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Yesterday's second problem was annoying
I though there was a big with the problem too and tested another one's solution to prove it... But I was wrong :(
Now I feel guilty, I have an extra star I don't deserve :(
Someone please, try to cheer me up
@Mauker i had a dream in which you were giving a tech talk on dagger2 and kotlin.
1 hour later…
A toast sandwich is a sandwich made with two slices of bread in which the filling is a thin slice of heavily buttered toast. An 1861 recipe says to add salt, pepper and cumin to taste. == Victorian recipe == A recipe for toast sandwiches is included in the invalid cookery section of the 1861 Book of Household Management by Isabella Beeton, who adds, "This sandwich may be varied by adding a little pulled meat, or very fine slices of cold meat, to the toast, and in any of these forms will be found very tempting to the appetite of an invalid." == 2011 publicity == In November 2011 the toast sandwich...
@MarkO'Sullivan Explain yourself
2 hours later…
no brute force tonight it seems
I'll give it another go in the morning or revisit Day 7 to try to finish it.
Hi Guys
Anyone worked in Exoplayer?
I want to seek m3u8 format video.Its not working
> Don’t ping users (@username-ing) unless it’s to clarify who you’re speaking to or you need to get a specific person’s attention.
2 hours later…
@RaymondArteaga thank you I was waiting for this compliment my whole life
wait im still a Room owner
toast sandwich with the middle layer of toast and its not even ironic ...
that's some harcore 1800s trolling
Unknown command '!cat'
2 hours later…
@Reno lol
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
posted on December 09, 2018

Android Weekly #339 🚀📱 #outlook a{ padding:0; } body{ width:100% !important; margin:0; padding:0; } body *{ -ms-text-size-adjust:none!important; -webkit-text-size-adjust:none!important; } body,.wrapper{ background:#ffffff; color:#505050; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:12px; } table,table td{ border-colla

6 hours later…
Interesting post

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