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yeah + the fact that they're trying to encourage the BYOD (Bring your own device) thing to use for work (doesn't really work, nobody wants to install the control stack on their own machines)
and stetho isnt working
Go figure JMR mentions some relatively obscure technology I've never heard of, not working.
facebook's chrome dev tools debugger iirc
yes ahmad right
I'm so tired
still need to pack for my armageddon trip to washington tomorrow
you're going to cheer trump on?
nah we want to see the world burn with front row seats
I'm probably going to create some protest sign and get my ass kicked by some rednecks
I was there for obamarama in 2008
obamarama LOL
we're headed towards philadelphia so we figured why not spend a day in DC and see the crazy people
stetho is the shit
i got it back up
stetho lets you inspect your connected device
it does a lot but the most useful feature is a live snapshot of your database
with a basic interface you can run queries on, view table structure, etc
its like my go-to when my db is fucking up
obamarama lol
ahmad please kill a trump supporter
ill send you a signed picture of me if you get 2 of them
Considering Ahmad's ethnicity, you do understand what the reaction of that would be right?
Also, that's kind of a weird thing to say.
reason has failed
I went to obamarama 2012
a minority, but still sizeable portion of the country voted in a dude who openly bragged about sexually assaulting women and gave the most transparently bullshit answers to pretty much any question posed to him
"i know more about isis than the generals, i have a plan and let me tell you, its tremendous just tremendous"
"we will replace failed OBAMACARE with something even better, wonderful"
etc etc
when millions vote for that, and stick their fingers in their ears when factual reporting identifies the lies, i honestly and truly believe violence is the only solution
I just love how many people just don't know that ACA = Obamacare
Welp, I hear ISIS is recruiting JMR
there was this one guy who was so against obamacare until someone pointed out that he indeed was on it, he thought ACA is something different
you will never reach these people, literally the only thing to be done is to subjugate them so they cant hurt the world anymore
i honestly think that story is fake
the "oh im on obamacare" thing
i dont doubt a lot of people found themselves in that position but i get the feeling its staged
could be, but I'm pretty sure there are some people who are like this
oh for sure
i just mean that one instance seems fishy to me
this whole thing just still seems like a joke
it's still fun to read
like trump's press conference
just mind blowing
someone should do a word analysis on this guy and count the number of words in his vocabulary
it's probably hovering around 200
They did determine his speech is consistent with that of a 3rd grader
doesn't surprise me
you aren't really supposed to use a large vocabulary for those kinds of public speaking situations
no but you could speak with a little more nuance than a third grader
you want a broad audience to be able to understand you, like people that learn english as a second language
Ted-Cruz speaks at a 9th grade level, thats high school freshman
Eski, he doesn't say anything though, what he has to say means about as much as what a 3rd grader has to say. Things are bad, stuff is good, I don't like this, etc.
his sentences are just empty though
he doesn't say anything
That's called politics
he just says he's great
It's not something that is new now that trump is president
It's the lowest the bar has ever been for a president and you know that
No, he just doesn't appeal to your demographic.
well you get what you sow
It's all the same
nah eski, there are people in my demographic who voted for him
He speaks like a simpleton, is surrounded by conflicts of interest and scandals and the only thing people can say in his defense is, "politics as usual" or "hilary would have been worse"
In reality this is insane, no president has been as engulfed in so many ethical issues
People Aren't Smart Enough for Democracy to Flourish, Scientists Say - "Nagel concluded that democracies rarely or never elect the best leaders."
a good dictator is what a world needs
At least a lot of people are unhappy, as they should have always been.
but then we're back to monarchies
and royal families
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
and that is never not corrupt
(i fuckin hate royal families)
they are creepy ahmad
entitlement breeds disaster
and breeds within family
european royalties, aka incesthouse
I think we could solve the democracy problem through improved education and undoing Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
I just think it's hilarious if you look at voting patterns
e.g. brexit: 90% of cambridge and oxford voted remain
and 70%(?) of rural england voted out
the electoral college was supposed to save us from shit like that
instead it has doomed us all
the winner takes all sytste mom the ec is stupid to begin with
posted on January 18, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Francesca Di Felice, Developer Marketing at Google Play At Playtime 2016, Google Play's series of developer events, we met with top app and game developers from around the world to share learnings on how to build successful businesses on Google Play. Several startups, including game developer Peaklabs and audio platform SoundCloud, presented on stage their own best pract

yeah if it wasn't winner takes all but allocated proportionally by state it would have been closer than the popular vote but still Hilary's win
popular vote isn't the solution either tho
ranked voting is the best imo
yeah I agree
more people would actually vote third party
it would be weird though, what happens if you abstain from lower ranks?, does it decrease voter turnout?
as a system it would be difficult to get correct
lower ranks?
like if you could vote for up to 3 candidates and ranked them, what happens if you don't want to rank #2 and #3, would they both get #3, would it just not count it? would more votes go to #1?
the system isn't going to change though unless somehow the entire government collapses and we have anarchy
aka French Revolution
trouble with who
with the local auth :D
this is americas future everyone
fear of benign political conversation
nah, I'm not in the USA
i know, thats what i mean
what you experience now is what will come to pass for us
i mean theres a multitude of things wrong
not just the voting system though thats a part of it certainly
there isnt a clean way of doing this of course, but people who actively refuse to believe in science and reason shouldnt be allowed to vote
as i said thats unrealistic to just snap your fingers and change
so then you need to consider solving the problem of reducing the number of people who are that way
but then as we all know people rarely if ever change their minds about things, especially stupid people
so you say "well this generation is a lost cause" and focus on the next
but then education goes to shit because of the policies enacted by the old idiots
you sound pretty arrogant
and the younger generation is as ignorant
@eski imagine a band, like a range in which reality lives
within that range you have differing opinions on all sorts of things, based on an agreed upon set of facts
One generation has complained about the next since Ancient Greece. "The world is dooomed" they always say...and the world continues on.
the political right has abandoned that range and gone into unprecedented territory of know-nothing proud ignorance
it isnt arrogant to call that out, i wont have you sit here and give me the "welp both sides" south park bullshit in the face of it
I think, that for that (in any country)
People should fight for the education and social/medical covering,
if these 2 are covered, people will have time to think about "luxury" such as politics, debates, improvements, intellects etc...
But if people still struggle with the lowest level of the Maslow pyramid, you won't have any audience to talk to and anyone to reason.
Because most of the people wanna eat and have a roof and can't afford to think about the rest.
but kittens!
theres a reason people of both political persuasions are upset about the developments regarding ghwb's health
its because despite disagreements they operated in the same reality, and there was decency to him that people he disagreed with respect
where we operate now is so far from that, you cant act as if its business as usual
I guess we could all just sit in here bashing trump and his supporters and talk about murdering them, but I don't know how useful that would be. I prefer to try and understand people's perspectives, and why they think that way rather than assume I'm better than those that I disagree with.
looking for rational reasoning in trump supporters is even more unrealistic than someone going around killing them all
you can cut with haughty bullshit on that, id think youre smart enough to see that these arent people to be reasoned with
Hmm, a lot of them are my friends, or people that I have no problems with, I'd rather not murder them.
you really dont have problems with people dumb enough to vote for donald trump
No I'm not going to form my entire opinion of someone based on who they voted for, that's extremely immature.
I actually find it inappropriate for this chat room as well. We are supposed to be inclusive here.
The SO android chat room shouldn't be party associated.
the "im above it" shtick is like the most immature thing of all lol
I agree with eski on that point. Labeling someone as "dumb" based on who they voted for is just as ignorant as the people you are ranting about. You have no idea why any given individual voted the way they did without talking to them abou tit first.
and we talk politics here all the time
yeah, talking politics is one thing, talking about murdering someone for supporting the other side is another.
@Code-Apprentice can you really say with a straight face that someone might have an earnest reason to vote for donald trump
I hope you can understand how that would turn someone off from staying in the chat room.
But kittens!
And Gary Moore!
@JMRboosties I can honestly say that I don't know anyone's reasons for voting for Trump.
maybe its just me but passive aggressive cunty false equivalency is more of a turn off than anything else
assuming that no one has an earnest reason is just as biggotted as what you are railing against.
i mean, if you dont follow politics at all
and have no understanding of any issues
and using negative labels just feeds the divide
You're making assumptions, and now you're name calling.
it might be fair to say "i dont know why someone would vote trump and dont know if there is a good one"
"name calling" that's the phrase I was looking for
if you believe that life begins at conception, and that abortion is murder, and that your main goal politically is outlawing abortion, then you would vote for Trump
and that's not a position I can necessarily call "dumb"
@JMRboosties If you want to discuss the issues in a decent, respectful way, you have to completely get rid of the name calling.
but with any investment in having literacy of current events ought to be enough for a rational person to know better
Carl - Could someone vote Trump just for this topic (abortion) and disregard all his other opinions and positions? (just curious)
@CarlAnderson a) thats an ignorant view of the abortion issue, but i get your point and im not claiming its your own b) what mehdi said
yes, I know people who are so hyper focused on Abortion that they won't vote for any Democrats because of that issue.
I think that's exactly what happened, @MehdiB.
@JMRboosties there you go with the name calling again. "Ignorant"? You're the one being ignorant.
even if youre a single issue voter, if youre cool with ignoring dangerous language regarding nuclear weapon stability, denial of climate change, and bragging about sexual assault it demonstrates poor moral standards
which is ironic because anti-abortionists are the first to cite morality
maybe not on that one particular issue, but I'm sure that many people disregarded some of his opinions that they disagreed with and voted because of the opinions that they did agree with.
@Code-Apprentice but wouldnt you agree there are lines which once crossed devalue the person regardless of other opinions you may agree with?
They might have just wanted to avoid a war with Russia.
i think climate change denial and sexual molestation is a fair line to not cross
oh jesus christ eski you really think voting clinton would have led to a war with russia
@JMRboosties That line is different for every single voting adult.
@Code-Apprentice of course everyone has a different line, but we can judge those who demonstrate their morals by allowing other lines to be crossed
I believe that in general, elections are a choice for the lesser of two evils. This particular election was by far the most illustrative of that.
i hate to invoke godwins here but what youre arguing is basically PETA/vegetarians had a legitimate reason to support hitler
It could have, the propaganda war had been ramping up since 2012. Even with a low chance, wars between superpowers that have nuclear weapons aren't good.
eski what are you basing this off of
/pol/ doesnt count
having a tough relationship is not indicative of inevitable war
I didn't say inevitable, I said even a low chance...
and standing up for whats right (ie not letting russia annex soverign territory)
isnt a bad thing
so if you concede its a low chance
I think you're in a bubble.
@JMRboosties People who are pro-life will point to the 43 million abortions that have happened since 1970 and say that these are far more important than potential climate issues.
youre willing to say "fuck womens rights, fuck action on climate change, fuck health care for the poor" because theres a low chance that democrats who arent in russia's pocket may come into conflict with them
if "women's rights" means killing unborn fetuses, yes
I can't have a mature argument with you if you're going to put words in my mouth.
that's what they believe
Don't put quotes around something that isn't a quote.
well that went nowhere...
that was interesting though
sorry i was away
let me catch up
more kittens please
a vote for trump is a vote for those things
the conversation has pretty much come to a close so we dont need to keep it going
and for kittens
lol, that's what I was going to say cA
I'm in the top 10 for being a mod on HH
what's HH?
is that one of those conference things?
Hackathon Hackers
Redundant Redundancy
The name seems redundant :D
Carl - hahaha XD
Elder Carl is redundant too ;) <3
Oh dear god
Inauguration drinking game
but you can't drink yet
so what does it matter? :D

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