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a wild Rob appears
1 hour later…
a wild SE appears
@IvanMilisavljevic Will probably be a few weeks but I'll share. I'm trying to make this into a blog post, too, but I hope the slides are good enough. :)
Yeah, i've seen the presentation and it was really good
Good work man
I'm glad it was helpful!
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Online since 12-08-2019 08:19 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
> It's too time-consuming, because I am at work. You guys seem to not understand. – Gaurav Mall 27 mins ago
I would argue to not go to SO if you do not have time...
People .... not a big fan
warren, you seem to not understand.
> Please don't project your insecurities onto me.
he deleted some comments one of which said something like "explain yourself or if you don't know the answer don't downvote other answers with no reason"
typical crybaby comments
probably spent more time writing these comments than it would have taken him to post a functioning code snippet :D
lol tim
finally feeling good today my headache gone
nooooooooooooooooo y u downvote me i didnt know because i am new to android im just telling others my final decision. — ALSP 15 mins ago
> GCM and GCM are essentially the same service - Tim
well said :)
nobody can disgree with that xD
I disagree with that.
You're nobody
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Aug 16 '18 at 9:06, by Murat K.
1 hour later…
any custom view attributes nerds here
is that a question that can be answered from that custom view we created? :D
I have typedArray.getString(R.styleable.PrimaryButton_defaultText) that returns a String?, it is defined in xml and returns text but when I force unwrap it crashes however when I safe unwrap and provide a fallback, it does not resort to the fallback
the correct string is shown on the screen, but I have to add ?: "" or it crashes
iirc there was a default argument that you could specify in the getAttr method, i assume if you set it you won't get your exception?
it has no getAttr
@RKTUXYN welcome, please read the rules room-15.github.io before saying anything else :)
getColor etc... but I just checked the docs, there is no default value for getString as opposed to getBool / getColor etc..
yes it's just nullable
@TimCastelijns i think its called maybe 2 times one with null and one without null
maybe but why
yeah it is called twice
maybe the empty constructor is called first
and then the attribute one
have to check source code to see that
opposite actually
ahhhhh I pulled an adam
thanks for the tip cfy I found the problem
@MehdiB. have you seen any of handmaid's tale yet? S3 ended this week, it was really good
@TimCastelijns oh you mean the argument is called first and no argument later?
lol join the adam club timmy
no I actually had 2 of the custom views in a fragment but was not aware of the 2nd lol
mornin' fellas :)
heyo mamadieyo
@TimCastelijns not yet :( I haven't had much time lately to watch series, also need to see where to watch it since it's not on netflix
I forgot to lock my laptop, now I need to bring a cake
how do you feel bb
It's sooooo hot in my office right now
thermostat is set to 24C like wtf women
I dropped it to 22.5 and they can lick me scrote
what is the temp outside?
and 24 is hot?
idk 30 ish
it's different when there is no breeze tho
you can't handle 24 (75 freedomheit)?
yeah same what eski asked^
not inside
If I'm sweating just sitting at my desk..
People who get cold easily can just put on sweaters
I can't strip down naked
half the chicks in the office here have blankets and shit
I'd prefer it to be closer to the outside temp so you don't have to put on or take off clothes when going out
no thanks
it's >30C outside
I'm relatively with that guy^ 30c is good for the tomatoes, not for me
so everyone is probably wearing t-shirts and shorts so it would be cold inside
I can't work in t shirt and shorts
Girls can wear skirts and whatever, but men can't so it's only logical that the inside temperature should support the ones who need to wear the most clothes
and girls can layer if they need to
You aren't keeping an office heated/cooled to support the outside temperature...you're heating or cooling it to a comfortable temperature to be INSIDE working
now that I'm in VT the summers are really mild in comparison, so I just keep all the windows open ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ballBreaker why not? we actually wear whatever we want, and during summer t-shirts and shorts
business casual dress code
@eski where were you before?
I wouldn't mind if it was a dry heat in the office, but with the humidity.. that 24 feels more like 26-28
southeastern PA
I don't understand these acronyms
personal assistant
ahhh gotcha
and now he's in virtual tubes
vermont=VT and pennsylvania=PA
ah okay
I knew vermont since you mentioned it before in full
There are way too many states to be dropping acronyms on me
haha you're not that far from those ones though
Is true
It's already getting cooler
bless the lord
AKA bless me for turning it down
You guys got any fun weekend plans?
no fun, nur arbeit!
checks google
aw that's lame
I have endless yardwork activities to do
gonna finish the fire pit and have a little campfire though
My backyard is a forest XD
I only have to mow the front lawn +sides
@eski for inspiration:
Jul 16 at 19:20, by rlemon
user image
Heyyy I remember this
I would eat all the fish in it
> I would eat goldfish
I found the asian :D
I am an asian snake :D
I am wasting SO much time these days on looking up stuff for world of warcraft classic release
I feel like such a nerd
@ColdFire true. i give up.
Is paging library worth implementing? I have read many people complaining about it.
i have used it once. i din't face any problems.
@ballBreaker Great! Now, the next step is getting started with vim. C:
Vim is just a text editor
Lol, no
@SnakeException wow i thought you didn't like being called one :Thinking:
@TaseerAhmad no
I thought one of the prerequisites for using Vim was being a virgin though
@TaseerAhmad Vim is an editor, music client, personal wiki, calendar... It's everything. If it can be coded, it can be a Vim plugin.
@Raghunandan anyway an update to that : twitter.com/listenshahid/status/1162371409860935680
Jeez, kill me, what's up next? Vim acts as an OS?
i can't open that.
its a tweet :/
well open it when you are home
@TaseerAhmad Why not? :D
sorry i didn't see
@Zoe I got gvim installed and it looks horrendous :/
It looks like one of the apps from 2004
It gets better when you start modifying it
why not just use something that's good to begin with
The best car is a Toyota Yaris, you just need to replace the engine, change the transmission and add NOS to it
THEN it's the best
you know, or you can just buy an Acura
I just use vim in a terminal window
@ballBreaker xD
I've never had the emulator crash on me before
what was running?
nothing important, I have the emulator open most of the day
I wasn't actually doing anything with it
just restart it i guess then
emulator normally doesn't crash on my laptop too
I've used the emulator on and off for years
never had a crash until today
Bad omen
Maybe this?
Q: Android Emulator closed because internal error: emuglConfig_init: blacklisted=0 has_guest_renderer=1

elbitapmoCI've searched just about everywhere for this issue: emuglConfig_init: blacklisted=0 has_guest_renderer=1 to try and solve it. Could someone shed some light on this? Here's a screenshot of the given issue

I only care if it starts happening frequently
@CarlAnderson Vim in the Windows terminal is awful, but that's Windows' fault and not Vim
The weird thing, is that with the invention of the mouse, vim is essentially pointless
to me it's just a tool that people use to make themselves feel elite and better than other programmers, but that's just my 2 cents
Obviously, outside of scenarios where you HAVE to use it
Liek when you die and go to hell
@Zoe true lolâ„¢
@ballBreaker :set mouse=a and you can use the mouse
I use it a lot, but I don't need it for navigation, which I personally prefer
I just mean I'd only use VIM if mouses weren't invented
It doesn't really matter though because afterall IDE/editors is 100% a personal preference
and if VIM makes you happy, then VIM makes me happy
even if you're WRONG
I support you
lmao ;)
Taking time to move your fingers off the keyboard is WRONG
vim allows you to do powerful editting without using the mouse.
@codeMagic did you get a vape thingy yet?
posted on August 16, 2019 by lfy

Emulator 29.1.10 Canary is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. This includes support for multiple displays (along with Android Q Beta 6) and the following changes: Improved Android Q Vulkan CTS conformance. Full conformance will require a future release of the Android Q system image.Fixed an issue where Android Q Beta 6 would fail to start up when using the WHPX hypervisor.Due to issu

How many hours do I have to spend configuring Vim to make it look better?
.1 ?
depends on what you need to change
the colors?
:colorscheme elflord
if you type :colorscheme and hit tab it cycles through all the different ones
I have my own custom colorscheme in a file
oops LOL
I am kind of startin to like Vim
@TaseerAhmad depends on how far you take it
If you're just looking for a colorscheme and a decent font, 10-15 minutes. If you go browsing for plugins... A lot more :] If you shamelessly copy plugins from other dotfiles, less than a lot more
o/ all
hello dave
hey davey boy
@CarlAnderson But what if I can type as fast as you with just one hand and have my other hand on the mouse
I highly doubt that's the case
Guess we'll never know
We have somebody here who doesn't appreciate type-only editors
IMO it's the fastest way no matter how outdated/primitive/no-mousy it is
type only editors are snobby overrated things it's only fast when you know exactly what to do and the key for it, which can be done in an IDE while also having an easily navigable interface
Then memorize it, it pays off in the long run
No, we have somebody who does not appreciates the learning curve for such editors and somebody who cares more about their work
For me, as long as it does not consumes more time that I would be giving to my work, I will use it
no it doesn't really I work in many different applications where it's just not practical the learning curve would be wasted
I converted my architecture pattern talk into a blog post: androidessence.com/mvwtf
Now I'm exhausted and ready to sleep for a whole week
Also o/
nice logo
I'll never replace it. I could have a million page views and move off of Jekyll or whatever but that icon is never changing lmao
@AdamMc331 I have not read the blog but the way it looks is clean and nice
You might want to get it redrawn into an svg someday though
Yeahh I probably should everyone's getting better screens now
I got to the train station way too early now I still have an hour and 45 minutes before my train leaves
then I gotta sit on a train for three hours
did you bring a book?
always bring a book when you travel
@ballBreaker yeah it's too bad there isn't a way to measure typing speed...
yeah but he could just use two hands an lie about it
I do have a book. but it's too noisy in the station for that but I'll try to read on the train
I never had much problem reading in noisy environments, its quiet environments with the occasional interruption that distract me
double digits ;P
Your turn @ballBreaker - remember, only one hand for you.
nice, Dave
I could do better at home, my desk is squished with two keyboards not really set up for typing
I've done 100+ wpm in other tests
I was looking for a link in the chat history, there used to be one that everyone could do at once
Typing is the only thing I'm good at
I used to play against @codeMagic and make him feel bad.
I think that might have been typeracer Carl? or something like it
I remember that
nice Adam, I want to try again at home but I know I wont
this is two hands
Oct 3 '14 at 17:02, by Chibueze Opata
Anyone ever tried this? http://play.typeracer.com/ ? Let's meet on http://play.typeracer.com/?rt=trxwiz
thanks! I messed up a couple times and just kept going and at some point just stopped for like 5 seconds to take a break lol
didn't realize there was 10 secs left in the timer
lol weird
do... you guys see that I reposted dave's pic?
I have trouble hitting certain keys in this position
I see that yeah bb
all I did was click it and it even reuploaded it (different URL)
super weird
wow I can't believe you both have the same desk setup
ok, now do it one-handed bb
with your non-handed hand since your primary hand will be on your mouse
@AdamMc331 damn son
(I don't want to assume your handedness)
thank you, thank you
here is left hand
started getting quick(er) at the end

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