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how do I prevent my Service from being killed when I clear all apps from my phone? Isolated process is not an option though
\o @mr5
o/ @Cjames
How are you man
doing Xamarin now :)
how about you cjames?
hahaha no project
good time to do personal projects then ^^
One of these things is not like the other
After knowing there's such a thing called isolated process in Android, and such can be implemented in Service, I'm now confused how can a Service continuously run in the background while the app, which spawns the service, isn't running. I know Service and the app itself runs on the same thread, but we can always spawn another thread from the Service.
after closing the app (clear app from phone), I have issued an AlarmManager to start the service, and the service will spawn another thread. What's happening in the background if I start the app while the service is running? Are they the same process? Does the main thread of that process get killed after starting the Service?
...if the main thread has been killed, is the thread from the Service now an zombie(?) orphaned thread?
can a simple non-static boolean variable inside the Service class can determine if the Service is running already?
if (!isRunning) {
    isRunning = true;
^ inside onStartCommand
1 hour later…
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
Hiya Raghav, Ronak, CF, mr5, Raghunandan!!!!! :D
hiya womper
hiya womper
how it is going womper and raghu?
little dull today. weather's not good. No sun. dark and cloudy.
better than yesterday
Still summer...
my fight with apple begins today
gonna get my data back
You can do it!!!
w0mper is hyped :)
oh that is new emotion
@mr5 you can't prevent it
@TimCastelijns AlarmManager to the rescue
is Activity#onStop guaranteed to be always called whenever the app exits? (manually removed, exit from app, crash, etc...)
@mr5 foreground services?
@mr5 its a totally different process
@ColdFire I'm referring to the unisolated instance of Service
yup same thing i am saying
@TimCastelijns which instance it can't be called?
the service is started in a different process
means it has no relation what other process are alive or killed
any. You cannot rely on lifecycle callbacks
Hiya Tim, Cygery, Murat!!!! :D
@TimCastelijns this link says it is guaranteed to be called on API 11 +
it doesn't say what scenario so that info is useless
ah could be onDestroy() is the one which is the most unreliable
@ColdFire is service always run on a different process?
onStop() maybe guaranteed to call
@mr5 nope unless you specify it to run on different process
onPause is reliable
onStop is not
onPause and onResume are
never used onStop() myself so no idea
he is also asking in case of crash
no onPause when app crashes
> Note the "Killable" column in the above table -- for those methods that are marked as being killable, after that method returns the process hosting the activity may be killed by the system at any time without another line of its code being executed
when app crashes none of the method is called
I want to start a service when the app exits. onStop is not guaranteed to be always called, some say, so I'm left with an option to always start my service and just check if my app is not running anymore.
why do you want that
I have a similar scenario like that and I start the AlarmManager with the onDestroy
If the system killed the app before or something unforeseen has happened I don't care. Just restart the app then
Service#onDestroy is not guaranteed to be called
but seems ok for you
@ColdFire dumb question, how do you define a process in Android system? Can a process call multiple main function while it is running?
Who's getting the Pixel 2?
tristan, and other rich kids
this Service confuses the hell out of me
what is your goal mr5
what functionality do you seek
Death to all who oppose him
via the lifecycle
@mr5 multiple main function the what?
lol raghav
the Service question is a separate question. My goal is to run my Service whenever the app exits while minimizing the CPU usage
i see warren is not circled yet
mark are you getting the pixel 2?
@MehdiB. What have you become
a circled abomination XD
he is mercle now
@ColdFire I have no idea
I'm undecided
don't do it mark
This whole pixel thing reminds me of the iPhones and Apple products folks
apple yuck
after my mac dibacle and apple care response not getting a mac ever
is pixel 2 equivalent of @2x?
serious question
why would anyone buy pixel 2 when he already has pixel 1
no logical reason imo
yesterday, by Tim Castelijns
prepare for almost exactly the same phone, a bit of hardware upgrades nobody will ever notice, a new casing that looks exactly the same as something else already out there, the OS we already have
Google is trying to create a fan club (of developers) cloning the same scheme Apple has with its customers
also pixelbook sucks
well i am already a google fanboy
but did not buy the pixel tho
i like the pixel2 phone but its costly. Gonna buy it some day.
> some day
budget constraints
oh i am asking why you wanna buy a pixel at all?
its nice. why not buy it?
Hiya Warren, Mehdi, Mark, Ocus!!!! :D
its not worth the cost
uhhhhhhmmmmmm, what is the modern way to listen to location change? I am quite out dated in Android. I got stuck at Android Lollipop :)
anyone know how to make statusBar transparent in a collapsingtoolbarlayout?
FusedLocationProviderClient client =
CF in xml I mean
well then you have to do some hack
why not programmatically tho?
A: First item in RecyclerView does not go under status bar

Murat K.Expand your AppTheme with windowTranslucentStatus e.g. <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"> <!-- Customize your theme here. --> <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item> // other stuff </style> This will allow the StatusBar t...

It should be transparent initially and become a color when scrolled
oh you can specific color in activity theme
I actually searched for transparency of the status bar yesterday and many many answers are not reliable at all
@TimCastelijns does it require google play services-maps at least?
i rolled my own solution for transparency that works the same way on all devices
@mr5 no only -location
compile "com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:11.4.2"
@TimCastelijns <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/transparent</item>
use this in your activity theme ^
@TimCastelijns too much work. can I stick with good ol' LocationManager?
i hope it helps
yeah it works CF \o/ but also have to set fitsSystemWindows on almost all xml elements
yup that is something you have to do
you can stick with locationmanager
but it would be very dumb
Tim - why put fitsSystemWindows on everything?
otherwise the default statusBar is not overridden
@TimCastelijns wait you have a wrong flag in theme i guess
if I integrate gps in our app, it would prompt a dialog asking for login credentials right?
oh, so coloring the statusbar in an opaque color vs transparent are 2 different things?
<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>
do you have this flag?^
@MehdiB. yup
that's odd
tim check the edit
I don't have it
are you sure ? o_0
what does it do
without the flag content doesnt overlap the status bar
it allows content to be drawn under status bar
it does if you set fitsSystemWindows to true
well that is required if you use that flag
I want to draw under the bar not over it
yeah i mean under it not over it
that is strange o_0
oh maybe your theme has that flag already
this one ->AppTheme.NoActionBarTransparency
@ColdFire if you can recover the cost of it the following year, it's not bad
copied that one
Like it looks like the original Pixel might hold it's value
if I set android:windowTranslucentStatus=true then it makes the statusBar color darker when the bar is collapsed
looks like its something to do with coordinator layout then
i need to check
@TimCastelijns yup that happen
that's really ugly
android:windowTranslucentStatus is a old api method 19
the set status bar color is api 21
i need to check why its happening that way for you
@MarkO'Sullivan how?
have the answer on my desk by noon
heading out
gonna fight for my data with mac
@ColdFire if you buy the Pixel 2 XL and it's worth £500 the next year, then you can sell it and get a lot of your money back and put that towards the next phone
I think the Nexus 6P is going for £220
i have nexus 6P but if i have to resell in india i am not sure i will get the same returns as in Europe
Yeah I also have 6P which is why I'm wanting to upgrade before I start missing out on the latest updates
my current nexus 6P is valuated at 200€ here, max 250
yup i don't want to miss the updates either besides unlimited storage free
If all the other manufacturers were just as quick to upgrade to latest Android, I'd be more inclined to go for another phone
what is the rush
the faster you upgrade to new android versions, the more apps will break :D
The more chance my app will break too unless I can test it out :(
not your problem m8
If I'm getting a Pixel, it'll be the XL, the bezel on the smaller one is ugly af
I don't know you all can afford a new flagship phone every year
I change my phone in average every 2.5/3 years (when it stops working)
I change my phone every 2 years
I'll recover some money from my old phone, will sell it off to my dad :D
He's wanting a new phone, so I'll charge him less than the going rate for the 6P (once I get the battery life sorted for it)
The 6P's battery issue is pissing me off which is another reason why I want an upgrade
but I don't want to send it away to get fixed because I need it for dev
i change my phone every 2 years
and i have broken a few throwing it when i am angry.
Ahhh, so this is you in this gif
no. the first was closer.
@Raghunandan story time?
I also want to hear about it
nah. Well my mom keeps asking me the same questions 100 times and sometimes its hard to control my anger. I just throw whatever there is in my hand. mobile phones, cricket bats and tv remotes.
i can probably write a book about it when i finish my IT career
I've never thrown anything in anger :O
guess i've never been that angry
I have
Whenever I was like 13 / 14
i never get angry easily. I never had a fight outside. But sometimes my mom can be very irritating. Not only me my cousins agree to the same.
if i reach that point of anger I usually start crying of rage
but yes throwing things around is unacceptable. I have been doing yoga to control those natural instincts. Its just spontaneous
then, headache and my eyes hurt
and then calm
I just rage and sob in my mind
i never cry even with broken bones and sprained ankles
i cry with anything
@Shahrozjavaid Where did you do it? Did you set it to gone in the else branch`? — Murat K. 15 mins ago
no I set it gone in the xml. you can see the xml above. @MuratK. — Shahroz javaid 1 min ago
i cried a lot going to school when i was about 5 or 6. I hated school.
oh murat
wasting time on questions by 2rep users
life is tough :/
@Raghunandan try having a bone popping out of your skin
Never felt pain like I did when I broke both bones in my left wrist
no. thanks. I have already suffered a lot of broken bones and sprains playing football. The first 5 mins is hell. You cannot remember what happened coz of intense pain.
Woah, I never broke a bone playing football
Guess I was sorta lucky in that regard
I broke my wrist skateboarding down a hill lmao
that's probably bcoz you guys play on soft grass while we play on hard ground with no grass. One fall you tear your shorts and you will have bruises. Nothing is more painful than twisting your ankle inwards.
I broke my clavicle triping with my own feet
yeah normally soft grass but played on astro turf and frozen pitch, both are bitches to play on lol
@W0MP3R lmao how does someone even do that? I get tripping over yourself but doing that and breaking a bone? Holy shit that must have been sore
I was running really fast, i tripped, then crashed into this
that's the state of the ball playing on astro turf after 2 hrs of play. Imagine falling down and getting hurt
broken clavicle
woah that would not be fun to run into
@Raghunandan yeah skin would be ripped off for sure
yup. we should be padded up like f1 racers form top to bottom
That is old Tim
hence the TBT
It's nearly older than me
music is nice
back when they made good music
The song they had in the Google Home Max / diplo segment was decent: open.spotify.com/track/7CBuqmz0X4F6hNuQXasAHA
comment on the song shared by Tim
> aah the good ol' 90s where homework was the only stress in life... i miss that now!
homework and revising for exams, I will never miss that
what about the 2 months of summer holiday :(
Our lives now are less stressful considering you're set for life, in school if you fuck up, you'll be stuck with no qualifications and possibly no job
"you're set for life" not sure about that :D
holidays are good but if you wanted a permanent holiday, you could have just lived on unemployment benefits (at least you can here in the UK)
summer holidays were the best. You visit your grand parents. You are allowed to do all the naughty stuff
naughty stuff? lol
can you elaborate Raghu?
I'm not sure I want to ask
especially when it involves his grand parents
naughty stuff?
@MarkO'Sullivan ah the unemployment benefits, here you don't work, you starve XD
sounds interesting :D
same, if you don't work then you are ZERO.
I like working, I like feeling productive
So you guys get no unemployment pay until you find a new job?
Nope, that's why most people don't leave their jobs until they find a new one with a signed offer etc...
i don't remember the events exactly but i used to make my grandma run around the house to get hold of me. Then i used to lock my cousins in a room and switch off the lights to scare them. It was fun not exactly naughty
yeah you can still do that now
but you'd get a few funny looks
I still do silly shit when I'm back visiting my parents
@MarkO'Sullivan mark you strange goose
@TimCastelijns come on, you must enjoy feeling productive as well?
yeah when it is in my benefit, not my boss his xD
@RaghavSood BAT falling a lot since I bought more, looks like they're not releasing Brave with BAT included until next week, probably the reason for the fall -_-
Might just buy more now that it's dipped
Mark we are same, whenever I buy something, it started falling...
It's the second time I've bought BAT near $0.27 and it fell shortly after
I thought it would be the last time it'd be there because the update was due to come tomorrow
i invest in gold trade. I have been getting good returns every 3 months
better than banks and life insurance policies
Oh. How does it work?
You mean Gold bond?
its like buy gold when the price is low in large quantities and sell it when there is increase in the international market rate. The risk is you need to know when to sell
Oh yes... so when to buy/sell most imp thing.
the same goes with other metals as well. its been 2 years and i have had good returns until now and hopefully it stays the same.
sounds good.
"life insurance policies" I don't like... but just for tax benefits...
the risk is greater compared to other investments
great risk = more profit...
If interest in GDG meetups in your area check out play.google.com/store/apps/…
What are we talking about?
oh man... we are using POEditor as a website to enable our employees to provide translations for our app. Just found out the hard way that this awesome tool allows duplicate keys...
Oh well
I use onesky
so you use Raghav?
Raghav, do you feel used already?
Lol no
Oh wait it's called onesky
rofl, I misstyped the name and landed here: oneksy.com
@MarkO'Sullivan Heh

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