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@TimCastelijns wow really ditched you there didn't he
2 hours later…
@Ahmad Plot twist
1 hour later…
@CF you left your country :O
2 hours later…
Good night to you :)
Anyone with idea how instascoop works instascoop.co.tz
I think it is joining a whatsapp group where you get a feed of news articles... Dunno the language
how do i create a broadcasting account ?
Chaudhary Amar requested access. Rep: 671 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 72 (ratio 4:57.6)
@ChaudharyAmar welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Read the rules.
1 message moved to Trash can
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
Always womper wake up on time.
between 10:30 - 10:38
Good morning!
morning Mehdi
@ChaudharyAmar revoked
Should add a revoke <user> command
@TimCastelijns dude I was trying to tell you this for the last 3 weeks but you ignored me: (
Btw I am still in Amsterdam
Good morning all
@ColdFire Awesome, you going to explore Holland?
@TimCastelijns Hahahaha
Also I got a small issue
@MwBakker I am in Amsterdam currently yeah
Boolean 'has' is accessed from inner class. Must be declared final or effectively final
1 message moved to Trash can
Use a gist
I need a gist for one method?
@ColdFire But I mean, you are going around to see more of Holland? North perhaps?
> Make a gist or use a similar tool if you want to share code. Any code posted in the room should fit on one or two lines.
@MwBakker not sure about that
Well you are hereby inveted
I got my own place, but it's nort east
You could visit the cool area of Assen and get stabbed
Every experience is one
Where is this North East exactly?
@MwBakker 😂😂😂
I didn't expect that second part XD
@MwBakker we have pubg for that
I am too far away from that place
Could have guessed though
You should see one of our islands, it's pretty comfy
For how long will you stay here?
@MwBakker this won't work because you return has before observe runs
You could do observable.toBlocking.first/single
it's not rx
You could not do observable.toBlocking.first/single
I agree with raghav
@MwBakker till tomorrow night
@TimCastelijns I was thinking that direction. Not sure how I am going to solve this but those are the cool parts of puzzling
@TimCastelijns Exactly. One time a step, I prefer puzzling this one out
look at that onChanged
you need something like that
like onNewCatChecked
So it will be one observer passing the result to the other observer?
more or less
A: Return a value from asynchronous call to run method

aimThere'are a lot of patterns to accomplish this. Maybe the easiest use some sort of callback function, for example: interface Callback { void onSuccess(boolean value); } private boolean isTrue(final Callback callback) { Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() {...

@MwBakker I thought that happens in Paris xD
@ColdFire :(
That is too soon to be able to go to Amsterdam for me
@TimCastelijns Thanks
Just grab your car and zoom
I am at the company
And the car I am driving now only zooms untill 95km radius with this weather
don't worry, his highness will send a letter to your company
Can you get to Amsterdam Central?
*his highness will buy your company
CF is the new East India Trading company
@RaghavSood and order him to stop using databinding
Congrats CF :)
@RaghavSood For this...
Buying a new country
Sorry wrong pin.
Yes Raghav you answered.
Oh lol
@Warren are you aware of any berlin appts renting websites that use english?
pinging for help is bannable bro
give me a second, writing a gist
bro, did you do your announcement here already?
announcements are bannable bro
@MehdiB. nope, luckily I am out of that searching game since 2 years...
thanks (y)
@MuratKaragöz not yet, still 1 detail to settle/confirm :D
I was just kidding bros :(
I can't stop laughing at this video
@ColdFire I have to be at the company today and tomorrow
in case you are looking for the song: youtube.com/watch?v=rvrZJ5C_Nwg
i'm trying to suppress my silent-jumping-laugh
Lol warren
@MuratKaragöz what does it mean tho?
@MwBakker not free after 5 PM?
More or less
If you want, we could meet in Zwolle. It's right in the middle of Amsterdam and where I come from
I know a great bar famous for its specialty beers there
Heya ! Have a question about BuildConfig.
Do we have to explicitly mention/set somewhere for test-specific buildConfig to get generated ?
Basically, what I want is to discover if the code is in unit-test mode or not and figured that we use BuildConfig for this. And to add a custom variable I found this stackoverflow.com/questions/40156906/…
But yet there is no buildConfig for the unit-tests
@TimCastelijns: How ? where ?
like that answer says
> Tests must be run against staging buildType.
I followed that, but yet no buildConfig in the test specific directory
goes looking for ban hammer
are you editing the message
use ctrl +k
you have to open the build variants pane and select allTests before running the test
Tim : It worked. But I want to understand this.
how is one build-variant different from the other ?
its just about the config that we have mentioned in there . right ?
in there = the module build.gradle
And, if I execute the command ./gradlew assembleDebug, then which of those builds is used ?
assembleDebug is generated if you have a build type 'debug'
you want assembleAllTests I guess
I have been using `asslembeDebug` and though is no `debug` type there, it has worked.
But, I see, so the format is assemble<build-variant>
I don't know, maybe debug is default or so
or you need to clean the project
No the structure is wrong
It's my own fault
no not you
But I don't know what the actual structure should be
For one I can't call on this.getApplication at the second observable
Because that inner class contains no app context
return inside an anonymous class does not return from the outer function, but from the function in the anonymous class
your return now returns from onChanged and the outer function returns nothing (so gives error)
@TimCastelijns how you getting on with Flutter?
I just got back to doing some Flutter dev over the weekend
bro I have not done any for like 2 weeks
Last time I did a commit before that it was 150 days
@TimCastelijns I can't pass the application to the second inner class at the onChanged
In order to do that I must make application ref Observable too? :S
because this refers to the outer anonymous class
i'm no Rx expert, but the return type of the onChanged method is void, how do you return a boolean?
Had to fix some layout issues and now can continue with dev
@MehdiB. The gist shows my eventual purpose
you don't want to nest observe calls btw
Indeed I don't want that
Trying different approaches
ah okay
@MwBakker let me check where it is
did you read the link I gave about the interface and callback things
But then I have a callback nested in my Observable
how did you end up with this instead
no you just have the invocation of the callback
Because I thought callback and observable were almost the same and you showed me a principe
@TimCastelijns Funny, I get to hear this a lot in my general life
let's take a step back. What is this method supposed to do
checkNewCat is not very descriptive
The List<Category> is being searched to see if the name of the input category already exists in this link
This List<Category> is a LiveData object and must be observed before such searches can be performed
can you not get the current value of a livedata thing
instead of observing
If it's a regular List it can not be bound the way I am supposed to
Boolean inputCategoryExists(String catName) {
    return componentRepository.getComponentCategories().getValue().contains(catName) }
Well damn
That does the trick
Public though, it's inside a ViewModel
Why did I overthink this so badly
it's just a bit of experience. Knowing what your options are
it will get easier
.contains() though does not check for object string values?
.contains() is meant for String Lists right?
contains by default uses a class' equals() to check elements against the value you pass to contains
so if you pass a string and the list has strings, it will use String#equals to compare them
I know
But this List does not contain strings
equals or compareTo, actually not sure but you get the idea
So I would still need a for-loop
Anyway I knew about .getValue() but somehow it got me into an async related issue
So I avoided that
@ColdFire good morning
Thanks again Tim
lunch time
oh yeah compareTo is for ordering
@MuratKaragöz ah what about guten morgen then?
That's the german version
And the other is?
Some local Germany language?
there is a neat feature on google translate "Detect language"
Oh turkish
So you wanna meet up Cold Fire?
If I go directly from work, I could eat there
Sure but zwolle is pretty far away and public transport is very costly here
Over 100 km from my area
I can't do much about that part..
I could share a piece of your transportation costs
Following Foreach statement:
 for (ComponentCat cat : componentRepository.getComponentCategories())
If I do this, will the .getComponentCategories be called on every loop?
In other words
@MwBakker Naah i dont want you to spend your money
for (ComponentCat cat : componentCats)
@MwBakker hehe I know
Takes less resources or no difference to the other?
I guess the compiler will optimize it out
How does the compiler optimize the travel to Zwolle?
Lol no I mean the answer to your cat question
I know
Just kidding
@TimCastelijns I just figured again why I have the usage of LiveData objects
The Room Database can retrieve the List as a LiveData object without locking the UI
ok thanks for this random info
and yes the loops are the same
@TimCastelijns You're welcome
@mauker belated happy birthday bro, I think I forgot last week
Thanks Tim!
You didn't :)
2 days ago, by Tim Castelijns
happy birthday nerd
@eski I've sent you an email
ok, well. I forgot that I didn't forget
It's ok to forget that you didn't forget
CA o/
Okay, So I am getting started with robolectric for this project, and although it has FakeHttpLayer, it does not support intercepting requests made through OkHttp, so I will probably have to write a wrapper over it and make it intercept the requests (for unit-testing)
but, then the problem is, how to know, inside the code, if its unit-testing right now or not ?
I have been trying to use gradle-buildtypes but not satisfied
and I want to avoid methods like OkHttpWrapper.setUpUnitTestEnv()
The wrapper will be really simple. Using spy objects in case if its unit-test right now, otherwise, use the original objects.
Any suggestion ?
Note: The wrapper is over OkHttp (not over FakeHttpLayer)
using buildTypes, I can change buildTypes used by tests, but then its used for all the test and hence its not able to distinguish between unit-tests and integration tests.
not familiar with robolectric
how about - "is there a way to know, inside the code, if this compilation is for unit-test vs integration-test vs release/debug ?"
There is nothing like integration test in terms of compilation, is there ? There are only 2 gradle targets, unit-test and android-test/instrumentation-test. isnt it ?
I can have a custom build-type that will then be used for integration test.
cool !
Thank you everyone :D
What just happened
Happy to "announce" that i'll be be moving to Berlin this week to work as a Data Engineer :)
Welcome bro
Thanks! :D
@MehdiB. Congratulations!
I'm glad you landed that
It's just me or AS doesn't require the buildToolsVersion config anymore?
Or did it move to another place?
I was opening an old-ish project with this new version of AS, and that line was gone
also it asked to download the build tools, but I have it downloaded
I actually miss the initialization of the ViewModel
 storageVM = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(StorageViewModel.class);
I can't help it but to read that as Storage Virtual Machine
Yes. buildToolsVersion is not required with latest version of AS
How do I change it then?
Not sure. It chooses the minimum required version automatically.
I had the line in my config specifying version lower than the min-required. It was simply printing warning something like : "the build version is older than required, the line is ignore and <this this> buildToolsVersion is being used"
3.1.0 release
@Mauker thanks !
Are you going to build custom views for the ML stuff?
Yes, canvas all the way :D
gratien asimbahwe requested access. Rep: 836 - Questions: 3 - Answers: 81 (ratio 4:108)
108 wow
Let him in, bot
@Mauker You do not have sufficient access for this command
@MehdiB. CONGRATS!!!!
@gratienasimbahwe welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@Mauker Got it! I'll pass it along now.
Thanks man :)
@mehdi bro there were no positions in amsterdam?
There was one, been through 12h of interviews and Technical challenges, then they kept saying every week "we're waiting for M. X for the offer" until they vanished 😂😂
@MarkO'Sullivan Thank you!
It seems they were unable... to find X. (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
I have read and understood the rules
@MehdiB. congrats
Thanks :)
thanks grati
@MehdiB. Thanks... your grace
Sorry - "I don't deserve such congratulations, your Majesty"
Much better
CONGRATS MEHDI!!!!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉
As a royal typer I had to raise awareness of proper communication with our prince
@Mauker xD
Met some Brazilian guys here
@TimCastelijns No one wants to go there on his own will
I mean, I don't know why I'm so surprised, we're everywhere
Murat xD
Haha mauker
Every time I traveled abroad I found other Brazilians
there's two at our office
wait, what
@MehdiB. Congratulations
Now we have two machines learning in the room
Thank you Raghav (y)
@MehdiB. I did not officially give you congrats. But hereby :)
@Mauker first time met Brazilians for me
@Mauker Brazilians might be curious with a sense of exploration
@MwBakker 👍
@gratienasimbahwe And the female ones have great culos
lol dude
gasps you said the C word....
:-D :-D hahaha one among the reasons why there are always tourists in Brazil
@W0MP3R Yeah... He's insane to use objective-C
What? I'm sorry but that info is even in the airplane magazine as a touristic attraction
I'm not going to be mad at you because what you said is true
lots of culonary attractions
@eLi did you definitely find how?
@MehdiB. holy crap
is he going to give them hiv to see if it worked?
I think so... That dystopia has no respect for the human life
That was my first thought
Wow the chinese
@MehdiB. Wait, wasn't this already done before?
@Cf are you there?
@ColdFire what's up?
I heared that you have left your country
Lol no
CF doesn't leave his country
When CF visits a new country, he simply buys it, so he is always in his country
@ColdFire you better get Frikandel Speciaal! Otherwise me, @TimCastelijns, @Jordy and Eric will be disappointed
I have returned
Hiya Trevor!!!!! :D
hey womper :D
@trevor-e What's the return value?
I was in Spain the past couple weeks
How was the trip?

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