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posted on September 20, 2018 by Lingfeng Yang

Android Emulator 28.0.9 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. -gpu guest (software rendering in the guest) has been deprecated. API 28+ system images will now auto switch to using Swiftshader (-gpu swiftshader_indirect).We have received reports of emulator hangs on Mac when the AVD is configured with 4 GB of guest RAM. If you are experiencing this, please file an issue in Issuetracke

morning room.
Morning Linus.
!quiet room now
Unknown command '!quiet room now'
lol I forgot about the bot
I seem to have done far better than expected in that math test
Seems sketchy
puts on tinfoil hat
2 hours later…
I want to display this streams into vidoeview
I used exoplayer I cant able to achieve it
@LavanyaVelusamy you should post a question and put the link here. There is not enough info for anyone to help you further.
1 hour later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!!! :D
morning all!
Morning you two :)
morning nerds
@Code-Apprentice no. They block EU visitors themselves. Like mentioned in this article
why downvote? this worked. — Melissa94 27 secs ago
The other answer downvoted me probably x)
I like the "this worked" but neither accepted nor upvoted you :D
I don't mind, but i find it funny :D
something I did (and that was driving me nuts) got the OK
Nice! Congrats, I guess :)
They let you take a sledgehammer to the printer?
Can't say I blame you
Printers are the devil
We have an industrial printer here
man the prints are out of the world, can't go back to a casual printer
the printer is safe from my rage
MwBakker requested access. Rep: 82 - Questions: 16 - Answers: 9 (ratio 4:2.3)
fucking shit i can't put my spare room on airBnb
atleast for now
let's see what airbnb answers me on twitter.
!!! I see curse words!
via pm
Unknown command '!!! I see curse words!'
@R15-Zucc Excuse me what the fuck?
flags the flag
well poop....
yesterday i was drowning in issues to do... now is a dry land
So you are getting paid for doing nothing? :o
right now..... yes
Hard times.
it's so boring
play the larvae game
Basic Flutter Android app is now 4.7mb in size
Tons of support for cupertino widgets now and it looks like performance has improved too
cool. i have stopped flutter dev.
I will get into it when there is a requirement. for know sticking to java and kotlin
what is a cupertino widget
@MarkO'Sullivan still waiting for you to reply broh :D
Cupertino is iOS themed widgets
Flutter was lacking in iOS widget support, there was some but not enough to make it easy for devs making iOS apps
Flutter 3 with other language, when
@MuratKaragöz never
Klutter, flutter with kotin
20Go of cache files on my mac
I am searching a really flat iBeacon, anyone saw smth like that?
Homebrew (all the .tgz) - Spotify - Intellij (all versions) - Pycharm (all versions) - Android Studio (all versions) - Chrome
so IntelliJ doesn't remove cache files on upgrades
hello guys
one emergency help
i am unable to get user node value can any one correct me where am i wrong ?
Here is my firebase database structure imgur.com/a/ghMmne3
and i am trying by this code paste.ofcode.org/dcrZgvvaWh33RVEnHcdQTw
hello guys plz
do some help
I'm working on something, can't debug with you, sorry :/
okay :(
thx for response
@Murat very cool photo on LinkedIn! how did you take it? :D
It was from a photographer
that one screams "nerd", am i right :D
yes! "Nerd but you won't beat my class" XD
only reason why i am not changing that is because recruiters are searching for nerds
I should take a photo like that one, it's very clean and classy, love that style
Just go to any photo studio, takes like 10 minutes
is it the one with the red shirt?
and the glasses?
Nice, seems like the whole room stalked me already
I only have linkedin, so what am I missing guys?
i sent a nerd-connect :D
Kamal Kumar requested access. Rep: 24 - Questions: 9 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0)
!reject Kamal Kumar
@KamalKumar you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
I'll check it it tonight when I am home
I also use Xing, the german linkedin
wow there is a german linkedin
murat you dont use fb?
fb is for sheep
are you telling you are a sheep?
I use it, but it's only for family and friends I know personally
ah make sense
world's first hydrogen-powered train in germany nice
Akshay Katariya requested access. Rep: 869 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 79 (ratio 4:316)
!accept Akshay Katariya
@AkshayKatariya welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Thank-you @R15-Zucc for accepting my request,
and yes i read the rules :-)
read again
pay extra attention to rule 6
I have read and understood the rules
Welcome!!!! :D
@AkshayKatariya R15-Zucc is a bot, Tim is the human who accepted your request :D
MwBakker requested access. Rep: 82 - Questions: 16 - Answers: 10 (ratio 4:2.5)
!accept MwBakker
@MwBakker welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules.
Welcome!!!! :D
Thank you for accepting me
I apoligise for directly bugging with a question, but I am kind of stuck
If I want a dialog while respecting the MVVM pattern, is a service object 'allowed' to hold the Dialog UI referrence?
So the service can be used as a singleton with a static showDialog() method?
@MuratKaragöz Rick roll alert
@MwBakker no
lol murat
Mauker, plz.
@ColdFire Ok, then I need to do more research. Damn, I thought I was getting close..
well you are allowed to hold a dialog reference altho you shouldn't
@MwBakker in case you weren't aware of these resources github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture (they make an MVVM example)
No I did not
I have done 2 days of Googling and youtubing to get the dialog per MVVM understood
But I kept getting back at 0, maybe your link might help. Thank you
The true link I am missing is how and where the .show() of the dialog element should be executed, since MVVM does not allow VM to hold UI referrences
Thought a service class was the trick
Thank you for that link Mehdi, I will dig into it
put it all in the view
Sorry I don't understand what you mean by that
the view is the only component concerned with how something is diplayed
But in case of a dialog, something needs to present the view
I know how to bind buttons and textfields etc to a viewmodel
I just don't know how to execute a dialog without violating mvvm rules
AOT episode 9 is online @MehdiB. @Mauker
ok I see
I don't know specifics of mvvm. I don't use it
I'll watch it tonight, CF!
Attack of Titan?
There is a new season?
yeah the season 3, it's awesome so far :D
your nerd score has just fallen Murat :/
@ColdFire woo!
I read the manga
You can not beat me at my nerdiness
I read it as well
you're at a way different level Murat XD
every month when it releases a new chapter
Do I even know JavaScript dev? took me 1 day to understand Vue.js, Webpack, and now I created the project it just slapped me with 1000 other required JS libs
Welcome to open source
that's too much...
it's over engineered imo, might as well create a Spring.js project and bundle the whole thing: here's your JS dev framework of reference
Murat - do you recommend using "Class-Based Components"?
Yes, way better control
KUMAR KESHAV requested access. Rep: 1 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0)
@KUMARKESHAV you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
wait.... reading manga is nerdier than watching anime??
So, Vue.js - VueX - Webpack - TypeScript - Babel - karma and jasmine. Seems a correct stack?
womper - yeah, they're always ahead of the anime peasants like us :D
normally you don't need babel if you use typescript
but virtually everything uses babel somewhere
Why did you decide for vuex
and not node / reactjs?
> Use Babel alongside TypeScript for auto-detected polyfills
So typescript => es5 => babel => es3, no?
then i guess i'm in the nerdier club with murat xD
ColdFire, how would you call on dialog.show() if it's not the service object doing it?
Is it night already? So many stars
oh boy
@WarrenFaith you're up
@MuratKaragöz I don't know, it was just the store recommended by Vue.js and they say online Vue is easier to grasp than react-redux / angular
is it incorrect?
@Who ever mass stars, we're trying to have a conversation here, could you take your retardness elsewhere?
No idea, never tried vuex
For fuck sake
Yeah with the typescript compiler you can target es5/6
under the hood there is babel
@Tim @Adam @Carl @Warren @Raghav @Ahmad anyone?
I pinged Madara to come here from JS
hopefully he's around
removing stars is a lot of effort man
@W0MP3R yes :D
well a random flag was also raised
which is why I'm here.
DAMN star spam
Which flag message?
@rlemon which message?
2 hours ago, by MwBakker
I have read and understood the rules.
it's aamirkhan btw
yea, obvious troll flag
he does this every now and then
What did I do?
@MwBakker don't worry about it. someone just randomly is doing things
@MwBakker you did nothing dont worry
you got caught in it
you did nothing wrong
oh rlemon with his real face nice :D
no more horseface
rlemon has a face??
@MuratKaragöz and all the browsers support es5 so all good, right?
@ColdFire sobs but this is the mask :(
we will just squeeze the lemon
Yeah good to go
Thanks! (y)
aamir khan looks like a bot xD
@ColdFire I was wondering, if you say I should not have a service class holding the UI ref, then how would you do that? Is is this a too broad question, sorry if so
mods can see the flags, and don't like flag abuse
you just dug your own grave
well i can see the flags too
flag spam
I'm talking to the flagger
yeah yeah i know
@MwBakker i dont understand why does service needs a UI?
service have nothing to do with UI
anyways, have a nice day Android, hope the troll leaves you alone soon.
o/ later
@ColdFire VM is not allowed to know about the View, so no UI elements ref
@MuratKaragöz high level nerd
But a dialog requires a .show() in order to be presented
so is the service
a dialog doesnt belong in a service. PERIOD
Alright that is clear to me now
unless you have a very good reason to do so which i dont think you have it doesnt belong there
But then I am still stuck with the .show() in order to actually call on the dialog
again why is there a dialog in service?
why does it exist in the service to call show to?
There is non, I thought I would use the service to call on a static .show()
not a good idea
So I was back to 0 again haha
I can bind my button to call on the dialog to an observer, sure
But then, somewhere in the process the dialog needs to be shown
i dont know MVVM so cant say what needs to be done but service is definitely not it
Still, thank you anyway ColdFire
the service that retrieves your data should notify any presenter listening that the process has ended
and that presenter, with that information, must create and call the dialog
or terminate it
i dont think he needs a service at all he was using it to show dialog that is all i guess?
or no?
depends. i understood that he had a service for something, and that after that somethng he wanted to show a dialog
he got suspended XD
wow wtf
oh i thought you are talking mwbakker
of course not
@CptEric FRONT
@CptEric Well the service class was meant as communicator between VM and the call on the dialog
CF woke up with his right foot today
Good boy hahaha
Because the VM can't call on the dialog, it is not supposed to know about any view whatsoever
see i told you he doesnt need a service at all
@MehdiB. nice, for a year
yes XD
one year of no spam nice
A service class was my guess for calling on the dialog without a VM having the UI ref in it. The service class in that matter would act like a singleton
that is a bad design probably we have a MVVM guy here somewhere who can help you
all services are singletons
I hope I am not being too vague on this subject
@TimCastelijns I thought so, but wasn't sure
I remember having a service_openDialog class at a WPF project
That class held the UI ref, the VM called on the method only so I could open a file dialog without the VM actually holding ref to the UI
But doubts came in...
anybody reads or watch berserk anime/manga?
don't confuse android with WPF
WPF is not Android
I won't, this is about the principe of MVVM and that follows the same rule. Except I doubt if I am following the rules well on MVVM matter
"You could subscribe your view (activity or fragment) to an observable in the ViewModel so that when it changes, you can start your dialog or new activity from the view."
But it does not say how it starts it, somewhere must be a .show() or visible:true hidden on the UI ref?
I don't know what UI ref is, but your fragment or activity will call .show()
:44005701 Sorry, with UI ref I mean  something like   CustomDialog cDialog
And then the activity is the one performing cDialog.show() as you say?
yes. No other class should have that ref
DialogActivity extends AppCompatActivity   {   // ...
So this class, unbound to the xml (so it's no VM) is the one calling on the dialog.show() ?
Ghazi Wali requested access. Rep: 66 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 7 (ratio 4:28)
@Mauker hu?
The star spammer was here
It was like christmas all over
ah ok
it helps, when you mass ping owners, to shortly state the issue so we spare scanning the transcript to figure out what might be the reason. Just in case something like that is happening again
it also helps to figure out the severity (I just saw the message via push on my device without any real context :P)
You're right, I'll keep that in mind Warren :)
My bad
your bad
you're bad no problem :P
hey warren
how's germany
done with AOT episode 9 Episode 10 is gonna to be meh
Saw epi 9 too
It's going to slow down a lot now
If I am correct, in this example they also make use of some sort of service class doing the actual call?
I'm liking this arc a lot
On the manga it was one of my favorites
what arc is??

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