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one of the PC's I had placed a bidding on is practically sold
To you?
but I knew it already had a good price, now I know I am at the edge of "best for the buck"
How about the 450 EUR one, the one you offered 375 for?
450 is so far his last offer
will try again tomorrow for 400
"I can help you get rid of it today" usually is a trigger to a deal and pick it up myself
"I'll pick it up for free right now"
cant wait to play the newest ghost recon
new ghost recon is garbage
that game is not out for even a few weeks
how can you know already
Serbian pirate is more like it
we know your tricks Ivan
there is ubi office here in belgrade
using same internet provider as i am
and that particular provider has like a single subnet for all the clients :/
@AdamMc331 how does it look like?
so all you had to do was RDP into ubi on the subnet and download your beta version
makes sense
Captain Milisavljevic
haha on point dave, on point
I just accidentally deleted a script I've been writing for an hour 😡😡😡😡
don't do that
any quick command line to recover a deleted file on linux?
@AdamMc331 any ideas?
sudo rm -rf .
Q: Unix/Linux undelete/recover deleted files

pyloverIs there a command to recover/undelete deleted files by rm? $ rm -rf /path/to/myfile How can I recover myfile? If there is such a tool how can I use it?

saw it, but too long...
write it for another hour then
grrrrr there goes the next hour of my life 😡
or do 6 quick copy paste commands
debugfs command not found
might as well uninstall linux
that's what you get for coding directly on a server
have a good night fellas and fellettes \o
and also fillets
later fellate
cya bb!
oh boy dave lmao
at least the second time it shouldn't take a full hour
since you've already practiced
@MehdiB. quick to recover run rm -rf /
@CarlAnderson or more, since I already lost all motivation :D
@Ahmad might as well do that at this point XD
never edit in prod my dood
fucking python
bro i feel like you can't pin this on python
wouldn't have been able to do that if it was java XD
that's why i always run a script that takes a screenshot of code
better than git
@Ahmad you what
it's too much power mehdi
you gotta be responsible
one of the devs at Amazon (on his dev box) got sick of messing with permissions so he ran chmod -R 777 /
damn i had some wild ideas so far, but this is pure gold
@IvanMilisavljevic yeah i even wrote an ocr that detects cc inputs so it blurs them out
but in order to do that i had to write a chrome plugin that's essentially a keylogger
@Ahmad I'll probably buy a a big analog camera tomorrow to do the same
and store all my cc info in a text file
and at this point i should stop pulling your leg
he ended up having to reformat his machine to recover
nice ahmad, what about your pii data? facebook? :D
@MehdiB. adjust shutter speed to take a pic every 10 seconds
@MehdiB. i hire some people in bangladesh over upwork to remove my pii manually
inefficient, just keep that stuff on fb, always recoverable thanks to gdpr
make the zuc do all the work
alright back to coding...
posted on October 02, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Lingfeng Yang, Android Studio team Developers often use the Android Emulator during their day-to-day development to quickly test the latest changes before they are being committed. In addition, developers are increasingly using the emulator in their continuous integration (CI) systems to run a larger suite of automated tests. To better support this use-case, we are open sourcing th

@CarlAnderson you were right, 20min coding + the 10min I spent complaining :)
it's running! hope it doesn't let me down during the night, I picked quite an expensive instance: $4.608/Hour
@MehdiB. yikes that costs more than an unpaid intern
@MehdiB. wat
holy moly
why do you need such a beefy machine
I need a cpu intensive one, I do multiprocessing (thanks python) on 96 vcpus for record linkage
what's greedy is basically strings comparisons (pair wise), 2 implementations mainly "jarowinkler" and "levenshtein"
they calculate the distance (number of operations needed to find a string from another one) then they give a score between 0 (completely different) and 1 (perfectly similar), and since the library is based on pandas which doesn't distribute... I had to do it myself
what exactly are you doing?
looking for similar strings?
similar or almost similar records on a database
what's an operation to find a string from another one?
there are couple of operators in the new mysql for full text search functions
and natural language processing
@IvanMilisavljevic s3
you sure?
how do you store your database on s3?
@eski a couple of algorithms that I use for strings are those 2: stackoverflow.com/questions/25540581/…
@IvanMilisavljevic s3 is my database, in which the data is stored as parquets
ohhh I thought those were an example of strings your comparing
oh no they're just the names of the algos that some smart nerds invented :D
thats way to complicated for my brain to handle :D
also if you want to have fun
that's a different league, I'm just doing something people have been doing for 5 decades XD
but you're doing it in the cloud so that's fancy
right XD
this project is probably the first one where I had to really care about the time complexity of my code
are you compiling your python?
I wanted to try that tbh to speed things up with Cython, but where is the time...
looks like most of it is spent in string comparisons
night everyone!
night mehdi
wait... voting a meta answer down reduces my SO regular reputation??
new changes from corporate
it's just that the rollup just adds up all the numbers
dang, would have been some fresh drama
yeah, too bad there's so little of that right now
it's a shame really
First PR opened for Hacktoberfest
No idea if it'll be merged - not sure if I've done the correct thing
yeah but how many questions did you get on advent of code?
The only metric that matters is that Mark lets his Android app lag behind the iOS one
> If there are errors, you will see the error messages.
So glad I pay tuition for this
@MarkO'Sullivan noice
this company that nil always raves about on twitter
it's so awesome
They have some nice stuff, yes

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