Dress in a printed sheet that says 'Our intelligent software has identified your user data has violated code xxx, yyy or zzz, your account has been suspended'
Actually, I need help from someone expert. Right now, I got TransactionTooLarge Exception in one of my Cordova Android app. I know why that exception occurs. But I am unable to find that within the cordova plugin. For some of my cordova Activity, I got that exception. You can refer this for that issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53057224/transactiontoolarge-with-cordovaactivity
There is a definite upper bound on how fast you can load stuff, especially in parallel
Easy optimizations would be having your server send as little data as possible by downsizing images
once that is done, you will likely want to only download a few in parallel so that you can start showing them quickly while the rest download, instead of downloading all 50 at once and slowing them all down
Beyond that, you can try serving them all from the connection, or even as part of the same request to avoid http overhead, but that's unlikely to actually be noticeable on most connections
I need to convert all the time to dubai standard time after the selection of the time zone by the user,user can select any time zone,before sending it to the db I need to convert it into dubai standard time any idea?
timezones are shit to handle but there's so many ways to do it i can't come up with a concrete one, 1/15th of Stack overflow's java questions have something to do with them
just google " java convert local time to Dubai time"
my girlfriend doesn't complain that I play games now and then, but she is always shitting on the games I play because they are old or don't have super nice graphics or I have been playing them for 3 years and she thinks I should move on xD