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9:00 PM
@ColdFire Then that would hold true for any person on this room
iā€™m not lazy, iā€™m on power savings mode.
@Mauker nice
> The name deque is short for "double ended queue" and is usually pronounced "deck"
for some reason I always thought dequeue
same, TIL
well blame english xD
just call it a linked list
9:13 PM
Is there any wya to figure out the dimens file of the support lib classes
I wanna know the value of R.dimen.design_fab_image_size
and I also wanna know why Google made a breaking change to image padding on the FAB in Android X
sounds like a data binding issue
can you rephrase that
I'm tired of your shit, Dave.
did you try a log statement?
9:14 PM
No not yet I just wish there was an easier way lol
fabs are 56x56 btw
getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.design_fab_image_size) ?
lol adam and his issues
9:15 PM
@AdamMc331 just click and check it dude ....
5 cats means the exam did not go well
Last one
Basically Tim lmao
I was gonna do 6 bit I don't want to get banned
9:15 PM
5 cats means tristan has surpassed reno as the cat master
before/after Android X migration. and I didn't change anything.
but looking at how the base class calculates the image padding
they changed it
you changed the device?
If anybody wonders, you can find the dimen names here: android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support.git/+/…‌​, looks like it is indeed design_fab_image_sizeTim Castelijns Apr 28 '16 at 14:52
9:17 PM
click that link i dare you
this guy
oh lmao
Tim update your link it's outdated
you can edit a comment until 5 mins after posted. Let me check if 5 mins have passed
9:18 PM
rofl have you done checking?
> '16
@AdamMc331 override it and used the old method?
this.maxImageSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(styleable.FloatingActionButton_maxImageSize, 0); Android X
mMaxImageSize = (int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.design_fab_image_size); support lib
oh so they converted to pixel in X
seems like X one is better
not entirely
they made it customizable defaulting to 0 and not
whatever the hell dimension it was before lmao
9:20 PM
ofcourse they could have simply fucked up by keeping the default same as in support lib
@AdamMc331 well then customize it and you are done , easy enough?
you know
@TimCastelijns i notice that hence my comment ....
I would love to customize it, the way it was before
which was my very first question....
but idk if that's true because I tried overriding this maxImageSize property and I'm still not getting what I want so I think I'm gonna have to keep digging it's probably a different problem.
i see the problem they changed the formula but forget changing the value in xml somewhere
clearly the result looks like that because of this^
after some trial and error I think setting maxImageSize to 16dp gives the behavior
that was annoying
9:25 PM
also file a bug report with google
thanks everyone :rubber-duck:
ugh but that's so much work
fucking google , fucks up something with every new release
oh common
it will be issue for me too when i update
where do I file it
I feel like if you just used your own dimensions instead of stealing the hard work of the folks at google you wouldn't have this issue
9:29 PM
your fabs have dimentia
it's downhill from here
15 mins ago, by Cold Fire
@Jordy https://qr.ae/TUtPqc
@Mauker you can use this^
@AdamMc331 Hello am...@okcupid.com
I was gonna switch accounts but then said screw it since I already typed it up
9:35 PM
lol i noticed the okcupid id too xD
<dimen name="design_fab_image_size">24dp</dimen>
@AdamMc331 Are you asking a question? Or just reporting the issue?
Reporting the issue
@TimCastelijns hmm thanks. I'm a little confused because setting the value to that still didn't make them look the same, but I'll try it again.
This is a dumb problem.
Why won't it just look like it did before lmao
9:43 PM
Have you tried being better at your job?
no, but I wasn't before either
Will try it out
lmao that broke everything lol rip
9:50 PM
just dial up the padding 1dp at a time till it works
call it good
just make a custom view and save yourself a headache
It's not that easy with data binding
I'll just inject the padding
just ditch the library and save yourself a headache
9:53 PM
even better, fork it and make your own
even better , just ditch Android
even better, just ditch your human flesh bag and join the borg
Also why does the new class insist on setting the scale type itself
that's not right.. right?
maybe that's the problem
9:56 PM
center_crop instead of center_inside
will do that
this.setScaleType(ScaleType.MATRIX); is hardcoded into the constructor of the FAB class
@AdamMc331 it was the same before
or no?
It's not inside the old FAB class but maybe somewhere else up the chain
well they fixed the order now
I might just put this out there as a question and see if anyone has ideas. I can't be the only one who ran into this but I can't find anyone else complaining about the same problem
9:58 PM
probably because I use rounded corner cardviews with custom constraint layouts instead of FAB
Just use a Flutter widget for it @AdamMc331
Write a server side flutter rendering engine
in Go
10:05 PM
no, send drawing instructions to a custom view
with FCM so you can change the view runtime
no, send pixel instructions directly to the touch screen
lol that's stupid
no u
just write everything in assembly
well this is interesting
10:06 PM
what is?
True story in College I wrote a Java Program that parsed MIPS and generated Binary
if, after my view is created, I set the scale type to center it looks exactly as it did before. So it appears the breaking change was actually that.
23 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
thanks report it
10:07 PM
I guess you didn't check my link
He did not.
I did
you forgot a dot there.
10:09 PM
Nah, I checked the link and it's not the same problem
well now since your problem is solved , you can get back to work adam
I guess but why should I add this hacky manual override lmao
that is why i told you to report it lmao
Good point CF lmao
10:11 PM
so basically, setting scale type on a FAB in XML is pointless now
It doesn't look like I can edit the issue but I'm not sure I should make a new one. I'll let it go for now.
i think you can edit it
doesn't matter they won't fix it anyway
status -> wont fix
10:13 PM
Yeah I cannot edit the issue
also this UX is terrible
I thought Jira was bad but no, this is a mess
no wonder Google doesn't fix anything lmao
> Won't Fix (Infeasible)
apparently they have a infeasible also as status xD
I can't edit a comment either
Guess we're just gonna hack this
Just submit a new issue then
also well good night
the good thing is that they removed the "m" before the maxImageSize variable
bet you if you submit that as a bug they fix it by tomorrow
10:17 PM
p0 severe
and the whole engineering team mobilized, assign to X => comment => reassign to Y => comment => reassign to Z ...
fuck it I made an issue because I wanted to highlight a separate change from the max image size thing issuetracker.google.com/issues/120755909
10:44 PM
fuck it
11:04 PM
11:26 PM
teamwork makes the dream work

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