The other issue is that republicans don't necessarily have a problem with welfare and helping those in need. That's a falsehood. The issue is the way it is taken advantage of and not closely regulated enough.
you can't make any advancement in warfare when the world is in peace, what if an advanced alien race came over in the next 3000-4000 years? if we're at peace we woudnt have anything to defend ourselves with
The biggest issue is religion. Lets take this explanation as a sample. In short: The islam was leading in research 1000 years ago until math was called "evil".
everything was backed by a government, no private entity (by private I mean an entity that doesnt take taxes from the masses essentially) was able to make these advances
I'm currently making an app that polls gps data and uploads it to a server. The service starts when the app is in the foreground, and keeps running when the app enters the background. When the app is swiped close, onTaskRemoved is called and an Alarm Manager restarts the service. The service ...
@WarrenFaith yes but when everyone is united and there is no need for violence do you think people would still spend resources and time on improving one's destructive powers?
@Bhargav not necessarily on destructive power but every invention can and (in a world at war) will be used in a military way. So I do imagine that we know how to build weapons and we probably will build some just in case we need them against external forces
I mean the moment we start exploring the space to find new habitual planets, we will send the ships with escorts
Guys, I did many try but not able to fix the espresso test issue. If anyone can answer please look at my question
@MehdiB. I need to get better in table tennis, my colleague from Russia is really good and he always wins. Unfortunately, I have only 6 months to beat him since he is getting back to Russia after he finishes his phd.
I have a nestedscrollview thats above my toolbar, its intercepting the touch from the toolbars actions, any ideas on how to make the nestedscrollview pass touch events to views below it?
@netpork nice :D and once he leaves you'll be the top player of the office and you'll feed another colleagues 2018 resolutions to beat you on table tennis :D
@cygery Your [repetitouch]() app is nice idea. I play with the app and working nicely. It would be great if you can feature to schedule the actions on every x delay with the recorded events
anybody have an idea why an app's whitelist preference is persisted between installs, but the value is invalid (it shows as true, but when read in code, it is false)?
Warren, the impact of our discussion about mockito used for AndroidTest, I checked few issues on the github repo and I am able to find the solution so some credit goes to you.
do I know how? No. Do I know it's possible? Absolutely.
All of Google's material design icons are vector drawables. If you right click in your drawable folder and go new -> vector asset you can see what they have
"The icons are available under the Apache License Version 2.0. We'd love attribution in your app's "about" screen, but it's not required. The only thing we ask is that you not re-sell these icons."