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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Email I got:
> Dear User,
I have been directed to notify you, that you have emerged as one of the
lucky winners in the Google Splash Promotion.Please see attached
document for details.

Avitash Rajesh
Google Announcer
Congrats! You should definitely submit all the info to claim your prize. CC me on the email if you'd like me to look it over for accuracy.
Not to mention, same exact signature as on Wikipedia
Loooooool tristan
I want to reply and mess with them.
lol Ahmad
lol if i click and drag the signature tristan shared i can make it look like larry signed that mug
> Dear Avitash Rajesh,
My sincerest apologies for not receiving this in a timely matter! I will definitely send the information your way, however, I am concerned with a few things. My first is that Google Inc. is no longer in existence as it has become Alphabet Inc. Therefore, is this no longer valid?

Your Kind Servant,
Sergey Brin
Should I reply with this?
No way in hell I'm using my real name :P
I just want to mess with them though... It's from my old email address anyways.
eh, go ahead then
sorry I didn't understand this was a scam and not an official thing for your bully app or something
It's Red Nose Day!
LOL. The reply-to is: [email protected] and the CC is:"GOOGLE INC." <[email protected]>
fuckin rajesh
mate be stealing all the money from me
plays Rihanna bitch better have my money
Ellen Degeneres loves that song
I switched my background to a material design image lol
on my macbook
Adam, check gmail chat please
Hello America, did you get my poke?
Did you see Obama's little skit about that at the white house dinner?
some muppet with a digger just cut the main power line to saskatoon's downtown, the main 5 block core business district has no power. money is evaporating as we speak.
LOL at that venn diagram ahmad
the second post, I'm not sure the Thomson Reuters one was meant to be a venn diagram
lol ahmad
Sup guys
o/ Nathaniel
I think you missed my message, but I'm hopping on the RxJava band wagon.
work related?
RxJava - Java that you can't get over the counter.
Yeah, it's for work, but I like it I might use it myself in the future lol
lol Eski
RxJava - Prescribed by my team lead to improve my development health.
you'll never use an asynctask again
you will look at it in disguist
and hate yourself for ever using it
and you'll cry because you've finally seen the light
this is how true enlightenment feels like
suddenly everything makes sense
and then you'll try to do real functional programming and realize that "in order to undertand monads, you need to understand Set Theory"
and you'll cry again
basically lots of crying
are you ready for that?
omg guys
any tutorials you can recommend?
pin that!
get yourself some onions
so you can hide the tears
also fuck oracle
@cygery This is the only one I've used so far, it was helpful in understanding it: blog.danlew.net/2014/09/15/grokking-rxjava-part-1
I had some short look at that stuff some time ago, should dig deeper
in order to undertand rx java you need to read the dan lew blog posts each 5 times
I guess it won't be that bad for me, got some solid functional programming experience
I need an idea for an app to apply the new knowledge, though
Yeah I was thinking of that too
but first comes the next round of code jam on saturday
so I'm gonna get some sleep + prep tomorrow, good night!
oh, and if some of you want to do some open source project together, feel free to ping me :)
My work gave me access to our secret server. I feel like Hillary Clinton over here.
is it in the bathroom?
It is not.
how does it feel to be corrupt
and to be a lier
Look, I'll release the transcripts of the speeches I gave to our CEO, but only when everyone else agrees to do the same.
@TristanWiley you use project fi right?
@Ahmad liar
that's a lie
I never claimed English made sense
Mar 3 at 19:13, by Carl Anderson
sometimes I feel the need to refactor the english language
"why do we have the letter 'k'??"
pretty good
you need to watch all of the stuff from this guy
he's hilarious
"K has a crush on N" x'D
cya guys tomorrow
bye een
@Stuart2041 rejected for being a help vamp
2 hours later…
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