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@TimCastelijns Use it as a cutting plate for your vegetables tonight. Please stop using that piece of shit hardware :( it makes me cry
"When you mock the Android, the Android also mocks you"

- Friedrich Nietzsche
Banjamin - sorry I have never done unit testing in Android
But Graeme is our expert in testing
Can someone give me a good reason to buy a Mac when you're not a producer/graphic artist?
I can't find any reason.
We've had this conversation before, you're operating systemist, we will not have this conversation again
he's part of the LLL
Yeah, resulted in a lot of fanboys defending a OS thats undefendable for programmers.. I thought programmers can think in perspective
Guess I'm wrong
@RaghavSood :D triggered, but i will love you no matter what.
Even if I say Tim is as good a Dutchman as you?
He is
Nobody can break the thing Tim and I have.
Tim likes OS X
It's a Dutch thing.
Tim just said it made him cry. My bad.
He's lying
I hate this imac in particular, I don't dislike the OS
he just said it's a piece of shit
People don't direct their hate toward shit, exception made for the little shit Paolo Nutini is
@MehdiB. Never heard of Paolo Nutini, guess thats a good thing for me
But I never listen to anything casual, mom always said I'm special.
Yes, don't fetch for him, you'll just add a view to his shitty music
Odd, mom also said I'm special!
Just Googeled him, he looks like a Spanish/Italian Tarkan
Are you into Dubstep?
lol mehdi
I listen all kind of music Mehdi, from techno to hardstyle, to oldschool hiphop to oldies 80's, 90's music.
Very wide music selection
Even classic.
same, also girly music
then it's all good, Dubstep is the only non-casual kind of music I despise
girly music like basshunter and the ones teenage girls used to like?
do you remember this XD
more like taylor swift & co
We're getting old...
I just looked for Avril Lavigne (song from 2010) it's like it was yesterday
XD the song is pretty good though XD
@TimCastelijns I'm a single lady, I'm a single lady
yes she has a lot of great songs
nice songs
I'm having an argument with a colleque right now. He can't accept that Nicki Minaj is better than 2Pac
@Jordy Great! did you know that Raghav is looking for a girlfriend?
Hmmm, that's a nice opportunity
But I think his love for Apple and my hatred is going to clash the relationship...
You're right, that's too bad.. I'm a fool, I should have thought about that...
It's ok! We all learn from our mistakes.
also RickRoss > 2Pac
@MehdiB. 1 of the 2 songs I live of avril
I used to hear it a lot from my little cousins
back from lunch
Kappie is life
Yahoo obviously didn't learn from it's mistakes.
Their loss :D
Even if my product is worth 100B, if someone offers me to buy it for 40B I'll take it :D
But they were already public by then I think
mental note for something that never happens
@RaghavSood :(
We could've all been working on Yahoo's Android platform
Donde es el loco perro por favor!
Qué tal Graeme ?
Muchas Gracias Bueno Por Favour Arriba?
(psst, don't tell anyone, but I don't speak Spanish)
hiya Graeme!!!
Hey W0mps :D
@Graeme si?
No idea what that means though XD
for aspiring realm experts "You can find videos, articles, tutorials, and more by topic, by source, via search -- or by what we call a Learning Path."
Then we're all on the same page :D
@MehdiB. si means yes
Yeah that's one of the few things I know in Spanish XD
So no one here unit tests?
my boss/clients think it's waste of money/time
They're idiots, not testing your code is insane
How do you know it works then?
"if it's not a feature - I don't want it"
Working software is a feature
testing manually and hope nothing else broke -.-
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do
And I ask my team to as well
Using code coverage as a metric of how well it's done (which is not ideal, but is easy)
Nice, how do you deal with the "mocked" issue?
How do I deal with it? What issue?
I can't use TestUtils in unit tests, why is that?
1 hour ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
I want to write unit tests for my code (yay) but whenever I try to write a simple unit test that uses TextUtils or ConditionVariable I get an error Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Method block in android.os.ConditionVariable not mocked. See http://g.co/androidstudio/not-mocked for details.
No idea what TestUtils is
Sorry, TextUtils
Because the Android SDK isn't included in your test suit
TextUtils is an Android class that is not available to you
I know, but for example I have a class using a ConditionVariable and that code has nothing to do with the platform.
You should use either PowerMock to mock the static method calls (that I do) or you can take the easy way out and mock the entire Android SDK
I'd rather not avoid the entire android base class library in my code if I can, and I don't want to instrument everything on a device every time I run my unit tests.
I don't want to mock anything, I want to use the code inside ConditionVariable.java under android.os without mocking it - or similarly with TextUtils
Warren - Hahaha XD
I don't want to mock anything though, I want to use the code - it's just regular java. I don't expect things like activities to work - but if I have plain Java code with TextUtils I'm not sure why I'd have to mock it.
lol warren
Right, so read the instructions...
I'm at work, and I feel safe.
We're all about teaching to fish here Benjamin!
Graeme, I wouldn't have come here if I would have read the instructions now would I? The instructions suggest I mock it (which I'd rather avoid) and acknowledge that it's problematic.
Owch, pinging.
Sorry, happens when I change rooms after too much time in the JS room :)
unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true would obviously not solve my problem with the ConditionVariable (or with TextUtils)
And I don't want to mock checking if a string is empty - I want the code to actually run.
Guess we do just give out fish
Is there a link to that there?
I'm sorry, I read the docs and Googled for like half an hour before asking. That looks useful - thanks. I'll check it out.
Roboelectric gives you an implemented android.jar to use with your tests
Time to go~~
Thanks, that's exactly what I needed :)
Cya later people!!! :D
Bye W0mps
Would appreciate advice on how I could have found that myself so I can research better. Like I said before - I'm pretty new to this whole Android thing.
So the first set of instructions told you you were using a no-op android.jar
I googled "Mock entire Android SDK android.jar" and it was on the first page
Second answer was this Q on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/36008091/…
But I admit, I already knew Roboelectric does what you need, can't remember how I found it originally
@Harish Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io. There will not be a third chance.
looks like my phone won't connect via usb anymore. It does charge however
maybe I shouldn't browse the news in the shower anymore
Revoke permissions
water proof phone?
@ your Android
I wonder just how much you traumatized that poor device that it just refuses to communicate with other computing devices
Kinda like those prisoners who can't handle human contact after years of abuse
I did use it to chat with you raghav. I can understand if it grew weary of 'other devices'
Tim's phone vibrating back and forth, thinking of the horrors Tim has browsed/stored on it
thanks. I wasn't sure if it was clear enough that you were an other device
@TimCastelijns ¡™¢¡˙∆窣¨∂˜˚∂∆˜´£ª¥¨•¢πø®º˚ø≤…¬' My language capabilities exceed yours, human
my god i've fixed that unicode issue a thousant times
~$:sudo raghavSO --set-charset=UTF8 --force --verbose
Must be a very big list
Graeme, I'd like to think I'm a pretty savvy StackOverflow user and I'm fine at Googling. I don't get it on the first page of results for "Mock entire Android SDK" (and I don't want to mock it anyway) - all the questions suggested that I should write integration tests instead - thanks again :)
but I am a sudoer.
No problem
wtf giphy
I can connect my phone now, but AS doesn't see it -.-
you gotta approach it slowly
put some food near it
don't scare them
that's what i do with cats
and internet is made of cats
give some credit to capybaras
last time i gave the credit they bought a dozen domains and set up a scam site for teenager girls that wanted to buy fluffy pets-
i blame those half dog giant hamsters for my economical demise.
bye all
Bye Chew
how is it possible I can browse my phone with android file transfer, but AS doesn't see it
both using adb
Hi Guys
I have two gridviews in a layout
i want to apply animation to gridview item
1)i tried animation applying through drawable with listselector but it is not working..
2) and i tried to apply it from the adapterview but it is giving some error if any one is interested please let me know to move further
Okay, that's it
@Harish Banned for breaking the rules on your second chance in 24 hours.
ooouuu yeah
we're making a big ass app
designer just started on it
@TimCastelijns adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
native or ionic?
ionic 3.X
not working
android file transfer is the biggest piece of crap
posted on August 02, 2017 by Dan Lew

Hello. This is Dan Lew. You may or may not know me as the author of RxLifecycle. Here’s why I’ve started pulling back from using my creation. Origins When Trello first started using RxJava, we were dismayed with how easy it was to leak memory when using it.

^ solid article.
It's so good to see him say this out loud in a blog post.
I don't know him :/
I just always used ADB
i think i saw him on a mcdonalds ad
"eat burguers like my lib eats ram"
just jokin
read some of his articles, they're cool
@RaghavSood I see what you do an I am proud
i am proud that graeme is proud
@RED_ it is required for mac os
i don't think it's required is it? i do have it installed though
i tried to move an apk to a phone via it and obviously it failed miserably so now I use google drive
and that's how ww3 started
@CptEric by using Google drive?
by being proud of canadians?
both, according to the timelines.
unsettling information
if w0mper eats paella today, that'd mean we're on the 5th timeline. the one where the pandas rule eurasia.
if what if she doesn't?
unless tristan loses his charging cord and gets out of power on his devices. then our fate will be on adam's memes
I don't see how canadians could somehow be involved in the making of ww3. We're just, so chill, eh?
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon People!!!! :D
Canadians are a little too chill sometimes
I bet we could get canada to apologise for ww3 though
pfff, not a bit of challenge, we're already sorry
... for having the best prime minister you can wish for.
Urgh, Treudau
Would dislike him more if he wasn't the best of a bad selection in world politics
i would not change your prime minister for my regional president, tho.
Actually, Merkle is pretty good.
you can get rajoy and throw him in a igloo hole tho
meh merkel is "just ok". too right wing and too conservative for me likes.
Too Christian for me - but I thought she was in charge of the socialist party?
no, she governs in colaition with with as puppet party
she's half way between a tory and a lib dem
her party i mean
So... she's New Labour?
push it a little to the neoliberal corner of the graph and yeah
Woo for neo liberal?
and throw in some salty religious beiefs
Democratic Cristian Union of Deutschland doesn't sound very labor-ish.
Yeah, although she looks like she's able to reevaluate her beliefs given experience, which is very un-christian
or atleast ignore them
like in gay marriage thing
still, too right wing for me likes
me picking her before my own right wing MP does not mean i like her :P
I'm beginning to think that the politicians I would pick wouldn't be very effective
well, on the up side, while being not effective, they can't break it even more
Trump is very effective, at firing people
@MehdiB. Yet 'Mmmmurica closed wallstreet last night with the highest score ever.
So he didn't set the economy on fire
Trump is lit
do any of you use libraries for picking images from gallery/camera? If so which one
I just rolled out my own
copy pasted developer guide code
> reading the developer guide is a room rule

> yucks at using its code
dodges the ban ;)
I couldn't get here in time last night
I surmised that, yes ;)
I hope you'll pardon me from not losing sleep over it?
Do I ban Felix or has he read the rules?
I already got to ban someone today, so I'm pretty okay for now
i think he has read the rules
aight, I'll keep my humor for myself ;)
Ban him as it's tradition
French humour is dangerous
Mostly because it's insulting and not funny
that is escalating quickly
21 hours ago, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
I did not, but now have, read and understood thoroughly the rules.
But I'm not sure being French is reason enough to kick someone out :)
Ahh, looks like we can keep you
so does a canadian wedding
also, I'm french canadian.
Your insistence on rephrasing the sentence meant it didn't show up in my default search
Also, I like your user ID
yeah me too
it's rememberable
it''zzz done? :O
Are you, by any chance an indian descendant?
^Capitalism at its finest
murat :/
For a second I was like, I don't get it.
so cute
@MuratK. most of us have some amerindian blood. I'm not sure where it dates from exactly tho...
Penguins are technically birds
All birds are food
Therefore, penguins are food
Or as @W0MP3R would say, such cute food
it looks fluffy
We all know that paella ain't vegan, W0MP3R
i never said it was :O
We all know that global warming is actually a conspiracy to cover up your penguin recipes
i don't have penguin recipes
@FélixGagnon-Grenier meant indian from the very east :)
i use them for.... something else
lol rraghav
well no, I don't then
And yet, somehow, I'm the evil guy in this room
you are pinning a conspiracy on me!
and you killed all my pandas!!
I was merely consolidating power and eliminating potential competition
who is a descendant of this guy?
idk but he has his face as his profile picture
Too many
but i was doing nothing!!
who is he?
just chilling with my pandas
@ColdFire Genghis Khan
i was wondering where i have seen that picture before
@W0MP3R And you will do nothing with them now
Don't worry, to save you on funeral costs I sold them all to Chinese medicine practitioners
uh oh
i didn't break it!
We actually got two pandas from the chinese president himself
they're used to highlight bugs on Cobol systems
@MuratK. How was dinner?
Not served.. yet.
btw, in case you don't know this: startupstash.com
The cost for the cage is around 10M
So I guess, what Raghav is suggesting would be a more realistic solution
Allright have nice evening all

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