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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

It's almost been 2 years now, you'd think I'd be over it
Ah well, the frequency of these occurances gets less and less as time goes on
It's a waste of energy to think about a same person over and over again
shut up
There are plenty of fishes in the sea 😎😎
Not like that one i guess :d
Thats the special fish
Dat golden fish
She is/was the special fish, yeah. But I'll find another special fish one day
There can't just be one that would be dumb
She's a big part of the reason I've been so hellbent on finding someone new too over the past few years, it gave me a taste of the good life lol
Chasing that first hit of heroin basically
Have you been successful?
I've short-term dated a bunch of girls since then, but it's just not the same
so they end up not working out, and I'm not one to make sacrafices like that
What was the characteristic of her that you think the most?
I don't want to go too into it because it's best not to dwell too much on it otherwise I'll stay thinking about it longer than I should
But TL:DR would be that she just fit like a glove
it's like finding your other half and feeling complete for the first time and then having that taken away lol it's pathetic but that's how it feels/felt
Just gotta wait for my other puzzle piece to come along
You gotta start sailing your ship bro, look at the map
what is that?
Treasure map
I'll get a nice haircut and a workout tonight and I'll feel nice and crisp and good
In my experience, when I stopped thinking about these things, for some reason I was getting more action
tis the way it works
today is just one of the bad days, it's usually not like this
bad days for what?
I don't wanna repeat it lol
sounds like a lot of chat
anyway gn o/
yeah haha
night dude
I just gotta do the smart thing and slide into this celebrities DMs
That'll work out for sure
get in there
have you seen Once upon a time in hollywood, yet?
me? haven't heard of it
ahh, new Tarantino movie, super super good
ah cool
I usually just assume any movie coming out in theaters these days is gonna suck
Fair odds. You'll be right about 95% of the time
Yea same here haha I only went because a bunch of people suggested I go see it
I only go to the theatre once or twice a year these days
Always in the VIP ones that serve booze and have reclining chairs heh
A point inside a square is positioned so that the distances to the four vertices are 27, 21, 6 and x units. If x is a whole number, what is the value of x?
Solve this
That's what I thought you would say
Solve this Anyone care to give this a go?
would have been much better
@ballBreaker You want to give this a go?
posted on August 15, 2019 by Google Developers

Posted by Ian Stoba, Program Manager, Accessibility Engineering With billions of Android devices in use around the world and millions of apps available on the Play Store, it might seem difficult to drive change across the entire ecosystem, but the Accessibility Developer Infrastructure team is doing just that. Every time a developer uploads an APK or app bundle to the open or closed

@skygeek you have access to chat, but please acknowledge reading the rules first or you'll lose access.
I have read and understood the rules :)
had that one ready to go aha
Thank you..
Better than that other guy huh Carl
@SnakeException my math muscles prefer the cobwebs lol
I had already posted and your message for consent just came before me
@ballBreaker uh wdym?
It means I rarely ever do math in my life anymore and don't really feel like starting today lol
I feel ya
my engineering physics degree had enough math for 7 lifetimes
@skygeek it's rare we get someone so prepared.
lol.. I can understand but I never wanted to put me bad on first go
It's fine, I made up for you being so prepared by saying "well that was easy" and getting my access revoked immediately
really that hard to sustain here?
Yes, I have been banned like 7 times already
naw I've been good since then LOL
many people treat the room like a help desk
so as soon as they get access, they burst out a question
@ballBreaker that was a fun day
others can't be bothered to read the rules and just don't respond
posted on August 15, 2019 by Google Developers

Posted by Ian Stoba, Program Manager, Accessibility Engineering With billions of Android devices in use around the world and millions of apps available on the Play Store, it might seem difficult to drive change across the entire ecosystem, but the Accessibility Developer Infrastructure team is doing just that. Every time a developer uploads an APK or app bundle to the open or close

@Feeds repost
@TimCastelijns Yeah I got a good laugh out of it at the time
then later regretted it when I wanted to join for reals lol
OMG, that is fearful @TaseerAhmad
I've been waiting all day for a chance to slide this video into the conversation as a reply, but nothing came up, so here we go:
@CarlAnderson I just saw some cool stuff going on so requested to join. Had never have a question for now :)
@RaymondArteaga we have a new member. Could you collect the monthly contribution from him
Carl give this a try:
33 mins ago, by SnakeException
> A point inside a square is positioned so that the distances to the four vertices are 27, 21, 6 and x units. If x is a whole number, what is the value of x?
Timmy you too
@TimCastelijns He left Cuba, he's not an enforcer anymore
I'm guessing the answer is the next whole square after 54
but I'm too lazy to go further than that
why not
Because it doesn't work :)
sure it does
No, because x=0 implies the point is a corner and so the minimum side length of the square is 27, but what about the 6 and 21?
oh I was thinking sides not verticies
my bad
That's okay, we all get mixed up sometimes
Too easy, waste of time
What is it then
do you know which distance is which verticie?
Nope, that was the entire question Dave
I'll do that as soon as you do this one:
A class, Notification, has a static method that is using Android's `Message` class, and directly accessing its public variables, and then returning an instance of Notification with the Message as a member variable. I want to unit test another function `foo()` that calls the static method in Notification to get a Notification, but it fails because of an NPE trying to access the Message class. How would you design a solution?
Lol Carl, I don't do Android dev for a living so I have no idea
He's an imposter
What? I thought bb didn't either
But he's Canadian
Then I live below him
I don't know, maybe dependency inversion...somethin like dat? yikes
Yeah! Also I made one Android app before
I live off the royalties
I work for free in my jaba position
I really should start writing tests
I am royalty with this income >:D
You can redeem yourself by going into the php room and saying php is ass
that's not how royalty works bro
Therefore you should vouch for me bb
What Tim said
I never have used php
Even better
but it does look horrible
That doesn't even invalidate your message lol
which one?
Saying that it's ass
@CarlAnderson how do you mock static methods?
did you know
you could use powermock to do that, but IMO that's a way of accommodating bad design.
if you put @ before the php function
it supresses the errors
try debuging that for a change
@TimCastelijns Of course I can Mr. Tim
Who's that member?
another fun fact, entire drupal core is riddled with @ so yeah...
@CarlAnderson i usually try to provide as real implementation for test as possible
and use mockito for the stuff i really have to mock
+ statics are kinda evil
eventually we'll have Dependency Injection and can inject test objects, but we don't have that yet,
so we're stuck changing things to be static singleton instances that are set as mocks during unit tests
o/ night fellas
@ballBreaker remember to solve that math problem, I'll make you royalty if you can
@CarlAnderson Thats the way im doing it, if you deal with Rx you will need to provide custom runner with test scheduler, or provide schedulers via DI aswell
@Tim solve this:
54 mins ago, by SnakeException
> A point inside a square is positioned so that the distances to the four vertices are 27, 21, 6 and x units. If x is a whole number, what is the value of x?
cmon stop pinging every person in the room to solve your question
Nobody has the answer yet Ivan
Maybe you can solve it first
i cba to be hones, also this is not a helpdesk
I'm challenging people, in reality I already know the answer
if I wanted to do random math questions I'd look up random math questions on the internet
instead I'm working on code that I get paid to work on
Then do that
@SnakeException Please don't discuss your homework here :P
It's not homework kid
we have no way of actually verifying that statement
I was taking a break and searching random math questions carl
And that has the answer and verification
ok then
let me rephrase things
nobody seems interested in answering your question and you're just annoying people by pinging them with it. Can you please stop this behavior.
Any software design gurus willing to help?
Ok, the design is in context to Android views. Can an activity or a fragment truly adopt Single responsibility principle?
what is SRP?
what's SRP
Single responsibility principle
@TaseerAhmad it should but its hard to achieve due to Context objects
which by design do not follow SRP
But to answer the question, I want to know the responsibility limits of such views
situations like this I prefer to handle in concrete examples
he read some book and now he second guesses everything he does
ok, suppose if I create additional classes that basically abstract out how the views are initialized(suppose we have a menu to inflate), would it be worth it to setup classes like that?
No, Tim I have not read books for more than a month :D
It's ok to second guess yourself and have doubts about your software designs. It's good to have others review your designs as well.
I read a suggested article on medium
not sure if this is news to you guys but I was just sent this: choiceofgames.com/2019/08/…
"Google Warns Developers that All New Android Apps Require Three Days for Approval"
about goddamn time
I'll wait until there's more than one web page talking about this before I consider it real
@IvanMilisavljevic Thanks!
@adam waiting for the videos :)
presentation was 100% on point
1 hour later…
posted on August 15, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Ian Stoba, Program Manager, Accessibility Engineering With billions of Android devices in use around the world and millions of apps available on the Play Store, it might seem difficult to drive change across the entire ecosystem, but the Accessibility Developer Infrastructure team is doing just that. Every time a developer uploads an APK or app bundle to the open or close

02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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