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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

hello dudes and dudettes
o/ adam and ahmad
hello ahmad, and ahmeds (?)
i can accept that
such similar names adam and ahmad
never noticed it
he's only missing an h
lol you 2 guys confused me a lot in the start
when i was new here lol
yup ahmad
really? do you have dyslexia?
lol no
The "h" in ahmad stands for hackathon
(I have dyslexia and mix up numbers and sometimes some letters)
what is dyslexia?
@AdamMc331 LMAO
lol adam
Did you guys see my new t-shirt?
Yes I did
And now I'm sad again
Thanks Adam
show us
I'm kidding
But I have one you don't have
@Ahmad no i guess just a misread on my part
wow awesome tshirt adam
I got it from a friend who works at Google. :)
:O Mauker that's awesome
woah that's awsome adam :)
I got that from waze :D
wow nice
isn't waze part of google now?
I love the waze logo
the ghostface
It is
but their headquarters didn't move from Israel
I believe that was part of the deal
Has anyone made a "waes" joke yet with ugandan knuckles as the waze car?
lmao dave
LOL adam
lmao dave
Dave got two laughs, Adam got one
we have a winner guys
My work is hiring a Django developer
o/ tristan
How's it going CF?
good wbu?
how is your uni going?
Pretty good!
o/ Dave
o/ Tristan
How's it going?
@DaveS Did you make this or find it? Either way, you're my favorite.
Good, we're starting software development this week on a 4 mobile app 1 web app project
Found it Adam
Hows college going?
Pretty good! Enjoying break
How do I suppress lint on XML files?
Take away their right to vote.
also option + enter on mac should give you a popup for it Mauker
That looks bad out of context
I mean, stricter voter ID laws.
do you think we care about context
applicationContext plz
We don't care about context ever since we starred this
Jan 12 at 5:30, by Ahmad
reminds me of the one time someone asked my why I had killed a penguin
Jan 12 at 5:37, by Ahmad
also if it makes it better, the person corrected herself and instead asked my why I had killed a giraffe
So @Ahmad is a penguin killer?
Also a giraffe killer
He's basically offed the whole cast of Madagascar
@AdamMc331 Adam...
I don't have a mac anymore
I don't wanna
I'm mad at you now
@AdamMc331 fukkin Nazi
I said alt enter not alt right arrow jeeze
it works
Could just use: tools:ignore="TypographyOther"
Step 1. Be Adam
Step 2. Be on Mac
Step 3. Select Keystore
Step 4. Press Command + Backspace
Step 5. Empty Trash
Step 6. Be Ridiculed for life
Plz he wiped his whole computer
Just follow my 6 step plan and you too can be known across the entire room
lol 4 stars already
why do keystore jokes get so many stars so easily?
It's easier to get stars than to get his keystore back.
Did you hear what happened to Adam's old business? ^
@AdamMc331 lol
lmao tristan
this the context
it was from a tinder conversation
... no, Ahmad, there's still some missing context.
"Swipe Right if you like to murder endangered animals"
that other context will remain secret
Already done
And I got a result dummy
So you are left
> If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
I got quite close to center
lol this is such bs. Who decided it was? What if I don't think it is?
You're the bullseye
Lol though I think I am center right
I'm curious to see Adam's result
but since he ignored me when I sent him this test last night idk the answer
Yeah that is why I shared the link
Yeah maybe now he'll do it
also sorry I had to steal your line for my twittas @adam
It's okay it was funny
Going to rest now folks
Da pain is back
@Code-Apprentice Fun fact: The Doctor... she did ask my number lol
Wasn't the cute nurse, but...
And she did that while I was with my fiancee
off I am
@Mauker like in a flirtatious way? or for paper work?
@Mauker How you feeling?
@DaveS lol that test shows me to be a centre left
For all you hate your countries left party, your ideology on a global perspective may be centre left
you guys took screenshots?
i am pretty sure i am centre right tho
I did yes Felix
To your country you may be
oh that could be
yeah i am pretty right wing for my country not sure about other countries
such lefty
so libertarian
very french canadian
This seems to be tailored for the UK
aww liberal that is a joke term here
liberal == hypocrit here
uk is pretty conservative/right wing as a country
and social measurements are going to be against Christian/Catholic norms, which may skew your results
so it shows your social stance is pretty centered, but your economic stance is left leaning, CF
wow wtf
i am pretty sure i am heavy right when it comes to economic stance
You probably aren't a big fan of corporate monopolies and doing whatever they want?
is free market part of right?
yeah then
oh yeah i mean some monopoly is fine but doing whatever is strictly no
Absolute free market with no regulation is the stance of the right in most western countries
so that puts you on the left in most western countries, economically speaking
i think some regulation should be there
no regulation is pretty hardcore i would say
yeah I would agree
no regulation leads to dictatorship kinda thing
also hell broke lose when religion is left free
i hate the left here because they are terrorist sympathesizer , in bed with naxal and involved in lots of violence
not to say right hasn't done any violence but the scale is very tilted towards the left
@ColdFire monopoly is very harmful to consumers and small businesses
I need a way to change my answers, I missed an entire page
that is why i said some monopoly
that means not attacking them for any stupid ass pulled reason
Wait maybe I didn't
the left acts like everything wrong is because of corporates
This is me lol
wow hardcore left
yo tim so how was your first day?
5 hours ago, by Cold Fire
@TimCastelijns how is your first day experience?
on that note does anyone believe nytimes is a trustable source here?
sigh the day has ended now mehdi
@ColdFire I don't have any strong opinion against them. I believe they are just as reliable as any other news source. By that I mean the reporters and editors have their biases that no matter how well-intended they are will still come through in their work.
oh that is a nice way to put it
some news sources have a stronger, more overt bias than others.
have read some article of them about india not a iota of fact only propaganda
but none are completely unbiased
i would put them only 2nd to our ndtv channel
are the names of the people in the story fake?
ofcourse we have Times of India which is also famously known as Toilet paper of India
naah the whole story is based on false premises
Only outright fiction is completely devoid of fact. Even the whole "pizza gate" thing was based on some facts: there is a person named Hillary Clinton and she was the Democratic nominee for president.
of course all of the allegations were completely fabricated. I'm just saying there is often facts hiding in all news stories.
well then count them in outright fiction because that is what it was
I use an extreme example to make a point. Many news stories from "legitimate" sources are much more difficult to sort out fact from fiction.
wait let me find one such recent article
damn my internet is fucked up currently
wait let me find one such recent article
I see that
damn even google search ain't working :(
there is a youtube called first world something right?
i hope it was called first world
not familiar with it
wow such a insightful article from dailyo
the link title is pretty screwed though^
dammit how does this formatting works :(
FML Switching to the project from hell for the rest of the day
also my internet sucks today
damn i couldnt find the article
perhaps some other day CA
no worries
hey guys, i have a simple retrofit 2 question
That's fine as long as it's a simple answer ;)
so I'm trying to POST 3 values to the server and get 2 different string values as a response, I'm sending the values perfectly but can't handle the response, all I can do is response.body().toString(); in onResponse method
what I'm trying to do is get those 2 string responses and save them in shared pref
do I need a pojo for responses?
I think making a POJO for the response is the easiest way to go, assuming you're getting JSON like { "value1":"this", "value2":"that" }
Or else figure out how to parse response.body().toString() yourself, but the reason I don't like that is because it will be harder to modify if the API ever changes. (It may not in your example, but if you make a POJO you have a "cleaner" solution to handle the change if it happens).
so should i make pojo for response1 and response 2 and use them like String responseOne = response.body().getResponseOne() ... right?
Yeah, that should work. Personally for readability I would get your response first so it's understandable to the next guy. responsePojo = response.body(); value1 = responsePojo.getValueOne(); value2 = responsePojo.getValueTwo();
thank you Adam
yeah what adam said
No problem. :)
This is basically what we've become.
user image
@ColdFire I was a bit intimidated but it was nice
@TimCastelijns We need to stop bullying, speak up Tim, it's ok
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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