There'are a lot of patterns to accomplish this. Maybe the easiest use some sort of callback function, for example:
interface Callback {
void onSuccess(boolean value);
private boolean isTrue(final Callback callback) {
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {...
Basically, what I want is to discover if the code is in unit-test mode or not and figured that we use BuildConfig for this. And to add a custom variable I found this…
But yet there is no buildConfig for the unit-tests
Okay, So I am getting started with robolectric for this project, and although it has FakeHttpLayer, it does not support intercepting requests made through OkHttp, so I will probably have to write a wrapper over it and make it intercept the requests (for unit-testing)
but, then the problem is, how to know, inside the code, if its unit-testing right now or not ?
I have been trying to use gradle-buildtypes but not satisfied
and I want to avoid methods like OkHttpWrapper.setUpUnitTestEnv()
The wrapper will be really simple. Using spy objects in case if its unit-test right now, otherwise, use the original objects.
Any suggestion ?
Note: The wrapper is over OkHttp (not over FakeHttpLayer)
using buildTypes, I can change buildTypes used by tests, but then its used for all the test and hence its not able to distinguish between unit-tests and integration tests.
how about - "is there a way to know, inside the code, if this compilation is for unit-test vs integration-test vs release/debug ?"
There is nothing like integration test in terms of compilation, is there ? There are only 2 gradle targets, unit-test and android-test/instrumentation-test. isnt it ?
I can have a custom build-type that will then be used for integration test.
Not sure. It chooses the minimum required version automatically.
I had the line in my config specifying version lower than the min-required. It was simply printing warning something like : "the build version is older than required, the line is ignore and <this this> buildToolsVersion is being used"
There was one, been through 12h of interviews and Technical challenges, then they kept saying every week "we're waiting for M. X for the offer" until they vanished 😂😂