I'm working on just a sample feature that they've tasked me with to familiarize myself with the code base and explore how to build on their existing architecture. I'll spend the next couple days on this and next week I believe they'll start throwing some actual build tasks at me.
I think it's just a lot going on because of all the use cases. The entire UI can fluctuate based on whether you already like the user, whether they like you, whether you like each other. You can like and commend on various aspects of the profile individually not just the whole thing. Our profile view is more complex than I realized haha
I know the feeling! I turn on "Perform code analysis" when making commits. The ColdFusion project I was working on had like 100s of warnings for each commit.
Can't believe I never realized this immensely satisfying shit before:
6 x 5 x 2 minutes in an hour
8 x 3 hours in a day
7 days in a week
So every month has 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x [# of weeks] x 3 x 2 x 1 minutes in it.
So there are 8! minutes in February.
(Thanks @fermatslibrary)
Yeah at this point they just buy all the dating apps and profit.
Which is weird because like they all operate relatively independently. There was a quarterly Match Group all hands meeting today but I didn't watch it. I'm a great new employee.
The recruiter told me the only thing that comes up is occasionally we might hear about Tinder features right before they go public via a company email or something, but that's it. We don't know about it while the build is in progress or anything.
Fun fact: OkCupid just got a new CEO because the previous one moved to Tinder haha
to be fair, it is common in other animals. And good thing, too. Can you imagine if there were no flies, etc. to eat poop and break it down for the circle of life?