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posted on June 06, 2018 by Nicolas Roard

We just released ConstraintLayout 1.1.1. We recommend updating to this version. It’s available from the google maven repository: dependencies { compile 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.1.1' } This release fixes a few issues present in 1.1.0: When animating layout by marking Views as GONE an extra measure was made, causing some visual artifact with TextViewsSome regressions

Could someone explain why this strange behavior? snag.gy/ChlGcP.jpg
Surely, the variable txnSMS should at least match ".*", right?
.* will only go up to the newline
It is more hard to make codes unreadable
You can just match ^You have purchased, unless you want the content after that
Also, in your case, you don't really need a regex
You could check if the strings start with or contain your exact phrase
Regexes are more for patterned data and extract info out of it
I wanted to make the parser regex-based mostly, for consitency. Let me test your suggestion first
^You have purchased fails too!
really strange... :-)
I'll use startsWith -- it works, though, I'd love to know why the regex can't
You're using matches()
That evaluates the entire string
Use find()
^You have purchased.*
This will make expression at full match.
Nope, it'll stop at the newline
Since you have three lines, it still don't match your entire string
It only has one line in value.
Look at the log below
There are 4 lines
Oh. I see that.
My aim was to return True, once we could match even just the start of the string with the regex.
Use find()
Sure. Exploring that
Something like this? Pattern.compile("^You have purchased.*", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(txnSMS).find()
Yep, that worked XD
use SingleLine
Am parsing SMS, and am not always sure they'll send it as single line. Multiline seems to be a good catchall
No, I think something of Pattern.SINGLELINE?
With /s flag, it only full match when You have purchased at the first line
With multiline flag, it match also when "You have purchased" at whatever line.
* that's what I want
I put the ^, to ensure the matching starts at the beginning of string though.
You have purchased ultimate armor.
This will matched when multiline flag
But with single line flag, it will not match. It match only when You have purchased at first line, and begin with it.
LOL, sorry for my broken English. Hope you get it :P
Sure, I have observed that too, and based on the nature of the SMS -- they are pretty standard, I feel this doesn't break my parser for now.
An easier way would be to strip all the new lines from the string
You build a SMS purchasing system?
SMS sometime is not received, and resend is needed. And user might having no SMS service. So it is not a common approach for purchasing authentication.
just analytics based off sms
Looking on this
How do you think? Will it breaks Material design?
Ollo Android!
How y'all doin?
@RaghavSood I am sorry to bother you, but can you suggest something based on the gradle output I shared here: community.commonsware.com/t/…
No idea, sorry. I'm not familiar enough with maven
I would suspect that either he hasn't published it and the README is copy pasted from another lib that he has, or that there's some search path issue in your gradle that overshadows or skips his repo
If you look at your output, it doesn't include his S3 repo
Yes, right. I will wait for him to respond, then maybe I will look for alternatives.
Or, for now, you can get the jar from the github releases
omg, yes.
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
from german holidays
@Jordy totally not a decent paella imho
my uncle got new tennants.
they are loud and demand a lot of food, but provide payments in the form of periodic 24/7 purring.
@nyconing why would it "break" material design
i like it and it's very material-2.0-ish
I do not know so I asked. Can I still claim my app is designed according Material Design guidelines after implement?
it's not like there's a material design tribunal or something.
not even a play store badge tbh.
i claim all my apps are designed using the MOS pattern
on it's multi input variation
I doubt anyone would care
"code -> think about bad code -> ask peer -> regret asking after answers are worst than the original Q -> code -> think about bad code -> ..."
I have acquired doughnuts
At least, that's what they say on the box
are they hole-less?
Feels more like bread biscuits with a tiny bit of chocolate frosting
They are
then they aren't doughnuts.
The label on this box would like to disagree with you, and the entire doughnut classification racket
filling or not, a hole-less doughnut is a bagel.
Even worse, it says "Donut"
actually bagels have holes
not in my country, yes in google images apparently.
You'd think they'd stick to the queen's english in NZ
Considering they are literally ruled by the queen
@CptEric worthy quotable hahaha
well according to google donuts are less hard, sweeter, sugar frosted bagels.
so whoever designed your "donuts", is a monster without googling skills.
Haha, thanks. I decided to lie it.
bread lentille with chocolate frosting does not fit the "doughnut" bio
lentille as shape, not as vegetable
@CptEric welcome back how was your trip?
goddamn germany choose to be sunny and heated up for the whole weekend so we spanish reenactors could feel like back at home
i was expecting cold and rain
not sun and heat
I must acquire food
I have acquired food
Q: Check out the sneak peek of left nav, new theme and responsiveness

Joe FriendToday we are releasing an early sneak peek of work that has been in progress for several months on Meta Stack Overflow and later this week will release it on Meta Stack Exchange. The motivation for this work is covered in my post entitled Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes, s...

finally today my xubuntu got the git 2.17.1 update to fix the security issue
what does mm stand for in software versioning?
mandrake monitoring
mutilated multipart
merciful midget
major minor?
minor major?
I have a 1.3.1-mm3 version here
After a hyphen is usually some kind of tag
Like 1.2-rc1
I know but had not seen this one before
it is internal xD
Did anyone know the detail of CollapsingToolbarLayout's snap on API26+
It does not working
1 hour later…
for fuck's sake
i hate gradle.
> Caused by: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/measurement/zzkt;
at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.readSortableTypes(DexMerger.java:661)
at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.getSortedTypes(DexMerger.java:616)
just clean the project bro, try it it will fix your issue, trust me
plz accept my answer
Have you tried turning it off and on @CptEric?
nothing works so far
it works for me™
it works for me ™
You just got a ™ approval - Tim Mark
you're not being useful.
sounds like you need to exclude one of the dependency causing that
look into the dependency tree
and how do i know what dependency is causing that? there are dozens
check which ones use zzkt as dependency
jk I don't know
it's a inner google file for god's sake
shitty google.
I have browsed numerous answers about the PDF file chooser Intent, but none of them seem to work.
target.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file),"application/pdf"); This part especially does not work.
A: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

CommonsWareRun gradle -q dependencies (or gradle -q :projectName:dependencies) to generate a dependency report. You should see where r7 is coming from, such as: compile - Classpath for compiling the main sources. +--- com.commonsware.cwac:camera-v9:0.5.4 | +--- com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4....

Can I hiding or make unselectedable on some view in design time?
Android Studio
use tools:visibility="gone"
goddamnit google, you making me loose a whole damn morning
Great! Thanks!!
@MuratK. didn't help
Did you manage to print the dependency tree?
yes, but the point is i have no control on what dependencies google libs have
You can exclude duplicates in your gradle
you have to exclude the confliction depdency
you have control over it
but how can i exclude a dependency that is using the zzkt file when i don't know what dependency is that?
you could also updating/downgrading the version
of what? i still can't find the causing lib
Are you using firebase by any chance ?
firebase, google maps, google location.
Update them all to latest versions if possible
already tried
well you have to exclude com/google/android/gms/internal lib
i mean whichever google lib has this package
whichever google lib has this package
just try one by one
it will be one of the play service libs
even if i knew what service lib was causing it
how can i exclude a single file on it?
no the single file isnt the issue you need to exclude the whole lib
even if you exclude the single file it will throw error at other files since all files of that lib are duplicate
so no use maps, or whatever? makes no sense
no no
implementation('your lib') {

exclude module: 'support-v4'
exclude module: 'appcompat-v7'
exclude module: 'recyclerview-v7'
that is how you exclude dependencies^
there is also a excludegroup command
day 1 opinion when i started using gradle: this is shit. year 5, so far: this is the shittiest shit.
lol indeed
is it so hard for the build system to just choose the latest file from 2 instead of trying to merge them into a shitfest?
Can't, could be not identical or backward compatible => break one of the modules
fuck everyone that messes up
instead of the user
eric what mehdi said
Our retina display features hundreds of pixels per inch in the central fovea region.
(Sorry if already posted here)
@RushDroid Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Thanks @RaghavSood
I renamed my package name (Not application ID) in my project And now i want to give release build to my client.it's version 2, Version 1 is already live with older package name .so now play store allow me to update apk with new package name ?
Any android developer ?
hit, and missss
sorry ?
and banned
I have read and understood the rules
can anyone help me for package name issue ?
@RushDroid package name is meaningless for google play
and application ID must be unique
so it will allow me to update second version with another package name.Right ?
It should
Just upload to alpha and see if it complains
i don't have access that's why i asked here
Pretty sure it should, but I doubt anyone in here changes package names frequently enough to know
@RaghavSood @AdamMc331 did. once.
> ...*frequently* enough to know
pushes adam_2.keystore down the cliff of sorrow
if you have to rename package, it is usually a sign of bigger problems, in a bayesian sense
similarly, if you suddenly have to support Android 1.6 in 2018; it doesn't just happen out of the blue
didn't get you
@RushDroid yes
Okay i am consider it to Play store allow me to update the second version
with same App Id and diff package name
no the package name are always same
as far as i am remember appid just replaces the package name in manifest
Yes i know that's why i didn't change the applicationId from Build.gradle file
i just rename my package name
A: Is it possible to change the package name of an Android app on Google Play?

VoicuFrom Dianne Hackborn: Things That Cannot Change: The most obvious and visible of these is the “manifest package name,” the unique name you give to your application in its AndroidManifest.xml. The name uses a Java-language-style naming convention, with Internet domain ownership helping t...

worth mentioning, since I looked around for this - you can change the package name of the actual package in java, and basically everywhere else besides in the manifest. the one in the manifest is more or less independent of the one everywhere else. — lahwran Apr 5 '16 at 4:31
@RushDroid just upload it , it will work without issues
Thanks @ColdFire @TimCastelijns
i have found this
hmmm pings
sorry for ping
i am little bit exited
You can change your code's package name (your code namespace) and it will not affect the application ID, and vice versa (though, again, you should not change your application ID once you publish your app). from developer.android
anyone here use gmaps for web?
(゜_っ゚) ノ゙
@TimCastelijns Yeah, a simple embed with directions
heard about the changes?
@TimCastelijns damn, the search APIs are expensive
What are native static maps / native dynamic maps?
mapbox.com is a descent alternative for navigation, routing (traffic info) ot basic maps usage
I wonder how Mapbox / Google Maps / Bing Maps do mapping
@TimCastelijns As long as the client doesn't notice, I'm set. When issue arises, will look alternatives
Mark - Mapbox is based on opengl
I mean how they capture the mapping data
Mapbox seems good
It can sometimes be very annoying, but the community is very active on Github
user image
Rounded edges FTW
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooooooooooooood Morning/Middday/Afternoon You Beautiful People!!!!!! :D
Hello, Womper! :D
How's the day been going??
About to find out if GCP's CloudSQL is easy to use
not so nice!!
That looks like someone scratching their head while throwing up gang signs
afternoon womper
OSX removes support for openGL
@Abhi Squircle
@MarkO'Sullivan Yes! The perfect shape
@MehdiB. This reminds me of:
Feb 26 at 20:08, by Dave S
user image
And its payback:
Feb 26 at 20:13, by Dave S
user image
Another gem
The memes ... just amazing
I remember that one!!!
who is 2nd from left?
I think this was the PennApps where they all went to take photos without me :(
Ah, no this is MHacks
It's MLH
So probably the second time they did that
MLH is at most of them
apple deprecates openGL
says devs must comply with metal for next year's WWDC
sounds like a lot of work
shits i gave about this : [ ]
bc i'm no graphic dev. but if i was, i would be hell of a pissed.
but hey, xcode got support for gitlab
xcode is shite
your daily rant quota has been used
@RaghavSood Don't worry Raghav, I got it covered
user image
There you go, you're on the picture now
@Adam @Tristan @Ahmad
user image
lmao love it
there was a W0mperized version
wasn't it?
there was
I'm not sure
where is it?
we summon you
you called?
Yes, my master wompah
there it is.
I love it
that's old
needs a raghav tho.
but let's not forget
user image
There's a raghav up there
@Mauker lmfao
in brazil.
unless you moved
@Mauker you are the one drawing the picture
Makes sense
wait this is the best dave photoshop though
Feb 13 at 18:41, by Dave S
user image

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