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@Code-Apprentice it's the uk so probably really shit
the guy is an ex banker so ofc he's a scum bag
Barcode requested access. Rep: 70 - Questions: 31 - Answers: 4 (ratio 4:0.5)
@Barcode welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
a canadian!
its cold eh?
it definitely is
i'm not canadian tho haha
tho it's also cold here in berlin :)
I would have almost moved to ottawa a year ago
dont come here
its horrible haha
yeah people told me about the cold :0
also people told me ottawa is mad boring
but tbh it looks pretty fine!
yeah i mean, somedays it'll be +15C, then the next day BOOM -25C
holy sHIT
that's insane
byw could anyone kinda guide me towards the right direction
how do you go from nice light autumn jacket to full fledged arctic boots
i have a Q
lol, canada tingzzz
so i have fragmentA (contains Google Maps Fragment) and Fragment B.
In fragmentB i get the LatLng from user input.
when the user hits a button in fragmentB, i wanna switch back to FragmentA, and move the map camera to to LatLng provided in FragmentB
whats the best approach for this?
put it in a bundle
i just need help with sending the coordinates
and when you do the fragment transaction you just pass in the bundle
ok so i actually have a SharedViewModel class, but idk where i would access it when the fragment switches back to FragmentA
you can do it in oncreateview()
i create the fragment only once though, I'm switching between fragments using a BottonNavigationView, so i'm not re-creating the fragments
oh, i can try checking if the fragment is visible
there's probably a callback for the BottomNavigationView right?
one that says it's been selected
haven't really worked with it so idk
I have acquired android ndk r19
That's a titanic task here, so please, someone comfort me
@Barcode I've recently done exactly the same thing
a job I'm applying for exactely asked the same thing
if you want I can share my approach with you
yes please
I used MVVM-Live
give me a chance to get home, and then I'll share it with you
no worries
it has some private API related things I can't share with you
but I can share the basic stuff
right now, i'm trying to move the camera by doing this in FragmentB:
` fragmentA.mMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(searchedLocation, 12f))`
but i get a `lateinit property mMap has not been initialized` error.
`mMap` is defined in FragmentA
you should keep your mMap in your MapFragment
hungarian notation is bad mKay
And all your view related stuff should be done in your voew
Not in your view model
Besides, observers must be attached inside onmapready callback
but then where in my MapFragment would i change the camera. like how will i know i'm back in my MapFragment
hmk i'll give it a try
You don't need to know you are back, fragment must take care of its own business
That's the purpose of fragments, decoupling things
kk im go out for dinner, gonna try again when i back
my head about to blow
thank you raymond
@Barcode are you sure you're not trying to steal my job?
I'm at home now, give me a second to upload the sources
Here you have Mr. @Barcode pastebin.com/XKNvhVCa
You may ask whatever you don't understand, but I think it's pretty self explanatory
It takes a set of items from a list, creates a marker for every location, computes the bounds required to show those markers, and then zooms to bounds
I might to do a bike ride through china :0
in may
just started planning it with a friend
so hyped
through China? with bike?
Cool! Bike rides are on the past for me :(
It is way too far with bike. even in straight line
1 hour later…
@RaymondArteaga hahaha i wish i was stealing your job, i'm just tryna make an airbnb app clone. first time doing kotlin and android XD
btw, thank you very much, you solved my problems!
No problem
i do run into a small issue
What is it?
so actually, my app runs like so:
- get `Place` object from Fragment B via Place autocomplete
- i save the Place object in the ViewModel
(at this point, Fragment A has already moved it's camera, since i observing liveData in onMapReady)
- user clicks button, move to FragmentB.2 (nested from FragmentB)
- i observe the viewModel to grab the Place object to display the .name of the Place
- user clicks on button.
- Then, it switches to FragmentA
so the flow goes
FragmentB --> FragmentB.2 --> FragmentA
so the camera is moving when FragmentB finishes, since thats when i store the Place object (which is needed to get LatLng for camera movement)
Every time the "place" observer gets triggered, the map will clear and reposition the camera and markers
but the issue arises, lets say the user doesn't click the submit button for FragmentB.2
the map has already moved
You'll need of course to check for null place on the observer
The map doesn't need to move if you haven't selected any place
Just check for null and skip the execution of the camera movement method
guys what is the best way to add click listener to card view? When you add it normally, it doesnt work on child click
Mornight Mr. Patel
2 hours later…
And please, don't call me stupid for making that kind of questions.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!!! :D
Morning @W0MP3R!
You don't happen to have the shovel handy?
Would LOVE to borrow it for a second.
clean it afterwards, please
@RaymondArteaga fyi "where can I find X" questions are off topic
@geisterfurz007 who are you murdering today? the radio lady is pissing you off again today?
Thanks, will do @W0MP3R :)
slams shovel down on MacBook
ouch the macbook
I start to get the feeling that archiving an app for iOS with xcodebuild tools is worse than gradle. Another reason to use Android 👍
that looks like a head scratch
lol geis
head scratch where?
Hiya Suraj, Rumit, CF, Mehdi, Raghav, Geister, Tim, Ahmad!!!!!!! :D
5 mins ago, by Ahmad
it looks like a head scratch
Or a hook hand
\o? Arr, comrades! Let's get all their gold!
do you mean dubloons? pieces of eight?
dubloo, dubloo, dubloo, dot.
There you go @W0MP3R Nice and clean :)
Absolutely NOTHING wrong with it :)
my beautiful shovel
I'm never ever lending you a shovel again ò.ó
Now I had to imagine that. A light gasp followed by a whispered "my beautiful shovel" and then pure rage :D
@geisterfurz007 Actually Gradle integration has become quite good in AS and IntelliJ, I migrated all my maven projects to Gradle
I even switched from Scala sbt to Gradle
Does gradle stop work? Oh, I don't think so!
> I have no idea what you are talking about. It totally stops my PC from being useful.
he is mauling the pizza piece
oh god
m o/ rning
good afternoon room15
Hope some of you got your .dev domains :)
Why not your surname :/
Wanted a shorter domain
dev domains??
Yep just publicly released yesterday
ty 😘
I had mos.dev bought but something went wrong and they refunded me like 6 hours later when I was waiting for it to register :(
markos is easier to type and easier to tell people than markosullivan
wompah.dev incoming :D
ro15.dev is available
room15.dev as well c:
You won't believe it...
room-15-android-chat-room-on-stackoverflow.dev is available as well!
it's too short
> You appear to be in a country where Google Domains is not yet available. Learn more
Germany is not supported
oh well
but fake germany is
Someone was faster.
i see a domain for 12$ / year
Cancer Google
Gmail not working
India is supported it seems
@Jordy Dutch language, so refreshing
Well, don't know a different word to describe Google except cancer
What r15 has with Samsung basically
I have a Samsung and I am super happy with it!
3, 2, 1, ban!
I have a Nokia since recently
Nobody can really hate that brand
Extending a class never takes over property values right?
"takes over" what does that mean
If I have a class X that extends a base class Y which has an ObservableField<Long> ID = 12 that ID is null in the X class right
I had this scenario explaind in college class once but I want to make sure
without visibility modifiers?
it's just gonna be 12. It's more about whether or not the subclass can access it
I don't like it but I'd agree with Tim here.
So extending means also extending set values?
no, it means getting access to protected members
@TimCastelijns You said that such protected members with their values will have that value in the class that extends the class
If a value like ID in class Y is set to '12' and class X extends Y, and X would access the ID property of Y, it would also be 12 in X?
if X can access it, yes
Well that is what I meant with set values
Perhaps my termonology is not correct though
"ID = 12 in Y is also ID = 12 in X that extends Y, (if X has possibility to access the ID property)" is this a correct frase?
Thanks Tim
do you want a nice analogy?
So if I am correct, this prevents me from having one giant ViewModel class but still several viewModel classes that extend a BaseViewModel with ID property
ID 'passed around' while navigating
But I think 'passed around' is the wrong term I just hope it's clear what I mean
say your parents have 100eu bank balance. You inherit from them because you're their child. Now they might choose to share this info with you and your siblings, or not. If they do, you all know that their balance is 100eu. If they do not, you don't know this. But in either case, they have it. The balance is does not stop existing if you don't know about it
yes bro that is what it means
@TimCastelijns That is indeed a nice analogy
@TimCastelijns But class X can also change the property of extended class Y to ID 11 for example right?
if it is mutable
It is
you should understand that at runtime, Y doesn't exist
@geisterfurz007 So am I
@TimCastelijns But property of Y is modifiable by class X that extends it when mutable right?
Yes we covered that already
Hi Tim, again stuck in Reminder issue. need to call a function every 8 pm. which will work best? AlarmManager, Workmanager or anything else?
I CaNt CoDe PrOPeRlY So I SaY I hAtE sAmSuNg
@Jordy more like samsung can't code properly
@TimCastelijns Really? I can't believe bro. :-(
@ColdFire Checking it out CF. thanks. is service mandatory to use with this?
@ColdFire Okay.
means he's annoyed that you ping him every time you say something
Okay. Seems you annoyed too. :-)
we have a rule that says not to do this
I read all rules. might missed that one. It's no. 4
@ColdFire More like bullshit. Never had any issues except with cheap Chinese phones
its because you can't code properly too so it balances for samsung
Or it's just getting a old meme here based on absolutely nothing
isn't everything here based on memes
Trry eating some frikandellen based on memes
Ranjit requested access. Rep: 3676 - Questions: 37 - Answers: 189 (ratio 4:20.4)
@Ranjit welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
1 message moved to Trash can
try again tomorrow
Sushil Kumar requested access. Rep: 5421 - Questions: 12 - Answers: 188 (ratio 4:62.7)
@SushilKumar welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@TimCastelijns you are needed :D
Let me help you with that
5 messages moved to Trash can
try again tomorrow
@SushilKumar revoked access because clearly you give a damn about our rules
Sushil Kumar requested access. Rep: 5421 - Questions: 12 - Answers: 188 (ratio 4:62.7)
Try again tomorrow Sushil!
Can't be that hard to understand
lmao not a good day today
Vamsi Smart requested access. Rep: 716 - Questions: 4 - Answers: 7 (ratio 4:7)
@VamsiSmart welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@WarrenFaith you missed a don't there?
@ColdFire oooof
@MuratKaragöz XD
@RaghavSood wtf
@VamsiSmart your access has been revoked because you did not respond
Ahmad's past few messages: Ooof, Burnnn! Wtf, HOLY SHIT!
It's like he got mad at something, set this thing on fire and the fire spread more than he wanted to.
HIYA WOMPAH!!!!!!!! :D
omg 7 days before I move
it's so.... pink
no mouse mat yuck
yeah, that too xD
the pink is distracting me from the important stuff
Ford Focus ST has such chair too
that desk is impressive, you don't find such as large one everyday
but I find that much pink to be awful, would give me a seizure in the first 5min
@Mauker LOL
@MehdiB. not yours right
i'd be surprised if youd be taking the gmat
wait is the gmat not the one for law school
oh thats the lsat
@MehdiB. niiiiice
What the heck this means: Links to pastebin.com must be accompanied by code
^ your code is so bad pastebin doesn't even recognise it as code
not mine unfortunately: from here reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/avxpuh/heaven_on_earth I take a look at this subreddit when I need to be frustrated
Script to post links on pastebin?
Mr. Mark. You die
@MehdiB. :D
lmao mark
@RaymondArteaga flaggable post
user image
Found a picture of Carl at work
Currently editing to make it juicer. idk why the people assume you didn't do anything and are just being lazy.
I'm going to share errors so the people can see my struggle.
But I'l do it when I'm back, I hope the question to be still open then.
what are you talking about? :D
Time to go~~
Cya later people!!!!!!! :D
@RaghavSood done for 3-4 months in initial time of collage.
o/ maukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Goooooooooood mornin' peeps
@RaghavSood hehehe the two coworkers of mine are both COBOL programmers
They're both around 60
@TimCastelijns You might declare a var because you want to reference an uninitialized state, but if you're writing a method like handleUser() and you've verified it's been initialized, you might not want to modify it again is all I'm saying.
I have a coworker who puts $vars in PHP Classes
Yea that tripped my brain out
Not just the content, but the writing and lack of flow itself
If that already tripped your brain out
what about this:
@AdamMc331 what if i dont want it to be val, doesn't make a difference at all if i don't want it to be a val?
You guys need to lay of Val. She's doing the best she can!
:thinking: Val is a he
Valerie is totes a girl
Did you both just assume Val's gender
val's gender is mutable
is that valerie
valerie looks like a lacrosse bro
no, no, this is val
is this post op
val Bruce = male
Bruce = female
There ya go
no it's bruchael
@ballBreaker Thats not how RL works
real life?
please explain
@MehdiB. Hello
is it me you're looking for?
this is dog
SO is overrated, once you ask a question, you find the answer on your own or well nobody helps. -_-
yeah but it still helps with rubber duck debugging
you won't find an answer to a highly specific question
@MehdiB. yes bAby
Or you may get rodiculed and your question will become closed as off topic.
My most upvoted answers and questions are ones I answered myself lol
Just don't use SO for unicorn points and you will remain sane
@ballBreaker asking cause I wonder where you are youtube.com/watch?v=PDZcqBgCS74
actually could have went with Adele's hello
Yeah this one is way better though
Adele is trash
@unclehxlmes “Oh no not this again”
just cheesed my lil brother https://t.co/LfCEb4zvIT
that guy's profile picture makes me want to vomit
he looks like literally 80% of berlin
80% of berlin is 100% douche?
Hell, Android!
@Ahmad wow, that kid will be traumatized for life
@WarrenFaith multithreading at its finest
no, bb 80% of Berlin is in black and white
o/ all
posted on March 01, 2019 by Lingfeng Yang

Emulator 28.1.9 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. Changes: Project Marble: To address CPU usage, we now run the following ADB commands on a cold boot when detecting boot complete:adb shell settings put system screen_off_timeout 214783647adb shell pm revoke com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox android.permission.RECORD_AUDIOThe first command increases the screen off timeout so

@RaymondArteaga SO saves my ass everytime Android Studio breaks for no reason
@Code-Apprentice that kid will be lactose intolerant for life
it's a shame that intolerance is being taught at such an early age

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