I made a deal with my girlfriend (she loves reptiles). I'll drive her to any expo (animals) IF. When @McAdam takes me out to drink if I get super drunk she'll drive me home.
What I love about where I work is I put my hours in (or clock in and out) online, then it sends me a check via an online service that is connected with my timesheet.
Numbers are randomly generated and passed to a method. Write a program to find and maintain the median value as new values are generated.
The heap sizes can be equal or the below heap has one extra.
private Comparator<Integer> maxHeapComparator, minHeapComparator;
private PriorityQueue<Integer>...
I'm trying to calculate the total, mean and median of an array thats populated by input received by a textfield. I've managed to work out the total and the mean, I just can't get the median to work. I think the array needs to be sorted before I can do this, but I'm not sure how to do this. Is thi...
(my code is written in Java but the question is agnostic; I'm just looking for an algorithm idea)
So here's the problem: I made a method that simply finds the median of a data set (given in the form of an array). Here's the implementation:
public static double getMedian(int[] numset) {
I have following Json Response,I am trying to set color as per DisplyText,but it only set last color code to whole String,
JSON Response
ch_list = new ArrayList<String>();
color_list=new ArrayList<String>();
try {
\travel : me = "i haven't been able to find any cheap accomodation in london using the normal ways ( skyscanner, kayak...) ,where can i find youth hostels, inns, etc,.. cheap in london for these (july) dates?" asshole = " we are not a travel agency, expect your question to be closed". well fuck you too.
Try this:
function login()
var mail = document.getElementById("exampleInputEmail1").value;
var password = document.getElementById("exampleInputPassword1").value;
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(password, "Secret Passphrase");
localStorage.setItem("mail", m...
How arguable is this statement "Android is naturally adheres to MVC principles. The View is dictated by xml files in res/layout and Controllers are analogous to Activities who control input events and program flow"
I am following this to set dividers in my gridview but the issue i am getting five items from server and set in my gridview,but in my last griditem it display grey box. See this Output https://imageshack.com/i/poKIvv1Up
I didn't say the solution is wrong, just that it is a bad one. Of course you CAN set styling in code. And of course it is my opinion that you should not mix application logic and layout, hence the downvote. Mixing code and layout results in an application that is hard to maintain and port to other platforms or device sizes. What if the TO changes the theme with the new theme having a red background? There is a good reason why the world uses CSS. — Jeremy8 mins ago
It's so weird sitting here at my desk working in Android Studio right now and just thinking to myself, "I did it." Two years of working with Android on my free time and various other technologies while going to school and work and hackathons and organizing one and all that hard work has finally paid off for me.
Seriously though like I have a phone number that when called gets like routed to my computer through skype (I have lynch though) but I don't even have that number memorized yet. I don't know how that came through
the same company already messaged me on LinkedIn, I guess I have to respond and tell them I'm not interested haha
A few people have asked me recently about writing talks, so I thought I'd document my process. I only write technical talks, so keep in mind that some of this advice may not apply for your talk. Goals I have two goals in mind for any talk: Convey information. Keep
the reason was not to work that (2 > 1) thing, i was getting version code and command from server in asynchronous manner. then Java runs remaining codes until it is done. in this case command is not received from server, so it simply returns 0 according to the my code snippet.