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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Lmfao I'm just working
speaking of working
I'm bored at the hospital
I'll fork chat SE
is everything all right?
My PS3 seems to be bricked ;-(
I started Assassin's Cred Revelations last night and it froze near the beginning of the game. After reseting the machine and trying different things, such as starting a new game and deleting all saved games, it now won't even boot.
And firebase is telling me I exceeded my test quota... tonight seems to be filled with bad news
@MehdiB. Not quite, I've been here since Monday
well, it booted now and entered "setup" mode
@Mauker oh, you aren't visiting someone? What happened?
I'm not
I have several kidney stones :/
hope you feel better soon!
that's no good
I hear those are very painful
they are from I've been told
are you passing them or having surgery?
yes, it's factorial ouch
The doctor said I should wait
> factorial ouch
Do you mean wait and not do the surgery yet?
surgery is an option, but they'll try some medications first
if he says you can wait, I guess you'll be able to evacuate them through your urinal system after taking some medicines helping them getting dissolved
well...good news. My PS3 was in setup mode because I unplugged it. Looks like it is restored now.
to dilate the ureter
the stones I have are mostly made of calcium
Is that a good thing?
I suppose calcium is hard to dissolve?
and what else are kidney stones made of?
> Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts
I believe it's a bit harder
but I'm no doctor
well, I hope you get better soon
in the mean time, watch TV and play lots of video games!
and flirt with the cute nurses
amazingly that statement works no matter your gender or sexual orientation...
unless someone identifies as an apache helicopter :D
Hey, who knows? maybe the nurse likes it and accept a threesome with me and my fiancee
you had to edit it and specify who the 3rd person would be, didn't you :D
yes I had lol
Now that you mentioned, that would be really nice haha
noob question here
Is there a proper way to delete files on Android?
File.delete() doesn't seems to work every time
@Mauker what do you mean "doesn't work"?
the file doesn't get deleted
How are you verifying that? With adb?
also, crashlytics
Are you sure you are looking at the same file?
it's a zip file I'm creating
I upload it
and I want to delete it
but sometimes, it doesn't delete
and then when I try to add a file into it, say... "a.jpg"
I get the exception "filealreadyinzip" or something like that
I also checked it sometimes after the "delete" method while running the debugger
the zip was still there
also, ADB
Are there any open handles to the file when you delete it?
Open handles will likely prevent the file from being deleted
I'm not sure
CA, I'll try to handle this later (see what I did?)
I'm feeling tired
I'll try to get some sleep
good night!
fucking netflix!
I'm trying to continue a TV show. When I click on it, a notice appears that the price is increasing. Then clicking on OK just takes me back to the home page.
2 hours later…
Stormtroopers walking down the stairs followed by Darth Vader. https://t.co/LoQhOtdkpq
penguins are the best
reminds me of the one time someone asked my why I had killed a penguin
and I was just like
I would never
and I'm not sure why I'm writing this out since it makes no sense out of context
you're virtue signaling
or maybe you did kill a penguin...
I'm not sure I can trust you anymore
if you could go to antarctica and cradle a penguin egg until it hatches, I'll believe you
@Ahmad I'm starring it to make it even more out of context.
I think eskis comment is even better out of context lmao
also if it makes it better, the person corrected herself and instead asked my why I had killed a giraffe
it doesn't make it better
the context shall remain mystery
but it does make sense
@Code-Apprentice deleting all the progress made is worst nightmare for gamers
Good morning
@Redman fortunately I just started this game
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
morning womp
how it is going?
Goood morning
oh my god i just had a BLE flashback
morningo eric
like those in the movies
where all goes dark and a custcene enters
i was remembering the time i had to make an app that connected to a hearthrate bluetooth detector
good night, android! Waaaay past my bed time.
eh what you talking about?
good night CA
hey CA
you should sleep.
dammit more trump towers in india
this man business is moving alright
wow our judiciary just messed up
and they say democracy is in danger sigh
what is going on?
you seem overly alarmed by the fact Lord tinyhands is building a new egocentrical contemplation spot.
meh our judiciary isnt some holy organization anyway
democracy is going nowhere in india
its here to stay
with judiciary or without
what did happen anyway?
read the link i shared^
i understood nothing from that link
lol same is my condition the top 4 judges havent revealed the issue
they will reveal it today i guess
its regarding Chief Justice of India not doing what he should have done^
its something related to CJI only
so, the supreme court "chairmans" ordered him something, and he ignored them?
@CptEric yeah i dont like too much US involvement in india
never leads to good results^
yeah seems like it eric
is the supreme court a primus inter pares relationship, or a boss relationship regarding other judges or chiefs of justice?
the 4 judges suggested CJI to not do something but he didnt listen
spain's fucked up so it's a very bad example, but here they are just "another level in the justice system"
read the link
2 mins ago, by Cold Fire
it's very badly written
i am reading it too
oh wait
this one
woah what a false statement in there
rule of law is completely unrelated to freedom or democracy, is the way the government framework is built on
@CptEric spain judiciary?
you can have rule of law and your law tell you to shoot someone in the head when you hear the word "popcorn".
^ not much personal freedom or right to exist with this rule of law.
in spain the supreme court is just another step. they're right below the constitutional court and right above the national audience
here judiciary is quite powerful but that made the judiciary corrupt as fuck here
international courts / EU courts -> constitutional court -> supreme court -> national audience -> supreme regional court -> local trial houses
index beginning at 0, stepz 1,2,3 are hand picked by the parliament or by the senate
step 4 ( supreme regional) is a national lottery, and so is local trial houses
you finish your judge MsC, you enter the lottery. (some time later) congrats, you're now judge in that little town 1240km away. after 10 years you can apply to the supreme regional court.
spain's judiciary is fucked up because steps 1,2,3 are corrupt as fuck and always interpret the law to the likeness of the ruling party.
yeah same is ours
steps 4 and 5 is quite okay-ish because it's random. there's almost no way you can be "hand appointed" to fix something for them.
also the fact most of the judges are leftist
creates problem from our ruling government
here they're almost ( or not almost) nazis.
literally speaking, not SJW-jargon
why is nazi phenomena widespread wasnt it started and end in germany?
who spreaded it?
most got their titulation and their "chair" when spain was still a dictatorship that executed people in the streets.
well, every fascist country of the 1930's europe made their own fascist movement
i see
that reminds me of that fucking video published by some foreign news media showing indians as nazi
in the end nazism is a form of fascism that is centered on fighting both the free market and social markets, by creating an autarquic and autocratic country
there is a limit to propaganda but that was over the top^
what is autarquic?
when you replace every export with internal production elements, be them replacements or alternatives.
replacing anything not in the country by chemically or industrially produceable replacements to avoud having to buy, even if it's more expensive, to create a false sense of superiority and to reduce unemployment.
spain,italy,germany dedicated themselves between 1930's and 1960's (only spain lasted that long) in creating fake chocolate, fake milk, fake eggs, fake steel...
"not enough steel? let's mass produce baquelite"
baekelite, or polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride, is the (almost) solely component of the infamous mp40, for example.
looks like steel, weights like it, but doesn't degrade with water.
wow that is a long word
hell, spain even created fake cola, fake fanta...
@WarrenFaith o/
o/ warren
it's easy to understand why those movements remained rooted in those countries (spain, ucraine, etc) that did not judge themselves for their actions, but rather moved the shit under the carpet as soon as international people forgot
wow everything fake
^this is algarroba. in england they have a "sister plant" called carob.
this was used to make fake chocolate in spain because cocoa imports were banned
tastes worse, but looks similar.
@ColdFire keep in mind that the spanish dicatotrship government ruled until 1978, and even after that, the same judges, policemen, military, and politicians remained in power and in their seats because the "new government" issued a "global pardon" to anyone not a republican or socialist.
Hello all
I need to ask .. how to perform handshake protocols in android for security ?
Let me ellaborate.. I have an app in production mode now. Its all about payment.. Now for its security, some SSL certificates (which I am not sure) needs to be send (like handshaking - between mobile app and the server )
but how do you connect to the server? okHttp? sockets? Beacons? butterflies?
I am using retrofit
thankyou so much .. :) Let me try this
more info here
section "Certificate Pinning"
i have never used ssl but i'm sure it can't be rocket science.
yes :D
and what about reverse engg. ?
how do you avoid that ?
i don't.
i love android 8
a number called me and i got a "alert: suspected spam caller"
and a different call screen
and yup, it was a phone service company
o/ Ocus
if someone takes the effort to wireshark our trivial data, welp, glad for them. the secure data, if an app has it, is always cyphered.
what is it good for?
Me and warren are up for it
maybe ahmad too
oh i forgot murat is a german too
but he doesnt act like one tho
Sorry, shall I get out my kartoffel and sauerkraut
what are those?
@ColdFire potatoes and a salt-based sauce / add-on.
I also could wear short pants and stockings and I would totally be warren's lost child
goddamn too much work for a friday.
> 16 files changed, 290 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
i need a vacation
why there
it's like 40°
suggest a better place then?
stop removing things
or i can't read
germany for instance
or sweden, if you like seal clubbing
well i said Europe trip that includes germany sweden
@ColdFire yes
a close to neutral one?
your best option CF is to do an eurorail trip
or interrail. depends on passport status it has one name or another
and i am gonna rest in eric sofa
and tim winterland
it's basically a package that lets you trip for free through a limited amount of time on a limited but vast range of rail services, including TGV's
well you are there what is there to worry :D
there's a spain - france - germany one that's prety cool.
i think it was 199 for 3 weeks or sthing like that.
oh that sounds affordable indeed
i hope that should be sufficient
@CptEric passport status what is that?
i have a indian passport
that means you apply to non eu citizien prices
see, this is yours
what is the price for non EU citizens?
slightly more
not much
sigh that is costly but oh well
goes to complain to the EU body
response: you're not EU citizen, you (or your parents) never paid direct EU taxes, you don't get discount.
yo tim
no sarcastic jokes yet from tim?
last day today Tim?
damn i am feeling cold today
even sun is not shining :(
where is the damn dhup :/
@ColdFire so you are resembling your name "COLD "
yeah but fire is missing :/
lohri is coming.... fire fire :D
in our office too, we all are celebrating
ethnic wear ...
what is lohri?
is it some festival i dont remember
Cold cold
@MarkO'Sullivan yes
so fucking hillarious
> Hey Dr. Oetker, your chocolate pizza tastes like a son of a bitch.
> Got greedy and bit your own finger?
still no stars :(
German content barely makes stars here
no one wants to trigger us for the next final war
lol warren
@WarrenFaith final war?
WW3 ofcourse
total would have been a better word, I agree
any idea why my testscheduler does not seem to work in my test case?
i spent a whole minute asking myself what a german "testscheduler" was
then i saw it was a testScheduler
worth the minute, right? :D
so quiet chat today
Can people test this out for me? hastebin.com/ovifoxenar.go
timezone stuff
Wondering how the TimeZone.getDSTSavings() method works
did you read its doc
@TimCastelijns >The default implementation returns 3600000 milliseconds (i.e., one hour) if a call to useDaylightTime() returns true. Otherwise, 0 (zero) is returned.
See I can set DST for our v2 as +30min, +1hr, +2hr
I don't know of any country where the DST offset is anything else than 1h ; but I guess anything is possible technically
seems like that method wont support it and would only support countries which is +1 or nothing
1 step back, why do you need this?
Tell Tim what you need, he'll tell you how to do without it.
found out that our v2 expects the time set to be in UTC time along with timezone offset value otherwise whenever it connects to the satellites it'll be reset to UTC time
right now I'm not setting timezone offset, just the hour, min, sec because I was unaware that this happened after connecting to the satellites
Also have to include DST info otherwise it'll go out of sync whenever DST happens
it would be nice if you could use timezone names (like "Europe/Paris") because generally DST is automatically handled
I think the TimeZones do contain that
I've seen Europe/Paris printed out
Okay turns out DST can only change by 1hr not by 30min or 2hr which was specified by BT Spec docs
they contain it, they are based on it
for a timezone it matters more that it is Europe/Amsterdam than that it represents +01:00
because you know, it might change
Thank you, I didn't solve with this exactly solution because I needed to make getProfilo returning something. But I've taken the idea of the interface and I put the method onSucces (that I called it profiloReady) in the getProfilo method inside a recursive Handler. — Barald 43 mins ago
still helped him \o/
> LPT: If you're poor, homeless, just hungry, or know someone who is, go to a Sikh temple for "langar." a free meal is served to all the visitors, without distinction of religion, caste, gender, economic status or ethnicity. - source
not today, reno
And what do you say to the god of cat?
17 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
not today, reno
do you guys use the apps that you develop? (as a regular user)
is it because you're not the target user or because you've seen it so much, you wouldn't use it? XD
Lol no
24/7 monitor
ah XD
I can only bare seeing the apps I work on while developing :D
@MehdiB. i'm not the target user, i'm not a golfer. Though since developing it, I have been tempted to go out and golf
However, I just left the office for the last time ever, so technically I don't develop the app anymore
How do you feel after your first resignation? :D
Did you leave any easter eggs in the app code? :D
you resigned, Tim??
I was away for 3 weeks only
did you start doing versionning, too?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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