
they rely on tax funded benefits more than everyone else
because they need the infrastructure to support their empire more than anyone else
everyone should pay taxes
socialism should be for things that capitalism couldn't support like the police
and you can't fund everything at a flat rate
@DaveS Yes ofc
captialism can't support healthcare
Yes it can
it's doing a shitty job of it
I believe in winners and losers, you don't?
look at our healthcare costs compared to canada
what the fuck are you talking about mini trump
@DaveS Its doing an awesome job of it (for the healthcare companies)?
I believe in successful people not shitting on those less fortunate
@DaveS I am most definitely am not a mini trump
you sound like him
@DaveS No, I sound like true economic conservative.
Something that is rare in todays world
economic conservatism is destroying this country
tax cuts are responsible for the massive defecit
it's not conservative to pass tax cuts you can't pay for
I am not in support of most tax cuts
And I also hate what big banks did in 08'
without raising taxes and balancing the budget we'll eventually fail. IMHO and from years of paying attention to politics it seems the best way is through technological innovation, to do that we need a healthy educated populace
Yes, we need to educate people.
increase revenue by increasing the standard of living and higher taxes on the upper middle class and up
I don't believe in trickle up or down economics
people are happier with more resources, CEO's don't get paid as much but still make billions
like boohoo you don't get 10% of your trillion dollars you would have
Happiness? Meh. People will never be happy.
you believe in anarchy then?
@DaveS 10% is a lot
not historically
@DaveS No. Ofc not. Government has a place.
top 1% tax rate at one point was 95% and the economy was fine
I think we should divert some of our military funding to funding a Hong Kong military
I don't think it should be that high but 50% is not unreasonable
I think US gov should say fuck businesses and boycott china
military spending is too high and ballooned so (I think?) we agree on that
that would destroy the global economy right now
@DaveS 50%?? thats crazy
no it's not
yes it is
why is it crazy?
Alright I really don't want to argue about this any more
we have ideological differences
I'll talk about china tho
yes but I think you're saying things just can't happen when there are current and historical examples that prove you wrong
I hate china
sure, just want to mention that people are very happy in the Scandinavian countries
@DaveS I am not saying they cant happen I am saying they shouldn't
and that for most of the 20th century the top tax rate was over 50% and the economy was more prosperous for the average American than it has been since Reagan
So how was your day @DaveS?
lol it's fine
how is yours going?
Decent. Still working on finishing up my website. School sucks. The usual.
yeah school does suck
Only a couple more years I guess
Dave, it seems like you've been on a roll lately fighting with people. lmao
this time it was a teenager, I need to reevaluate my priorities
@DaveS Ageist bigot

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