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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

Aww <3
@Mauker nah, Ahmad is everywhere all the time
Oh, true.
He's always there, lurking. Watching us all in silence. Our secret hero, our ever present savior.
That's right. So you can sleep well tonight knowing that Ahmad is watching over you.
I wonder what the bat Ahmad signal would look like...
user image
@codeMagic @McAdam331 @TristanWiley @Ahmad ^
hahaha! I was hoping someone would come through on that!
Best 5 minutes of photoshop in my life
@TristanWiley So proud of you.
@Mauker that is beautiful.
Me too ^
@McAdam331 <3
Hopefully the day it comes out
@Derek Welcome! Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
@codeMagic thanks
I think I've ran into a very peculiar bug in android
and can't find anything anywhere
Essentially, I am using a webview to display my website in an app - the issue is that when I use an html "email" form field and type: "123@123@123" the ending input in the text field is: "11123@23@23"
does anyone have any experience with such issues?
short answer: I haven't done it.
long answer: Please read codeMagic's message one more time.
And for the record, there is no answer on google - I have been google'ing for the last 4 hours
... ?
Okay, let's break it down. Check the link cM posted
morning room
💩 I forgot we have emojis now
Anyone know any good online tools like an electronic blackboard?
I need something where both me and my brother can draw diagrams
@codeMagic I see. That's great then; won't have to wait for the result...
@McAdam331 When did we get those???
rlemon's extension
type : poop : without spaces
Also, why in the fuck did you let me get involved in that post???? I can't keep up with all the comments! Lol
didn't do anything
didn't work.
But I also don't think I have it ::P
@TheLittleNaruto yes, sir
Sir?? Am I that old ? (◕‿◕✿)
Yes, yes you are that old
morning folks
can I be a help vampire again for today pls?
Sorry, mr5, the people have spoken
pretty pls :'(
Oh, "pretty pls", in that case go ahead
anybody what?
yay! :D :D :D
Unless it's about fragments. Then gtfo
guys I'm applying to universities in US/Canada do you guys have any suggestions?
It's about SQL question though xD
it is still related to Android amirite
baah some realistic
Purdue can be ok
hmm checking it out right now
ooh nice
There are better ones but I went there so I have to say it :P
so... I'd like to merge this two subqueries:
gist: get user by id, 2016-11-07 04:11:08Z
function getUserById($userId) {
    $sql = "SELECT users.*, 
                COALESCE((SELECT locations.friendlyAddress
                          FROM locations
                          WHERE locations.userId = users.id
                          ORDER BY locations.dateGather
                          DESC LIMIT 1), 'Unavailable') lastKnownLocation,
                COALESCE((SELECT CONCAT(locations.latitude, ',', locations.longitude)
                          FROM locations
                          WHERE locations.userId = users.id
                          ORDER BY locations.dateGather
                          DESC LIMIT 1), '') position
            FROM users
            WHERE users.id = $userId";
    return query($sql);
great! gist have a preview now
oh its near indianapolis
Kind of, yes. And me which means even more :D
so you live near that university?
then im definitely applying !
"near" I guess. It's a couple hours away. I went to a satellite campus north of there
ah, well do you know how good the internship opportunities are there?
mr5, I'm not quite sure I get what you're trying to do
the schema is there would be multiple locations for the table users and I'd like to retrieve the latest single location from the other table. But I'd like to get two fields from that table and my current implementation seems a bit clunky.
I don't know about the main campus but where I went they didn't have an official internship program but they did a good job at getting you internships
They just didn't go towards credits
so there's this two table: `users` and `locations`.
I'd like to get the latest two fields from table location.
But, honestly things have changed lately with the president and combining campuses so I would hope that things have gotten better
So just to make the query simple, it would look something like this:
`"SELECT users.*, locations.friendlyAddress, locations.position
   FROM users, locations
   WHERE userId = 1"`
Does locations have a FK with users?
hey Paul :)
Hey mr. mime!
Or how are the two related?
@codeMagic yes
Hmm...swipe ain't working right... well now it is
So... SELECT users.*, locations.friendlyAddress, locations.position FROM users INNER JOIN locations ON locations.userid = users.id WHERE userId = 1
the relationship is one to many as users have many locations and I'd like to retrieve the most latest location
@mr5 I discovered that recently myself
@Code-Apprentice hehe
Do you have a date stored with the locations record?
Cool... found this
@codeMagic but it would return any locations since it's a one-to-many relationship
It should suit my purposes
it has also a field dateGather
so get the latest date
Now back to my movie
You can compare the dates with GETDATE() or whatever it is and pull the one that returns the largest number
@codeMagic well I wouldn't worry if it went towards (idk what that means btw) but getting an internship is a sure fire way of getting a job after graduation
in which part in the query should I insert the condition? note that locations are optional so there could be a user without a location still
@codeMagic I could also track the latest entry just by sorting in descending order right?
Bhargav, what I meant is that some schools will count an internship towards certain classes so you might get out of some. But they also will have a "Career development" dept that will help you find intenships, advice on getting jobs, and/or career fairs to help match you up with relevant companies/jobs
mr5, it would be in the WHERE clause still. Depending on what you're using, there's a ISNULL() function so you can use the latest or a default if null. It's hard to say for sure without knowing your schema and I've just recently increased my sql fu
sql fu?
Hi guys!
Anyone familiar with MediaSession and MediaController?
Full Disclosure: I just finished my third rum and coke so tonight might not be the best time to take advice from me :P
@mr5 knowledge and skills of sql :P
lol. is that a reference to kung fu, as SQL is a legit physical skill?
because I can't find anything in the documentation that helps me out on this...
mediaController.getTransportControls().playFromMediaId(item.getMediaId(), null);
when I call this, what is supposed to happen afterwards? debugging doesn't get me too far right now either unfortunately
@GNi33 you might need to register callback somewhere else?
I would have guessed that the callback that I set on the Session would do something, but no bueno
yeah, I did that, it just doesn't seem to enter the method
I haven't used that at all but the null as an argument looks suspicious
this is driving me nuts :D am I the only person that is a little disappointed by the android docs?
@codeMagic it's just a bundle parameter
I really don't need one there
For the most part, they are better than others I've seen. But they are definitely lacking in some areas
I don't know, they really don't give me the big picture as a beginner here. I know now that MediaSession, MediaBrowser, MediaController exist and what subclasses and methods they have
@GNi33 wait until you work on a C++ project ^^. You might lose all your hair out of frustration and you can't still find the right docs for a certain function
I have no clue whatsoever how they interact with another in any way through the docs
or what the methods actually are supposed to do
and there's nothing really on these things anywhere else, but that may be because I just can't search for that stuff I guess
@mr5 C++ is one thing I'll probably never ever touch again ;)
hated it with a passion
I mean the docs for "playFromMediaId" give me a one liner for example:
> Request that the player start playback for a specific Uri.
that's cool, I guess. What freaking player though. What the hell does it do?
can you send the link for this doc? I could take a look
Wouldn't that be on the player you started? mediaController or no?
that's the thing, I don't know where I should put the player
I was pretty sure that it would work with a callback on the MediaSession, from where I could direct the item to a MediaPlayer instance
but I just can't figure out if this is correct or if I'm missing something
that's the one for the MediaSession
and this is where the playFromMediaId method is: developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/media/…
@GNi33 you might like to take a look at this example: binpress.com/tutorial/…
there are Intent handling and callbacks for every media queries
@codeMagic very nice :) I hope you took Bakardi only <3
I got the UniversalMusicPlayer from the googlesamples up, but they keep confusing me even more because of all the added features that are not useful to me at this point. Thanks for the example, I'll check it out!
Also, you should be looking at the "guides" section of google docs instead in "reference" as it's mostly intended for javadoc
yeah, those are great, they just don't have anything on that topic besides MediaPlayer
They have a pretty excellent documentations for their APIs IMO. Take a look at this Android Media Guidelines
thanks a bunch, I'll need to read up on all this from the start again I guess, I kind of get the picture of what I'm playing with right now, but only partially
No problem. Good luck :)
@codeMagic oh got it.
1 hour later…
I'm going to add poor understanding of floating point to the list of things I don't like to see in programmers. Even a vague understanding of representation, precision and such should be a fundamental requirement of programming. If your idea of floating point is decimal numbers, you're just a bad programmer.
Goooooooooos Morning Everyone!!!! :D
hey womps
@WarrenFaith Why sorry to me?
Morning too i guess
o/ womp graeme netpork
hi there, just here to tell @TimCastelijns that I'm going to buy a One Plus 3 :) tests are convincing, and it's a really good smartphone for this price. However, it's a chineese company who had some arguments with Cyanogen, maybe because they wanted a backdoor in their phones :p
I will write up an invitation to the cool kids' club
hehe nice :p
cool club lol
tim, you ordered op3 as well?
op3 awwww
no my op1 is still doing good
my "consecutive days logged in" streak is higher than my score in android..
not sure if happy or sad
happy ofcourse
@nil can you ask a few related questions that verify my knowledge of the floating point number system?
@Bhargav lol
RetroLambda [Yay] [Nay] ?
I am both excited and scared of Lambdas as I've never used them
"I call it my billion-dollar mistake." - Sir C. A. R. Hoare, on his invention of the null reference
yeah null sucks
so tired today, barely even started working
I'm working since last night lol
I will be tired later.
have you guys read that?
If you don't want something easily stolen, don't open source it
No licence in the world will stop someone who doesn't care about IP
Although it's a good idea to use your package name on a domain you own
you can kick someone off the store for using your domain as their package AFAIK
I mean, you could probably get the apps off just by proving it's a clone of your open source one, but the store isn't the only place people steal
It's much harder with desktop/web apps
You can't kick someone off their own webserver
Not without a plane ticket, a big metal rod and balls of steel.
Pretty sure you can hire Chinese hackers/hitmen for less than it costs to get a plane ticket and a felony
heheh true
Would not know where to hire them :) However ol' smashy is right here next to me.
(That was a joke before someone calls the cops :P)
what are you calling ridiculous exactly?
finally setup SSH on my work PC
Forgot to push a commit on Friday and when I went to work on the task I was working on Friday afternoon, I couldn't :(
why would you work when not at work :p
Wanting to get work done in advance so I'm not as stressed closer to deadline :p
@Harsha Rejected for chat for tech support only
@Graeme HAHA I like the name you gave to your rod ;-)
Oh my
What's the pros / cons of Timber?
Like what makes it better from the default log?
it can output to whatever streams
not just console
have you look at the timber example on github?
@RaghavSood whats your opinion on porting this to android github.com/Jasonette/JASONETTE-iOS
I actually worked on something similar to that a while back, where the native app just acted as a layout/flow interpretor for remote data
You could send XML, JSON, CSVs, or a mix
And it would load it in a native UI
how about GPS camera and other hardware services
Well, at that time, it just blanket requested every permission.
But it'd probably be easier now with granular control
But you could specify thing in the JSON/XML such as "get a location update every x minutes", "use last location for this map" and so on
@netpork I have but I don't see any significant advantage of using it
@TimCastelijns why only 59 stars though?
because nobody uses that shit
@TimCastelijns I'm pretty sure I linked that on /r/androiddev a couple weeks back
@MarkOSullivan94 imo its mainly the write log to w/e streams feature thats the only thing good about it
@Bhargav I read that, feel sorry for the guy. What licence should you use to stop people directly copying the code without crediting you?
apache 2.0
gpl v2
gpl also asks people to contribute code back
@Bhargav what do you mean by streams? I don't understand
well the default Log class outputs to the logcat file
Okay, seems like there's a split :p apache 2.0 vs gpl v2
gpl2 also says "if you use my open source lib, you have to open source your project too"
yea thats the Open source virus
in other words: stay away from anything labeled GPL
nah if you use a lib thats GPL but just use it to build something else without modifying that GPL licensed lib you dont have to open source whatever new thing you've built
not sure about that, because if that was not the case
then whatever software you build using a Linux kernel should also be open sourced
because the linux kernel is GPL 2
@Bhargav all I do when debugging is output to logcat
yes then you dont need Timber
just write your own wrapper
mark, for starters you do not need to provide a tag in a logging call, it is already done for you;)
Gotta fix my mom's friend's pc tonight
I'm a developer, so I automatically also know how to fix any computer problems
you know
ah thats so frustrating
usually its just a silly problem, but such a pain to go over n fix shit
I have like 4h of free time per day which I value highly
i've stopped talking to people who call me just to fix their shit
since im an android dev, I have to fix their phones too
probably gonna run a virus scan and sit there waiting for the result, click "fix all" and go back home
yea lol
if nothing works just backup everything n reinstall OS
ah there's a song on that
I'd be like I need to reinstall the OS, can you give me the product key for your windows installation and they will go like huhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhh what?
and when you're done they will say what do we owe you and you'll be like nothing, it's fine, was easy to fix while really you just want to be paid your weight in gold
tim, just tell your mom to buy an iMac for her friend :)
it's not my friend's mom, it my mom's friend :|
or you could just install ubuntu and run windows in the VM. then if something fu*ks up, you just load a snapshot
also, install TeamViewer that runs at boot
I don't care about that :P it's just that it's a huge pain to have to do it for yet another person just because you have studied CS which I guess stands for "Cicanfix Sanyhardware"
lol Tim
@TimCastelijns install Elementary OS on their PC, if they use it, they'll have no viruses, if they don't.. well problem solved ;)
1 hour later…
@TimCastelijns do you know why they recommend Realm to be called from onStart() and closed in onStop()?
I create my instance within onViewCreated because I want to build my layout with data from Realm
in a fragment?
Do you only create and stop instances within onStart() and onStop()?
because those are the most reliable callbacks in the fragment lifecycle
because you can have issues like onDestroy not called and onViewCreated twice
(I think)
but because fragments belong to an activity, I suppose you could use the activity's realm instance
I want to avoid putting more code into my MainActivity class
what's stopping you from doing the work on onStart?
I've already got a lot of code in it, probably because I only use one Activity for the bulk of the application (asides from Login / Register which have their own activity)
onStart gets called after onViewCreated
Unless I just move all the building adapter stuff to onStart()
yep that worked
does the order matter?
I don't think so
as long as the instance is created before hand
whenever I had realm within onStart() and the code for creating the adapter in onViewCreated() the instance of realm was created after the Adapter was created, which is a problem because the adapter needs realm xD
that makes sense lol
Firebase live stream on atm: youtube.com/watch?v=5zxys0FAXGg
Not sure what time it started
hey it's that guy again \o
What's up lol
To everyone in the United States of America, don't forget to vote tomorrow! Check voteplz.org if you don't know anything!
I'll have soon to migrate from GCM to Firebase
thx for reminder
@TristanWiley I personnaly hopes that Trump will not be elected
Join the club
How to you wait until an object is not null before calling a method?
I feel like there's a simple answer to this but I can't think right now
an observer design pattern ?
Object.wait() and Object.notify() / Object.notifyAll()
That might be useful
Why are all of the apps I had running on Friday suddenly hosed this morning
Slack completely borked, back/forward swipes not working in Chrome, Tweetbot not scrolling..
No, Mac OS.
Like I'd ever buy a Samsung brick.
wtf are the cat pictures ?
I'm terrified
@codeMagic are you mod yet?
I think so
Let me try to ban you and see if it works. You know, just for science
inb4 real mods come in here to find out why somebody would ever ban such a nice guy as myself
Shit, it looks like someone removed me from the list of nominees!
I am great and do all the things
hola o/
@TristanWiley so I'm re-structuring dark theme source code
it's probably a lot cleaner, and you can steal it easier because I'm eliminating a few steps
59 mins ago, by nil
Like I'd ever buy a Samsung brick.
Indeed! I have a hard time not starring most things nil says here.
Please, if you're going to make a library that doesn't include anything but java classes, make it a .jar and not an .aar.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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