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> developer street cred
@MehdiB. we had a oracle financed course about oracle enterprise 9 or 10
from 0 to hero
pretty dumb. Results not really accurate
we went from basic queries to system migrations
a whole year of it, 3 hours a week
give link timmy
i really loved oracle's SQL way of doing queries, pretty straightforward
Gimme timmy link
we had an Oracle 10i semester, but that was only about Oracle
Rachel Ferrigno on February 06, 2018

Today we’re excited to announce a partnership with Pluralsight, the enterprise technology learning platform.

Stack Overflow’s mission has always been to the help the world’s developers; whether it’s helping them get answers to their coding problems through Q&A, or helping them build their career with Jobs. Pluralsight has many of the same goals—helping the tech community grow their skills, share their knowledge, and create progress through technology—making the partnership a win-win for all involved. …

man I have to register there?
yes, it will use your SO info
later when you have to sign in to get the result, you won't have a password and you can't log in
I never worked nor heard about "Exante Health"
how did it get on my profile
well i entered fake data and now i am from afghanistan
it's useless anyway. Placed me in the 97th percentile
Exante Health doesn't even have a website I really wonder how it got there
Well now I can not log in or do anything
it wants money for a new account
I got a special sign up link via email
> My Android IQ is 202—that’s better than 81% of my peers!
i failed all the testing questions so it's a no brainer i know less than tim
I got distracted an let one question run out of time lol
Will try again later
you get only 1 retry
I have none x)
> who on earth would do that, and, given the amount of wrong this would be, why would it matter where to place it?
submitted a report about one of the questions
why is git rebase so painful
the question: Given the following scenario:
An application needs to include a number of large text files that are organized into a complex structure of folders and subfolders
The application reads from those files but does not write to them
Which of the following is the most appropriate way to include those files in the application?
why god why
painful how
what do you think tim
@CptEric I have that on my app, configuration files, I load them all into a json object :D
> My Google: Associate Android Developer (AAD) IQ is 225—that’s better than 90% of my peers!
Is there any tutorial explaining how to make a file upload logic with progress tracking using HttpURLConnection?
you really have unmodifiable text files in a complex subfolder structure and that are read-only?
i've got 50 commits to rebase
so each change in those commits creates a conflict to fix
Every single question and answer I've found is always with some problem attached; not using httpurlconnection, not working at all, etc.
@Shadow i have no idea, there must be one.
yes Eric
the 50 commits are not linear?
oh my god man :I
why not make it load from a pre-populated database?
well atleast it's json but
some are linear, but for example there are multiple commits where the same lines were touched
damn that's lot of work red
it's happens way too often as well
that's not got much to do with rebase does it? Just a lot of conflicts in general. You'd have them regardless
a later milestone once things get more dynamic, will be to download them from the server :D
conflicts in the same branch though?
i create a method, change the method in another commit, try to rebase master with my branch, and it considers it a conflict
i'm reading up on rebase now, it's how it's supposed to work
@MehdiB. that would have been step #1 for me :D
in other words, i'd sit down in my chair, looking at the screen, and asking every 25min to the API guys to do it for me
"is my config done yet?!"
I'm the API guy :D
that's the first step into multiple personality disorder
I'm just following Tim's path, gotta go through this for now :D
rebase your branch onto master, not the other way around
hm never thought of that
cool, will try
now there's only 3 conflicts, very nice
take rebase literally. It means "change the base (re-base) of this branch"
squash your branch
maybe you branched off of master~2 but now you want to change the base of the branch to master, so you rebase master
git omgufuckedupdidntyou --HARD
git push origin master --brutally --force --on --remote
> catalan economy grew a 3.7%, 1% more than the western europe, who grew a 2.7%, and 2% more than spain without it (catalonia).
glad to know we're doing okay-ish.
now please increase my salary a 3.7%
points empty pocket to macroeconomics gurus
we're being forced to use bitbucket so there's no handy squash and merge button either
would've been nice
normally you don't want to squash commits unless you made a mess
i prefer it for master
keeps it all tidy
but you lose detail
yeah true
tim how do you manage search on multi fields. AFAIK realm does not support that right!.
realm has a syntax for multiple parameter querying if you mean that
This fucking Stetho Realm
ok. let me explain in detail
i want a search mechanism like whats app where you can search for number/names/chat msgs.
in the db we have multiple fields for the same.
They should rename it to Stetho Cancer. Like for real, since I use @TimCastelijns snippet from 2 days ago (insert) I can't see my data anymore. At first this was only in 1 activity, now I can't access it from anywhere.
we use the .contains method to find the results but it accepts only 1 field
stetho doesn't know what code you use
lol @Mauker a teenager has been called to the national audience to answer for a joke about the fascist admiral
hope no spanish policemen visit this chatroom
else i'm in trouble
quick change your name to SgtEric or something
@CptEric I knew the center booster wasn't gonna pull it off.
haha i was just reading this and it's insane: stackoverflow.com/questions/48610180/…
time 2 go home
i'll write from prison if i'm detained
if i send "banana", come and rescue me
managed to fix the search but was curious if any of you faced the same issue with realm and what was your approach to the same.
wait, what is banana in spanish?
@Reno How many Junior Janitors work for you?
@CptEric where these quotes from?
@Reno thanks, man! I look forward to it.
@Reno Do you have any indication of how this happened? Is my theory correct that someone borrowed my code from SO?
@Code-Apprentice Yes, that's pretty much the only way it could happen
That's what I think, too. Just wondering if Reno can confirm.
I flagged some of the comments on CA's post. Please don't comment 'chatty' comments
all I have is nonsense comments
Once upon a time, I had a great nemesis
He was good at being a nemesis. Immature, he would hit back with comebacks as bad as my insults
He was childish, and fun to argue with
wait, you didn't link to me
You were never fun to begin with
Nah, Carl's awesome. No one can top his Seattle tours
Oh well. New life tomorrow
Gonna fly out for NZ
I flag stuff all the time, just this time I told you guys because you were the culprits
sorry for doing my duty, Mr. aspiring mod who does nothing on SO
did you also flag my comment
I may have given up on my mod dreams
Life's way too fucked right now
For instance, I'm homeless for my first 7 days in NZ
Because evidently this university likes to hold orientation for one week before they open the housing halls
just skip orientation, everything you learn there is found on a map
@Ahmad as if that's the only car he owns...
@RaghavSood good luck!
im taking my star back
@DaveS Yeah, except they decided you can only register for classes during orientation too
20 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
and here I am, parsing some json from a web server for the umpteenth time
Well, now we know why he's so cranky
I like this version of tim
@RaghavSood that was one of the best parts of the whole show
@MehdiB. yeah I thought about calling out that repost as well, but I figured you gotta let them have some fun
I set that train in motion like 2 weeks ago
can't wait for the meta discussion on that
there won't be one
nobody cares about xcode
besides it only has 5000 votes and 1.1 million views
i just randomly posted that samsung permission issue code-apprentice was having into my work slack, and someone said they're going to contact the vp of engineering at samsung to look into it
not that it'll fix anything knowing samsung
Reno cleans the toilets at samsung and he said he was going to stop unclogging them unless they got it sorted, so it should be fixed in the next release
9 hours ago, by Reno
Btw @Code-Apprentice I made a lot of noise and Bixby will be fixed in the next release cycle
that's cool
wow, that escalated quickly, from a permission issue to a VP of engineering :D
never annoy the janitors
Knowing corporates, I already feel bad for the developer who copy pasted it in his code :D
hopefully it's an intern
interns get cut a lot of slack
hopefully it's a retired engineer so he doesn't get blacklisted from samsung :D
Idk, I wouldn't want a career making weapons
@MehdiB. probably doesn't even work there anymore TBH
hope so, and hope he doesn't consider returning there
I wonder if Reno snuck on to a devs computer and did it himself when he should have been sweeping the floors
No need for a computer, they sweep the floors with Samsung tablets
nice to know my network here at SO can get things done!
im having a rough time with rxjava 2 guys
fromcallable used to return observable, now you have to call subscrbe for the code to execute, the problem is that now it returns a disposable
@CodeMonkeyAlx too many questions, not enough answers. Check our rules: room-15.github.io
@CodeMonkeyAlx after a bit of discussion you've been given write access, please read the rules: room-15.github.io
I have read and understood the rules
Now where was I. Somewhere between here and taking over the world.
Lets see. Who's lurking around. Ahmad, raghav and rlemon. I remember them all. Reno as well but he is not in chat. I think there is one more.
Pyro, probably
He hasn't been around in a while
Well, 2 AM here
Time for my 90 minute nap
See you guys in a bit
Yeah Pyro is it! Be safe, rest easy.
So I am to understand it like this. Kotlin is to Java what angular is to JS?
No, Kotlin is a language, Angular is a Js framework
So unlike JS and angluar its safe to go into learning kotlin on its own even though I have very little background Java exp. - Pretty much been 4 years or longer since I even touched android development. Aside of the odd pwa style web development setup.
Yes, absolutely, if you wanna work on Android. Java would always be good to learn though
Actually any good coder knows that you can learn anything at any point in time but its best to learn the core language of the frame work you are working with. -- The main reason I am back in here is because I heard about kotlin last year at I/O because I love keeping up with android. But thanks to humble bundle I managed to get my hands on around $1300 worth of mobile dev books for like $15 In it was things for Kotlin and Ionic as well as react. And Cringe iOS.
@MarcinDeszczynski what is the issue then
Well books and Videos actually.
humble bundle?
kotlin is to java what typescript is to javascript I guess, if you want a comparison
except that Kotlin doesn't get compiled into Java code unlike TS to JS
@cygery Its a site mostly for gaming and getting bundles of games on the cheap that most of the stuff goes to charity. However they sometimes put up books and things of the like. I'll get you a link. humblebundle.com/books/mobile-app-development-books
ah, I remember, knew it from games, thanks :)
Yeah in recent years I moved away from development and got more into gaming. I even got my twitch affiliate status for streaming. However twitch is not something you can viably build a career on. -- Thanks for the info @MehdiB. - I guess I'll be learning Kotlin and going back to Java when I need to brush up.
are you still a student or were you streaming professionally?
I am just now debating going back to college tbh. Spent 4 years on education Hiatus to get my head together.
if you're going for a career in mobile development, college is a massive waste of time
As it sits community college here in town has associates in Web Dev, App Dev, Game Design / Dev and certificate prep for Cyber Security. All of which I am interested in. Shame is I am the most indecisive when it comes to dealing with life changing things.
I am to guess the app development side of things is very much 'prove what you can do' over the traditional 'Go to school and get a piece of paper' ?
seek counsel and orientation advises with your parents / professionals / academics
it highly depends on the market you'll be living and working on
here for ex, if you don't have a master degree you'll suffer on getting a relatively high paying job
in the US, a bachelor opens most of the doors
in NL, anyone who knows how to open a terminal is treated like royalty
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon/Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
heyo wompers!
Hiya Carl!!!!!! :D
Yeah out here in Pennsylvania we are middle ground. - If you know how to open someone else's terminal while not being anywhere near them you are considered a threat. If you know how to open a terminal you get looked at strange and if you know how to code you are some kind of internet wizard.
How is it going???
Is that a Reno I see.
you may speak
the issue is im converting my code to rxjava 2 from rxjava 1, and in my repository pattern the get returns an observable
@Reno I adopted a cat recently.
so cute
majestic pirate
fromcallable no longer returns an obersvable or flowable, instead you have to call subscribe on it and you end up with a disposable
When we took her in her eye was ruptured and had to be removed.
a beauty
We started a crowd fund for the surgery costs and as a result we saved lil' snowball's life.
im using flowables now lol
I vote snow to be room mascot. :P
what are you actually using
not Flowable.fromCallable() I guess?
that s waht im using
Dec 15 '17 at 14:25, by Raghav Sood
This is not a democracy
but at least its not a Ricktatership #thewalkingdead
but this code won t run unless i add Flowable.fromCallable(this::getPostImageData).subscribe( ... )
Flowable.fromCallable(this::getNetworkData).subscribe( ... ) *
i ran in rxjava 1
in rxjava i have to ass the subsrcibe
in rxjava 2 i have to add subscribe
subscribe in the calling class, not in the repo
actually it depends on your preference
im doing mvvm
so i have like
I know what mvvm is
my flowable<list<items>> into flowable<<list<viewitems>> into flowable<uimodel>
i already call subscribe on get uimodel and it breaks the chain when i call subscribe anywehre
if your network call returns a single list of items it should be a single and not a flowable
because i just need a flow of flowables
logically speaking at least
im following this
they use flowables for getTasks in the remoterepo
it s just when u use an actual network call i need to add Flwoable.fromcallable and that breaks the whole flow they have in the sample
I know you can make it work with a Flowable, but it makes no sense
i agree to be honest
do you know any examples using mvvm and rxjava2 grabbing stuff from the network and notifying the ui
those by google are by far the best and most complete examples
however you can modify them however you want, there are only guidelines, no rules
in rxjava 1 i would return the observable from the fromCallable
i cannot do the same in rxjava 2, and im stuck
can you show a snippet of that repository method
so i sent u the link, and it s pretty much what i have with these changes
this is my code that works with rxjava 1
well you got to keep it like that, logic wise. You can't just add a subscribe call there
it wont run otherwise
it literaly doesn t execute in rxjava 2
without subscribe
and nowhere in the flow would it make sense to put subscribe
the class that is calling getPosts is responsible for subscribing, as far as I'm concerned
this is the flow i have
In fragment
mSubscription = new CompositeDisposable();
mSubscription.add(mViewModel.getUIModel()) ... .subscribe( ... )
I don't understand how it works for you in rxjava1, without the subscribe call
do you have any idea how i should structure the network call?
how do you mean
should the getPosts just return an empty list flowable from the remotedatasource
but first do the network call so that it can populate the list and notify the ui later?
and ignore the disposable that i get from the fromCallable.subscribe()
it does that 2nd one automatically, that is the whole point of it
no you cannot ignore disposables, especially not ones that do IO work
let me clarify; you must keep track of all subscriptions in all classes and clean them up when they are no longer required
ya i have a compostibe disposable for that
public Flowable<List<Post>> getPosts() {
if(posts.isEmpty()) {
return Flowable.fromIterable(posts).toList().toFlowable();
u re saying this is bad
should i clean up the subscription in onComplete
of that disposable
yeah that doesn't look right
@W0MP3R wompers!
Hiya cA!!!! :D
tim given the android sample
how would you implement the network call
I would use retrofit for the network call, and operate on the flowable you get back from retrofit
where would you call the retrofit get
in the remote repository class
would you return the flowble form retrofit?
okay i ll give it a go
Single<List<Post>> getPosts(..)
or in your case a flowable
thanks for the help
thanks for asking
nobody ever wants to talk about rxjava in here
because you can't get it otc
over the counter
this joke is going far over my head
Rx is prescription
over the counter are medicines you can buy without a prescription
thus no one uses RxJava because you need a prescription from the doctor, i.e. can't get it over the counter (otc)
now that I've explained the humor out of it, let's carry on
@TimCastelijns mine got more stars tho
so in a sense i win
check m8
in a sense you're a thief m8
winners write history
and what do you write
that I was first
I write that
20 years down the road nobody will question it
20 years down the road I'll still be here calling Tristan a child
oh, hi Tristan
oh hi mark
About 10 minutes into Kotlin and I want to rip my hair out xD
Because you can't believe how you worked with Java for years? :)
Nope. Because it keeps throwing an error telling me to use ; to separate expressions on the same line. xD -- Also I'm re-learning from the ground up.
Hmm why do you have multiple expressions on the same line? Is that intentional?
However, over all it seems far more... Simple compared to java. -- I'll gist it.
Unless the video's I'm using are outdated... On a language that is around a year old. xD
need = instead of :
Somehow this makes sense. I feel like an amnesiac.
ditch the tutorial you're following
Kotlin is more than a year old. It's been stable for 2 and in development for quite a bit longer. It's a lot more mature than people give it credit for.
Ayyyyyy... It works.
It's slightly older than Tristan
Look at that... I'm a wizard harry!
Now because I want to see if I can... I want to make it ask the user for the name / age then print it. TO GOOGLE!
Don't bother, Google already knows
please tell me you don't have to escape literals because kotlin is automatically searching for variables to print
what do you mean
if println("Name;Age") printed Tristan;4
no that would actually print a string
If you wanna print the person you do
ok good
is actually ("$name $age")
Or what Tim said if name and age are their own variables. The brackets are only necessary if you're accessing properties of an object
or otherwise evaluating an expression
@TimCastelijns I'm proud of you. <3
So they took Java, and made it more like JavaScript
javascript sucks ass compared to kotlin
Hmmm. I mean I went with something more simple for my exploration stuff. Instead of asking for user input I decided to figure out how to concatenate strings with vals and separate them on a line by line basis as needed. So instead of simply printing: John 42 its now Your name is: John <newline> Your age is: 42
I did a proud.

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