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@Ahmad It kicks ass huh?
it's weird :s
but pretty cool
I love it...been a while since I worked with it, though.
I'm trying to understand this
fib = 1 : 1 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip fib $ tail fib]
feel free to shoot me any questions. I'll help if I can.
awesome! I'll take you by it :)
so it generates pairs right
fib is the list of all Fibonacci numbers, right?
so yah, zip pairs each number with the next one.
so in the first pass it'll generate (1, 1), so final list will be [1, 1, (1+1)]
basically, yes
in the next iteration does it do this? zip [1,1,2] [1, 2]?
because that would give us [(1,1),(1,2)]
which a and which b does it take?
one nice thing about haskell is that you can evaluate all function calls by hand like doing a math problem.
it gives us back a list, the list comprehension takes in a tuple
So step through it:
fib = 1 : 1 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip fib $ tail fib]
Just joined every single HH subgroup @Ahmad lol
nice :)
= 1 : 1 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip [1, 1, ??] $ tail [1, 1, ??]
where the ??s have not yet been evaluated.
I got about 50 notifications in 30 seconds
so in this case a=1 and b=1 right?
 = 1 : 1 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip [1, 1, ??] $ [1, ??]
this one, I evaluated tail
now plug in for a and b:
= 1 : 1 : [1 + 1 | (1, 1) <- zip [1, 1, ??] $ [1, ??]
How do you do strikethrough in chat?
three dashes
does it work in code snippets?
hmm don't think so
hmm...gonna have to find another notation...
= 1 : 1 :  2 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip [1, ??] $ [??]
so the 1 + 1 gets evaluated to 2. I just removed them from the input lists to show they have been consumed.
but now we know the next element of ?? is a 2:
= 1 : 1 :  2 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip [1, 2, ??] $ [2, ??]
= 1 : 1 :  2 : [1 + 2 | (1, 2) <- zip [1, 2, ??] $ [2, ??]
oooooooh I get it now!
= 1 : 1 :  2 :  3 : [a + b | (a, b) <- zip [2, 3, ??] $ [3, ??]
and so on
I kept going back to paring fib without taking out the pairs that have already been consumed!
thanks man! :))
no problem
probably not entirely accurate to the way it actually evaluates under the hood, but the principle is the same.
you should post it here
Q: Understanding Haskell's fibonacci

AR.fibs :: [Int] fibs = 0 : 1 : [ a + b | (a, b) <- zip fibs (tail fibs)] This generates the Fibonacci sequence. I understand the behaviour of the guards, of :, zip and tail, but I don't understand <-. What is it doing here?

the existing answers, I didn't fully understand
oh...and I hand-waved the evaluation of zip
what are you using to learn Haskell? A book or just online tutorials, blogs, etc?
right now I just finished watching this
the guy explains it really well
but I also started reading this book called
errm let me look it up
real world haskell by o'reilly
it's free
I have RWH on my Kindle.
paid for it...
IMO, it's a bit deep. I haven't made it all the way through yet.
Learn You a Haskell For Great Good is very good.
it says it's free on the website :)
yeah but I heard that one dumbs it down too much
but the o'reilly book is pretty good
yes, both are really good. Just depends on the level you want to get in to.
have to finish writing a haskell bot that plays Lasca by wednesday lol
as part of a university project
I started with LYAH and then went on to RWH.
What is Lasca?
I eventually want to understand monads but I think for the university assignment it's not really necessary
Lasca is a game similar to checkers
yah, monads are cool...I still don't get them
haha yeah, I do understand now what they're used for but still don't fully get them
they are used for chaining functions
I started a programmer meetup in my town a few months ago. I want to do a presentation on Haskell. Gotta get a laptop first.
you don't have one?
just a desktop?
You can "chain" functions with basic function composition. Monads are much more powerful than that.
yah, just a desktop atm
yeah with the dot operator
talking about operators...you should learn about the boobs operator
I don't even remember what it does...
is it actually a thing
Q: How does Haskell's "boobs operator" work in plain non-functional English?

Sergey K.In this answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/11006842/1065190 an "owl operator" is mentioned: absoluteError = ((.) . (.)) abs (-) to express the absolute error function in point-free notation. Anyway, how does this notation actually work? Could you, please, explain it to a non-functional C++ pr...

oh...there's a belly button, too
gah too complicated for now
oh well some day
gtg off to sleep
2 hours later…
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ That's where you're wrong kiddo
I downloaded an SO dark theme for the Stylish chrome extension and it overwrote rlemon's extension. I'm not sure if I like this or not.
hmmm lots of cozy cats
1 hour later…
I'm working on my dupe hammer. Only 411 upvotes to go!
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@Reno That's fucking awesome!
now I have to listen to the real song...
and now I'm listening to 90's music...
2 hours later…
@SujithSizon You need a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
oh AndroidBot has a black avatar now
a lot better imo
decided to see my time limit of not using internet, I could reach 30min today
next target 1h30 :D
@Ahmad Ronak and the bot kept getting mixed up
haha yeah I figured that was one of the reason
@Ahmad Did you get pinged?
lol google.com
Wanted to see if it works with links
interesting that it did
we should include the profile link
Considering linking the user's profile in bot access messages in case one of the owners wants to manually review
Looks prettier
Works too
how the hell do you understand monads
They're basically virtual assembly lines
Each step performs one aspect of the complete program
A: Monad in plain English? (For the OOP programmer with no FP background)

Eric Lippert UPDATE: This question was the subject of an immensely long blog series, which you can read at Monads -- thanks for the great question! In terms that an OOP programmer would understand (without any functional programming background), what is a monad? A monad is an "amplifier" of types that...

this is long
Geez, stop complaining. At least you aren't the guy who has to proof read ToS agreements
do you?
Lol no
I'm just saying it could be worse
I can no longer see my avatar on Github
@SHAHMDMONIRULISLAM You need a q:a ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
what a scary sounding name
probably because of the all caps lol
1 hour later…
oh, androidbot has a red eye. reminded me of hal 9000
he is our terminator :D
I hate it so much when a developer is kind of capable but only thinks of the happy path... the amount of crashes because the context is not available or ready anymore when a callback appears is too damn high... especially when you consider yourself a proficient rx developer
pattern matching is so cool :)
@WarrenFaith are you using MVP?
yes, partly
because then I would advise you to just unregister the observable overtime the presenter gets destroyed
unless you're not tracking lifecycle inside your presenters
we do and that is the plan
why so?
put all in a composite observable and unsubscribe :D
our fragment (2,5k) and the presenter (1k) is currently under heavy refactoring
uii :|
I spend 6h to get one (!!) class out of the bulge of code and I am not yet done
that sounds just too familiar with what I had to deal with at MS ;_;
perfect code doesn't exist
that is true but you can be close to
we're all advocating for clean code but when it comes to it all our codebases are just awful
even if the code is not perfect, you can have some decent maintainability
hello everybody :)
I had an interview with a company who is very big on clean code and everything
and they told me their code base is very legacy
also hi Phantomazi
legacy is always a problem
what I fear the most is when you start refactoring and then the team changes and someone else refactors again and back to step 1... that results in pure mess
so I am not blaming someone special, I just find it pretty bad that it reached this state
but also kind of typical for startup codebase
yep definitely
refactoring is just extremely hard if you're not the only one working on the code
you just end up breaking so much for everybody else
and all their branches get stalled because so much changed
yeah, you have to be small and steady and the timing should be good when you merge your refactoring
we are currently doing that exactly. Step by step
small parts only
I have to get rid of one deprecated method and I tried to got it done directly. Reverted everything after 8h. I lost the control and the overview
now I decouple the parts first separately
one thing that helped me was to first create a lot of helper classes
get out all the code that is not really relevant to the activity
part of the business logic that you eventually want to put in use cases later on
just chunking up methods and then slowly refactoring them out
so you only end up with what you actually want in the activity/presenter
then you can start reordering that
yeah, I do that as well but I plan to go a bit more direct
for example the fragment handles a lot of customview internals so I will move that directly to the according customview and reduce the fragment code for that
worst part is that there is no clean interface. There are classes working directly on the map by bypassing the mapfragment
so they are deeply coupled
that has to stop
oh yeah that is a really bad habit of having custom view code inside the activity that might as well be in the view itself
LOL AndroidBot
that has to stop
@Raghav found your easteregg :D
Apr 1 '13 at 23:00, by AndroidBot
it's been there for a while
but I totally forgot about it
I don't care :D
this is mine now
@AndroidBot you belong to me now!
you haz the powa
I really like the mac full screen thingy
terminal on the one ST on the other
looks so nice :)
but now you have seen my newbie haskell code ._.
so you are the reason SO published the "on weekend" stats for programming languages
LOL yah I saw that too
blame my homework assignment ;_;
I have to do it in haskell
but it's a cool lang
I plan on continuing to use it
I am too busy with work currently
thats why I am doing work stuff even on a sunday
@AndroidBot the cake is a lie!
@WarrenFaith yeah I was surprised to see you work on that on a sunday haha
@koksalb Welcome. Please read the room rules.
omg this is pretty cool
don't worry they'll milk this for the next 4 years
sadly I guess you are right
Warren - it's already monday, shouldn't you be sleeping now? :D

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