@Blackbelt I was asking for a solution to call a non-static method of a activity from a fragment. Not asking what is a static method and why I cant use 'this' in static method. So, my question is not a duplicate of this questions. — Bishwajyoti Roy2 mins ago
they won''t fail, because they are too big to make them fail.
They didn't have a majority in the vote (which they never do) so the parties need to come together to make an agreement on a coalition government between them. Sounds like they're spending too much time bickering.
There is a date at which the previous governments term expires and the new government comes into power. If there is no coalition by then there is technically no government.
if all the parties in oposition had in their programme to vote against the current ruling party, and they got enough voter support to not let them win, then so be it.
it's the people's choice.
what EU should do is illegalize the spanish popular party for the over 900 open criminal cases against them, not support them.
I personally don't agree with democracy. I think it's bull. People aren't smart enough to make decisions on who rules them. But your democratically elected governemnt signed upto the EU and gave them the power to step in if this was the case.
Yeah, but, again - democracy isn't about the 49% - it's about the 51%.
@Bhargav as you were following my FragmentUtils class earlier: I divided the class and implemented the navigation part into a builder pattern: Here is the NavigationBuilder Gist
If everyone sticks to their ideals and no one works to understand or cooperate or concede with people they don't agree with, the world just crumbles into warring factions :)
At which point there will be a "new socialist" group with even more left views than you, who won't let you vote in a government, and wait for you to die.
for us the most outer and uncared regions, it's fine not not have a full powered government messing with us
the ministry of economy just released last year's figures. the central gov only executed ( realized, paid) a 11.1% of the planned spending in catalonia, and less than 6% on valencia.
the rest of the cash came from credits the regional govts. had to take
currently trying to debug date math for someone using English language, with Hawaiian localization, and some non-gregorian region settings, and i want to poke my eyes out with a fork.
ha, perhaps it should've been func getOffersBy(category: Int) -> Offers { so your params are named and your selectors make more sense :P getOffersBy(category: 4)
I've only had the misfortune of working in xCode for a little bit but In the brief moments I shared with it I have already seen my fair share of inexplicable errors
last time i asked them about appcode native ui edit they told me they were more concentrated on enabling mixed obj-c and swift code with better autocompletion...