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05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

Oh ok
Time to go home~~ :D
cya people!! x3
WOMP bye~~~
o/ womp
damn cM I didn't recognize you with that hat
Then my plan is working (until the hats go away soon)
Dude, this too bad, very less number of people work on XML
:) how is that bad
because I am not able to get even a single answer on my question
@codeMagic o/
Howdy, CF
good how was your new year?
Magic is my RUM buddy
It was good. Tried to get all the kids to stay up but only a couple made it.
Isn't it, Magic ?
I need to try and set up a wireless router today. We got an XBox one but it has a hell of a time connecting every time we try to play something
it looks like my wifi dropping issue on mac is finally resolved
walks in the room, pastes a link android.stackexchange.com/questions/165787/… , slowly leaves the room
Good! Now solve mine. haha
Lol, UD
I think that's off topic
Agreed, why not on SO?
Isnt it related to android ?
codeMagic can't find yours !!
Yes, Android programming not in general
Can't find my what?
Oh you were talking to Cold Fire, thought you answered me, mb
The questions is about programming google fit
Already did
Oh wait, nto that
lol cM
The questions is about programming for google fit
There's a difference
Oh god
what have I done
You are destroying the stackoverflow universe. That's what you have done
Now go sit in the corner and think about it while the universe is destroyed
Can't just sit there ! I'll fix it !
Oh wait, can't post in SO..
Well.. Let's leave it destroy !!!!
Why can't you post on SO? Were you bad?
I flagged to migrate to SO
Maybe @TimCastelijns will do the same?
Yes :(
1 is enough
Deleted downvoted questions
but since he is question banned I doubt they will migrate it
what seems to be bad
because they like SO to be dirty with downvoted questions..
I wondered about that, Tim
No, but they don't like you deleting a bunch
I just wanted to keep SO clean.. should've read the ToS
If you would have done them over time maybe not. How many were there?
Dont remember
not that many
I think 2-3
It's crucial to understand what you can and cannot ask about on SO, and how to formulate questions
indeed it is
Yep, thats true, but its also true that people downvote to hell just cause its free
so f*ck the questions
u wont see the answers downvoted cause it costs rep ...
depends on the user
That's not entirely true. ^
I personally downvote everything I find bad
I tried to get "reformed" by answering questions, got 80+ rep in 1 day but it doesnt matter to the system..
Downvoting questions should cost rep too IMO
When was it? I imagine the ban is only like a week at most if it's your first one
Months ago
Stil remains the "ban"
Downvotes often result in deletes anyway so rep isn't typically an issue.
the only reason I dont create another account is because I don't like having several accounts for the same website
downvoting questions doesn't cost rep because then most of the garbage questions that are posted would survive
Flagging would stil be free
not every question that is bad has a matching flag/close reason
I don't get why answers (people contribution) costs rep but the questions (just write a questions and some exaplanations) is free
I would do it viceversa
People spend time answering shouldnt be punished
I think that's it for today
Gonna leave now
It's been a pleasure! See you tomorrow !
They should be punished if they spend time posting a bad/wrong answer
see ya later
anyway the system works like this because it allows for easier garbage filtering
if downvoting costs rep, people won't do it as often
@TheLittleNaruto I'll bounty that question if you want. Just let me know when it's eligible
thanks Magic, I'll :)
Just don't tell anyone. I don't want people to think I'm nice
you got it.
@Kaushal28 you've got write access. Please read the room rules before participating room-15.github.io
yo nana
Hey guys
What are you up to this last day before work again?
Hoping to do something productive but it's already noon and nothing started so it's not looking good
Well.. that's what you do daily....
Good point. I guess there's no reason to change now :P
My plan is to rest and so far so good :)
Well, I haven't been that productive the last week so I feel like I should today
I was sick at the beginning of the week so rest is about all I did
I was off for the whole week so I wan't productive either.
But I learned a lot about OpenWRT and PXE, so that's cool I guess.
Same here. Been off since the 23rd
That is good. You did more than me :P
I did read a little about C#, xamarin, and design patterns. So I did something. Just not enough
Is it ever enough?
There are people who just ate and drank I m sure. You did more thatn you could have done.
Well, it can be enough to make me feel accomplished
That's true. I'm an overachiever I guess
totally :)
nana, up for xml (simpleframework xml) related question ?
Or underachiever?
I always get those two confused.
And I did eat and DRINK on top of the other stuff. So I'm pretty accomplished :)
TLN, yep
Are we saying over after each transmision now?
Later guys, I am off
over and out
See ya, Tim
Why does formatting not work on second line?
it does
if you do it right
Did you do it right?
cq cq cq de cygery
I sure didn't
I thought I knew how :P
is cygery broke?
guess where the "cq" in icq came from
@TheLittleNaruto: I know nothing about this, but just looking at it I'd assume it should look like this:
`@Attribute(empty = "xsi:nil=\"true\"", required = true)` and drop the `@element` annotation.
@cygery: seek you
Will try it. But element annotation should be there.
nana de cygery, yep, right
Cy, are you ham operator too?
though not active atm
you too?
What's your call sign?
copy fast
Shit i missed that
did you copy?
hang on, I got this
good copy
qrm by cm
oh never mind
now I didn't copy your call sign :/
kilo delta two golf quebec charlie
now I need to get a sw trx to confirm that but I don't have room for an antenna
anyway, 73's, gotta practice now
I am not active either, and to connect we'd need HF right. I only have U/VHF...
@Kaushal28 removed your access because you never confirmed reading the rules before leaving. Feel free to request again when you want to join
2 hours later…
do any of you know any good pre commit hook scripts for android? like optimize import statements and check style errors etc?
ideally I would like to run the built in android studio IDE's reformat code and optimize imports scripts but I'm not able to find it
is android studio/intellij source code open source?
There is a checkbox for that
Open up the commit dialog from IDE and on the right hand side you'll see a column of checkboxes, check away.
@Bhargav ^
@TheLittleNaruto Got your answer ! stackoverflow.com/a/41432746/486332
nice nana
@nana yes I know that I want to know how to run those through CLI, ideally would like to get the shell scripts if possible
or maybe they are gradle tasks?
AFAIK it's an IDE thing, if you figure out how to do it let me know. I have some people on my team who use other GIT IDEs or CLI and it fucks up the formatting.
05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

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