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a master chef that is retro and fit
with a square hat
who's name's otto.
jake wharton should work for google
no he should not, then they would give him some stupid shit work and we would not have a master chef anymore
no please
no he will make shit libraries then
google's api is already overcluttered
and make everything damn thing private
no need for square's overVerbosity and lack of documentation
so impossible to customize
it is not that I am using square stuff a lot, but his java knowledge is deep, and I like how he explains things
it is insane how some basic stuff is so darn cluttered on android, like getting all local contacts data for example
Eric/Warren - Don't suppose you managed to get anything to import the json produced by CodeIris?
waiting for tristan or adam to wake up and give them new project ideas to keep em busy.
such a nay-sayer
@CptEric I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks their documentation is shit
Though I'm not happy with most documentation tbh
I can't even find this documentation you speak of
square libs have awesome documentation if you start checking their javadocs
@Graeme were the presentation slides working for you? Most of the time Im just looking at some url
@MarkOSullivan94 Google's or square's?
I find their java docs pretty minimalistic
butterknife for example has awesome javadocs
I'm not really interested in this class and that method, I would like some up to date examples of real life scenarios
I couldn't get butterknife set up last weekend
I'm blaming it on poor documentation :p
@TimCastelijns right
butterknife has plenty examples in javadoc .. for almost all views in android and for every butterknife annotation
I don't like having to resort to some random blog post god knows how old and posted by god knows which hobbyist
developer.android.com has good tutorials for starting with most parts of the api, but it is sorely lacking in depth for anything moderately complex.
Q: Failure in login, but only in Samsung

FustigadorIn my app, I have a login process, once you are logged in, the app makes a call to the server to get a specific data: Call<JsonObject> peticion= RetrofitClient.getRetrofitClient(InicioSesionGibActivity.this).login(imei, idCliente, user, encriptedPass); peticion.enqueue(new Callback<JsonObject>()...

#ohBoy #Samsung
> a Samsung S7 (not the one that explodes)
yeah lmao on that part
I think it's the developer.android.com tutorial for BLE which doesn't work
no need to solve error :P
Can't remember where it was but I remember seeing Google code which didn't work and I had to use a fork which actually worked of the project
@MarkOSullivan94 ble?
Bluetooth Low Energy
Never worked with bluetooth
keep the dream alive
You're lucky @Code-Apprentice, avoid at all costs.
As for butter knife, I found the documentation very straight forward.
I'm going to give it another shot this weekend, maybe I was tired and doing stupid shit
there's not a whole lot that can go wrong
nothing in bluetooth works
not even the OS api
we must deal with it
we're Bluetooth wizards
we made something work deccently
Eric, you are a wizard
Man, I hate the cold.
I have no idea how I've managed to get BLE working when lots of other people have issues xD
It is 55°F outside and it's just going to get colder.
Only @CptEric and @codeMagic understand the BLE pain
Can you imagine having a layout with a textview, and you put that textview on top left of the layout, and most of the time it will be there, but sometimes it won't, and nobody on this earth has a clue why, and it can appear anywhere else, and you have to have a fix for every possible position it can be put in, oh right and it can also be drawn outside of the layout... that is how bluetooth on android works
(I think)
tim and some others too
@MarkOSullivan94 ping me if you have any questions. Or if you just need another pair of eyeballs
CA I'm fine, no BLE issues atm
but cm and i are the main "fuck BLE" club participants
well.. for now
I am a member
newly recruited
rants at cloud while shaking fist
@MarkOSullivan94 I was referring to butterknife
I remember Tim helping me out with the last issue I had actually xD
Ah, I see! Will do CA (do you get CA?). I'll be working on it on Sunday probably
How much android development to do to be called 'beginner'?
1000 hours? 100000 hours?
I don't know what you mean by " Do you get CA?"
CA:code Appren...
Mark I also remember the code that improved your performance made my own performance worse
10k hours at anything is considered expert
Not me
@ColdFire which makes no sense to me in the context of the parenthetical question
If you spend 10k hours trying to deal with some bluetooth shit and it doesn't even work after 10k hours, are you an expert? :P
I have spent maybe 100 hours, and far from a beginner...
@Code-Apprentice well he means did you got the name shortform's
I get problems after problems after problems I am not able to solve myself
Have you ever spent 10k hours at any one thing, Alex?
@TimCastelijns expert in dealing with shit
hours can't be used to define expertise.
Maybe python
Linux for sure
Code , Person is spending 500 hours to understand BLE then he can't be called expert if output is zero.
but person who has spend 50 and gives expected output can be called expert.
depends how he did it
google 49 hours and copy paste 1 hour -> not expert
I think I solved a problem by myself...
Without asking someone...
Kudos. On to the next challenge
Certainly quality of practice has some effect. However I think the studies that claim 10k hours of practice are needed to reach expert level are considering a broader range of skills than your example
@ColdFire what is the difference between Response<T> and Response<?>
@ColdFire I still don't understand the question. What am I supposed to get? A ping?
@TimCastelijns T is when you have a generic type and ? is when you dont know the type
@Code-Apprentice nvm leave it
@TimCastelijns The T gives you a name to use as a type in other declarations.
Tim, its a like public abstract class ApiManager<T>
I have a method protected abstract void onSuccess(Response<T> response);
I am returning like onSuccess(response);
Will check it soon, got a meeting now
and in activity I write new ApiManager<UserResponse>(params)
then I will have UserResponse as param in onSuccess method.
what would be different if it was a ? instead of T
? can be anything
T once defined can only be T
where is it defined
@RonakMehta I don't think you can use ? instead of T here, can you?
I need me some tunaki generics lessons :)
like once i used T for list i can only use list everywhere
@TimCastelijns haha yeah
Of course
I have copied above code from current project
I've never been able to find a decent generics tutorial
I have putted T not ?
@TimCastelijns you need to eat tuna fish once then
@RonakMehta So you are not answering the original question.
Tuna is nasty
haha yeah
Code My focus is here , Please stop tagging.
CF has already answered and I have given example of T .
Did you see the Oracle tutorials, Tim?
I see them but I don't want to read them since it's all black on white with no syntax highligting
Code, If you can't answer him or not able to explain then don't question to someone.
Never seen uglier docs
haha Tim
calm down Ronak
I am just going smoothly :P
What is the best place to ask for something that is unclear when following the android tutorial? Post a question on SO? Or should I ask somewhere else?
No wonder you cannot find good tutorials if you base your judgment on the looks rather than the content
Ranakb, I did answer
It's way easier for me to comprehend what's going on in a code snippet that explains new stuff if there is syntax highlighting. It may be personal
I understand that to some extent. Still the Oracle tutorials are very through. You will get a lot out of them if you work past those hang ups.
Yeah I suppose
I have a question to a sentence I found in a android tutorial here developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/building-ui.html
Setting the width to zero (0dp) improves layout performance because using "wrap_content" as the width requires the system to calculate a width that is ultimately irrelevant because the weight value requires another width calculation to fill the remaining space.
This sentence does not make any sense to me
@Alex The dimensions that are calculated from the layout_weight attribute are not calculated until the dimensions of all the other views in the view hierarchy are known
Not sure I get it
so if you were to set view elements that have layout_weight attribute set to wrap_content, then during the first pass of onMeasure() the view with the layout weight attribute set would be wasting time setting its dimension value
Lost again
ok, its simple, if a View X has layout_weight attribute set
then its dimensions are calculated only after the dimensions of others views are calculated
so what this means is that whatever dimension value is set during the first calculation is useless because it will be replaced by the calculated dimension value from the 2nd calculation
But when you have 4 views, each with layout_weight attribute set, than I would expect something strange or an infinity loop
not necessarily
there is a performance impact when you have nested weightage
You do not calculate the dimension of view X, because it has the attribute layout_weight
You do not calculate the dimension of view Y, because it has the attribute layout_weight
for example lets say you have LinearLayout->FrameLayout_withWeight0.5->FrameLayout_withWeight0.5
and so on...
then you have performance issues
@Alex, take a linearlayout in an xml file. inside it take 2 textviews & set width="0dp" and weight="1" to each of these textviews. Put some dummy text inside them and run the application. u will get an idea.
So to AVOID these performance issues you set android:layout_width="0dp"?
to get uniformity according to your device size, u need android:layout_width="0dp"
What if I do not set android:layout_width at all?
Omit this attribute from the xml
it's a must, every layout is bound to have d attribute "android:layout_width"
Ah ok...
And setting this to "0dp" gets rid of the performance issues?
well currently there are no longer performance issues on this matter anymore, it's just good practices that could be avoided.
ya! it does, but u have to use this thing layout_weight="1"
along with "android:layout_width"
last time i checked on 5.1.1 they had fixed the onmeasure thing
@Alex, try with 3/4 textviews instead of 2. u will get an idea
@Alex When you set a dimension to a fixed value, then it will be set as MeasureSpec.Exactly, then in onMeasure the view doesnt spend time actually trying to calculate the dimension
Ok ok, now I understand maybe! I was confused with the term "wrap_content" in the given example. But one was for the width, the one was for the height...
No bad word about python! ;-)
woah whatsapp support :I
this is a new low in IT
@Alpesh your A:Q ratio is a little lower than we like to see for access. See our room rules room-15.github.io
Feel free to request again after giving back some more and fixing that up a bit
cut him some slack CM
sup cm
not even saying hi
cM just tried to be fast enough to beat me :D
CF, it's just a good thing that I beat Warren because I'm the nice one
haha true
Looks like Scotland is going to try and get another independence referendum
@ColdFire Say "Haha" one more time, I dare you I double dare you!
The last one lost by a close margin, right?
just 2%
and because UK gov promised to stay in europe
how many times can you try to push a vote for the same referendum?
This is for 2nd time/
in democratic countries, as many as you want to, look at quebec.
how frequently then?
once a year?
quebec is not shouting
just make sure to close newcomer registration before announcing
or it'll happen like in quebec
when political conditions vary enough
Eric , Agree
why scotland wants independence?
but for now there is a peace.
CF , there are lots of reasons
You will get good answer from Quora.
Less than 2%
Pound will be slashed more.
yes nice
unless dollar are slashed i am fine
Still indian economy will be affected a bit.
I need to get my money into CAD asap!!
the pound is below euro levels right now
whatever happens to pounds i dont care
soon it'll be below USD
@RonakMehta naah not too much
nice eric
holds hands over ears CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA
this a really poor condition after independence of scotland
greame , did you get CA visa ?
Pound falling in value is making it more and more expensive for going on holiday outside of the UK
CF, different reasons : 1) finally an economic union that does not vary every time the royal family or the gov opens their mouth, as it's strenght is derived form many countries at once
Or for importing stuff outside of UK
like cars
Not yet. Getting money out of the Mortgage on Saturday and can send Visa application off straight after
2) access to international financment funds and markets directly without intermediates
Aah. Good luck. If pound rolled more then you will be lesser CAD
3) self determination ( feeling yourself represented)
UK and US currency falling is going to screw countries like India and China where a lot of our imports come from
Yes Agree
4) not being chained to a big, fat, sinking ship.
4) and 1) might be the more puhsing right now for the 2nd referendum
and after that there's the always existing cultural tension between english and scottish
dollars wont fall
i am dependent on dollars
brandydrinkers and whiskeylovers have been at wars for ages
not CF you
we'll see that in one month
we almost people are indirectly / directly connected with USD.
@Graeme 's the smart guy here, going to live on a country that picked a 30yo Phd as president.
like, i'd kill to have an intelligent, young, non idiotic president.
Eric - Huh?
The Prime Minister of Canada (French: Premier ministre du Canada) is the primary minister of the Crown, chairman of the Cabinet, and thus head of government for Canada, charged with advising the Canadian monarch or federal viceroy on the exercise of the executive powers vested in them by the constitution. Not outlined in any constitutional document, the office exists only as per long-established convention (originating in Canada's former colonial power, the United Kingdom) that stipulates the monarch's representative, the governor general, must select as prime minister the person most likely to...
@RonakMehta i am
wait 44yo
looks younger.
Yeah, he's 44, also the Prime minister not president :)
graeme this is your future leader
Also I'm not a fan of him ¬.¬
why not?
he's a liberal*
He's super feminist
*for american standards.
what in ole' europe we call a center-right / center-left.
He is a good . People are praising.
is that bad?
Depends on who you ask
i'd guess good quality and intelligent feminism benefits everyone
No such thing :P
> After being sworn in as Prime Minister, when asked by a reporter why he felt gender parity was important when naming his cabinet, he replied simply, "Because it's 2015."
sounds pretty fine to me
our president/pm said that "women are important because else there wouldn't be women".
almost literal translation.
Bleh.... The Robinhood UI is driving me crazy. I like that the quotes are more recent than in etrade, but I don't like the lack of a scale on the charts
i think that they have a Doge generator somewhere in spain's presidential office.
@CptEric haha, wtf kind of response is that
i've got better ones
@CptEric lol
Eric - "Because it's the current year" is a well known bullshit answer as it means nothing and can be used to answer every question :P
maybe i have very low standards on country-wide politics :I
"Why did he think it was good idea to kill all those people? Because it's 2016"
"we're feelings and we've got humans".
another one of his famous phrases.
You shouldn't put people into certain positions because of their gender, race, etc..
Hiring people based on their gender is wrong :P
"a cup is a cup and a plate is a plate".
high fives cM
cM agree
"spain is a great nation because it has spanish people and spanish people are great because they've got spanish ( people)".
"sometimes the best decision is to take the decision to not take any decision at all, that is my decision".
Lol, Captain! Sounds like he should have his own late night talk show
"i like people from catalonia and basque country because they do things, and those things, are very things".
Eric , You can give good speech :P
try in politics
"one thing is being a solidary person, and the other is doing that for free".
that last one was said in front of atleast a hundred NGO
@codeMagic thing is, this guy's running our country.
and if europe doesn't stop the pression, he'll be doing it for 4 more years.
cpt eric will do good in politics
i'd love to
but i'd start killing people
and that's bad.
Dont be dictator
it would surprise you how little effort would someone need to turn into one given our 1978 crappy constitution.
it's almost prepared for that :I
@Code-Apprentice I want to use Robinhood so much :(
Also I'm jealous of @Graeme, I want to move to Canada some time
It's not been easy :P
Current cost estimate: £25000
woah :I
wow that $$$$$
And 3-4 years of putting our life on hold
@MarkOSullivan94 I opened an account. Have to wait for next paycheck to transfer any money
@MarkOSullivan94 robinhood?
okay i just slammed my laptop and it took a photo of me
I can't download it, not available in UK :(
elementary OS is scary
@CptEric shh you, it's lovely <3
anti laptop harassement tools
@netpork you not seen it?
i don't even know what i pressed
lol eric
it made a photography sound and showed my my face on the camera app
oh my god graeme
RUN to the bank
like, take a taxi asap.
Can you trade currencies with Robinhood?
@RonakMehta cheers :)
I have to wait till I pull money from my Mortgage saturday, then I need to get proof of my bank balances, THEN i can actually transfer the money to Canada
but what the fuck happenned this week?
i mean, wasn't the pound not that bad a week ago?
who said what on that peak?
I'm losing more money in the Sterling falling than I am earning in my job :P
Thersa May gave a date for Brexit and started pushing "Hard Brexit"
no vaseline?
Yup - apparently it will cost us 660bn
now i understand the fall.
my wallet went to cry under the pillow.
Yup. Now you see why I think democracy is broken :P
thb i believe in democracy, but where only people that know what they are voting can vote.
simple, easy to answer questions.
"who's your MP, who's your head of state, who's the european council president, how many parties are in your current parliament"
That isn't democracy, it's a form of meritocracy/geniocracy. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geniocracy
those for any general european country ofc.
meh it's still democracy. you just have to register for it and answer a citizien-awareness test.
original democracy was only for over 16-yo men born in athens from non slave parents.
democracy is the rule of the people, but if smeone ins't part of "the people", aka, doesn't know what the fuck he's doing or why, how can he/she pick for the others?
Cpt, I was just listening to an interview on the radio about requiring a test for voters. One problem is that in the US this would increase discrimination based on race.
I think there is some merit to making people pass some test like the one foreigners take for citizenship.
i'm pretty sure there's as much idiots with cash as idiots in shacks, tho. just the firsts ones had rich parents.
as soon as some kind of non difficult , spoken, non cheatable test is set up, we'll filter both out.
that'd leave trump out of voters, so that'd be a great thing.
yeah that's another thing... why outsiders have to take a citizienship tests but national born not?
i legitly don't know half the answers from the spanish citizienship test.
mostly because they're dumb culture questions like names of famous people or how to prepare X dish that only exists in madrid :/
not lying
I just learned that I have to install PhoneGap and learn how to use it :/
Everyone, please pray for me
I'm pretty sure that means you're not one of "the people" anymore

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