After knowing there's such a thing called isolated process in Android, and such can be implemented in Service, I'm now confused how can a Service continuously run in the background while the app, which spawns the service, isn't running. I know Service and the app itself runs on the same thread, but we can always spawn another thread from the Service.
after closing the app (clear app from phone), I have issued an AlarmManager to start the service, and the service will spawn another thread. What's happening in the background if I start the app while the service is running? Are they the same process? Does the main thread of that process get killed after starting the Service?
...if the main thread has been killed, is the thread from the Service now an zombie(?) orphaned thread?
> Note the "Killable" column in the above table -- for those methods that are marked as being killable, after that method returns the process hosting the activity may be killed by the system at any time without another line of its code being executed
I want to start a service when the app exits. onStop is not guaranteed to be always called, some say, so I'm left with an option to always start my service and just check if my app is not running anymore.
prepare for almost exactly the same phone, a bit of hardware upgrades nobody will ever notice, a new casing that looks exactly the same as something else already out there, the OS we already have
Expand your AppTheme with windowTranslucentStatus e.g.
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>
// other stuff
This will allow the StatusBar t...
@ColdFire if you buy the Pixel 2 XL and it's worth £500 the next year, then you can sell it and get a lot of your money back and put that towards the next phone
nah. Well my mom keeps asking me the same questions 100 times and sometimes its hard to control my anger. I just throw whatever there is in my hand. mobile phones, cricket bats and tv remotes.
i can probably write a book about it when i finish my IT career
no. thanks. I have already suffered a lot of broken bones and sprains playing football. The first 5 mins is hell. You cannot remember what happened coz of intense pain.
that's probably bcoz you guys play on soft grass while we play on hard ground with no grass. One fall you tear your shorts and you will have bruises. Nothing is more painful than twisting your ankle inwards.
i don't remember the events exactly but i used to make my grandma run around the house to get hold of me. Then i used to lock my cousins in a room and switch off the lights to scare them. It was fun not exactly naughty
@RaghavSood BAT falling a lot since I bought more, looks like they're not releasing Brave with BAT included until next week, probably the reason for the fall -_-
its like buy gold when the price is low in large quantities and sell it when there is increase in the international market rate. The risk is you need to know when to sell
oh man... we are using POEditor as a website to enable our employees to provide translations for our app. Just found out the hard way that this awesome tool allows duplicate keys...