> You know they call corn-on-the-cob "corn-on-the-cob," right? But that's how it comes out of the ground, man. They should call that "corn", and they should call every other version "corn-off-the-cob." It's not like if you cut off my arm you would call my arm "Mitch", but then reattach it and call it "Mitch-all-together."
It became popular after the french started beheading people excessively, so people who survived started using hat to show off their still attached heads
Question: I have a bunch of projects on a cluster (or server doesn't matter) on which I code, now I'd like to sync the files locally to push them into Github, as I don't wanna configure my github account on the cluster since it could be accessed by anyone
what would be the way to best way to go in this case? (ideally without having to download everything everytime then push to github)
I don't know how SSH works but I've heard SSH keys are good for a lot of stuff
Oh, now I get you. You could configure your remote as https instead of ssh. So you should provide user and pass for every push/pull. Nobody can use your permissions without you then.