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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

ive asked this before
does anyone have a great experience with a localization firm
like, translating stuff?
@McAdam331 ping me when you're not busy
@TristanWiley I'm not busy.
> Team lead: Ryan/Jacob, what version of xcode are you using?
> Ryan: The Chinese version with the extra viruses.
> Team lead: That's the best one.
^ That's for @codeMagic
I made a deal with my girlfriend (she loves reptiles). I'll drive her to any expo (animals) IF. When @McAdam takes me out to drink if I get super drunk she'll drive me home.
Just bought my plane ticket to Colorado for Hackcon! :D
My Reddit T-shirt Exchange Santa got me these!
Hey guys, any of you compiling java 8 in production for Android?
Not yet.
Why not?
What I love about where I work is I put my hours in (or clock in and out) online, then it sends me a check via an online service that is connected with my timesheet.
how do you get the middle number from an integer sequence?
like for example: middle is 4 in the sequence of [1, 2, 3 , 4 ,5 ,6, 7]
round(N / 2) ?
it's a sequence...
sequence[round(N / 2)] ?
Q: Effectively to find the median value of a random sequence

q0987Numbers are randomly generated and passed to a method. Write a program to find and maintain the median value as new values are generated. The heap sizes can be equal or the below heap has one extra. private Comparator<Integer> maxHeapComparator, minHeapComparator; private PriorityQueue<Integer>...

Q: How to calculate the median of an array?

WillI'm trying to calculate the total, mean and median of an array thats populated by input received by a textfield. I've managed to work out the total and the mean, I just can't get the median to work. I think the array needs to be sorted before I can do this, but I'm not sure how to do this. Is thi...

uhm language agnostic
supposed sequence.length % 2 == 0
Q: Finding Median WITHOUT Data Structures

jakeman(my code is written in Java but the question is agnostic; I'm just looking for an algorithm idea) So here's the problem: I made a method that simply finds the median of a data set (given in the form of an array). Here's the implementation: public static double getMedian(int[] numset) { Arra...

I think it's not round as I'm receiving 5 from my previous formula
ah! I think I got it
sequence[round(N / 2) - 1] since arrays are zero-based index
thanks for the help btw. I appreciate it :)
so the term is not actually median but pivot
now, adding another complexity. Supposed the pivot is changing but the sequence is retained yet circular
how do I find the pivot sequence?
pivot: 1, sequence: [5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4]
pivot: 6, sequence: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2]
pivot: 7, sequence: [4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3]
2 hours later…
Yo o/
Good Morning to All
1 hour later…
Q: How to set color code as per Json Object

Aditya VyasI have following Json Response,I am trying to set color as per DisplyText,but it only set last color code to whole String, JSON Response JAVA Code ch_list = new ArrayList<String>(); color_list=new ArrayList<String>(); try { ...

\o Everyone~~
o/ WOMP~~
how's everything? :D
Not good Sob! Sob!
How about you ?
I was supposed to stay home doing school work yet, i'm at the office cries in a corner
WOMP~~, I feel sorry for you.
Cpt, What plugin would you use for sharedpreferences ?
there's a navigator shared preferences thing in ionic
Can you share me link ?
the cordova one is not working on Samsung Devices
yeah this one only
but that is v2 right ?
there's a version for v1
we've used it
but be wary that the GC of the phone might wipe it
not the GC, the... uhm.. memory wiper is called?
the thing that cleans up and clears browser cache.
I see
so there is nothing like shared preferences
in cordova
the existing one doesn't work on all devices
I'll try that LocalStorage though
or implement a sqlite orm
Just for 2-3 values ? :/
check the scalability of the app. is there any other thing you could store and spend less networking?
mmm.. not really, but I need to store session token, and id of the user
after successful login
and name, email and number.
That's it.
the level of assholery in some SE communities is admiring.
what happened ?
\travel : me = "i haven't been able to find any cheap accomodation in london using the normal ways ( skyscanner, kayak...) ,where can i find youth hostels, inns, etc,.. cheap in london for these (july) dates?" asshole = " we are not a travel agency, expect your question to be closed". well fuck you too.
i thought i was asking in \travel, not in \RandomQuestionsAboutPassports
\o BB, what's up?
nothing special
what about you?
trying to find "cheap" accomodationon london in july
how the hell can a hotel room be cheaper than a flight with iberia/vueling? i'll never know.
cheap and london in the same sentence
that was fun
did you try airbnb ?
we're 3 people, and airb&b only has cozy fluffy flats for couples.
good luck
thanks XD
do you know of any website of youth hostels / inns?
or a good park bench?
kayak ?
not really tho
already tried. lowest was 40€/night/person.
and at 20km of the city centre
you should consider yourself lucky if you find something around 80~100 pounds per night
that's the cost of a barcelona 3-4* hotel
you are flying to London tho
how can it be more expensive?
it's london. it's not like it's a super tourist destination on summer...
in Europe I doubt there is something more expensive than London
we've got 12million tourists here each summer, most of them brittish. london must be empty. XD
A: sharedpreferences in phonegap

Swapnil AhireTry this: function login() { var mail = document.getElementById("exampleInputEmail1").value; var password = document.getElementById("exampleInputPassword1").value; var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(password, "Secret Passphrase"); localStorage.setItem("mail", m...

try this <3
Reactive Native is not RxJava, am I right ?
@Blackbelt true
ehm which one ? Rx/Reactive ?
what you guys and gals think about Instant Apps?
Sounds like a gimmick
sounds weird :P
sharing a 12-people room doesn't look that bad now that i've looked more into prices :/ XD
london IS expensive.
and i thought barna was
Why do you think people get paid so much more for working in London? It's because otherwise it's impossible to survive there :P
live a bit outside of london and commute in, it's the cheapest way, but the commute is hell
i just want to stay there for three nights ;_; sobs
Eric - Find somewhere at the end of a tube line, will be much cheaper and as you won't travel in rush hour should be a fairly pleasant trip in.
tube line ?
one needs a name ( or names).
Any of them
I'm not a Londoner, hate the place. A more retched place of scum and villainy...
how do i know where they end?
Look on a tube map :)
isn't it circular like in barcelona?
apparentlky not
Hah! You wish! It's a spiders web :)
You need to get your expectation of London, dramatically lower it. Then lower it again.
oh my.
don't worry.been to worse places.
i expect english things. fish and chips, and tea.
seeing the bus you were waiting turn the "out of service" message as it arrives at the stop...
@Graeme , any no-go neighborhood?
Yup, loads. Don't know them. You won't find them in zone 1 to 3
Everyone without millions are being moved out of those zones.
And you won't find hotels in those places, so very unlikely to stumble upon them
Berlin is a spider web as well
though it is not hard to go from one place to another
funny conversation (English/German mixed content)
"burning castle gate"
sounds very lol
How arguable is this statement "Android is naturally adheres to MVC principles. The View is dictated by xml files in res/layout and Controllers are analogous to Activities who control input events and program flow"
Eric - I would not go there given my last name :P
you could be a local attraction.
Not for long
"the burning castle in the burning castle", a shakespeare inspired act.
it's got an 4.6/5 on the "Street Theater Journal", are you sure?
the critics said it leaves you melting for more :P
erm, that Instant Run gives me just trouble :( Code is not updated.
I only use instant run when I do xml layout stuff
I even tried Clean and Rerun and still nothing
why this always return 0?
use hastebin / pastebin to paste code please
it's on da rules
I love if(2 > 1)
way better than if (true)
BB - It introduces a weird form of anxiety in me
which part exactly ?
if (2 > 1)
<3 that one, sorry
My mind follows the logic as to what happens if( 2> 1)
what if it is not, I mean
sorry i can't edit it(too late to edit) with pastebin URL, next time i will use pastebin
i simply substitute values to check the return value, but it still returns 0
command is neither forced nor recommend
command is "forced"
don't tell me. You should convince the JVM
you should use a COMMAND_FORCE variable to pass and check with equals to ensure that you have no typo or so
also log the command parameter to see if you really pass the right command
and don't use System.out.println(). Use the logger class Log
oh that was unnecessary, Warren
I don't do stuff half the way, Mister "I love if (2 > 1)" :D
fair enough
oh, the number of accidents will be awesome if this comes out true
what happened when someone getting into dark area on an unexpected time immediately?
I am trying to get divider in my gridview and i have five items for my grid
but i am getting gry empty box
at last
can i make it white?
that's not true
the default is the best part imo
Q: Issue After setting divider in gridview

Aditya VyasI am following this to set dividers in my gridview but the issue i am getting five items from server and set in my gridview,but in my last griditem it display grey box. See this Output https://imageshack.com/i/poKIvv1Up

1 message moved to Trash can
@netpork Thanks a lot netpork, You saved my arse.
Where can I vote?
yay 2.0.0 released
aaaand here comes a small hotfix for small screens.
and another one to allow bigger than xhdpi screens. XD
damn apps built on late 2013. xxxhdi wasn't a thing at that time
I made some comments on a pull request for one of our apps. Our team leader seriously asked me on one comment if I am joking. WTF?!
Lol, sounds like a great place to work :P
My lead used me as an example in his presentation in front of hundreds of devs
Not sure why, but it was funny. I think he's trolling
o/ morning
You deserve it Glitch! You deserve it!
\o McD
I should make my own team, so I can judge them like WarrenFaith
I wish my team leader would be half as competent as the least competent guy on our room ban list
Are you joking?
I wish I would
Hey, apply for a role at Atlassian ;)
Any of you use QuickCheck for testing?
Atlassian... I would if they would hire in Germany :D
Move to Sydney :P
nope, sorry, I would like to speak more English (if you still call your slang that) but I can't leave my area
I can't leave my parents alone with my sister... that is a thing my conscience would survive
Maybe one day
Warren , Nice thinking.
LOL warren
we had a huge expert in the room, couple of days ago. I can't remember his name.
oh wow
do you know when?
I'll search through the room
god, can't remember
did he talk?
he was showing some snippet. HQ snippets. Warren, do you remember him ?
just searched back (to may the 17th) who wrote something with "http" but didn't found a "huge expert" except our regulars...
What do you mean by HQ snippets? High Quality? Headquarters?
this one?
something close tho
he has some kitty
oh! Oh! OH!
our superior code programmer
I took you serious for too long :P
his "Trump hair on a kitten" avatar still hunts me down in my dreams
We are really talking about code styles like
> if (a == b && c == d)
> if ((a == b) && (c == d))
I'm an option #2 kinda guy
although only for expressions, I've been guilty of things like
if((a == b) && someBoolean)
I just imagine the A && B || C type
> if (((A == 1) && (B == 2)) || (C == 3))
that is simply nuts imho
there are so many ( ) that I really need to start counting open vs close
how would you feel about someone doing this
> if (( A == 1 && B == 2) || C == 3)
bool tempBool = (A == 1) && (B == 2);
if(tempBool || (C == 3))
the assignment is a waste :D
bool tempBool = A == 1 && B == 2;
// alternative:
bool tempBool = (A == 1 && B == 2);
if(tempBool || C == 3)
the assignment might help to understand what this group should represent
but it is still a waste. I spent too much time with Ben
Lol, when you work with lisps, none of this bracket nonsense is a concern :P
I didn't say the solution is wrong, just that it is a bad one. Of course you CAN set styling in code. And of course it is my opinion that you should not mix application logic and layout, hence the downvote. Mixing code and layout results in an application that is hard to maintain and port to other platforms or device sizes. What if the TO changes the theme with the new theme having a red background? There is a good reason why the world uses CSS. — Jeremy 8 mins ago
I don't understand
`(if (or (and (= a 1) (= b 2))
(= c 3)))`
Glitch, thanks for sharing. The magic was posted couple of hours ago: if (2 > 1)
I can't do code markup :(
Magic? :P
You need the dark chat extension from rlemon afaik
lol yeah there's code markup in the reg version but not as pretty
What is this magic? O_O
Glitch: if (2 > 1)
I don't understand why that's magic. Did I miss the context around the question? :P
I'm so over the moon this week.
It's so weird sitting here at my desk working in Android Studio right now and just thinking to myself, "I did it." Two years of working with Android on my free time and various other technologies while going to school and work and hackathons and organizing one and all that hard work has finally paid off for me.
\o Everyone~~ :3
@Mac thanks. Can't wait to find an extra half hour to listen about fragments and why I shouldn't use them even more
@FranciscoMelicias This room requires 100 reputation for access.
I would be happy to rant for half hour about why you shouldn't use fragments
say no to fragments
The thing is, I don't think that's what the Google developer actually is doing in the I/O presentation about them
I didn't get a chance to watch it last night.
I will, soon.
o/ Morning room!
realm just went to 1.0 in other news
so i'm not the only one that thinks fragments are way harder to use than multiple activities.
almost everyone in this room hates fragments
How's work?
I miss you
Sunny skies all around.
it's a long way down from this window though so I'm trying not to piss off the team lead
picture or it didn't happen
yesterday, by McAdam331
user image
in this app
in that app
I won't bring the problem here until I truly understand what is going on.
A recruiter just called me on my work number
what's up!
I don't even know my work number, how did they get it?! O_o
they are evolving
what's next? them being empathic? :P
gasp the horror D:
Mauker just gave an answer to this guy, but I told him he had to just based on the user's name: Mustansir.
Is that like a mix of Mauker and Tristan?
Mauker + Tristan = Mustan
wow, on your work number is pretty brazen lol
Amazon recruiters are the worst, I've received 3 cold calls from them
can't block the number because it's new each time
Seriously though like I have a phone number that when called gets like routed to my computer through skype (I have lynch though) but I don't even have that number memorized yet. I don't know how that came through
the same company already messaged me on LinkedIn, I guess I have to respond and tell them I'm not interested haha
posted on May 25, 2016 by Dan Lew

A few people have asked me recently about writing talks, so I thought I'd document my process. I only write technical talks, so keep in mind that some of this advice may not apply for your talk. Goals I have two goals in mind for any talk: Convey information. Keep

Trevor were you the one who talked about using sourcetree or was that eski?
probably me
I love sourcetree
I just started using it this week, so I've barely touched it, but it's pretty cool. Gitflow is neat, do you use that?
the reason was not to work that (2 > 1) thing, i was getting version code and command from server in asynchronous manner. then Java runs remaining codes until it is done. in this case command is not received from server, so it simply returns 0 according to the my code snippet.
Ah Adam, you were not here when i asking about that :)
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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