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Yes, it's that bad
Google introduced Loaders cause of that too
So you can fill your AutoCompleteTextViews async
And those are mostly database operations
which are way faster than network calls
You have to keep in mind that there are always some devices that will suffer from lack of responsiveness with those operations
Trying to figure out the Github api fff
fff? Fighting For Fun?
Fucking fricking frack
I haven't seen the "fff" api. Could you share it with us?
Tristan, I think my starred pastebin can help you
Almost got me
Although now I want to see what the Pastebin is
There's only one way to find out...
Nowhere, it's fake
It's a detailed explanation of how to understand different APIs
Want to know what you should've done?
No Of course I want to hear your opinion
who would click on a gist from you?
Yes, let me just click on that youtube video
Or just copy and paste the URL
Yes, because that will work out
Mac, pass me the kick remote, please. I can't reach mine
rlemon's KillIt saves the day again
Thought I could do it without people stalking me
2 hours later…
Okay so here's an interesting issue I'm having.

I made a credentials.xml file so I can keep my API creds there, and I can git ignore that file, so my creds never get into the GitHub repo. That's all fine and dandy.
However, when I'm using Travis CI to build the project, it can't build because it can't find the credentials. I tried putting empty variables with the same name in strings.xml, but then it breaks because it sees it twice (at least, that's what happens locally - to Travis, it might work).
2 hours later…
GM all
CC @TristanWiley
@AdamMc331 I have wondered about this. The same problem occurs if you want to automatically publish from the CI server. How do you provide the keystore?
@Code-Apprentice Oh wow. Not to mention that he was already charging only 15 bucks an hour.
@MarkO'Sullivan DarkSky
@Mauker 15 bucks / h is a pretty decent salary depending on the country.
depends a lot on the currency
@Mauker ikr?
@CptEric $15/hr is more than twice the minimum wage in the US. Still it is low ball for a software developer.
it's funny that here software developers are just slightly above the average
even when there's lack of them
like, serious lack.
a company in my city is trying to find 120 new devs from behind the rocks
Are they looking abroad?
@Mauker nobody here tends to look abroad
spain has brain fugue, why would other brains want to come?
their offering salaries are not bad, i'm pretty sure many non-US software engineers would love to come.
juniors start at 980/mo * 14 months ( 2 extra payments, one in june and one in december).
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
sup w0mp
how's rain going?
if we had a window, and we could open it
pretty good
but we don't have a window so... i'm dieing of heat
no wind
all windows open, yet no fresh air in
womp womp!
Hiya Mau Mau!!!
sir bot not present
hiya womp womp
and mauk mauk
o/ tim
europe is waking up
@AdamMc331 pre-push hook to swap credentials for CI stuff when you push to git
Alternatively, gradle script that detects what you're on and then sets the variables in Java/XML
alternatively, have a python script that toggles the variables values.
alternatively, create a Git Golem that manages the pushes and pulls in your repo. make sure onlycontributor blood is allowed, make him kill any transgressor.
@RaghavSood How does the gradle script get the values to set for the variables or resources?
There's methods to set XML values under res/ and Java variables
A: Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

rciovatiGenerate Java Constants android { buildTypes { debug { buildConfigField "int", "FOO", "42" buildConfigField "String", "FOO_STRING", "\"foo\"" buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG", "true" } release { buildConfigField "int",...

ohi got a mwc shangai pass
at 80% discount
didn't saw the email, "too late to retrieve".
but would you have attended it anyway ?
isn't the Barcelona one much much closer ? ^^
I had free passes for Shanghai and one more, offered them in here a while back
Morning! Back from my couple of days off. The gf's parents didn't kill me so I consider that a success!
@CptEric don't remember linking that but okay :D
@OcuS but it's 800-the-visitor-ticket
nah i wouldn't have attended
ahhh days off
I need me some of those
i have two weeks of vacation in july
might have taken more, but duh.
what would i do with all that free time?
better save the other two weeks for year's end.
@MarkO'Sullivan Murdering the boyfriend is harder to get away from than simply moving their entire family to the tribal regions of Thailand
@TimCastelijns Weak.
do you have experience with docker compose?
@RaghavSood tbf I only got speaking to the dad / brother for a couple of hours before they went off on holiday
Very little
@MarkO'Sullivan To Thailand?
@RaghavSood na to Majorca
Close enough
@MarkO'Sullivan Mallorca
May-orca (pronouncing)
@RaghavSood useless
I really want to learn more about Docker, just haven't found the time yet
I expect I will over the next month or so
do it now
I need help
I can give it a shot, I have used it in the past
Just not too much
I have 2 small docker-compose files. 1 correctly updates the running code when a file changes, the other doesn't
@CptEric weird, I think the English spelling is Majorca (shows it on Wikipedia)
@TimCastelijns 0118 999 881 999 119 7253
@MarkO'Sullivan great
Then again, who's owned the island since 1248-ish?
who gets to name it?
we do.
the guy from braveheart
nah we don't let mel gibson land on it.
I fear you've already out-experienced me from docker-compose
yeah but you know what the English are like, they like to give places their own names and not just keep the original
learn it today raghav
@Ahmad might have enough experience to help you
but it's harder to say majorca than to say mayorca!
is it not mallorca?
but brittishphoneticallyspeaking it's mayorca.
because LL = Y most of the time.
and if it's spelt different, we put a floating point between the L's to differentiate.
L·L = L|L
Least it has a similar sounding, Londonderry doesn't sound similar to Derry, they just added London to the start of it :|
but that was just to point it was london's property derry.
it's like new york.
i sometimes look at the origin of brittish town names and chuckle.
"here was a dam" - shire
"the woordorker's house" - burg
"charle's town". who was this charles? who is cool enough to have a village named as yours?
charles is
realm should purchase the rights of naming a village in every country as RealmXXX
RealmVille in france
RealmTown in UK
RealmBurg in DE
VilaRealm in ES/CA
Realmnagar in India?
^ nice.
Realmoskva in RU
I will personally burn that place to the ground
who needs docker help
Seems like fun, mostly
I iz here
Also, Eid mubarak if anyone here besides me is celebrating!
Eid Mubarak to you too!
> Eid mubarak
Eid = Today's festiv
Mubarak = Similar to happy/merry
Thanks raghav! :)
hi ahmad
raghav you always explain so well (Y)
@Ahmad Eid mubarak to you
not celebrating but hey i got a holiday \o/
well, eid mubarak to you all who celebrate it!
is it some holy festivity?
i guess
i dont know much about islamic festivals
@Ahmad what enables a docker compose thing to auto reload after a change in code?
because I have 1 that works and 1 that doesn't
It seems to stop reloading changes when I switch http libs
@RaghavSood yes, but if the value is a private key, how do you give that data to the gradle script so it can generate the correct Java code. It seems to me that you are just pushing the problem around without singing it.
Gradle can be set to retrieve it from somewhere, or some file on your CI/localmachine, or any other number of things
What if I do not have any access to the CI server? For example, a public Travis CI server integrated with a public GitHub repo.
I should write up a Q for this to explain all the pieces that are in my head. I am only doing it piecemeal in chat here.
I think I follow
@CptEric not London's just the English taking over leaving their mark
But yeah, if you're on an all-public infrastructure, don't rely on CI to add in API keys or private data
Most people I know just call it Derry, I'd never call it Londonderry
You'll end up leaking it along the way
So the solution is a private CI and/or VC repo.
@AdamMc331 Are you using private or public CI?
@ahmad pls
Talking about CI and automated releases. Has anyone used fastlane or other similar tools?
i've used fastlane
@TimCastelijns He has left you
@CptEric is it difficult to setup?
gets my hopes up and then ditches me
it didn't look hard
some stuff is pesky but overall quite fast
my boss did the hardwork on ios tho
on android it was pretty fastforward
I tried to install it on a windows machine a while back. IIRC it only works on Linux, though.
yeah, i think it's only unix terminal-capable
actually it might even be only osx
because it's a gem install that uses mostly osx paths
i don't know if lunix has those kind of gems
I have an arch Linux box. I will have to try on it. Won't be any time soon, though. Too many other things on my plate ATM.
> macOS or Linux with Ruby 2.0.0 or above
eww ruby
From the fastlane docs ^
I have never written any ruby code, but I am getting proficient at installing and using gems.
Fastlane and Jekyll
Travis Jenkins and Hyde?
Travis, Jarvis, Jenkins & Hide
Fastlane, Slowlane, Midlane and Timlane.
Restful, Slothful, Greedyful, Harmful.
ruby is the modern man's php
Jordy is the modern man's Tim.
you calling me old, boy?
ofcourse not, sir. can you pass me the ball?
@W0MP3R a musical in la llotja: 43€. the same musical in the Lope de Vega theater in madrid: 24€. same seat type ( mid section).
and they ask themselves why we don't go there
a goddamn theft.
@TimCastelijns you're almost 2 tristans. wich is 1/100th carls.
i remember last time i saw a musical. it was almost 0.15 tristans ago.
I don't even want to be 1 tristan
Feb 22 at 17:41, by CptEric
that or they really despice you
looking at chat logs
finding gems.
Tim!! You liked Taylor Swift right?
well I don't know at which point you like someone
but I know about 47 of her songs by heart
well... i don't know when
but now they are in spotify
you've got 48 problems but a song ain't one.
it's 47. mwaha.
best news all year :D thanks womp
is finally a song of taylor swift?
maybe when she finds a decent boy.
but then she'll run out of songs.
no it's not
> 47 files changed, 1736 insertions(+), 576 deletions(-)
what a new fature looks like
what a commit of a person who only uses git because he has to looks like
it's only a feature change
what would have tim done?
nothing i guess
split it up in small commits
it's just a motherfucking big, 6h long to code, feature.
do you know any nice angular 2^ tutorial??
yeah he is in this chat and his name is eric
ty CF :3
echo angular2_devlevel;
@tim ah damn sorry don't know about docker compose :( I should learn about it - been doing everything manually
What do you mean by auto reload? Are you changing things in the docker file?
no in the application code
Eid mubarak for all
I have been rebuilding the image every on change
which takes about 100 years
Eid mubarak @sami and CF!
Ooh okay gotcha
how do you do it?
@Ahmad Thank you :)
You can mount the volume from the docker to your local fs and then it'll sync automatically
That's what I do
yes, which you do with a compose file
docker run -v /myapp:/path_of_myapp_in_docker
It's still not syncing?
I have fixed it already by swapping httpserver libraries
You're probably copying the files over to a different direction every time you build
0 clue why that matters but hey it works
with flask it would auto update the code but not with webapp2
I thought I was doing something wrong in docker
cost me more than a day
That's very weird
I wonder why
Ohhhhhh wait I know
Did you have debug mode enabled in flask?
Because that enabled auto reload
I do, but I also have it enabled for webapp2
but how would flask know it's being run through docker
isn't docker supposed to watch the files regardless of the content
he ditched me again
ping him
I'm scared
I already pinged him a couple times
don't want to end up banned
interesting lol
thought that warren not have the heart to post something like this
image not found :(
this proves that atleast one german is not heartless.
womp use chrome to open that image
dont know why warren always use webp format which doesnt work in mozilla :(
Lunch time~~ :3
Tim plz help how to share image & text from intent on instagram
@TimCastelijns @W0MP3R
wow wow
plz read the rules
don't need to ping that much
srry i can't help
ok Nop
Tim Do u know anything about this Intent
my android dev skills went from "oh look, i can link things" to "andro--what?"
my android dev skills went from "oh look at all this cool stuff to learn abou---- ohh oh. ok. I will make this website instead.."
also that^
i'm more a web dev than anything
but don't ask me js, it's a big unknown to me
wait, it's android DEV room? I thought you guys just love Androids
more dev than love
and then, there's people like me, who are here for the company :D
(but seriously, who let this guy in? @AndroidBot what's you doin' bruv???
it's raghav's fault
we all know Raghav and AndroidBot are the samebrobot.
how can I share a pic with the right extension - I could send picture named pic.jpg as pic but without the .jpg
Hiya Murat!!!
what's the context here?
I got the sharing going with mail
but without the right extension, most mail clients wouldn't even know which app to use to open it up
use intent setDataAndType

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